Hidden genius: Black belly snake

Chapter 234: She is the worst Part4

Chapter 234: She is the worst Part4

Tang Yue paced back and forth in the room nervously. 

She only had a little bit of time left to accomplish the quest and this bathing scenario didn't seem like a bad way to accomplish the task.

However, just as the thought floated in her brain, she cursed herself for being so selfish and power-hungry.

Just because the rewards looked extremely enticing, it didn't mean that she should go to any lengths in order to get them.

No. No. No. She was not that kind of a person. She had integrity. Well, some integrity at least.

While Tang Yue restlessly fidgeted back in the room, Charlotte took her time and patiently prepared the water for the bath.

Since the housemaid was still roaming around, she didn't use her fire magic and used a conventional stove to heat the water.

She then brought over the piping hot water, two pails at a time.

"Umm Charlotte You are taking this too seriously. You don't have to do all this." Tang Yue's eyes darted here and there and she awkwardly mumbled.

"How about you also join me and relax for a bit..." She gulped and added.

"Ah Okay Princess Sister Yue." Charlotte nodded slowly, slightly surprised. 

She knew that she wanted to be very close with Tang Yue and be real sisters, but Tang Yue had always kept her at an arm's length.

Considering the rocky history that they shared, Charlotte didn't take this to heart so much.

It would obviously take some time for Tang Yue to trust her again and truly accept her as a friend and she was willing to work for this relationship.

So Charlotte couldn't help but be surprised when Tang Yue herself suggested an intimate friendly bonding activity like this.

Even though she knew that it was too soon, she hoped that maybe Tang Yue had finally forgiven her and accepted her as a real friend.

Why are you so kind? She sighed inwardly, revealing a warm smile. 

Charlotte felt that she had been too foolish in the past; her mind clouded with an all-consuming addiction, so much so that she didn't even notice and understand the heart of such a wonderful person.

The elf casually started undressing and prepared to get into the big wooden bath vessel.

And the said wonderful person as well hesitantly started undressing.

Unlike Charlotte who looked very casual and nonchalant, Tang Yue looked extremely stiff and awkward.

The guilt inside was clearly written on her face. She didn't even dare meet Charlotte's gaze directly.

The bath vessel in the chieftain's house was not as big or luxurious as the bath vessel in the royal palace.

It was only a medium-sized wooden container, but it was still more than enough to comfortably house the two slender females.

After undressing completely, Charlotte took a look at her body, which was slightly different now, thanks to the disguise, and stepped into the tub chuckling.

"Aha Ha Ha. Your ears look red."  The not so innocent snake made a silly joke and awkwardly stepped in as well after undressing.

She kept her eyes up at the ears, afraid to take a peek anywhere else, especially at the two glistening bulges floating on the water surface, slightly swaying as Charlotte adjusted her position.

Tang Yue uncomfortably settled in, sitting diagonally opposite Charlotte.

The warm almost scorching water felt heavenly to her tired body, but she was too restless to enjoy it at the moment.

Charlotte, however, didn't catch her awkward reactions and flashed a leisurely carefree smile.

She playfully dripped water on her slender arms and splashed the water around with a smile.

Tang Yue looked at the innocent elf and her throat felt dry. 

She dunked her head down under the water and came back up again, feeling even more parched.

"Are you feeling fine?" Charlotte asked, finally sensing some awkwardness.

"Yes Blurrrrb Yes." Tang Yue mumbled, with her face half-under and half-above the warm water and her voice muffled.

"Aha Ha Ha. That Do you want to share some wine?" She hesitantly added.

Tang Yue felt her heart weighing heavily. The more she opened her mouth, the more she felt like an old lecher luring an innocent girl to the house.

But Tang Yue had already made up her mind and there was no stopping now.

After all, she had already kissed and felt up Charlotte in the past. So what was the point in thinking about it so much now? 

Tang Yue consoled herself and fully committed herself to the task at hand.

She reached back and fished out one of the spatial rings from underneath the piled robes.

From within that, she took out a jug of high-grade spirit wine. 

Tang Yue had bought quite a lot of supplies before heading into the labyrinth and this was one of them.

She didn't get a chance to use this before tonight, but somehow tonight seemed to be an occasion tailor-made for it.

Tang Yue bit her lips and nervously took out the jug, hoping to calm her nerves and at the same time, create a more casual atmosphere.

Because unlike in the past, Charlotte this time was her friend. 

How was she supposed to face her tomorrow after doing these things to her tonight?

This was her biggest concern, well apart from the big fat moral and ethical conundrum.

So Tang Yue had vaguely formulated this plan after a long day of brainstorming.

She poured some wine into a glass and passed it to Charlotte.

"Ha Ha. I hope no one barges in here. I don't think a slave gets to share drinks with her master." Charlotte jested lightening the mood.

Tang Yue weakly laughed at her statement and dunked down the wine in her glass in a single gulp.

"Ha Ha. Slow down, sister Yue." Charlotte smiled at her funny reactions and emptied her glass as well.

Coupled with the warm water, the spirit wine felt extremely refreshing and a wave of nourishing energy swept through their bodies.

Even though Charlotte was in the Saint realm and Tang Yue was in the Emperor realm, the spirit wine still had a beneficial effect on them, owing to its high quality.

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