Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 91: Disciple?

Chapter 91: Disciple?

The group of three turned towards Leafwhisk in surprise; even when Rebecca got her Heavenly Frost Sutra, she didn't show such a strong reaction. At this time, however, she looked pleasantly surprised.

'Is this Void Shattering Sutra better than the Heavenly Frost Sutra?' Ayaan thought, looking at the tiny figure in confusion. Though there was a strong phenomenon, it didn't affect anyone like Rebecca's phenomenon did, so he couldn't figure out the reason behind her surprised expression.

As if knowing what Ayaan and others were thinking, Leafwhisk said with a clear voice, "It isn't like what you are thinking. Though Void Shattering Sutra is powerful and you could say one of the most powerful techniques in the world, however, Heavenly Frost Sutra is equally powerful."

She paused for a second and coughed before continuing, " Cough However, my main element is also a space element. I have searched for quite some time but couldn't find a decent disciple. However, this girl isn't bad. She was able to receive the Void Shattering Sutra, which means her body is rather compatible with the space element. I will take her as my disciple."

All three of them opened their mouth and closed it for a few times but couldn't find a word to speak. When Ayaan calmed down, he looked at the Leafwhisk's tiny body suspiciously. He didn't believe her when she said that there wasn't anyone qualified to become her disciple. In this vast universe, she couldn't find a qualified disciple for her, unbelievable.

Leafwhisk saw Ayaan's suspicious glance but didn't speak and ignored the man completely. She turned to look at the altar with interest.

Ayaan and others also retracted their gaze and focused on the altar. After the scene disappeared, Noor walked out of the altar at a slow pace. 

After asking if she was alright, Ayaan turned towards Isobel, "It's your turn. Good luck." 

Looking at the encouraging look of everyone, Isobel felt a little emotional. Though she had a father, in the true sense, she only had Noor as a family. She had never seen her mother and her father never paid any attention to her. And to avoid the loneliness, she started to work in the chamber of commerce of the capital. She always longed for a family.

Because of the same reason loneliness. Noor had to run away from the capital. She was just a little girl and that was the reason she fell in love with Ayaan after spending a short period of time with him. However, Ayaan was lonely for a long time already, it couldn't be any more perfect situation for the two youngsters to fall for each other.

Isobel walked on the altar and stood under the crystal ball.

In the meantime, Leafwhisk turned towards Noor and asked with a tempting voice, "Little girl, do you want to become powerful?"

Noor looked at Leaf Whisk in confusion, she didn't know that Leafwhisk wanted to take her as a disciple.

"Of course, I want to become powerful. Who doesn't want to become powerful in this world?" Noor replied while looking at Leafwhisk in confusion.

"Alright, if you become my disciple, in just a year, you will have the strength to break through the atmospheric layer of this world and enter a higher world. What do you say?"

Hearing her words, Noor almost choked on her saliva. She looked at the tiny figure of Leafwhisk and couldn't imagine the scene when she would bow in front of her as a student. How comical such a sight would look?

Leafwhisk looked at Noor and narrowed her eyes before speaking, "You think my body is tiny and it wouldn't look good when you bow in front of me?"

Immediately, Ayaan turned towards Noor, he didn't think that this girl had such a wild imagination. Though when he turned to look at Leafwhisk, he couldn't help but agree with Noor. 

When Leafwhisk saw the smirk on the faces of three, she couldn't help but become furious. Suddenly, she stood up and walked out of her tiny chair while flapping her butterfly wings which were twice the size of her body. The small figure arrived in front of the group, still in the air.

Afterwards, she gave them a furious look, gritting her teeth in frustration, "You think I am too tiny. You are nothing but ignorant people. In the vast universe, there are small insects which could destroy this pathetic world with just its breath. If you are going to judge the talent and strength of the people with their body size, I don't think you would live much longer, in this vicious world!"

Then she stopped speaking and looked at the group and suddenly her body started to enlarge. 

The group of three looked at the growing body of the lady with stupendous looks. They had never imagined such a possibility before. Therefore, when they looked at the enlarged figure of the lady, stunned look emerged on everyone's face.

Eventually, Leafwhisk folded her wide-spreading wings behind her back. Gradually, the wings from her behind back completely disappeared it was as if there were no wings on her back.

However, Ayaan was thinking something else at this moment, 'Why are her clothes still on her body? Her body has already become as big as a normal human. Didn't people lose their clothes when they changed their body shapes in those sci-fi and fantasy movies on the earth? Sigh'

Leafwhisk turned towards Ayaan and narrowed her eyes. Ayaan's heart immediately skipped a beat, 'Shit, does she know what I am thinking?'

However, Leafwhisk didn't say anything to Ayaan. Not wanting to waste her time on him, she turned towards Noor, "Do you still have any problem?"

Noor looked at the lady with wide eyes, who wasn't any less gorgeous than her and couldn't find words to speak. This development came out of nowhere. Therefore, she turned towards Ayaan for help.

Ayaan noticed Noor's gaze and smiled towards her, "It is about yourself, so you have to make a decision. In life, we need to make decisions, some would be proved to be right while others wrong." 

"But we could always learn from our wrong decisions. I can help you at this moment but what would you do if you were alone? Therefore, you need to learn how to make your decisions."

Suddenly, the way Leafwhisk was looking at him changed. She thought he was nothing but an arrogant and ignorant brat. However, after hearing her speak like this at this moment, she changed her opinion about him. Though she didn't show any expression on her face. She only nodded in approval when she heard him.

Noor couldn't find any word anymore, she knew that Ayaan was right. However, in her life every decision was taken by her father An only decision she had taken in her life was about running away from the capital.

After hesitating for some time, she made up her mind. Looking at the Leafwhisk, she finally spoke, "I am ready to take you as my master, but" Noor paused for a second. Then continued, "But I will not leave Ayaan if you want to train me somewhere else for a few years. I have seen many masters who take their disciples and return after many many years. They don't even let the family member see the disciple."

Leafwhisk was surprised to hear the lady, there were many people who don't give a damn about family or their loved ones in front of an opportunity to become stronger. 

Noor thought that after hearing her words, Leafwhisk wouldn't take her as a disciple. However, Leafwhisk didn't think much before agreeing, "Alright, I will not take you to the long time training, but I will still need you to go with me to train for a few months. It is necessary to gain experience. Without experiencing fights and battles, you won't be able to become strong."

After hearing Leafwhisk, Noor looked at Ayaan and this time, he didn't remain silent and nodded towards the lady. He knew that Leafwhisk was strong far stronger than his wild imagination. It was a great opportunity for Noor and he didn't want to drag her down.

Without further deliberation, Noor agreed to take Leafwhisk as her master.

However, at this moment, the group felt a horrible killing intent falling upon them. 

Everyone turned towards the altar, and a thunderstruck expression emerged on everyone's face. Because in front of them wasn't the white fog as they imagined. It had been turned into a bloody red colour. 

Afterwards, at the centre of the bloody fog, a scene appeared the scene of a small village. Everyone in this village was looking very happy. People would help each other. At the ground of the village, small children were playing. In the farms, the farmers were planting seeds. 

However, at this moment a shadow appeared in the sky. It was a man with dark red eyes, his face was blurry. So no one was able to see him. On his back was placed a huge blade.

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