Help! I don't want to NTR the protagonist!

Chapter 89 89. Garden

"I didn't know. It was just a guess."

Hearing Lucius's words, Veronica put on a light pout on her face.

  A guess?

Veronica wasn't so naïve as to believe such an obvious lie. Cleary, Lucius just didn't want to tell her.

A guess? She wasn't so naive as to believe such an obvious lie, clearly, Lucius just didn't want to tell her.

Seeing Veronica about to start sulking Lucius just walked up and patted her on the head slightly ruffling her hair.

"Come on, we've got some exploring to do."

Ding! LP+ 10

Despite obediently following after Lucius, Veronica still had a pout on her face as if showing that she still was unhappy but Lucius just secretly snickered as he watched her.

Just a little head pat had been enough to make her happy again, after all, the love points don't lie.


The pair soon began to walk through the giant cave and Lucius soon brought out a glow stone from his bag which fully illuminated the cave and it was only at this point in time did Lucius realise just how truly large the cave had been.

And it was not just the size of the cave that was alarming.

The walls of the caves seemed to be etched with drawings and engravings. By now countless years must have passed since they were first drawn so many of them have become deformed and unintelligible but the few he could consistently see the image of one creature.

A dragon.

The dragon may be soaring freely through the sky. Some were of a dragon being besieged by countless enemies or of a dragon wreaking havoc on a chaotic battlefield.

Lucius already knew a bit about this place so whilst he was impressed by impressive artworks that seemed to last till this time, he wasn't too shocked by this display. But the same could not be said for Veronica.

She was instantly overwhelmed by the amazing display all around her and just watched with wonder in her eyes.

It was not every day that you managed to explore the ruins of what you could only guess were thousands of years ago.

Eventually, the two of them came in front of a set of giant polished stone doors that could only be said to be made for giants.

Lucius didn't waste any time and placed his hand on the edge of the door and pushed with all his might!

His muscles quickly tensed up as they exerted the full extent of their force, but even that wasn't enough to open these humongous stone doors yet.

Pushing the door with all your might in front of your girl and having it not budge was simply too embarrassing! Lucius could allow this to happen!

He just snorted as the man inside his body began to bubble as a faint layer of blue mana wrapped around him strengthening his body. 

The veins on Lucius's arms flared and finally, there was a change 


The large stone doors groaned open as the two doors opened up and as both Lucius and Veronica looked inside they couldn't help but gasp


One word escaped from Veronica's mouth as she whispered a word in a half-dazed state at the wonderful scene in front of her.

For a second, she truly believed she walked into another world.

It was like paradise.

Even Lucius was a little awed 

'Maybe this is what the famous Garden of Eden in the bible would look like.'

In front of them was a wonderful world of plant life.

Beautiful spring flowers and vibrant fresh fruit trees with countless butterflies frolicking happily between the flowers.

The beautiful scent of countless flowers and wonderful fruit trees was enough to send someone into a half-euphoric state.

As Veronica was entranced in the beautiful sight behind she suddenly heard Lucius rummaging in his bag behind her.

As she looked over she could see Looked over she could Lucius bring out a strange piece of parchment paper with a magic circle inscribed on it 

"…What are you doing?" asked Veronica 

As Lucius heard this, he looked over the greed in his eyes was glaringly obvious 

"Oh, this? I'm Burning the forest to the ground."

As Veronica heard Lucius's words, her eyes shook with horror! 

Lucius took one look at this beautiful angelic sight of pure nature in front of him and the first thought of the crazy man in front of her was to burn it to the ground!

"Wait Lucius! Even if we can't have it, we shouldn't destroy such a beautiful sight!"

Veronica carried on speaking, desperately trying to go convince Lucius about conserving this natural beauty but Lucius didn't care at all.

If Lucius regretted anything it was that he was being forced to see this magic scroll to commit large-scale arson

'Damn it!'

Lucius's heart really ached right now.

It truly wasn't easy getting this magic scroll.

As a regular commoner, there was no way someone of his status could get a master level magic scroll.

Even if he had the money for it, the connections simply weren't there.

So in get this magic scroll, he had to use his connections as the leader of the revolutionary army.

Although he had a few mages under him in the revolutionary army.

There were still no master level mages he could directly control.

Master level fighters themselves were rare resources and mages could only be even harder to acquire.

To make matters worse, it was harder for mages to join the revolutionary army for one other fact, an overwhelming amount of mages were actually nobles themselves or at the very least had some noble blood in them.

It couldn't be helped. Resources were an essential part of training as a Mage required a ridiculous amount of resources.

A Mage was simply not a poor man's profession and in this world who could be richer than nobles?

If you weren't rich enough, just conveniently invent some new tax to shave off a layer of wool off those fat and greedy merchants to fatten up your pockets.

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