Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 92: The Battle of Trento - Counterattack

Chapter 92: The Battle of Trento - Counterattack

A crescent moon was embedded in the black screen-like night sky, and its radiant light poured down on the world, draping the dark surroundings with a silvery veil.

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

“The wind is picking up!”

The assault team was fortunate to have such good weather on the first day of their operation.

Gregory wasn’t a military novice; planning a night raid required considering multiple factors, with weather being one of the most crucial aspects.

The Venice Region experiences a typical Mediterranean climate.

In summer, it is influenced by subtropical high-pressure zones, which are reinforced by the lower sea temperature of the Mediterranean compared to the land.

This creates high atmospheric pressure and intensifies the influence of subtropical high-pressure zones.

During winter, the relatively higher sea temperature of the Mediterranean creates low atmospheric pressure, attracting westerly winds, which become much stronger.

Of course, Lieutenant Colonel Gregory was not familiar with these specialized terms, but having been stationed in the Venice Region for a long time, he knew that during this season, Trento experiences dry and windy conditions with little rainfall.

Tonight met all the conditions: the dark moonlit night and the howling wind would provide perfect cover for the actions of the assault team.

“Move out!” Lieutenant Colonel Gregory decisively gave the order.

With that command, the assault team silently left the camp.

If there was anyone paying attention, they would notice that their footsteps were barely audible.

Upon closer observation, it became clear that all members of the assault team were dressed in black, with their sleeves tied up with ropes, and even their boots wrapped in cloth.

Anyone with some military knowledge would recognize that this was a professionally executed night raid.

“What, feeling nervous?” Hank whispered.

“You’re worried too, aren’t you? Tonight’s battle is a gamble for our future. If we succeed, the path to becoming a general would be smooth sailing, but if we fail, we might have to retire early and go back home!” Gregory said in a solemn tone.

“Well, aren’t you concerned about these young lads too? If it’s just about our personal futures, then only two of us will be in trouble.

But you still have the credit for defending the city so Marshal Radetzky won’t be willing to let you go home so easily,” Hank said, trying to sound relaxed.

Victory and defeat on the battlefield were common occurrences, and no one can guarantee an undefeated record.

As long as the failure was not due to personal factors, it was usually forgivable.

Gregory may not be a renowned commander with extraordinary talents, but through the previous battles, he had proven himself to be an excellent mid-level commander.

Marshal Radetzky was highly regarded as a military hero by the Austrian Army, and it was not just due to his commanding abilities.

Equally important was his reputation for fairness, justice, and his penchant for promoting capable young officers. These qualities have earned him the respect and admiration of his troops.

Given that this night raid has been approved by him, as long as they execute it without any issues, they need not worry about being turned into scapegoats.

This was precisely why Gregory and the other two officers dared to undertake this night raid.

With a responsible and fair-minded superior like Radetzky, one who doesn’t snatch credit from his subordinates, they felt more motivated to fight.

“Enough with the nonsense. Do you two think you can stop worrying just because of Radetzky’s support?

These young men are under our guidance, and if they fall here, how are we going to face their families when we return?” Gregory said with a furrowed brow.


Time passed minute by minute, and the silent night was filled only with the howling wind, accompanied by swirling leaves. For Gregory, the wind felt like a precious gift from God.

“It’s almost time, looks like nothing unexpected happened!” Gregory said as sweat dripped from his forehead. Only he knew the immense pressure he had just endured.

The other two checked their watches and smiled with relief. As long as they hadn’t been detected by the enemy in advance, the night raid was already halfway to success.

“Pass down the order, instruct all units to wake up and have their meal. We’ll launch the attack in one hour!” Gregory said sternly.

“Everyone, be careful and keep quiet!” Hank added with concern.

Even though the enemy’s camp was still a few miles away, ordinary noises wouldn’t alert them. Nevertheless, they decided to be cautious and handle the situation with utmost care.


A signal flare shot up into the sky, and the battle horn sounded, accompanied by the thunderous noise of gunfire.

The Sardinian Army, still in the midst of slumber, was abruptly awakened as the battle commenced.

General Messer, disrupted from his peaceful dreams, asked angrily, “What’s happening outside?”

“General, the enemy has launched an attack!” replied the nervous guard stationed outside the tent.

Upon hearing this news, General Messer lost all drowsiness. He quickly got up and donned his military uniform, rushing towards the command post.

At this moment, the consequences of the Sardinian Army’s hasty expansion became apparent.

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Many of the new recruits became disoriented and scattered like headless flies in the dark night.

Chaos was contagious, and it quickly spread throughout the entire army.

Bullets were flying in all directions, but the soldiers couldn’t identify the enemy’s location. This kind of pressure was too much for these inexperienced recruits to handle.

A stray bullet struck a soldier from an unknown direction, triggering a chain reaction as the surrounding soldiers instinctively pulled the trigger, firing at what they perceived to be the enemy’s direction.

General Messe quickly made arrangements, and just as he received the orders, Major General Will, who had just stepped out, became the first unfortunate casualty.

From an unknown direction, a stray bullet flew in and hit him directly in the chest.

Seeing Major Will fall to the ground, fear gripped the hearts of everyone, and they involuntarily retreated back to the command post.

A dreadful term echoed in their minds - “Camp Panic!”

General Messer hesitated for a moment, then swiftly drew his sidearm and fired a warning shot, speaking with a stern tone, “I don’t believe the enemy has already breached our defenses. Their forces should not be many; there can’t be many attackers in this night raid.”

Everyone, return to the command post and annihilate any enemy that dares to attack us! If anyone dares to desert, I'll execute them on the spot!”

In the face of harsh reality, a group of officers stepped out of the command post with unease.

General Messer’s judgment was correct; there weren’t many enemies in the night raid.

However, that was only during the initial assault. By the time he had organized his forces and issued orders, the Austrian Army had already poured out in full force.

The distance of a mere few miles would take little time to cover.

Before they could even return to their units, the decisive battle had already begun.


“Kill, kill!”

“Kill them all...:”

The Sardinian camp was already immersed in a sea of slaughter, with both the Austrian Army’s attack and internal infighting taking place.

Under the cover of darkness, many soldiers resorted to the tactics in the Battlefield Survival Manual.

One Sardinian soldier instinctively extinguished a nearby oil lamp, and soon more soldiers followed suit.

This tactic proved effective as the darkness provided them with some safety.

By extinguishing the lights, they reduced the chances of getting hit by enemy fire, as long as luck was not entirely against them.

However, in the pitch-black environment, the officers trying to locate their units faced a headache.

With everything shrouded in darkness, who knows where their soldiers are?

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