Heavenly Harem Sect

Chapter 82 A Family Of Fox-Kin Part 2

The Leader of the Slave Traders group had no choice but to use his ace card.

With a twisted smirk filled with hopelessness, 

he revealed a tattered black scroll from his robes which was the source of his confidence. 

He began to chant, his words unheard by anyone around him, yet the presence of something sinister seemed to slowly fill the forest. 

"He who shall bring despair to the world shall bring hope to the evil. He who's the Apostle of 'He' will be the One to guide us. Oh, Savior, save us from the tainted blood who have dirtied on the World"

He chanted the ominous code and as he chanted, the weight and power of malice surrounded him as well as the forest before an illuminating black light flashed across the forest. 

At that moment, a dark figure emerged from the gathering malice, seemingly summoned by the words uttered from the scroll.

As the dark figure manifested, trepidation rippled through the air as all present knew that the 'being' before them was unperceivable.

Just with 'its' presence alone, all of them including the woman of fox-kin stood nervously and the moment 'it' spoke, all of them kneeled. 

"Just which foolish mortal has summoned 'me' when the seal has yet to be undone?"

Its voice contained an aura and pressure that they couldn't retaliate against. 

It was as if the 'figure' before them was an ancient calamity. 

"Is it you who dares to summon me?" 

The figure approached the leader of the slave trader's group and when it questions, he trembled and began sweating. 

"Y-Yes i-it's me" 

He answered weakly and when he stared into its reddish devilish eyes, he trembled even more. 

"Interesting. A Mortal has summoned me after millions of years since that 'Dark Age War'. Well, I wonder how much the future had changed?" 

When the figure smiled, it revealed its sharp fangs which had spooked the leader out. 

"Although the Seal has yet to be undone, I could use this chance to wreak havoc before the time limit would run out" 

It concluded its plan and it didn't have any interest in the Leader or the fox woman. 

It only wishes to satisfy its curiosities and also its freedom after millions of years of being sealed. 

"Still, I should hear at least one of your wishes for granting me a small freedom. Now, what do you want Mortal? Spiritual Stones? Power? Treasures?" 

Although there was no confirmation of what this being wished to do, it wanted to show its gratitude for giving its freedom even though it was limited. 

Of course, being blinded by his shortsightedness and insatiable greed, the Leader couldn't understand how fruitful this opportunity was, and he chose something which disappointed the figure. 

He failed to grasp the true value of the proposition, ultimately disappointing the figure who had thought it could use the man and his group as its puppets. 

"I-I want that woman! I want to abolish her cultivation and make her as helpless as you can!" 

He pointed his finger at the fox woman with enthusiasm. 

"Sigh, if that's what you want so be it. But in the first place, who told you that I would grant it?" 

The figure questioned while tilting its head at the dumfounded of the Leader. 

"Eh? B-But you just clearly said that you would grant my wishes?"

His voice trembled and he had a foreboding feeling when seeing its mouth slowly curving into a smile, showing its evilness and monstrosity. 

"Well, you must have heard it wrong. I said I would 'hear' your wishes not grant them"

The figure mocked him for his stupidity and seconds later, it laughed loudly. 

"Hahahaha. I can't believe such idiots exist. Even at this age, there are still mortals who believe the words of 'Devilions''

It held its stomach while laughing uncontrollably and soon later, it stopped laughing. 

"I haven't had such laughter in a long time" 

The figure was complimenting yet mocking him and eventually, it formed a creepy smile while gazing into his eyes as though it was looking at prey. 

"But in the end, for the price of 'summoning me', your life and your companion's life would be the result of consequences" 

It revealed its purpose and the Leader and his companions screamed as they realized that their fates were sealed. 

They had no idea who was the being but what they do know is that it was a dangerous foe and that they were at their end. 

"Rejoice for being part of my food and all of you will contribute to the 'Coming of Khaos''

Like a devoted cult, the figure exclaimed in euphoria, and seconds later, its stomach bloated, and out of nowhere, tentacles with small fangs over it reach out to each of his companions and the leader. 

It grabbed and enwrapped tightly to their bodies before returning to its stomach. 

Even though they were begging loudly with tears streaming down their face, nothing could be done at this moment and the Leader regretted borrowing a hand from the 'Force'.

Nevertheless, nothing could be done at this moment and all of their regrets were just the last lingering moments of their lives before they were swallowed by the Dark Figure. 

"Just as I have expected. They tasted disgusting. Well, at least it's enough to recover most of my power. Now, what should I do?" 

It began questioning while walking towards the fox-woman with a hateful gaze. 

"You're a fox-kin...and I remembered greatly that your ancestor was one of the people who had sealed me...and she was troublesome...because of your ancestor...you will die here" 

The dark figure hated the fox-kin and whoever had sealed them. 

What angered it further was the fact that the fox-kin woman looked similar to the one who had sealed it. 

Hence, its hatred amplified. 

"Hahaha. I don't know whether fate is playing with me but I'm glad that it's giving me the chance to eradicate you" 

It grinned widely before turning its left shadowy limb into a sharp sword. 

It dashed towards the fox-kin woman in a blink of an eye and right before it could stab her while she was still kneeling, its body for some reason was frozen. 

'My body is...frozen? What's going on? Is it because of the repercussions of the sealing? But that can't be. I still have a few hours. So what is it then?'

It began questioning the causes but couldn't wrap its head around the answers. 

"Just what are you doing to such a beautiful lady? Don't you have any manners and courtesy to treat a lady right?" 

Out of a sudden, a man in white robes appeared and it was none than Daniel himself. 

"Who are you?" 

The dark figure questioned with cautiousness as it squeezed its eyes on him and was flabbergasted by the results. 

'H-Half Immortal and...Ugh! W-What is this!? My eyes are bleeding!?'

The dark figure wasn't shocked for finding out his cultivation base. After all, during its time Half-Immortal were just like flocks of chickens. 

However, when it pries deeper into his soul, it received a shock. 

It almost blinded it if it didn't stop at such a crucial time. 

Thus, its awareness of Daniel increases rapidly. 

"Are you done looking inside of me or do you need more? But if you wish to do so, you'll need to prepare for the consequences...but I doubt you could since your eyes are bleeding" 

He mocked the dark figure and the whole time, he had been watching the scenario from the start and he didn't intervene because the fox woman could have handled it pretty well. 

But now, he can't just let the dark figure injure his treasure. 

"Hmpf. If you think your jokes are funny then you are wrong mortal. Just because my eyes are bleeding doesn't mean I'm hurt. Let me show you what I'm capable of...just like this!" 

The dark figure disappeared in a flash and he reappeared behind Daniel before sending a kick to his face. 


The moment its kick impacted the left side of the face, the right side of the forest was wiped away and what was left on the path was nothing but a deserted land. 

Knowing its kick was successful, the figure smirked and smiled as it believed that the human was done for. 

"Hmpf. You talk too much for a mortal yet you're done in just a second. How disappointing" 

It shook its head, however, as the smoke of sand begins to clear due to the kick, the dark figure was utterly shocked. 

"Disappointing? Shouldn't it be me who should be disappointed with you?" 

Daniel tapped his neck as though it was a good soft tissue massage he never had for a long time. 

"Don't be cocky mortal just because you've blocked my kick!" 

Refusing to believe that its kick was unsuccessful, it sent another kick, and this time, it was even more baffled. 

"Are you just not done yet? How long you're going to kick me?" 

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