Heavenly Harem Sect

Chapter 90 Arcana Archery's Sect Part 2

"Leshia, come and introduce yourself,"

The Sect Leader shouted. 

"Greetings Great Master. My name's Leshia Morel, a core disciple of the Arcana Archery ect and I'm keen on being a disciple of yours"

She simply introduced herself.

"Then swear upon your name and you shall be my disciple,"

Daniel asked without more questions. 

There were hundreds of female disciples waiting for their turn and he didn't want to waste his and their time by asking for unnecessary questions. 

Without a doubt, he'd love to know more about them and increase their bond as well as be intimate, but for the sake of time, he would set aside those moments for another period. 

On the other hand, some of the Elders frowned their eyes when hearing his words, but all of them chose not to confront less that they would meet the end of their life.

Thus, they could only sigh in hopelessness as they watched their disciples leave their sect for another sect. 

Such cases had never happened before and this was humiliating for them as the Elders. But alas, they could do nothing. 

Alternatively, the female Elders of the Sect could stop gazing at Daniel.

It was as if they were charmed by his attractiveness and knowing that he was looking for Female Elders as well, they had already made up their minds. 

Leshia Moral, she's a person that wouldn't care what she'll need to use to reach a level that others can't imagine.

Which is why she had no hesitations in leaving behind this sect.

Thus, upon announcing her swearing to be his disciple, a wonderful outcome happened to her as Daniel unlocked the cards for her, causing surprise and tension among the elders.

'What is this...!? I feel so good...I feel so powerful!'

Leshia was smiling as her face was filled with bliss.

She felt a power like never before, but most importantly, she was awed and horrified by the gifts that she had received.

[: Leshia Morel has received Terror Physique (???), Utlthu Bloodline(???), Oregon Spiritual Root(???), Dark Usurper Cultivation Method, and Overwhelmer Shadow Cultivation Manual(???), 1 Disciple Robe and 1 Disciple Token :]

Upon opening her eyes, darkness spreads out around the hall as it absorbs everything, making everything blank as though life had perished.

However, seconds later, the darkness reverbed back to her body as though nothing happened, and the Elders who experienced such a terrifying moment couldn't breathe.

"G-Great Master, what just happened?"

The Sect Master could only question as the scene that happened upon them was hard to comprehend.

"I just gave her a new bloodline, physique, and spiritual root which is nothing much" 

He scoffed it off as though it was just a small matter, but his words greatly shocked the rest.

'H-He gave her bloodline, physique, and Spiritual Root...!? Can these be even given!?'

All of them had the same thoughts as never in their life had they heard about bloodline being given.

They were experts at their level, thus, they weren't inexperienced to tell how deeply horrifying the darkness was.

It felt like their existence was absorbed for a second and their cultivation was suppressed.

It was hard to believe but it's the underlying truth.

Moreover, they could sense how powerful she had become and her aura had become so dense that their eyes couldn't pierce through.

"You have received the privileges of becoming my disciple. As such, you would be in charge of leading all of the disciples that I will be recruiting"

To simplify and managed the batch that will be recruited from this sect, he had placed Leshia as the overall in charge. 

Leshia never imagined that one day she will receive such an incomprehensible power that shouldn't have existed in this realm.

She underestimated her expectations, but now, she didn't have any slight hesitation in joining this sect.

Though it might sound unorthodox, from the way she sees it, she didn't mind offering everything that she has.

With great privileges come great offerings. 

Such rules have existed for eons of time and what would now make a difference?

"Yes master"

She kneeled and accepted her position given by her newly pledged master.

"Good. You can stand by my side and observe your sisters joining in the next hours"

He happily called out to her with a smile.

And of course, she didn't hesitate.

To add on, she even felt slight happiness with the attention she received from him.

Though she observed and saw the expressions of the elders, she chose to ignore them.

It was a bit sad that the Elders who groom a star had been stolen by another sect. 

But what could they do aside from watching powerlessly?

Could they provide the neverending resources that Daniel has?

Could they give Leshia the gifts she had received?

The answer to it was none and Leshia knew that.

She had a gaze about what her bloodline, physique, and spiritual root could do.

And it was devastating.

It was not an understatement that if she let loose of her power she could absorb the sect right now.

It was merely a gaze at the extension of her powers, yet even she was fearful of it. But having realized that, she questioned how powerful her master is.

With that thought, she no longer felt guilty about leaving this sect behind.

There were no betrayals and no melancholic drama.

She simply chose a better offer without offending none of them.

If need be, she would repay them with the powers given by her master.

Life moves on and nothing could stop that, not even time, or maybe time can.

Once she stood by his side, she was greeted by a fairly warm welcome from his women and also his daughters. 

"Yet another sister has joined us. How fortunate of you to join us"

Fresia greeted and welcomed her into the group.

She was worried that Leshia might be awkward in trying to blend with them, but surprisingly, she wasn't uncomfortable with them. 

"Thank you Senior Sister"

In reply, Leshia answered politely as she had yet to know what kind of status and authority these women had.

Moreover, she recognized all of them except for Cecilia, Eva and the 3 kids. But the rest were famous in their ways.

"The next disciple we have is Petra Iklan, a hardworking disciple that proved to everyone that talent isn't the only answer in strength"

The next moment, a girl with purplish hair and violet eyes entered the hall as she walked on the path toward Daniel before stopping and introducing herself.

"My name's Petra Iklan, an inner disciple of the Arcana Archery Sect and I wish to pledge my loyalty to the great master," Petra said.

Petra was the type of person that values opportunities.

She was born a commoner and her family weren't cultivators.

To aid her parents and make her life better, she embarked on the path of cultivation as she was discovered to have a spiritual root.

Thus, she pursued the path of cultivation and ended up joining Arcana Archery's Sect 

Her life was fulfilled since then. With her authority within the sect and possession of a little bit of money, her family lived a good life.

She even had a relationship with one of the male inner disciples.

With her complete life, there's nothing that she could ask for more. Not until her horizons were enlightened.

What Petra was enlightened about was how much her knowledge was lacking.

Her perspectives were broadened by how many things are waiting to be discovered, and she wanted to venture through it all. 

She wanted to climb and soar through the sky and didn't want to be stomped like an ant. 

And the only person who could help her achieve this was the man right in front of her. 

But in order to grab the opportunity, she needed to cease her relationship with her partner, and she didn't hesitate to leave him. 

Was it cruel for her to feel this way? Was it unfair for his man? The answer to this question perhaps contains multiple answers.

But if there were experienced women who have walked the path of many heartbreaks and events, they would advise Petra keenly about this situation.

One was a choice where she can return to her ordinary life and remain the same.

While the second one, she could achieve greater accomplishments while having a man most women dreamed of.

And she chose to change.

"Good. Then, accept these gifts as the token of being my disciple"

Daniel smiled before activating the cards for her.

[: Petra Iklan has obtained Luminous Dark Physique(???), Promossos Bloodline(???), Radiant Black Spiritual Root(???), Magnamous Lurker Cultivation Method(???), Ultimate Strike Style Cultivation Manual(???) :]

Petra was baffled by the scenery that she saw.

It was hard to absorb the information that was given to her.

With the clear scenery of her prowess, she was terrified.

It was simply maddening that she could turn a city into a wasteland with just one arrow and she could ignore certain rules and laws to a bit of an extent with her current cultivation base.

At the same time, she was excited that her choice wasn't wrong and that her decision in severing her relationship was not in vain.

"Thank you master for this benevolent gift" 

She lightly bowed with a trembling smile that couldn't hide away her smile that wanted to lick his feet.

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