Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 118: Crazy Killing

Chapter 118: Crazy Killing

Old Man looked at Ayaan with a horrified expression. He had never thought that Ayaan would be able to kill Young Master Blood and even if he was able to kill him, he wouldn't dare to do that; however, at this moment he realised how wrong he was. This lunatic didn't even let his opponent speak before detaching his head.

Looking at the headless corpse on the ground, every hair stood on Old Man's body. He felt as if he was dreaming. 


Only when he heard his son's miserable voice, he came back to his senses. Though he was afraid of Ayaan, he still collected some of his courage and tried to intimidate him, "Boy, do you know that after killing Young Master Blood you have brought a catastrophe upon yourself? Just submit, and maybe then, the demon lord would go easy on you for killing his subordinate."

"Oh? So this corpse was your aunt's sister's neighbour's son who is a captain in the Demonic Army?" Ayaan asked curiously. 

"Of course...wait, how do you know that?" Old Man looked at Ayaan in confusion. 

"Because daddy knows everything"


As Ayaan spoke he arrived in front of the man in a blink of an eye and gave a palm print on the Old Man's face.

"Boy, do you know what are you doing?...Pttff!"

"Do you know what would happen if the Demon Lord knew about...Pttff!"

"I am warning you...Pttff!"

Every time the Old Man opened his mouth, a new palm print superimposed the old one, making his face rather pitiful and miserable. However, Ayaan didn't feel any pity for him; who knows how many evil deeds he had done? No matter how miserable the old man looked, Ayaan didn't feel any pity.

"What do you want?" At the end the old man lost his composer; he knew that the brute in front of him wouldn't reason with him. If he continued to be obstinate there would be no saving him and die at this devil's hand.

"What do I want? Hmmm? At the moment I want to beat you," an evil smirk could be seen at the corner of Ayaan's lips.

"What the...Pttff!"

"Did I say that you can talk? You better shut your mouth while I am beating you," Ayaan continued his beating, the cries full of agony sounded, making every guard present on the scene shiver in terror. It was their first time they had seen someone lunatic like Ayaan.

"Your old bone looks rather sturdy. Let me check them" 

"No no, please, spare me.Ahhh!"


The sound of bone-shattering sounded, accompanied by a cry filled with anguish and misery. The hearts of people turned cold when they saw such a sight, some people closed their eyes while some turned away, refusing to look at this sorrowful scene.



However, Ayaan didn't stop after breaking a single bone; he moved to another then another and then another. One by one, every bone the old man had been shattered. When a bone broke, a mournful would resound from the clenched teeth of the old man.

Without any bone intact, Old Man fell on the ground limply. His eyes were open but there was no desire to live anymore; on the contrary, they were begging him to release him from this misery; he didn't even have the energy to speak anymore. Only miserable snorts were coming from him.

"Ayaan I think this is enough," sound came from behind Ayaan. Ayaan didn't turn but he knew that it was Rebecca. Other two had learned their lesson previously, so they didn't speak.

After hearing her voice, Ayaan somewhat calmed down. He was really furious at this moment. No matter where he went, some stupid people definitely appear. And what was more infuriating was for him that they would covet his women. 

Furthermore, they were capturing his women to work in their brothel. How could he remain calm? No man could remain calm in this situation.

"Do you know what this punishment called?" Ayaan looked at the man on the ground who was lying like a dead dog and asked.

Hearing Ayaan's question, the Old Man looked at Ayaan; however, his eyes were filled with terror and fury; nonetheless, he didn't dare to open his mouth. He just looked at him.

"This is called 'Karma Coming To Bit The Bastard Punishment'," said Ayaan after thinking for some time.


The old man who was already on the brink of death vomited a mouthful of blood in his fury when he heard Ayaan's words. He had never suffered such humiliation in his life.


Not wasting any time, Ayaan separated the head of the old man. He had lost interest after torturing this man for some time.


At this moment, the unconscious Cloud woke up and happened to see Ayaan detaching his father's head from his body. A heart-rending cry escaped from his mouth, his voice was full of pain, his father was the only family in this world. He had dotted him and protected him; but now, without him, he didn't know what he would do.

"Ahh, don't worry. I would send you to your father very soon. Come here it won't hurt. Let me show you how it's done," a gentle smile appeared on Ayaan's face as if he was calling a child and wanted to teach him something very precious.

However, when people saw his smile they felt chill. This man was devil, no even devil won't be able to compare to him. He was the Lord of Devils.

"What are you waiting for? Let uncle experience you a painless death," when Ayaan saw that Cloud wasn't moving; therefore, he himself started to walk towards him.

"No no, I don't want to die! Please, let me go!" cried the man on the ground. His face was covered in dirt and blood which had already been dried. Moreover, his face didn't have any teeth left, making his facing even more ugly.

"How can you say that? I am sending you to your father. I hope you will be more sensible in your next life, sigh," sighed Ayaan emotionally. Even three girls behind him were completely speechless.

Ayaan had told Rebecca that once he had gone insane and killed his uncle's family in his fury, though they deserved to die, he wasn't in his right mind when he killed them.

At that time, Rebecca didn't pay much attention to that; only now did she realise how terrifying Ayaan was when he was angry. He would torture his enemies to the brink, making the beg for death before sending them on their way towards another world. 

No one understood Ayaan more than Rebecca; not even Noor understood him more than her. She had spent more time with Ayaan after all. However, at this moment, she realised that she didn't understand Ayaan at all.

All this time he was suppressed and had to remain low key. People from the central region were searching for them like dogs in every direction. Furthermore, at this time, someone dared to eye his women. 

All the accumulated fury and grievances which he was hiding inside him released at this time. Those two father and son were just unlucky to encounter Ayaan's fury.

"No no, go away. Don't come near me"



As the man opened his mouth to threaten Ayaan, a kick landed on his precious jewels, breaking them in a single hit. And what followed after that was a heart-rending cry of the man.

He clenched his legs in pain, tears drowning his messy face. His eyes turned red; the agony he felt at the moment wasn't something could be described in words. Furthermore, after a single shriek, there was no sound coming from his mouth. Due to pain, his voice suppressed in his throat, unable to come out.

"Alas, it must be hurting; let me send you on your way," said Ayaan and a light flashed severing the head of the man. There was no scream. It was so silent that it was terrifying.

"Told you it won't hurt. See, you didn't even realise before dying," smiled Ayaan towards the corpse.

The guards looked at him and wanted to retort that Cloud didn't scream because he wasn't able to due to his previous pain. However, no one dared to make a single chance; they didn't want to infuriate this demon and bring catastrophe upon themselves.

"Let's go," turning towards his beauties, Ayaan again assumed his gentleman type smile. He didn't want to scare them after all. Especially, two sisters, they still weren't accustomed to killing.

However, he failed to see the weird smile at the corner of Isobel's mouth; when she saw the bloody scene, she licked her lips as if she was thirsty but at the last moment she controlled her desire to jump at those corpses and drink their blood.

When they walked away from this messy place which had completely been destroyed by Ayaan, Rebecca asked, "Ayaan, do you think that Rex's people will come to investigate the matter?'"

"They will," a sharp light appeared in his eyes when he said this.

"Then what should we do? Though not many people know about us on the Demonic Continent, there must be people who know about us. If they knew about us they would definitely hunt us and even inform people from the Central Continent," said Rebecca with a worried expression.

"Hmm, you are right. However, when those people from the Central Continent will arrive, do you think this place will remain this harmonious? These beasts are too arrogant, they look down on humans. What do you think will happen when some human will appear to boss them around?" hearing Ayaan's words, Rebecca's eyes lit up.

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