Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 88: You talk too much

Chapter 88: You talk too much

Leafwhisk looked at Ayaan and chuckled, "Sorry, if you want to know anything more, then, you have to work for me. And in return, I will answer your questions. What do you think?"

Ayaan didn't know who she was and what she was doing here. She might be telling the truth but there was a chance that she was an imposter and entered this place like Ayaan. Who knew what kind of work she would ask him to do.

Therefore, Ayaan didn't talk to the pixie and started to browse books and scrolls in the library. He thought the library was the best place, he could understand things about the pagoda.

When Leafwhisk saw Ayaan ignoring her, she didn't speak anything and went deep in the library. She knew that after sometime Ayaan would come for her help eventually. It was just a matter of time.

In the meantime, Ayaan started to read the scroll in the library one by one. He knew that he couldn't read them all in a short time. But he didn't want to give up as well.

Though Ayaan could read the language, the girls weren't able to. If they were able to do it, it would be easier to collect the different types of information.

Ayaan opened the first scroll and saw the heading on the scroll, "Overbearing Punch". Afterwards, he read the content of the scroll but he couldn't understand anything. Reading and understanding were two different things. He was able to read the words but couldn't understand the content of the scroll.

And the scroll he was reading was just a beginner level scroll. After realising the truth, Ayaan was rather shocked. He had practised god rank magic formula previously. But at this moment, he couldn't even understand the beginner level skill of another world. He couldn't even fathom the power of those people of the other world.

Nonetheless, he didn't give up after reading a single scroll. He moved towards the second and then third... so on and so forth. However, he wasn't able to understand anything.

Ayaan could feel that he was missing something. However, he didn't know what he was missing and that was the reason for his headache.


When Ayaan was struggling to understand the content of the scrolls in the library. The people started to walk out of the gate which was formed in the air. The envoy of the heavenly palace was standing on the platform expressionlessly.

The first boy around the age of nineteen walked out, he had tattered clothes, his face was drowned in the dirt. There were quite a few injuries on the man's body. He was looking rather tired. Anyone could tell that the experience inside the palace wasn't pleasant for this man.

"Young master!" Just as the man walked out of the gate, an old man went to support the man, "Did you receive anything young master?"

Looking at the old man, the boy shook his head. After entering the heavenly palace he realised that there wasn't anything at all. There was no benefit, even the fourth floor didn't have anything other than a few medicines. However, for those cheap medicines, they had to put their life on the line.

When everyone heard the boy, they couldn't help but turn towards the envoy of the heavenly palace. He said there were many treasures on the fourth level. However, now, they were hearing that there wasn't anything other than a few medicines.

The envoy sneered when he saw their gazes, but didn't respond. The people from the heavenly palace had already taken everything from the first four levels. Only the fifth level was hard to excess. Furthermore, one person could enter only one time and receive only a single legacy. Therefore, they couldn't take everything and had to find people from outside of the heavenly palace.

"Sir, you need to give us an explanation. If there is no treasure then what is the purpose of entering the heavenly palace." the old man who had just spoken to his young master turned towards the envoy and asked in a loud voice.

"Didn't he already receive the reward? After killing so many beasts inside the palace. He has broken through to the great mage. If I am remembering correctly, he was just a measly high mage when he entered the palace. Do you still need more rewards?" the envoy replied with an impassive voice. There was no expression on his face.

Although the old man knew that the envoy was twisting the truth, however, he couldn't find the word to refute his claim. It was exactly as the envoy said, his young master was just a fifth level high mage when he entered the palace, but now, he was at the third level of the great mage. 

The old man didn't speak anything, he knew he won't be able to do anything about it. The heavenly palace was just too strong. Though he was from the high-level kingdom and the king was at the Archmage level, it was nothing in front of the absolute power.

Gradually, more and more people started to come out of the gate. Most of the people weren't in a good condition; however, they were still able to increase their magic power and became more powerful than before.

"Why our young master still didn't come out?" the middle-aged man said with a worried tone. He was the member of the undead shrine, and he was here to protect the young ones of the shrine. They were the future of the undead shrine, after all.

He looked at the other people who had also entered the palace, "Do you know something?"

The group hesitated a little and told everything which transpired when they were on the third level. After hearing everything, the man became furious. There was someone who had the gut to attack the people of the undead shrine, not just attack, he even killed the people of the shrine. It was they who always killed people before, but today, there was someone who dared to kill their people.

"Do you know who was with that boy?" he won't let this matter go easily. He would skin everyone related to that boy.

Just when the man of the undead shrine was investigating his people. Someone else walked out of the gate Luke. He didn't go towards the area, his people were standing. He went to the envoy and whispered something in his ear.

After hearing the report, the envoy frowned. He looked at Luke and said in a serious voice, "Is it true?"

Luke nodded and didn't speak anything. This was really strange, no one below the talent of heaven rank was able to enter the fifth level inside the palace. However, today someone with the green level talent was able to enter the fifth level. Furthermore, they were suspecting that he was inside the sixth level, right now. 

Till now, no one was able to open the gate of the sixth level. It was impossible, someone with the talent of green level would be able to enter the fifth floor, much less, legendary sixth level. He believed that the boy deliberately hid his talent. 

"Do you know who was with that boy and those three girls?'' The envoy asked the same question as to the man of the undead shrine.

And then, both groups looked towards the Armori who was standing without any expression.

"What is that bastard doing inside the palace? He should have come out by now." Armori looked towards the gate but there was no one coming out of it now. Worry started to grip his heart. He didn't know if something happened to them.

However, at this moment, he felt a hostile gaze towards him. He looked up and saw the people of the undead shrine were looking at him with hatred. Armori became confused, he didn't know why those people looked at him with such hatred.

Before he could understand the situation, a terrifying aura descended upon him. Before he could react, though, his neck was already in someone else's grip. Armori looked at the man, and was surprised, "Mr Envoy, may I know why are you attacking me? I am just a lowly great mage. I don't think I ever offended you."

Although Armori's neck was in the envoy's hand, the man didn't seem concerned. Furthermore, his tone was so relaxed, there wasn't any worry in his voice.

The Envoy frowned after hearing Armori. Envoy looked at the man and asked, "How did your people enter the sixth level of the palace?"

The people of the undead shrine wanted to kill Armori and take revenge. But before they could react, someone else held the man by his neck. And when the man spoke, everyone fell silent. No one dared to make any noise. They were stupefied because the sixth level was legendary. It was said that no one was able to enter the sixth level till now. 

"Hahaha!" suddenly Armori started to laugh. But then he abruptly stopped. He looked at the envoy and said, "So what they were able to enter the sixth level. Are you going to take their possession? If you don't want anyone to take any goodies from the palace, then, why are you inviting people to enter the palace?"

When Armori spoke, there was no fear in his voice. He was looking rather heroic. However, after hearing the man's voice, people started to understand the situation. The heavenly palace wasn't doing them any favour, they just wanted to invite talented people to enter the higher level. 

Some smart people understood something after their conversation. But now one was able to confirm the authenticity of that theory. However, at this moment, Armori again spoke, clearing everyone's doubt, "You just wanted free labour to do your work and excavate goodies for you. It didn't matter if someone was able to enter the fourth level. However, after the fifth level, everything is too important to you. I don't"

"Shut up!" the envoy shouted at Armori, then said angrily, "You are coming with me."

"Heh? Do you think you can take me wherever you want?" Armori said, smiling slightly.

"Of course, I will"


Suddenly, the head of the envoy exploded. Blood and white brain matter splattered around. Those who were standing near Armori weren't able to evade the blood. 

Everyone froze on the same spot. No one dared to speak anything. Everyone knew the legend about the envoy killing the Archmage with just a flick of his finger. But at this moment, someone had killed the envoy without any effort at all.

Furthermore, the killer was standing with them this whole time. When they looked at the headless envoy, their back drenched in a cold sweat.

Armori looked at the headless corpse on the ground and said with a chilling voice, "You speak too much."

Afterwards, a portal appeared behind Armori and he entered the portal, vanishing without any trace.

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