Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 83: Battlefield Survival Manual

Chapter 83: Battlefield Survival Manual

“This is a load of nonsense! The enemy on the other side is clearly a bunch of new recruits. They charge in a disorganized manner during the attack and scatter in all directions during the retreat. I have no idea where they found such exceptional soldiers!” (TN: In case you didn’t notice, it’s sarcasm)

Gregory quickly made his assessment. If it weren’t for the lack of manpower, he would have given the order to counterattack. Opportunities like this are rare.

“Sir, I noticed that the enemy has left behind a considerable amount of weapons. Why don’t we send someone to collect them? We can make a profit out of it!” suggested the young officer after some thought.

Gregory glared fiercely, his voice filled with frustration as he said, “Ambri?, sometimes I really want to split open your head and see what’s inside, why you have so many shitty ideas!

You’re so focused on making money, do you really think the enemy on the other side is a bunch of fools? Why don’t you go up there and try it yourself, see if the enemy will spare your life?

Our task is to hold the defense line. What use is it to pick up a few useless guns?”

In this era, the treatment of soldiers in various countries was not that good, and the primary way to become wealthy was through looting and seizing spoils of war on the battlefield.

In this war, as it was fought on Austrian soil, plundering was out of the question. No matter how crazy they were, they couldn’t go around plundering in their own territory. Therefore, seizing spoils of war became their primary source of income.

Of course, the promise of land rewards made by Franz was also an important factor in keeping them focused on the battle.

In the past, obtaining land rewards primarily meant becoming a noble and receiving landed estates, which was extremely difficult. Apart from a few lucky individuals, most people had no opportunity to attain such rewards.

However, Franz made a change this time. Previously, even a knight would require thousands of acres of land as fief. Now, ordinary soldiers who have distinguished themselves in battle can also receive land rewards.

(1 hectare ≈ 2.5 acres = 15 mu)

However, this land does not belong to the noble estates and does not come with noble privileges. It is more like the government using land as payment for military service and rewards for valor.

Since it is not part of the noble estates, the requirements are much lower, making it easier for ordinary soldiers to obtain land. Basically, as long as they participate in a battle, they can acquire a few acres of land, and if they are lucky, they might even get several hectares.

Ambri?’s desire to make money primarily stems from his concern that his military achievements may not be sufficient. He plans to use the money to buy land, as his ultimate goal is to become a farmer.

This is a preferential treatment for soldiers. To prevent excessive land consolidation, the Austrian land redemption law stipulates that the maximum land area per person for redemption shall not exceed 2 hectares, and the rewards obtained on the battlefield are not included in the calculation.

“Uncle Gregory, as you know, I have many siblings in my family. Being the second son, I don’t have the qualifications to inherit titles and wealth, so I want to take this opportunity to make some profit!” Ambri? said nonchalantly.

Gregory replied with a hint of annoyance, “Damn it, why don’t you strive to earn a title for yourself? I bet that as long as you can obtain even the lowest-ranking non-hereditary knighthood, Old John would be happier than you earning a hundred thousand Rhine guilders!”

During this era, the main officers in European armies were mostly from noble families, especially the second sons who were ineligible to inherit titles. They would enter the military at a young age and strive to distinguish themselves.

These individuals received a good education and quickly stood out within the military. It was these noble-born aspirants for titles who were behind the colonial movements in various European countries.

Ambri? pondered for a moment and said, “I also want to obtain a title, but given my rank, it’s extremely difficult to earn one through military achievements.

Uncle Gregory, how about we launch a surprise attack on the enemy camp tonight? If we succeed, there’s a chance my goal will be realized!”

Gregory rubbed his forehead and gave up on the idea of teaching his distant nephew, Ambri?. Even if they were to conduct a night raid, they needed to consider the practical circumstances.

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It was true that the enemy was quite terrible. Throughout his many years in the military, he had never seen such a poorly trained and disorganized force.

However, their sheer numbers were overwhelming. The enemy had two divisions while his own forces consisted of only one regiment, not even reaching one-fifth of their enemy’s manpower. Wouldn’t it certainly be giving away their lives in vain?


In the camp of the Kingdom of Sardinia, Major Will delivered a harsh scolding to the soldiers who laid dead on the battlefield today. He selected a few unlucky individuals as examples and carried out military justice, asserting his authority.

The battle resumed. Perhaps due to the display of authority or the presence of seasoned veterans in the Sardinian army, the afternoon’s fighting became much more intense and brutal.

Picking up his binoculars, Major Will observed the scene of carnage, where soldiers even managed to charge into enemy positions. Satisfied, he nodded approvingly. This was what war should be like. If they were all as foolish as those in the morning, there would be no hope!

Within the camp, undercurrents had already begun to stir.

One soldier with a dirty and disheveled appearance exclaimed excitedly, “Tom, the knowledge from the ‘Battlefield Survival Manual’ is really coming in handy. Did you see those idiots? They're usually all arrogant and full of themselves, but now they're foolishly rushing in and getting themselves killed. It’s so satisfying!”

“Of course, this is what Signor Gualazzi spent a fortune on, buying it from an old mercenary. It's meant to help us reduce casualties on the battlefield.

Raúl, be careful not to let the Sardinians catch wind of it. They still have to fight in this war! If everyone becomes smart like us, who will go and fight the Austrians?” Tom, the middle-aged man, said cautiously.


The “Battlefield Survival Manual” was not something an old mercenary could have written. It was specifically prepared by Franz for the Kingdom of Sardinia.

Based on his extensive research on Italian military history, Franz decided to introduce it to the Sardinian army. Since it was developed within the Italian context, there were no concerns about its suitability.

In addition, he also provided a concise guideline consisting of sixteen words: Fight if victory is possible, retreat if it is not, and surrender if retreat is impossible.

It contains various life-saving techniques on the battlefield, such as: when initiating a charge, feigning death at a favorable location halfway through.

The choice of location is crucial, neither too far from the enemy nor too close to the main camp.

It is preferable to have a cover that can shield from enemy stray bullets, while considering comfort because spending too much time lying still can cause numbness.

Similarly, when defending, it’s important not to expose oneself unnecessarily. Shooting bullets randomly is sufficient, as the chances of hitting the enemy are generally low. Unless there is a matter of life and death, there’s no need to risk everything.


Franz’s mischievous sense of humor led him to compile a total of thirty-six techniques, commonly known as the “Thirty-Six Strategies for Survival.” They are all practical life-saving tactics specifically designed for the battlefield. What’s unique about them is that they are accompanied by straightforward explanations, devoid of any literary flair, making them easily understandable to all.

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