Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 36: Kind Guy?

Chapter 36: Kind Guy?

Alex looked confused when he saw the Reaper being blown backward. He looked towards Buster, "Can I ask what her power is?" He was curious about what type of power allows someone to get blown backward by doing nothing but opening their mouth.

Buster smiled, "It must have looked like she only opened her mouth, right?" Alex nodded in response.

"Well, She did technically only open her mouth. Mary and Midnight have very similar powers. Midnight's powers are more useful for supporting but she can also handle combat as well. For Mary, however, She is a part of the military special division for a reason. The division of Awakened Militia had a lot of awakened, almost all of them can be considered top tier in terms of combat prowess in the nation. Mary's power is also like midnight but more useful in one on one combat. She can essentially fight you with her voice. High-pitched screams, high-frequency oscillating sound waves that can damage a person's mind, and so on. In short, Things related to sound but more combat efficient than that of Midnight." Buster explained it to his best abilities but he seemed to be confused every now and then.

Midnight laughed when she heard Buster, "Alex, these are speculations as the military doesn't really tell us what their powers are. Buster's words are confusing because he himself is confused about her powers. These are all that we've seen her do. From my take, Mary's powers is related to sound waves. She probably can distort sound waves coming from her voice so the sound waves from her voice can do heavy internal damage. But Mary's hand to hand combat is also impressive. Being in the military has been a blessing for her combat. " She explained as she watched Mary drag the unconscious reaper towards them.


A sudden roar pulled everyone's attention. They looked towards Gold who seemed to have completely massacred the dozen A and B rank reapers. Alex looked around where Gold stood, there was blood, organs, and torn up bodies of the reapers. Gold turned towards the 3 who were sitting on the bench. As he did so, Alex could see blood dripping from his mouth, Gold's clothes were completely soaked in Blood.

"It's a grand sight to see. The man who can kill reapers like they were nothing but ants. Having him in our nation has been a blessing when it comes to our national standing in the international race. The country might be small but out voice in international meetings has been heard even more because of awakened like him. Who wouldn't want to pay attention to a country with powerhouses like Gold." Buster said as he watched Gold walk towards them.

Mary, who had come back with the reaper just as Buster started to talk about the nations. She couldn't help but laugh out loud when she heard Buster talk. "Buster, you look so serious all the time but when it comes to politics, your face looks all goofy."

[Wave completed. Bonus EXP earned.]

[Out of combat]

Alex didn't hear their conversation well as he was more distracted by the prompt. 'It's finally over!' Alex exclaimed in his mind. He wanted to look into how many levels he gained. He also wanted to see if the new feature was available for him. But Alex shook his head, 'I shouldn't look into the System when others are around, I'll look at it later. I'm in no hurry.' Alex turned his attention towards Gold who seemed to be looking at the sky, waiting.

Buster looked towards Mary with a slightly annoyed expression. He then looked towards Gold, who was slowly transforming back into his human state. He then walked back towards them, a small smirt on his blood covered face.

"Hmm, Good job saving one for research. I thought about that before transforming but as soon as I transformed, It was all a blur." Gold said as he looked behind himself, towards all the bodies of the reapers.

Buster nodded, "We have two live reapers to take in. I'm sure that Sir Fire's research team will be happy with them. " He then looked towards the gate, which seemed to be dissipating. "And that was also the last evolution. But to think that the gate evolved twice, from a mere D rank to a pseudo A rank gate, something that would have caused a problem for an inexperienced A rank awakened."

Gold looked towards the sky and sighed, "I guess there will be a big meeting of the nations soon. Those who are involved or related to what happened today will all be brought to give brief on what they saw and experienced. Then the nations will decide on what actions to take next. It's always done when something huge like this happens. The first time gates evolved, it had caused all the nation's heads to meet up instantly."

Mary shook her head, "This time, however, it might not be as soon as it happened when the first evolved gate arrived. I'm sure that the nation's head will call for an international meeting later on, after the experiments on the reapers." Mary looked towards Buster and smiled, "Talking about experiments, I'll have to apologize. You will be taking the one you captured to Sir Fire's experiment and research facility. I'll have to take this one to the military facility. I would have loved to give this to you but I just received orders to get a live subject if possible." Mary said as she indicated towards her ear.

Buster looked even more annoyed but he nodded, "It's fine. We at least have one for Sir Fire." Mary smiled and walked away from them, "Well, I'll see you all soon enough. I'll take my leave now."

Gold looked towards Buster and said, "Don't mind the military. We should focus on the main thing at hand. You three go and clean yourselves up a then head towards the research facility together. I'll go stay here until the corpse collection team comes. I'll join you all later."

When Alex heard Gold he couldn't help but furrow his eyebrows, 'Is this the same guy as I met earlier today in the meeting? It's like a complete switch from that personality. Right now, he actually sounds like a kind guy."


Thank you for reading!

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300 ps (by weekly reset)= 7 chapters next week

700 ps (by weekly reset)= 13 chapters next week

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(we're aiming for the top 50!)

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