Heather the Necromancer

Book 5: Chapter 26: Hello again, mother

Book 5: Chapter 26: Hello again, mother

The sun was still in the morning position when Quinny left the temple and found Frank standing in the yard. She followed his gaze to a distant wall where Heather stood alone, staring out into the barren landscape.

She quietly moved up to his side and waited patiently for him to say something. The revelations from the crown were eye-opening, to say the least. They already suspected Heather had a double life, but now Frank had one too. He had no memory or even hint of a previous life, and it was driving him crazy. What was worse was that he was apparently always meant to protect Heather, yet he was supposed to send her away when the time came.

You doing alright, big guy? Quinny asked to break the silence.

Im fine, Frank said. We should get ready to leave. Blackbast says we can reach the glass today if we start early enough.

Frank, youre not fine. Go talk to her, Quinny urged.

There is nothing to talk about. Heather wants to go home, and I am going to make sure she does.

Quinny let out a sigh as she felt terrible for them both. She and Breanne had long since suspected they had feelings for one another. It seemed to be growing stronger, but neither of them had dared to express it openly. Now it was doomed, provided, of course, that woman wasn't lying.

Frank, take my advice, go talk to her, Quinny said as she turned around. She needs you more now than ever. She left him alone to make his decision, while deep inside, she wished she could hug him.

Frank stared at Heather for a long moment before finally taking a step forward. As he drew closer, he could hear her crying. She hadn't taken any of the news well, especially the parts about going crazy and failing five previous times. She fell apart and ran from the temple when the story was done and slept outside alone. Now she was awake but hurting in a way he had no concept of. He was upset too, but he wasnt expected to save so many others. His only role was to protect her.

Heather? he said as he arrived a few paces behind her. To his shock, she turned around and ran at him, throwing herself into his chest to coat him in tears. Heather, I don't know how to help you.

You can't help me. Nobody can, she sobbed.

Thats not true, he assured her. You have more friends than ever before, and you always find a way to overcome the challenges.

I dont even know who I am? What did she mean by saying I dont know where my home is? I know where I came from! I know who my family is!

Of course you do. We aren't even sure she was telling the truth, Frank said.

Blackbast said she used a detect lie spell and all of it was the truth, Heather cried. Frank, what happened to us?

I don't know, but we're here now, and we have a chance to find out, he said.

Do you think I should put on the ring? Heather asked as she leaned a cheek on his chest.

If it's your panel, then yes, but we won't know until you put it on. You were able to take it right off before, so I am sure you can again. It won't hurt to try it. He put an arm around her, and she quieted down as her eyes closed and breathing became normal.

I never know what will hurt in this world. Look at me and the nilacs. You warned me they were dangerous, but I couldn't see it.

Frank started to laugh gently and carefully stroked at her back. It doesnt help that they look like cute anime bunnies.

No, I guess it doesnt, she agreed with a faint smile. Look at me being selfish again. You're wrapped up in this madness now. How are you feeling?

Confused, he admitted. I have no reason to believe I was ever here before. Nothing has happened to me like it has to you to show there was something wrong.

We have tried to do this together before, Heather said as she finally leaned back and looked up to meet his eyes. Are we going to fail again?

Should we even try? he asked. I still think we can run from this. Who's to say we can't go back to our homes and have fun, enjoy the world and live on for another thousand years?

Heather smiled and let out a deep sigh. Do you think this mad destiny will let us live in peace?

It looks to me like it needs us to chase after it. What if we choose not to? he suggested.

Heather shrugged as she considered it. That was always an option, she supposed. Still, the woman said they were trapped and would remain so until Heather and Frank completed their task. Could she live with the guilt that they needed her and she had turned her back on them?

Your thinking about the trapped people, Frank said.

Great, now you can read my mind, Heather laughed. Maybe you and I are fated to be together.

I think about it too, but I cant help but think she was lying somehow, he insisted. I know Blackbast used a spell, but maybe this person was able to resist it. We cant be sure if any of this is true.

So your gut instinct tells you something about this isnt right? Heather asked.

I can't be sure on this one. She seemed like she wanted to help and didn't put up a fight, but I can't help but believe she chose her words carefully. I will bet she left out the important things.

So follow the trail or go back and pretend none of this happened, Heather said as she turned her back to him but leaned back to rest on his chest. At least I know you are here to protect me.

Were all here to protect you, he insisted. Speaking of which, you should summon Webster and your skeleton back.

I miss Webster, Heather agreed. I am not so sure about the bone champion, though. Something is off about him. We should have asked the women in the crown about him.

Maybe he's special to help protect you? Frank asked.

Maybe, but then why does he act like hes jealous of you sometimes? Heather pressed and took a deep breath. I don't have a summoning circle to bring him back. He will be normal level again.

As much as I worry what might happen, what if you used the scythe to boost the spell? Frank suggested.

They scythe! Heather said excitedly. I bet I could boost him even higher with that? Oh, I wish I had a circle and the scythe!

Lets not make him more powerful than all of us combined, Frank urged.

I wonder if I can boost Webster? Heather asked as she pondered the idea of using the staff while summoning him back. Would he be bigger?

Would you want him bigger? Frank laughed.

Hmm, maybe not. I like my Webster to be about house cat-sized. She walked out of his reach and put a hand into the pouch at her waist. She drew the blue crystal ring from the pout with a fluid motion and held it up so they both could see it. Should we find out if she was telling the truth?

Maybe we should get the others just in case something goes wrong? Frank urged.

Maybe, Heather agreed. But you were right. I was able to take it right back off the last time. With that, she put the ring on and immediately saw an image of a dark hall with blue crystals along the left wall. They were larger than her, and inside each of them was a dark humanoid form. Something about it all looked familiar, but she couldn't place it.

Heather? Frank called from someplace different.

She blinked, and everything was back as if nothing had happened.

Sorry, It gave me another vision, but I have no idea what it was, she replied and held up her hand to look at the ring. I dont feel anything.

She said it was some kind of panel, like your tattoo, Frank replied and looked closer.

Hmm, she began and touched the ring with her other hand. Slowly she traced the band and held her hand out when suddenly a blue light grew out of it and formed a square display.

It is a panel, Heather said excitedly and looked a the screen with excitement. It was a perfect mimic of her existing panel, but it showed she had a new skill chain called Essence shaping. There was also something odd before her class tabs, an empty tab that went to a screen that said [Class not available].

What is that supposed to mean? Heather asked as she pondered the panel.

I wonder if it has to do with the crown, Frank said.

Heather looked through the panel to his eyes as she remembered what the woman in the crown said. Once she put on the ring, she would have control of the crown. The idea made sense, but what if the reverse was true and the woman in the crown would have even more control?

Lets find the others, Heather suggested and rubbed traced the ring causing the light to blink away. I am not sure I am ready to put the crown on just yet. She took his hand and headed for the temple, holding on to a single finger since his hands were so large.

Inside, the others were gathered at the low table as Blackbast regaled them of tales from her past.

Heather! Quinny called and stood up.

Breanne looked over with concern as Heather assured them she was alright.

Well, you have every reason to be upset, Breanne remarked. Have you had a chance to think about what you want to do?

A little, Heather answered. I want to know more. We have two paths to follow now, and I want to explore them both.

Which paths? Quinny asked.

We return the egg and then find this hand, whatever that is, Heather answered and finally released Frank. Then we see what comes next.

The others noticed the gesture, especially Blackbast, who stood up and suggested Heather sit and have some wine. They discussed the plan to proceed with the egg and get to the edge of the desert as quickly as possible. Blackbast offered to accompany them and ensure they traveled fast. She spoke with Legeis about his armor and learned that it was basically a golem and was tireless. They would head out first thing in the morning, but first, Heather wanted her minions back.

Blackbast had a copper bowl she could use and helped her collect some of the ingredients. An hour later, she was set up in the yard with her scythe in hand. She began her summoning as the mixture smoked and made a think pillar of black that snaked into the night sky. As she raised her hands, something off happened as Heather began to glow with blue light.

What is happening? Blackbast asked as she watched Heather begin to float into the air.

Shes done this before, Frank said as he began to worry. When she channels that essence.

Heather hovered above the ground as sparks flew from both the scythe and the ring on her hand.

Webster, come back to me! she called, and there was a flash in the copper bowl followed by a large ball of smoke. A moment later, a black object leaped from within and tackled her. She wrapped her arms around him and held the woolly spider tight even as she continued to float.

Umm, she is still glowing blue, Quinny whispered to the others.

That woman said the ring would give Heather control of using essence, Breanne said. Maybe this is what she meant.

Heather finally looked up and realized she was in the air when she tried to set Webster down.

Why am I floating?

Your glowing blue again, Quinny said. You need to stop using essence.

How? Heather cried. I dont know how I started. She looked about in panic, but slowly, her feet began to drift lower, and gently, she stepped to the ground as the glow faded. Why did I start glowing in the first place?

It had something to do with the summoning, Breanne said. Is Webster any different?

Heather held him up and looked the spider over with a shrug. He looks the same to me.

Webster chirped, and she looked at him with a funny expression.

What do you mean you're an advanced familiar now?

He chirped again, and to her and everyone's amazement, he vanished in her hands.

Where did he go? Quinny asked.

I am still holding him, Heather said. He can turn invisible now. As she said the words, he reappeared in her hands, and she set him down. He walked a few steps away, and suddenly, there were two of him, then three. Two of his clones kept walking away, but one turned about to chirp.

He says those are illusions and can only do basic things. He also says I can cast spells through him now. So if I look through his eyes, I can target things he sees.

And he can be invisible, neat, Quinny said.

I will have to keep that in mind for the future, Heather remarked and caught Breannes eyes.

When did you put the ring on? Breanne asked.

Heather held out her hand and explained she put it on in the garden before coming in. She left out the vision but confirmed that it was a panel, but it strangely claimed she was missing a class. Frank added the suspicion that it was related to the crown and the race change it brought.

I suppose it could be, Breanne said. But that would give you a racial class and three hero classes. Whoever heard of a player with four classes?

Would she be a monster player? Quinny asked.

That depends on the race, Frank answered. We arent sure what race it is she becomes.

We will if she puts the crown back on and uses that new panel, Quinny pointed out.

We're not sure if that's safe, Heather replied. What if that woman lied, and it gives her more control?

I used a detect lie, Blackbast reminded, but Frank explained his concern that this woman might know a way to cheat that. Blackbast shook her head and insisted that she had never heard of a detect lie being cheated. The woman said the crown and the ring were meant to be together, and they now knew how to remove it safely.

But if I am not in control, I won't be able to remove it, Heather pointed out.

She said you would be in control with the ring on, Blackbast reminded.

I dont know, Heather remarked as she considered it. I will think about it.

They let the conversation go as Heather moved on to the next task, resummoning the bone champion. She channeled through the staff, and as before, she began to glow blue. A green fire erupted in the garden spiraling into the air as a dark form appeared in its depths. As the gathered friends watched, the bone champion materialized in the flames and stepped out, looking every bit as menacing as before. In one hand was his metallic shield, shaped to look like bones. In the other was the long serrated sword, glowing faintly of green mist. He was nearly as tall as Frank, who stood almost three meters.

The parts of his disguise were left lying in the back room where he despawned, so Heather wasted no time in trying to camouflage his appearance with a heavy leather robe and half mask. They shared the cover story with Blackbast and how he was passed off as a death knight that didnt speak much.

And this works? Blackbast asked as she studied the disguise.

It fooled Endril and his group, Heather answered as she stepped back to study the disguise. I wonder what happened to Leet after they started fighting.

You said they started fighting when the and demon attacked? Blackbast asked.

Yeah, it all got so hectic and obscured I couldn't keep track of them, Heather admitted.

My guess is the demon intervened. Demons and Devils do not get along. Your friend Leet is a type of devil and was probably attacked by the demon as well. I bet when he did, your pet moved on to try and find you.

I am glad he brought the palanquin with him, Heather remarked.

It was fortunate, Blackbast agreed with a swish of her long tail. He recovered that ring for you and thought to bring the palanquin on his hunt. He shows tremendous insight into your well-being far beyond that of a pet.

Are you saying this isnt normal? Heather asked.

No. I have known many pet classes. Only familiars show such levels of insight and care for their masters. The rest are more like robots. They can follow basic commands and only show initiative when their masters are in obvious danger.

He sometimes reacts when Frank tries to help me, Heather said. It's almost like he's jealous.

That is very suspicious, Blackbast purred and stepped around the motionless skeletal giant. Well, let us work on preparing for the journey. We have much to get done.

What do we have to do? Heather asked. The palanquin is here, and we're ready to go. We can set out in the morning.

What about the doorway to the secret room? Blackbast asked. Do you intend to carry it?

I forgot about that, Heather said and looked to where it leaned against a wall. Did you have a plan for it?

I have several plans, Blackbast said with a scratch at her chin. She turned to Legeis, who perked his ears up at her hypnotic gaze. Can you modify the palanquin so the door will mount to the back? Then they can enter and leave the room from inside it.

I guess I can with a little time. Do you want it so it can be removed?

If at all possible, Blackbast said. Then we will be able to carry a great deal more with us without you or Frank having to hold the door.

Right, it would be good to have my hands free, Legeis agreed. Umtha and I will get to work on it right away. It should be ready by morning.

Good, Blackbast purred as a flash of light issued out of the temple.

What was that? Heather asked as Blackbast closed her eyes.

Hmm, I have a guest. An old friend has just arrived. Come with me. I will introduce you to him.

Im gonna stay here with Umtha and get to work, Legeis said as the others headed for the temple.

Inside stood a handsome man with short dark hair and a shaven face. He had a lean form concealed mainly by a robe of purple and gold, adorned with magical symbols. Blackbast walked right up to him and curled into his arms as he smiled and spoke to her softly. She tapped at his nose and escaped his embrace, turning to introduce the others.

My friends, may I introduce high Magus Sargaris, she said with an arm swept his way. She introduced them one by one as the visitor nodded, pausing to look at Frank and then back to Blackbast.

Is he a friend of Iskathet? Sargaris asked.

Yes, and of mine. Frank is a noble heart and welcome at the temple, Blackbast replied.

Ah, well, it is a pleasure to meet you, The mage said and reached out to shake Frank's hand. Frank returned the gesture and thought it was awkward; the two shook hands.

Excuse me, Heather asked. How did you get into the temple? We were right outside.

Sargaris smiled and held a hand out as it glowed with rings of blue light. A simple portal spell, he replied. I always arrive right in the middle of the temple.

A portal spell? Like the ones you can use to go to cities? Heather pressed.

Exactly like that, he replied. I can open portals to cities all over the land.

Heather looked down as a thought spun in her mind. It was too good, almost perfect, and would enable them to do things they could before. All she needed was this man's help, assuming he could give it.

Excuse me again, but can you portal to Gwendalhall? she asked.

Breanne and Frank looked at her with confused looks, but Heather was fixated on the mage who smiled and tipped his head. I was there a long time ago, before all the trouble with the curse and the blackmail. I hear the city is open again, and quite a few people have gone to investigate.

Why are you asking about Gwendalhall? Breanne asked.

I have an idea, but I need to ask Gwen for help, Heather said and looked to the mage. Would you be kind enough to open a portal to Gwendalhall for me?

I suppose I could, the mage said with a smile to Blackbast.

I will be sure to make it worth your while, Blackbast told him.

The man nodded and looked to Heather with a smile. When would you like to go?

She turned to Frank and suggested he put on his armor as she needed him to come. Breanne and Quinny also got ready, with Quinny donning her mask and garb before meeting in the temple hall.

Sargaris started a spell that caused rings of magical symbols to dance around his hands. In moments a blue ring formed in the middle of the temple and opened wide, creating a sizeable round portal that stood like a doorway in the air. Through it, they could see the buildings of a distant city and, to their surprise, several people passing in the streets.

People have returned to the city, Quinny said excitedly. I wonder if they are playing in our lairs?

Why are we going back here? Breanne asked. What are you planning?

Heather smiled and bent down to whisper to Webster, asking him to wait here. He squeaked his disagreement, but she assured him she wouldn't be gone long. With that, she stepped through the portal, and instantly everything changed.

Suddenly the air was cool and laden with moisture. Around her were the sounds of voices and the wind blowing over rooftops. There was a scent of smoke and cooked meats on the air. The sky above was cloudy as if threatening to rain. In the distance, she could hear the insects of the night singing away their mysterious songs. Quinny and the others filled out behind her, with Frank coming last and towering above them all.

Its good to be home, Heather said with a sigh.

Why are we home? Quinny asked.

Heather smiled and stepped into the street, pausing to stare at a woman who had stripped skin large dark eyes. We're going to ask Gwen for more help, Heather replied. I am hoping she can give us another set of doors.

What for? Breanne asked.

Heather smiled and led the way into the street. It wasn't crowded with only a handful of players as far as she could see, but it was a good start. As she walked, she explained her plan to put a second door in their lairs while putting its twin inside the magic room.

Then we could visit home any time we wanted! Quinny said excitedly. We could even take time off to play if we wanted to.

Yep, Heather said quickly as they turned a corner on their way to the castle.

It would be nice to be able to check our lairs while we traveled, Frank said. And we could visit the city for supplies if we needed them.

Which we will since we no longer have the magic fridge, Heather said in a sad note as she remembered there would be no more cookies.

What if she says no? Quinny asked.

She probably will, Breanne said. These doors have to cost her something. I bet its considerable.

All we can do is ask, Heather said as they turned down the main lane that would take them to the castle. She was surprised to see horses tied up outside a sizeable multistory inn. There were more players here as well, and she was pleased to hear them talking about exploring the swamps.

Once near the castle, they made their way to the walls where six guards wearing Gwen's white unicorn emblem saluted and addressed her as Princess Hannah.

She loved the attention and passed into the outer yard of the castle, making her way to the massive towering doors of white. She was impressed with the changes Gwen had made now that her stone was back. A golden unicorn head decorated each white door that was protected by even more soldiers. They pushed the doors open with ease when they saw her, bowing as the Princess passed into the castle.

I could get used to this, Heather said with a smile. I kinda wish we had stayed.

We will be back after the egg and the hand, Quinny said.

I doubt it, Frank said. Every time we chase one loose end down, we find another path to follow.

Well, let's ask about the doors, and maybe we can spend more time at home, Heather said.

They passed down a tall marbled hall as servants hurried away, leaving them to admire the artwork, some of which featured Heather.

I wish she wasnt doing this, Heather said as she passed a picture of her from the shoulders up.

She made you her daughter, Breanne said. Of course, she is going to put up artwork of you.

She made Finneous a king, but he doesn't have any paintings, Heather argued.

He was made a king in name only, Breanne answered. He is king, so you can be a full princess and have all the privileges.

I wish I could convince her to make you all princesses, Heather replied. Oh, and you a prince, she added with a glance back at Frank. He looked embarrassed for a moment, so she smiled and led the way as they approached a pair of inner doors. There was a bald man in white and green standing at attention as they arrived. He introduced himself as Nevil and said he would alert the queen that they were here. With that, he opened the door and took them into the throne room, now magical with changes.

A green runner inlaid with golden designs ran down a long hall of white marble. Pillars flanked it in pairs every dozen paces, rising to ornate crowns that resembled clouds holding up a vaulted ceiling. The walls were carved with pillars and arches forming nooks decorated with artworks and painted with ornate images of forests and unicorns. There were tables and chairs along the walls as if a banquet were going to be held soon. Crystal stars floated in the vaults above, glowing with an inner light and bathing the entire space in white light. At the far end was a dozen marble steps to a throne of emerald green and gold carved to resemble branches and leaves. It was made more comfortable by green cushions, and a silk cloth of green and gold hung on the back. Behind it was a massive banner of green with a white unicorn head reminding all who this queen was.

Wait here, the bald man said and vanished through a door in the side.

Well, Gwen has done some redecorating, Breanne said as she looked around. This place looks nothing like it did when last we were here.

I like how it looks, Heather replied as she sat on the steps to the throne. I am glad she has control of her kingdom again. It is sad that she lost it for so long.

They waited several minutes until, all at once, there was a sound like ice stirring gently in a glass. A radiant light filled the room, and suddenly there was a woman in a lavish white gown jeweled with diamonds that rose just high enough to cover her chest. Her shoulders were bare but around her neck was a broad band of emeralds and diamonds. Her hair was black as midnight and woven in gentle loops around silver flowers frosted with more jewels. She wore a soft smile of vivid red as she looked down at Heather with compassion.

Gwen? Heather said in alarm.

Mother, Gwen corrected. You did agree to be my daughter after all.

Mother, Heather said with a smile. How did you do that?

You're inside the home of a monarch. You would be surprised what kind of power that grants you, Gwen replied and sat down in a fluid motion. Heather rose to her feet as the others gathered around while Gwen got more comfortable.

Now, why has my daughter returned? I hadn't expected you back so soon.

Heather stepped forward and took a deep breath before explaining they were still on their mission.

Then why are you back? Surely this is a waste of time, Gwen pressed.

It will take a little time to explain, Heather said, and slowly she began the story. She explained every step of the journey and the encounter with Endril. The story eventually came to the sand demon attack and the discovery of the magic door. Heather then detailed the new discoveries, what was said by the woman in the crown, and the plan to mount the door to the palanquin.

I see, Gwen said. But that doesnt explain why you are back. Surely you came to me for some reason.

I did, Heather said nervously. Please feel free to say no.

You have a request, Gwen said with a smile. Well, what is it you want?

Heather chewed on a lip and then asked for another set of magic doors. She explained her desire to hide one in their lairs and the other inside the magic room so they could travel back and forth with ease.

You do realize how expensive these doors are? Gwen asked. If they were that easy to come by, every city would have a mass transit system to every other city.

We realized they would probably be expensive, Heather asked. Please feel free to say no.

Hmm, Gwen said and sat back as her eyes fell on Frank. There is a way you could help pay for them.

Anything, Heather said. I just want my friends to be to come home when they want.

Gwen smiled and leaned forward to look Heather in the eyes. As a monarch, I can accumulate social standing points. These are hard to come by and can be used for great things like monuments, magical features, and doors. I will give you more doors if you agree to help me earn a great deal of the points when you get back.

Done, Heather said. I dont care what it is, so long as it helps my friends.

Gwen nodded and sat back with a wide smile. Then we will plan the royal wedding when you return.

Heather froze and looked up with a confused expression as silence fell on the room.

What royal wedding? Quinny asked when it had gone on too long.

Nothing will earn social points like a massive social event. With a royal wedding, I can invite thousands to attend and earn points from every one of them. With Heather's marriage to Frank, I will earn more than enough points to pay for the doors.

My marriage to Frank? Heather repeated.

Gwen nodded and raised a hand. And you are to refer to me as mother from now on. No more of this Queen Gwen unless we are in court or attending a formal function, my daughter.

But Gwen! I mean, mother! You can't just ask me to marry my best friend! Heather blurted.

I married Finneous, Gwen pointed out.

Why didnt you make a big affair out of that? Heather protested. Surely you could have gotten a lot of points.

I did that for you, Gwen said. I didn't make a big affair of it because I wanted it kept quiet to avoid drawing the wrong kind of attention. You, on the other hand, are a princess and such a wedding is too good an opportunity to pass up.

But Im a ghoul, Frank protested. How are people going to react to your daughter marrying a monster?

Hmm, Gwen replied and folded her hands to tap her fingers before her lips. I suppose it would be better if I could present you in a better way. I am not ashamed of you at all, but the same won't be said of others. I will work on a solution to that problem while you finish your task. In the meantime, I suggest you get your task done. I want to plan this wedding as soon as possible.

Heather looked back to Frank in shock to see he was in no better shape. Breanne and Quinny were silent as Gwen rose from her throne and held out a hand. A light formed in her palm, and in a flash, there were two small rectangular frames.

These are different doors, Gwen said to break the tense moment. Since you want to link two rooms, all you have to do is place these against a wall and command them to open. If you want to move them, simply shut the door and knock three times while commanding them to close. They will shrink back down, and you can pick them up.

Heather turned back to take the doors but was still speechless. She took them in hand but hadnt moved before Gwen reached out to lift her chin.

Don't look so confused, Gwen said. One day, you will thank me for this.

Heather nodded and turned away with the doors in hand. It was a successful mission, but as her eyes fell on Frank, she marveled at how quickly things had changed.

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