Hollow Ascension

Chapter 155: The Corruption Grows

Chapter 155: The Corruption Grows

The ground shook violently as the valley's magic lashed out, no longer confused but fully under the control of the corrupted guardian. Dark tendrils of energy surged from the earth, twisting around the roots and vines that had once been the valley's lifeblood. Now, they were weapons, turning against Kael, Lena, and Elda with deadly precision.

Kael gritted his teeth as he slashed through a thick vine that shot toward him, its movements quick and violent. "They've taken control of the valley's magic," he shouted over the roar of the trembling earth. "It's no longer protecting us!"

Lena dodged another strike, her sword flashing in the dim light as she cut down a vine aimed at her throat. "We can't fight this forever," she growled, her muscles straining with the effort. "We need to sever the corruption at its source!"

Elda stood at the center of the glade, her staff glowing brightly as she struggled to maintain her connection to the valley's heart. The dark magic pressed against her like a physical weight, choking the energy that once flowed freely from the valley's core. Every time she reached out to the valley's magic, the corrupted guardian's influence pushed back, stronger and more aggressive with every pulse.

The corrupted guardian stood at the edge of the clearing, their eyes glowing with a cold, dark light. "The valley is mine now," they said, their voice dripping with malice. "You've lost. You cannot fight what you don't understand."

Kael's sword flashed as he cut through another vine, his face set with grim determination. "We're not done yet," he growled, moving closer to Elda, ready to defend her from the relentless attacks.

Elda's heart raced as she tried to push through the corruption, her mind filled with the valley's confusion and pain. She could feel the valley's will, struggling beneath the weight of the dark magic that had taken hold of it. It was still fighting, but it was weak, its strength drained by the constant assault.

"You can do this," she whispered to the valley, her voice filled with quiet desperation. "You're stronger than this corruption. Fight with us."

But the valley's magic flickered weakly in response, its light dimming as the corrupted energy coiled tighter around the core. Elda could feel the valley slipping away, its will crumbling under the pressure.

Lena's voice cut through the chaos. "Elda, we're running out of time!" she shouted, blocking another strike with her sword. "If we don't stop this now, the valley will fall!"

Elda knew she had to act, but the corruption was too deep, too entrenched in the valley's core. Every time she pushed, it pushed back harder, twisting the magic, turning it against them.

The corrupted guardian's laughter echoed through the glade, cold and mocking. "The valley chose me," they said, their eyes glowing brighter with dark energy. "It chose to embrace the true power that I offered. And now, it will serve the Syndicate's will."

Kael's eyes burned with fury as he charged toward the corrupted guardian, his sword raised. "You betrayed the valley!" he roared, slashing at the vines that erupted from the ground to block his path. "You betrayed us!"

The corrupted guardian smiled darkly, raising their hand as more tendrils of dark magic surged toward Kael. "You never understood the valley's true potential," they said. "But now, you'll see what real power looks like."

Kael barely managed to deflect the dark tendrils, but they came faster, stronger, each strike more vicious than the last. He gritted his teeth, pushing back with all his strength, but he could feel the valley's magic fighting against him, its will twisted by the corruption.

Lena, her breath coming in sharp gasps, fought her way toward Kael, cutting through the vines and roots that lashed out at them. "We can't keep this up," she called out, her voice strained. "We need to stop them before the valley's magic overwhelms us!"

Elda's heart pounded as she realized the truth. The valley was still fighting, but it was losing. The corruption had taken hold of the core, and the valley was too weak to break free on its own. If they didn't act now, the valley would fall—and with it, everything they had fought to protect.

"I have to sever the corruption," Elda whispered to herself, her voice trembling with the weight of the task ahead. "I have to break its hold on the valley."

But to do that, she would need to go deeper, to connect fully with the valley's core—where the corruption was strongest. It was a dangerous gamble, one that could leave her vulnerable to the very magic she was trying to protect. But there was no other choice.

"Kael! Lena!" Elda shouted, her voice cutting through the chaos. "I need you to hold them off. I'm going to connect with the core directly and cut the corruption out."

Kael glanced back at her, his eyes wide with concern. "Elda, that's too dangerous—"

"I don't have a choice!" Elda interrupted, her voice filled with urgency. "If I don't do this, the valley will fall."

Lena nodded, her eyes hard with determination. "We'll hold them off," she said, her sword flashing as she deflected another attack. "Just do what you need to do."

Elda took a deep breath, her hands tightening around her staff as she prepared to fully connect with the valley's magic. She closed her eyes, focusing on the faint thread of energy that still pulsed through the core. She could feel the corruption, coiled tightly around the valley's heart like a serpent, squeezing the life from it.

Slowly, carefully, Elda reached out with her magic, pushing through the layers of darkness that had wrapped around the core. The corruption fought back, twisting and writhing as it tried to block her path, but Elda pushed harder, her will unyielding.

"You won't take this from us," she whispered, her voice filled with quiet strength. "The valley doesn't belong to you."

The ground trembled violently as Elda's magic connected fully with the valley's core. She could feel the corruption's hold, thick and heavy, but she could also feel the valley's will—faint, but still there, still fighting.

"Now," Elda whispered, her hands glowing with light as she poured her energy into the core. "Fight back."

For a moment, nothing happened. The corruption remained, thick and suffocating, but then, slowly, the valley's magic stirred. It was weak, fragile, but it was there, responding to Elda's call.

The corrupted guardian's eyes narrowed as they sensed the shift in the valley's magic. "What are you doing?" they hissed, their voice filled with fury.

Elda's eyes snapped open, her gaze fierce as she met the corrupted guardian's glare. "I'm taking back what you stole," she said, her voice steady.

The ground trembled again, harder this time, as the valley's magic surged. The dark tendrils that had wrapped around the core began to unravel, pulling away as the valley's will fought back. The light from the valley's heart brightened, pushing through the darkness.

"No!" the corrupted guardian snarled, their hands glowing with dark energy as they tried to reassert their control over the valley's magic. "You cannot stop this!"

But it was too late. Elda could feel the valley's strength returning, its will growing stronger with every passing moment. The dark magic was slipping, unraveling under the pressure of the valley's renewed power.

With a final surge of energy, Elda pushed harder, severing the last of the corruption's hold on the valley's core. The dark tendrils recoiled, dissolving into nothing as the valley's magic burst free, filling the glade with light.

The corrupted guardian let out a howl of rage as their control over the valley's magic was broken. "No!" they screamed, their voice filled with fury. "This isn't over!"

Kael and Lena moved quickly, their swords flashing as they closed in on the corrupted guardian, cutting through the last of the dark vines that had surrounded them.

The corrupted guardian, their eyes wild with rage, raised their hand, summoning a final surge of dark energy. But the valley's magic, now free from their control, surged in response, pushing back the darkness with a force that shook the ground beneath them.

Kael's sword struck true, cutting through the dark energy, and with a final cry, the corrupted guardian fell.

The glade fell silent.

The valley's magic pulsed softly, steady and bright once more. The corruption was gone.

Elda, her body trembling with exhaustion, lowered her staff, her breath coming in ragged gasps. "We did it," she whispered, her voice filled with relief. "The valley is safe."

Kael and Lena moved to her side, their faces filled with quiet triumph. "You saved the valley," Kael said, his voice low but filled with admiration.

Elda smiled weakly, her hands still glowing faintly with the valley's magic. "We saved it," she corrected.

The valley pulsed around them, warm and steady, its will restored.

But even in the quiet aftermath of their victory, they knew this wasn't the end.

The Hollow Syndicate was still out there. And the battle for the valley had only just begun.

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