Hellbound Heart

Chapter 248 Not Today

Elle felt an electrifying jolt of lust rolled through her when Sebastian's breath hissed against her mouth the moment she pressed herself against him. She purred in satisfaction and kissed him harder, bolder, seductively tangling her tongue with his and sucking hard on that supple piece of flesh that was driving her inner temperature up. r

He groaned into her mouth, making such a sexy sound that did nothing but encourage Elle to keep on with what she was doing. The grief that had been gnawing at his heart and everything else that had been troubling him earlier were long thrown out his mind and forgotten. The only thing that was resounding and repeating in Elle's mind now was to... possess him, make him feel how much she loves him, make him surrender to the fact that no matter what happens now, he belongs to her and she belongs to him. She needed to impress and burn this into Sebastian's heart, body and soul so that he would not be forgetting it anytime soon. If ever. r

Reaching out for his waistband, Elle slowly unbuttoned the top of his pants before hooking both her thumbs into the side of his pants and pulling it down in one smooth motion, exposing him to her mercy then slid her hand up to touch him. r

He moaned into her mouth again when her warm fingers circled slowly but firmly around his erection, sending powerful tingles spreading out from where her hands were, out to his entire body. As his body shivered from his reaction, he could not help but draw in a hissing breath, alerting Elle to how sensitive he was right now. Stunned at his somewhat extreme response to a simple thing as grabbing his manhood, Elle looked down at where her hands were, a little concerned if she had hurt him accidentally. But Elle was stunned at what she saw. The fact was that he was already so damned aroused by just that little action of hers that his pre-cum was already leaking. r

'Was this not too early?!' Elle wondered, but wisely kept those thoughts to herself. Or was it their kiss that did this to him? Elle concluded that it must be it. Because just kissing him already made her wet she could feel the dampness in her panties for a while now!r

​ Happy that the effect of their kiss seemed far stronger on him, she ran little circles around the head of his sex using the pads of her thumb. She did that for a while before lifting herself and worked on sliding her panties off one leg first. Whenever he tried to make a move, like when his hold on her waist tightened and was about to do something, Elle gave him a soul-devouring and mind-blowing kiss. And he seemed to forget whatever he was planning to do again. Elle needed to do that. She needed him to just sit there and empty his mind and just let her take over.

Elle reached out for his sex again and she marveled at the fact that he was so aroused that his entire sex was fully upright and against his toned lower abdominals. She had to even pull his rock hard length away from his stomach. And when she pushed herself down a little and allowed the head of his shaft to enter slightly inside her, Sebastian's breath snagged in his throat. At the same time, Elle's breath also hitched as his swollen head speared her and stretched her in an oh-so-delicious way. That pleasurable mix of pain and gratification as he entered, caused her to be lightheaded and her eyes to blur a little. r

The pleasure threatened to make her lose her mind and let the mindless pleasure take full control. But she can't let that happen. Not today. r

Pulling away from their now slow but erotic kiss, Elle looked at his face. His eyes... oh lord... they were so devil bright... so lost, so drunk, and so high with desire. r

She did not realize how it would turn her on so much. This sight of him... good gods, she would do anything to see him in this state even if it was only for a little longer. She would do anything to prolong this moment.r

His hands burned a fiery path on her skin as they dragged their way from her hips and down to her butt cheeks, when Elle's hands shot out and grabbed his wrists. They were heavy and just so strong, but when she guided one of his hands back up to her face, he let her. Opening her swollen and moist lips, she guided one digit into her mouth and placed it on her tongue that she had stuck out a little. Keeping her eyes locked on his, she wrapped those seductive lips around his finger and sucked on it, applying some pressure, before she reached out and touched his lips too. Those sexy lips she had been yearning so intensely and for a long time... those very lips that she had finally possessed over and over in just a span of several minutes. r

She pressed her thumb between his sexy lips and he automatically opened up before sending that hot tongue of his out to lick her finger. That action of his only made her purr like a satisfied cat and she let herself slide another inch down his rock-hard shaft, feeling his throbbing length stretch her out more. r

He cursed. The low sound vibrated in his chest Elle could feel the slight rumble spread to the place where they were connected. He was so thick and hard that Elle found herself writhing a little to accommodate him. Was it because of the position that it felt more invasive or did he become even bigger? There was no way... right?r

As she was thinking about it, Elle became aware of Sebastian's strong heartbeats that were pulsing through him being communicated to her through his throbbing shaft that was partially within her. And that feeling was just so indescribable that Elle was thrown in a daze for a while. r

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