Headed by a Snake

Chapter 761 “Friendly” Duel

The face Imperia revealed to Tycondrius was... not one of amusement.

"...Are you insulting me, Sir?"

"Young lady, I'm *trying* to give sage advice," Tycon glared. "Anyroad, I gave you a gift because I *felt* like it."

Also, it cost him nothing.

Imperia took a half-step back in surprise... and then began to giggle, dropping her overly deep voice-- "Stars above, Tycon... you're the strangest noble I've ever met."

"You're welcome," Tycon groaned before turning away.

He glanced over to the Elven Ancient known as King. He sat just outside the edge of the crew's rock-circle ring... eyes closed, cross-legged, and levitating slightly.

In contrast, the lime-green, loincloth-wearing Coral Boy stood in front of him. He flourished two curved Nemayan blades in his hands with... surprising dexterity.

"We... we ain't likin' 'is," Wonderboy cried. "We don't like 'is one bi--"

Abruptly, his head snapped to the side, then slowly rolled forward to rest his gaze on Krysaos.

His eyes... they glowed white and gold... brimming with magical power, "[When thou art prepared, Captain Krysaos, this king invites thee to make the first move."]

"WOT'Z GOIN' ON?!??!" Petty Officer Bob screamed as he grabbed onto the heads of two of his Coral Boys. "WHY'Z WONDERBOY TALKIN' ALL STOO-PID??!?!"

"Shut UP, Wonderboy!"

"Quit pretendin' yer sumfin' yer not!"

"Sea god's SOCKS, yer SO DUMMMB!!!!!"

Imperia had placed a dried apple slice in her mouth... but she gawked in disbelief without biting down.

Tycon caught it before it fell and placed it back into her open palm. He didn't like food being wasted.

Opening his senses, he sensed the magic in the atmosphere.

Several lines of power flowed from King's twin swords to Wonderboy's body, each funneling concentrated mana.

However, those thin strands were nothing compared to the layered chains taking control of the once-human Barza Keith, the Lone Shadowdark.

Tycon had suggested the amendments to the Elven sovereign's challenge, hoping that the elf would fully vacate its host.

If the admittedly minuscule off-chance were to pass, the empty vessel could have been recovered. Regardless of the state it would be in, it was certainly preferable to full-domination by an alien Ancient... at least for Tycon's purposes.

Unfortunately, it seemed that the artifact did not need to exert much of its power to influence the Coral Boy.

Tycon considered making an attempt at severing the mana-lines... but the risk-to-reward factor was too low to chance. If successful, the best he could hope for was the return of partial control to the Ancient's weak-willed host... while simultaneously alerting the Ancient to Tycon's hostility.

...He sighed, shaking his head.

He was disappointed. That was a given.

However, the situation should not have irked him as much as it did. That arse, Wonderboy, could barely swab half the deck. It came to no surprise that he'd also fail at getting cursed.

...though admittedly, it was better than the equally minute chance that Wonderboy's mind and soul might have fused with Lone's.

Their combined stupidity would likely increase exponentially rather than additively.

"First move, ah?" Captain Krysaos smirked, "Real polite of ya, tough guy."

⟬ Krysaos, Bronze-Rank Aquatic-Human Buccaneer. ⟭

Wonderboy arrogantly raised his chin, "[Thus is the *right* of the strong.]"

⟬ Wonderboy, Bronze-Rank Corallidus Warrior. ⟭

Suddenly, Krysaos shot forward towards his opponent with uncommon speed, his rapier directed to pierce Wonderboy through the heart, "Don't MIND if I do!!"

Tycon had always approved of the way his Captain fought. Each thrust of his sword targeted his opponent's vital areas, seeking to incapacitate them as quickly as possible. It was somewhat contrary to Krysaos' character... as Tycon found common braggarts to depend overmuch on flashy attack patterns or unorthodox defensive stances.

The Lone Shadowdark originally fought in that manner-- that is, before his body was inhabited by an Ancient Elven sword spirit.

"C-c-c-c-cap'n!!!" Wonderboy shouted.

The terrified Coral Boy swayed his upper body back, swinging one of his swords in a clumsy manner. He barely managed to deflect Krysaos' attack... and whipped his arm around to counter.

It was fast-- not too fast for Krysaos to dodge and step aside. Unfortunately, with the Coral Boy displayed a substantial increase in speed. If that were to be added atop his usual stamina, Tycon doubted that even the Iron-Ranked Petty Officer Bob would be able to fight the current Wonderboy for more than a few minutes.

"Keep still and get defeated, you!" Krysaos shouted as he continued to stab and thrust with the Heart of the Ocean.

"Cap'n!! Dis-- d is jus' a friendly duel, idn't it??!" Wonderboy sobbed, "You'z ain't really tryin' ta gut us, roight?!?!"

Tycon crossed his arms as he kept careful attention to the fight.

Each of Krysaos' steps left behind a wet footprint in the dirt. Opposite of where King sat, the mermaid floated much in the same way, her eyes closed and concentrating to boost her master's reflexes and agility.

...It was then that Tycon realized that he no longer shared a soul-connection with the mermaid-girl. In all likelihood, Krysaos had succeeded in contracting with her.

He was still going to lose the duel... but at least something good had come of it.

"No way..." The dark elf beside him muttered, "That fool human is going to get himself hurt..."

Tycon raised an eyebrow. It was rare for Imperia to admit her concern for Krysaos-- such was their relationship.

Though he was... notoriously weak in analyzing the relationships of others, it was clear that there was... a closeness between the two. It wasn't... a romantic one, per se, though that wasn't impossible to develop. Tycon judged it to be... a rivalry... or a competition in which there was an underlying layer of respect.

...even if neither were to admit to it.

"Hmph," Imperia crossed her arms, turning away from Tycon's gaze... "He deserves it."

"Imperia," Tycon pursed his lips... "Why do you think Krysaos challenged the Elven sovereign?"

The dark elf rolled her eyes and groaned, "Because he's an arrogant braggart that doesn't know his place."

"And who thinks that?" Tycon asked innocently.

"What? Everyone does..." Imperia furrowed her brows and looked back to him, "Don't they?"

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