Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 34: Another One?!

Chapter 34: Another One?!

Alex smiled and walked towards the Midnight. "That was quick." Alex said as he looked at the pile of corpses around buster.

Buster laughed, "Well, they were weak. The close ranged were around as strong as B rank awakened while the long ranged reapers were around C ranked reapers. So, You were able to take care of the long ranged easily while midnight, and I didn't have any problem dealing with the close ranged." Buster then looked towards Midnight.

Midnight laughed, "Hehe, I couldn't help it. It is passed out so we can take it to Sir fire's laboratory." She then looked towards Alex, "Alex, not only are you cute but powerful for a new awakened. Get stronger, a lot stronger. This big sister might reward you once you reach A Rank." She giggled as she dragged the reaper's body away.

[Wave 3]

A prompt appeared in front of Alex, horrifying him. "There More?!" Alex audibly said as he quickly turned towards the gate. Buster and midnight, both seemed to have heard Alex and quickly turned towards him. They were confused at first about what he was talking about but they soon understood.

The three looked towards the sky, it started to turn a crimson red.

Alex stepped back a few steps and looked at the gate, which had already started to expand.

Buster and Midnight looked towards each other and opened their phones. They were calling for reinforcements.

"No need. I'm already here. The rest are out for missions." A deep voice came from behind the 3.

Buster looked relieved when he heard the voice. Midnight and smiled when she turned back to see the source of the voice.

"Gold, you came at the right time," Buster spoke.

Gold nodded, He looked at the gate expand and then looked around at the corpses. "This many reapers from a single gate? By the looks of it, they're just mere C and B ranked reapers but this many?" He looked confused.

Buster looked at gold with an awkward smile, "Well, The gate had already evolved once. It's evolving again" Gold's eyes opened wide when he heard Buster.

He looked at the expanding gate, "Are you sure?! That hasn't happened in any other country yet."

Buster nodded, "It was initially a C Rank gate. Midnight and I watched as Alex beat the reapers on his own. But as he walked away, the skies turned red and the gate evolved. It seemed to have evolved into a pseudo B Ranked gate. As half were C-Ranked and the other Half were B-Ranked reapers. But now, It's growing and at this rate, I think it'll be at least a pseudo A Rank gate."

Gold looked towards Alex and smirked. Alex just smiled back, he had no clue what to say.

"Well, it doesn't matter. I'll deal with this. You all must be tired plus you know how I deal with gates, don't you?" Gold said as he walked forwards, and stood in front of the gate. His body seemed to be growing larger as he stood.

"One more thing," Buster spoke. Gold looked back towards Buster and waited for him to speak. Buster looked at the gate, "Well, We heard a Reaper talk It was scary and seemed to underestimate us. It even mocked our strength as if it could look right through us. Until now, I've never felt fear when it came to reaper but that thing's voice It scared me. Luckily, it didn't seem too interested in battling with us. Well, it seemed like it thought we were too week for it to even come and fight. But, I fear it might have noticed you If so, All I can say is that we might need to call for backup" As buster spoke, he saw Gold's eyes progressively turn red.

Gold took a deep breath and nodded, "If something happens, call the other S ranks. I can't say that I believe everything but If it's coming from you buster, then I have to believe it."

Buster nodded and looked towards Alex, indicating him to follow. Alex obliged and followed behind. "What do we do?" He said as he looked behind him, towards Gold.

Midnight smiled, "Nothing, we just watch. Gold is Well, he fights solo. I never understood why but it's his thing. I did hear that he used to battle with someone else but the past is in the past and bringing that up in front of Gold is well a death sentence." Midnight explained.

Alex nodded, he felt a sense of relief when he realized that he wouldn't be in another battle. He already felt exhausted and he didn't want to waste his Mana.

He looked back and it seemed like the gate had stopped growing. Buster smiled, "It's no big deal. From the looks of it, It's a pseudo A Rank gate. A piece of cake for Gold. Hell, even Midnight and I could deal with this gate with just the two of us. That means we don't need to worry about that reaper. This is good." Buster looked towards Alex, "You get to see a pro at actions. Gold has a special ability. He can Well, I'll let you see for yourself." Buster laughed as he sat on the bench nearby, watching Gold.

Alex nodded and sat down as well, followed by Midnight. He looked over towards the gate, He wanted to see the true powers of an S rank, especially in combat.

As he looked towards the gate, Alex heard a sweet voice behind him, "Huh, I guess I came for no reason."

Alex looked back towards the source, "Mary?" He remembered this woman. She was the one who took notes on his questioning.

"Ah! Alex, look at you. All handsome. It seems like Hana agreed with me and got you that hair cut. But that torn up suit doesn't look good on you," She giggled as she looked at Alex's torn up suit. "But oh my, you're drenched in blood, You're not hurt are you?"


Thank you for reading!

(ps = power stones)

300 ps (by weekly reset)= 7 chapters next week

700 ps (by weekly reset)= 13 chapters next week

and 1.5k ps (by weekly reset) = 20 chapters for the next week

and if less than 300, I'll do 5 chapters next week (1-2 days of no updates that week so I can stockpile!)

(we're aiming for the top 50!)

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