Hellbound Heart

Chapter 280 One Step At A Time

"I don't know if there were other races that had gone extinct before I was born..." Alex tilted his head. "So far, I have heard nothing about any other race aside from humans, vampires, witches and werewolves that existed in this world. However, demons aren't counted since they're not from this world..."

As Alexander trailed off, Alicia nodded subtly. "It is not impossible for another race to actually exist somewhere..." she added, acknowledging that there were surely many other things in this vast universe that they still did not have any knowledge of.

After a long silence, Abi turned around and looked at the closed door of Elle's room. The worry and concern still plastered across her face like a mother worrying about her daughter's well being.

"What could be the best step we're going to do with Elle from now on then...?" Abi asked. "I still strongly feel that we should reveal something to her now. Knowing is always better than being ignorant."

"I feel the same now." Alicia nodded. "I was against it before because I was worried that she might have a dangerous ability or identity that is not easy for her to accept. And also... like Alexander, one of my biggest theories is that she's a werewolf. Elle would have freaked out if she heard or found out that she might be a werewolf. She could also be in denial and might react negatively and think that she's a monster or something if we're not careful. But the ability she has shown us tonight is not something that will freak or disgust her... so I believe this is now our opportunity to show her a part of her new reality one step at a time."

"Our only problem now is the fact that we still don't know what to tell her if she asks what could be her other half." Alex sighed and Abi smiled helplessly.

"I think Elle's going to think she's a witch once she hears about her ability. Maybe, we can just let her go with that assumption for now since even we ourselves still don't know much about it at this moment."

"Another problem though is Sebastian... I wonder how he'd react about this. But, oh well..." Alexander shrugged. "Since they're no longer husband and wife, I have an excuse on why I didn't report about this to the man first and foremost. I guess we can have Elle be the one to break the news to him. That is if she even remembers to tell him. Let's just leave that guy in the dark as his punishment for divorcing his wife." He playfully laughed.


Somewhere in Queza...

Elijah was in a certain lawn playing fetch with his dogs when the dogs that were wagging their tails happily at him suddenly started barking and growling.

As if Elijah already knew who had arrived, he gently commanded the dogs to go inside the house. Impressively, the animals all obeyed and stopped their barking before running back into the house.

"I heard that you did something tonight." Elijah spoke first. His tone was low and naturally gentle.

The woman in the red cloak appeared and made an inelegant sound. "I was merely testing him. It turns out that you were right after all. So, I guess... his love for that woman isn't as deep as we thought."

An enigmatic ghost of a smile tugged at the corner of Elijah's lips before he turned around and faced the woman with a neutral expression. "I have told you before, haven't I? When we used that method of having Izabelle look like a witch queen, there's a chance that he'd hate her after that. And don't forget that this is Sebastian we're talking about."

"Well, it doesn't matter..."

Elijah lifted a brow. "You're finally giving up on the girl? Are we finally moving back to our original and more entertaining plan?"

"No." The sharp edge in the woman's voice faded whatever slight gleam in Elijah's eyes. "I told you that plan of yours is too unnecessarily risky and time consuming. I'm telling you again if you have forgotten, that is our final choice. Only if everything else fails, will we use this plan of yours."

Elijah threw the ball in his hand and then caught it. "So which plan are we going to follow next?" he asked in an almost uncaring tone. "I hope it's not something... boring."

The woman snorted. "I don't care if you find it boring or not. What matters is we achieve our goal the quickest way possible. So, here's the plan..."


Back in Black Forest, the soft morning sunlight filtered gently through the lacy beige curtains of Elle's room, giving a muted feel to the entire room.

A soft breeze blew from the window, making the curtains dance as though to a delicate tune.

The peace and warmth of the place screams of serenity and bliss. And Elle looked so tranquil as she slept, burrowed in her blankets, looking for all the world to be a beautiful angel in slumber.

But soon, her fingers moved.

The movements were subtle at first but then she started to clench on her blanket. The serene expression on her face quickly faded and changed into its complete opposite.

Her arms and legs began to trash as though trying to throw off something that was holding onto her and gritted her teeth, as if something had possessed her. Her hands that were initially twisting her blanket in a death grip suddenly threw her covers as if they were burning coals. However, she did not stop all the trashing on the bed. And even after moments passed, she still had yet to wake up.

Until she was panting so hard. Sweat covered her skin and she began to reach for her clothes and...

The sound of clothes being ripped echoed inside the quiet room and the door was swung open.

At the sound of her name being called out, her eyes flew wide open, and their colors were no longer the same.

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