How a Realist Hero Rebuilt The Kingdom

Book 10: Chapter 5

Book 10: Chapter 5

Night of the 1st day, 3rd month, 1,548th year, Continental Calendar Parnam Castle

The leader of the Black Cats, the intelligence and covert operations unit that reported directly to the crown, was summoned by Souma to the governmental affairs office in Parnam Castle.

When Kagetora entered in his usual imposing black tiger mask and black armor, not through the office door, but the glass door leading onto the terrace, Souma pressed a hand to his forehead and sighed.

I have come at your behest, Kagetora announced.

...Cant you use the normal entrance?

People are suspicious of me in this outfit. It wouldnt do to have one of the maids fainting again.

Its a bit late to say this, but that outfits not very sneaky at all, is it?

It might melt into the darkness, but Kagetora looked intensely out of place anywhere there was light. However, Kagetora shook his head.

If need be, the attention of others can be diverted using enchantments. More importantly, what is it you have called me here for today? I am led to believe you have some important task for me.

Yeah. This is a task I can only entrust to you. Soumas face grew serious, and he drew a rectangular object from the drawer of his office desk.

It was a metal case.

It was a rectangular prism, 15 centimeters x 20 centimeters x 40 centimeters, with no ornamentation on its surface, but there was a big lock on the top side, which was where the lid was.

Looking at the simplicity of the design and the attention paid to defending it, you could infer how important the contents must be.

Souma passed that metal box to Kagetora.

I want you to deliver this to my father-in-law in the House of Elfrieden. Im asking you like this because I mean for you to deliver the item personally. It must remain sealed until its in Fathers hands.

You mean the former king, Sir Albert? Kagetora stared at the metal box.

It was a tightly sealed box.

The sender was the current (provisional) king of the country.

The recipient was the former king.

And then there was the care taken in sending it with the leader of the Black Cats.

It was almost as if some dangerous object that might shake the country was inside.

What in the world could possibly be in the box?

May I inquire as to the contents? Kagetora asked.

You may not. I cannot tell you.

Having said that, Souma now passed a letter with a wax seal to him.

I would like you to give this letter to Father along with the box. It contains the key to this box. Have Father read the letter in your presence, and when he has finished, you are to carry out the orders within.


Kagetora bowed his head and accepted the box and letter.

Though the delivery was nothing if not mysterious, he knew the young king. There had to be some deep thought at work here, so Kagetora would ask no more. Now all that remained was to carry out the task with which he had been entrusted with precision.

Kagetora was about to leave from the terrace in the same way he had arrived... and then it happened.

There was a knock at the office door.

Kagetora tried to hide himself, but Souma said, Wait, and stopped him.

Its me. May I come in? It was a womans voice. That voice belonged to Liscia.

Souma said, Go ahead.

The door opened, and Liscia and...

My lady?! Kagetora exclaimed.

...of all people, the former queen, Elisha, entered with her.

Its been too long, Elisha said formally. Sir Car... I mean, Sir Kagetora.

She was as graceful as ever, and despite now being a grandmother, she was still a beautiful lady.

It turned out that, having heard from Souma how difficult raising twins as their first children was, she had rushed to their side to support them.

Liscia and Elisha each held one of the children, Kazuha and Cian. Liscia glanced to Kagetora, who was standing stunned in one corner of the room, nodding to him with a soft smile.

Seeing her, something hot welled up in Kagetoras eyes, deep within the mask.

That tomboyish princess... shes a mother now...

This room now held three generations of royal princesses. The scene made Kagetora want to pinch the bridge of his nose, but he desperately hid his emotions, not wanting to let them be discovered.

While Kagetora struggled, unbeknownst to anyone, Souma asked Liscia, Did you already finish giving milk to Cian and Kazuha?

Yes. They both drank a lot today, and now theyre sound asleep. Cian fell asleep at my bosom, but Kazuha was excited for some reason, and she just wouldnt go to sleep.

Hee hee, Kazuha is just like you were when you were little, Elisha giggled. You were a rambunctious little thing, you know? Always quick to try and sneak out of bed.

M-Mother. Its embarrassing when you bring up things I cant even remember...

Elishas talk about old memories was turning Liscias cheeks red.

With a wry smile at their conversation, Souma took a peek at the twins faces. Kazuha was asleep in Liscias arms, Cian in Elishas.

Oh, honestly, Souma sighed. If it werent for my duties, theyre so cute that I could stare at them all day.

Oh, geez, dont be silly, Liscia said. Youre the king, Souma, so keep yourself together.

Hee hee hee! Liscia, you sound just like I used to.

Liscias chastising Souma for acting like a silly parent seemed to amuse Elisha.

While Kagetora stood there, feeling out of place in this homey environment, Liscia peeked in his direction.

Then she walked over. Um... Sir Kagetora?

...What is it?

Could you hold her for me?

With that said, she handed Kazuha to Kagetora.

It seemed Kagetora was uncharacteristically dismayed by the proposal. No, I... I would scare the child were I to hold her...

Its all right. Liscia looked at Kagetora with complete sincerity. You closely resemble a man I loved and respected. Ive heard from mother. That person once held me when I was Kazuhas size. And he adored me like I was his own daughter. So... there is no chance that this girl, my daughter, would dislike you.


Kagetora took off his gauntlets, and hesitantly accepted Kazuha.

He had thick, burly arms, but because Kagetora was a feline beastman, his arms were covered in fur.

Though the fur tickled Kazuha for a moment when he took her, she soon began breathing softly with a look of total calm on her sleeping face.

Children are always sensitive, because theres still so much they dont know about the world. That sensitivity must have let her pick up on the fact that these arms belonged to one who would protect her unconditionally.

A minute later, Kagetora returned Kazuha to Liscia.

I am grateful that you offered me this valuable experience.

Hee hee. Souma may continue to cause a lot of trouble for you in future, but please dont push yourself too hard, and take care.

Seeing Liscias concern for Kagetora, Souma was just a bit upset. Trouble? Now thats just not fair.

Oh, my! Jealous of Sir Kagetora, are we, son-in-law? Elisha teased.

Souma shrugged in resignation. I wont deny it, Mother.

Even as Liscia said, Yeesh, she was smiling.

Feeling his lips turn upward beneath the mask thanks to the warmth around him, Kagetora said, Pardon me, and then vanished into the darkness of night from the terrace.

In the evening of the next day

Kagetora was now in the previous king Alberts former domain, secreted away in the mountains.

He arrived at Alberts mansion and was led by a maid, who looked somewhat intimidated by his appearance, to the living room.

Though it was now the third month of the year, it was still cold in the mountains, and a fire burned in the large hearth. Albert was already in the living room, and he greeted Kagetora with a smile.

Ohh, Sir Car... Sir Kagetora. Good of you to come.

Yes, sir. Kagetora saluted. I am pleased to see you seem in good health.

Albert slapped him on the shoulder. None of that, none of that! Im retired now. Let us cast aside the restrictions of liege and vassal, and treat one another, instead, as old friends.

No... If youll forgive my rudeness, I do not believe we were that well acquainted.

...You never change. That personality of yours is as troublesome as ever.

With a sigh at Kagetoras stubbornness, Albert extended his right hand.

Then let us become friends now. If you would treat me as if you were an acquaintance Ive known for a long time now, I would be pleased.

...Yes, sir. If that is what you wish, I will do so gladly.

Kagetora took Alberts hand, and they exchanged a firm handshake.

Albert had Kagetora sit on a sofa near the fireplace, and he himself sat at a spot across a small table from him.

Then, folding his hands together above his knee, Albert asked, So, what business have you come on today?

Sir, I have come bearing a delivery for you from my master, His Majesty, King Souma.

Kagetora passed over the metal box he had received. Then, from his pocket, he produced the letter which was the other thing Souma had entrusted him with, and gave it to Albert.

The former king looked at the metal box, and said, Oh, my, what could it be?

I also received this letter from my master. He says you are to read it in my presence. The key to this box should be enclosed with it.

Hmm. Understood.

Albert accepted the envelope. Breaking the wax seal and pulling out the letter inside, he began reading it. He occasionally would go, Mm-hm, mm-hm, or, I see... as he read, and when he finished, he folded up the letter.

He took the key to the metal box from inside the envelope. Holding it in two fingers, he looked to Kagetora.

The letter, it said you are to follow my orders while you are here, you know?

Yes, sir. I have been ordered to do so by my master.

Hm... Be sure you remember those words.

With that, Albert put the key into the lock holding the box shut. There was a clink as he turned it, and the lid slowly opened.

Kagetora was watching in anticipation, waiting to see what important item might be inside, but...


Inside was a single bottle of wine.

What... exactly is this supposed to be? Kagetoras eyes went wide.

Hed been made to carry what seemed like an important box, but in truth, he had only been bringing a bottle of wine to Sir Albert.

Kagetora began to think his master might be having a laugh at his expense, but then...

Hm?! That wine?! Seeing the brand of wine, Kagetoras eyes bulged beneath his mask.

Seeing Alberts reaction, Albert smirked. Oh, my, how strange. You shouldnt know anything about this wine.

No... Its nothing. It was just my imagination.

This wine, you see? When my daughter Liscia was born, I sent it to an old friend. A wine made in the year of her birth, in the hope that he would always protect her. My friend often said, I intend to drink this wine on the day the princess is married. That friend is no longer with us now, but...

As Albert spoke, he gestured for one of the maids to come closer, then ordered her to bring two glasses and something for dinner.

After that, Albert leaned back in the sofa, looking down at the letter once more.

It seems my friend entrusted this wine to my son-in-law. However, my son-in-law says he has no taste for wine and it would be wasted on him, so he would like for me to drink it. It would be a problem if I were falling down drunk on their wedding day, so I am to drink it as a pre-celebration. It would be awkward to drink it alone, so have the one I sent to bring it to you join you... is what it says. Will you join me, Sir Kagetora?

No, I could never drink such a thing... Kagetora faltered.

You are under orders to do as I command, yes?


Kagetora tried to excuse himself, but he couldnt in face of an order from his master.

While he was grinding his teeth, the maid brought in a small feast and set it on the table.

Then, as if to strike the final blow, Albert raised a glass to Kagetora.

I was just thinking I had too much time on my hands with Elisha away. What do you say? Would you join me for a drink, in remembrance of my late old friend, and celebration of our daughters marriage?

...Yes, sir. Finally giving in, Kagetora accepted the glass. Understood. But there is no way you could get drunk on so little alcohol.

Ho, ho, ho, rest assured. Our wine cellar has plenty more of this vintage. I bought it in bulk because I was so overjoyed by Liscias birth, you see.

It seemed the bottle Albert had sent to his friend was just one of many.

Such wasteful spending... Kagetora sighed. Wouldnt the madam be furious if she heard of it?

She was, indeed, quite cross with me. She wouldnt let me hold Liscia again for a while.

Heh heh heh! Thats so like you... Gyah ha ha! Kagetora laughed louder than you would usually expect from him.

Albert joined in, and the mansion was filled with the echoing laughter of men.

That night, there was drinking and merry-making, but in the morning, only Albert remained in the living room, his guest long since having vanished.

He had likely already set out for another mission.

Like a shadow, Kagetora was a man of many mysteries.

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