Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 110: End of the Demon

Chapter 110: End of the Demon

Ayaan looked at the beast whose body started to expand like a balloon. He didn't know what to do in this situation. This was really out of his expectation; he never thought that the demon would have the courage to detonate himself, after enduring for thousands of years.

"Die! You bastard, hahaha!" 

The thunderous laughter of the demon echoed in Ayaan's consciousness. Hearing her shout Ayaan closed his eyes; he didn't know how to stop that dog.


However, after waiting for two seconds, nothing happened. Ayaan opened his eyes in surprise and looked at the beast. The dog's body at this moment had been completely stiffened. He couldn't even move his single leg. His energy which was running rampant inside the body just a few seconds before was now completely suppressed by something, restricting him from detonating.

When looked at the dog again, only then, he realised what was happening. White threads of light had been covering the body of the demon. They had some strange suppressing power, the demon couldn't even budge from his place.

The threads were almost invisible. That was the reason, at first, he didn't see them. Later when he paid little more attention, only then, he realised that something was restraining the demon.

"What is happening?" the confusion was written all over his face. He didn't know what was going on.

"Release me you bastard stone! I will fucking destroy you!" the demon roared furiously. He was completely enraged. At first, he just wanted a body which could become his vessel, but when he realised that Ayaan could form a connection with a piece of the holy stone, his greed got the better of him.

Now, he regretted his decision. However, it was already too late. There was no medicine for regrets. Even in the mortal world one had to pay a heavy price for some mistake much less, in the world in which he was, the cultivation. 

Ayaan looked at the beast delightfully. He just escaped from the mouth of death, who wouldn't be happy. No one wanted to die senseless death, Ayaan was no different.


Just when he was thinking about what he should do, a light appeared out of nowhere, blinding Ayaan.

After sometime later, Ayaan was able to open his eyes. He looked at the source of the light and became delighted.

"Haha! The evolution of the holy stone completed!" Ayaan couldn't control his excitement and burst into a peal of laughter.

In front of him was floating a white egg-sized stone, releasing a white light continuously, nourishing his soul and body at the same time. Ayaan felt a cool sensation running throughout his body, making him shiver in delight.

Only now, did he realise that the white threads were coming out of the holy stone, shackling the demon with no effort at all.

"Release me you bastard, or you will die a horrible death!" when his scream didn't affect the holy stone, the dog turned towards Ayaan, screaming with his twisted expression, the rage was written all over his dog face.

Ayaan looked at the demon and shook his head in disappointment, "What primaeval being? What greatest demon? You are just a dog; you still dare to shout at me. The dog should listen to his master and guard the entrance of the gate properly. At the right time, his master will give a piece of bone as a reward for his hard work; but when the dog tries to bite his own master, that same master will shoot him with a bullet."

"How dare you!? I will kill you. Turn you in thousands of pieces and then, torture your soul for eternity!" raged the dog when he heard Ayaan's words. 

Though he wasn't a primaeval being, nor the greatest demon, he was still a powerful figure in the higher world. However, a lowly being of the lower world dared to insult his majestic self, that was worse than death. He wanted to tear this bastard apart in thousands of pieces.

However, Ayaan didn't show any angry expression, he just looked at the dog with a face full of ridicule, "You can't even save yourself at the moment but you are still talking about killing me, moron." 

"Argh!" hearing Ayaan's insult, again and again, the beast couldn't control his rage. He used him all strength, trying to break free from the bindings of the holy stone. However, no matter what he tried nothing seemed to word. Furthermore, the white threads dug inside the body of the demon, blood painted his white body red.

Subsequently, Ayaan looked at the beast and asked a question, "What about Birdy? Was she an illusion made by you or there was really someone like?"

When Ayaan met with Birdy he felt as if her thoughts were pure and there was no malice hidden in them. He couldn't accept that she had ulterior motives.

The demon looked at Ayaan and laughed, "Oh, you want to know about that bird? Well, I can tell you but before that, you have to release me."

Ayaan didn't bother to ask a second question and just as he was about to curse this braindead beast, the holy stone released the bindings over the demon; leaving Ayaan and the demon flabbergasted.

"Haha! I am free! I am free!" the demon laughed jubilantly and turned towards Ayaan, "Die, brat!"

Just when he was about to Assault Ayaan again. The demon again froze and a powerful suction force downed over him.

"Wha what is happening? Why am I losing my soul power!?" the demon shrieked horribly, leaving Ayaan speechless.

He realised that gradually the demon's body was becoming illusory; the dog was losing his soul! 

Previously, the demon's soul had been shattered, leaving only a part of the soul, but now he was losing his remaining soul as well. If he couldn't stop this in time, he would die for forever.

"II will tell you about the Birdy, please let me go!" this time the demon was completely horrified. He didn't know what to do, his only option was to beg to Ayaan.

However, Ayaan himself didn't know what to do to stop this so he could only watch. There was nothing he could do.

When the demon saw that his pleading wouldn't help, his entire body turned into a bird shape and said with teary eyes, "Ayaan, do you want to kill me? This demon has captured me and trapped inside his body. If he died I will die with him." 

After that, sobbing started to resound Ayaan frowned when he saw a huge body of Birdy; however, later his face again became expressionless.

"That's how it is," Ayaan murmured, he closed his eyes for some time and opened them.

He looked at the hovering bird in his sea of consciousness, and said with a mocking smile, "Do you think everyone is as stupid as you? If my guess is correct then, Birdy was you or the part of your soul. You wanted to control me through Birdy because you can't stay awake all the time; it would have affected the recovery of your soul."

"However, everything turned upside down for you when I found a second piece of the holy stone. It didn't only suppress your main soul, it also destroyed Birdy at that time."

"That was the reason she said that she was going into hibernation, but in reality, she was destroyed by the holy stone. Though holy stone tried to do the same thing to you. Your soul was too powerful, so it could only suppress you."

The hovering bird looked at Ayaan with a shocked expression. It couldn't believe what it had heard. The bird looked at Ayaan and asked, "How do you know all that?"

"Do you think everyone is as stupid as you? Though you have a dog body, your brain is that of a pig." Ayaan couldn't help but ridicule the demon. His eyes were filled with contempt for this beast.

"Bastard!" The bird cursed furiously but no matter what it tried, the bird couldn't escape the devouring power of the holy stone.

Hower, Ayaan was himself stunned. He was never this intelligent. How did he know all this? Just a few seconds before he felt as if he had comprehended something and understood everything this demon had done. 

But now, somehow he was able to tell everything this beast had done. What's going on? Though he was confused, he didn't linger on the same issue.

"I curse you that you will die a horrible death! You will feel the agony of loneliness. Everyone will leave you eventually. You will wander alone for all eternity!" demon realised that he couldn't escape, he started to curse Ayaan.

Ayaan heard the demon, his expression became extremely cold. In this world, he fears nothing except loneliness. His parents left him, then he found Noor but at that time she also disappeared. He struggled all alone in this world. 

He had been through loneliness and knew what it felt like; that's why he didn't want to go through that pain again. 



As if sensing Ayaan's fury, the holy stone buzzed and devoured the demon in a single gulp, leaving only a terrified scream, filled with pain and misery.

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