How a Realist Hero Rebuilt The Kingdom

Book 11: Chapter 4

Book 11: Chapter 4

Whew, theyre all so passionate... I gulped, seeing the flood of hands that went up that moment I asked them to raise their hands. They all looked like they wanted to ask their question or state their opinion. To the point that they were willing to push the others aside, regardless of rank. You could tell there were a bunch of research fanatics here.

That passion was to be welcomed, for the countrys sake.

Now, please, give your name and affiliation before stating your opinion or asking a question. Yes, you, in the priests robe.

Thank you, Your Majesty. I am Priest Bart of Lunarian Orthodoxy.

The first one I called on was a priest who had been scowling throughout the entire research presentation. I knew full well from his demeanor that he would be opposed to researching monsters, so I deliberately let him go first. In order to move research on monsters forward, it was necessary to hear opinions from people like this, and take measures to tamp down on resistance from the public.

I thank you for your permission to speak. Bart looked straight at me. This opinion may be out of place in a gathering such as this, but I will voice it despite that. As a man of the cloth... No, as a single person, I have a strong aversion to trying to learn more about monsters.

There was hushed whispering. They were all confused that, at an event that had been called the Monsterology Symposium, the first opinion was one against researching monsters to begin with.

The researchers around Bart said things like:

What is this guy on about?

Whatre you even doing here?

They cast cold eyes on him. However, I asked him to go on.

Lets hear it. What is your concern?

In the teachings of Lunarian Orthodoxy, the monsters were born as evil counterparts to the good god of the moon, Lunaria, Bart began. They are filthy beings, and unable to interact with people. That is exactly why, no matter how frail the monster may be, it is forbidden to feed or use them. A monster is a monster, no matter how small. No matter how harmless they may seem, they are dangerous creatures. There is no telling what dangers keeping them near to us may bring about. Even for those who worship another, I suspect the other religions understanding of the issue is the same, is it not?


I didnt really understand the religious views of this country, so I looked to Liscia and the others. Yeah, thats right... they seemed to say as they nodded.

There was no argument, so the priest continued, I am not opposing this on purely doctrinal grounds. I am suggesting there are realms which man should not touch. It is God who decides the forms of living beings. If we set foot in that domain unduly, might we not do something that we will be unable to take back?

The buzzing in the room settled down. If you removed the veil of religion from what he was saying, he was warning of the danger of working with things that were too much for mankind to handle.

Lets imagine research was progressing, and we brought living monsters back to the capital. If a number of them escaped, they might breed somewhere, and no one knew what damage that might cause. In my old world, there were more examples than I could count where just a few members of a foreign species released into the wild had completely destroyed the existing environment.

In fact, the disused underground passages beneath the castle had been home to a massive salamander that had grown far beyond any normal size, among other creatures. They might change in response to a specific environment, too. When I think of it that way, I cant belittle his point...

I was impressed how surprisingly reasonable it was. Those things he said about God deciding the forms of all creatures, and it not being our place to step into that domain reminded me of the opposition between ethics and practicality when it came to gene editing and other cutting-edge science in my old world.

If I thought about it, with the exception of those that served to reinforce the religions power, religious precepts were generally meant to convince people to live better lives. Some of them must have been knowledge gained from experience that was then handed down as stories. Maybe someone caught a monster in the past, and because they underestimated the threat, there had been harm caused... or something along those lines.

Sir Souji, what do you think after hearing his opinion?

Youre asking me?

When I turned to Souji, for a moment he gave me a look like, You really want my opinion...? but he quickly recomposed himself and put on a serious expression.

That is certainly the teaching of Lunarian Orthodoxy. However, Lady Lunaria says elsewhere, Never should you neglect to put in the effort to try things and learn. Surely, we must not neglect to learn about monsters. However, there is some reason in what Sir Bart says, too. The utmost caution must be taken in any research.

Souji gave an opinion that justified researching monsters while giving some consideration to Barts opinion. He was equivocating, but that was exactly what I wanted.

Okay, I get it. We should move forward with the research, but be careful.

I considered my words carefully, then spoke.

For now, I believe I will put forward these regulations:

First, the transport of living monsters from the border region to the inner regions is forbidden.

Second, in the case of dungeon monsters, living monsters are not to be transported away from the area around their dungeons.

Third, if you want to study living monsters, it is to be done near the border, or near dungeons. Research to be done in the capital must be performed exclusively using confirmed dead samples.

Thats what Ive got off the top of my head. Id like to come up with some more detailed rules later, but... there are monster parts for sale at the market now, right, Roroa?

Sure are. Mostly comin from the dungeons, though. Roroa nodded. They can be the basis of the economy in towns thatre near a dungeon, and some of the materialsre valuable. Livin monsters are dangerous, so I do agree we should be clampin down on tradin them, of course, but well need to put laws in place either way.

Thats our job, yeah... Does anyone else have an opinion on this? ...You, the one who just put your hand up over there.

When I called on himthe man who looked exactly what I expected a researcher to look like, wearing a white coat and glassesstood up.

I am Gordon, a researcher at the Royal Academy. If that is the case, I would like one of the small dungeons in the Kingdom to use for research. Until we conquer it, I do not believe we can study monster ecology and the mechanism behind their creation inside the dungeon.

Hmm... What do you think, Hakuya?

Hakuya thought a little before nodding.

If we can secure the safety of the surrounding area, I believe that would be fine, he said. However, we will need to garrison the minimum number of forces needed to respond to any issue that arises at all times. I believe that we should prepare an environment where anyone can come and participate in the research, too. That will also mean they can monitor one another to ensure no one is using monsters to pursue illegal research.

...You heard the man. What do you say? I turned back to Gordon, and he nodded.

The Prime Ministers opinion is reasonable.

Good. I think well move forward with that policy then. What do you say, Sir Bart?

...I understand. Please, at least take every caution.

Bart probably wasnt completely convinced, but we had shown him some consideration, so he stood down.

When I called for the next opinion, a young man raised his hand. You, the young man over there.

R-Right! Im Toto, a researcher working in Professor Cosnos lab at the Royal Academy! N-Normally, I study materials that come from living creatures with the professor.

The young researcher seemed tense as he introduced himself.

Toto... Oh! I thought I recognized that name. He was one of the researchers who participated in finding a substitute material to replace rubber for me. The secrets of that development were discussed on the broadcast program Nameless Heroes, so I remembered him.

Erm... What I... I wanted to say was... It looked like Toto was a nervous wreck. If he got any more tense, he wasnt going to be able to talk at all.

Please, relax. I tried to keep my voice as calm as possible as I spoke. Whatever your opinion is, its fine.

O-Okay. Breathe in... Breathe out...

Toto took a deep breath, then opened his mouth again.

In regards to the lizardman remains you brought back from the Kingdom of Lastania, Your Majesty. There were samples sent to the lab I work at to probe the potential use of the materials from them. There was an interesting development in our investigation...

What was that?

They had no reproductive organs.

When he suddenly brought up reproductive organs, there was a palpable disappointment from the room, but they started excitedly whispering again when they realized what that meant.

The lizardmen had created a massive swarm to attack the Kingdom of Lastania. If they had no reproductive organs, that meant that swarm was not produced through mating.

They have no genitals, then?

They do have an organ for excretion. However, they had no organ which produced the eggs or sperm that would be needed for reproduction. There were few samples available to us, though, so I couldnt tell you if the entire swarm was like that, or if it was just these individuals...

...Its been a while since then, and Im sure the Kingdom of Lastania has already finished dismantling them all. Ill send a letter just in case. Does anyone else know anything about this?

There was a lot of talking when I asked that, but no actual response. It seemed no one was able to say anything definitive about the reproductive organs of monsters.

This was probably to be expected. There is a strong taboo against researching monsters, and it is dangerous, too.

Toto explained why that was.

When adventurers face monsters in the dungeons, they neutralize them by cutting them with swords, shooting them with arrows, and attacking them with magic, so it is inevitable that the remains are not in good shape. Even if they do manage to defeat them in good condition, it is a lot of labor to bring them back. Ogres are too heavy to bring back whole, for instance. Thats why its rare for a full, well-preserved corpse to make its way to the lab.

I see...

Souma felt like he could see one reason monster research had not progressed much up until now. Before even addressing the religious taboo, it was too dangerous, and they couldnt secure good samples. It would be one thing for a military force, but adventurers like Juno and her party, who tended to work in groups of less than ten, wouldnt be able to bring back a monster intact. On that point, it was fortunate that we were able to gain lizardman bodies in good condition.

Still, monster reproduction, huh? Id have to let future research look into whether they had reproductive abilities or not...

I suppose that means that, despite the presence of individuals with no ability to reproduce, they were still able to create that massive swarm, I said.

A word, if I may, King?

Together with those words that were so casual they could be seen as disrespectful, a hand rose. It belonged to a person I knew well.

Does something occur to you, Genia?

Yeah. Whoops... Im, uh. Im Genia M. Arcs. Descendant of the House of Maxwell, who have always studied dungeon relics, and adorable wife to Big Brother Luu, who is Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the National Defense Force.

Maybe leave out the last part. Who are you trying to impress?

I figured its my job as a wife to do PR for my husband.

If Ludwin were here, hed be holding his head in his hands, grasping my own temples to suppress the headache.

Now, getting to the point, Genia continued. I think I know a little more about dungeon monsters than most people, but their theory that you can categorize monsters by their parts was a real eye-opener for me. So... I hear that many of the monsters in dungeons are more warped than the ones we hear about in legends.

Genia went on with no regard for formalities, but the House of Maxwell were widely known to be eccentrics, so no one worried too much about it. They were more focused on what a member of a family with such rare talent would say.

From what Sir Ichihas said, that warped nature must come from them being a mixture of parts from different creatures. When you add in the monsters that have no reproductive organs from earlier... I just cant see these monsters as having emerged naturally.

If not naturally... Then, you dont mean they were created, do you?

Precisely! Genia said with a snap of her fingers. Thats the natural conclusion. Children are born carrying the traits of their parents. If Big Brother Luu and I have children, theyll be small if they take after me, and tall if they take after him. I want to have about two, by the way.

Uh, listen, I dont know about your family planning, but...

...But even though we just got married, Princess Trill keeps coming over. Not only that, but she takes forever to leave, and shes always clinging to me, so Big Brother Luu starts moping, and its so much trouble.

Okay, now I want to hear more, but... this is a symposium, so can we get back to talking about monsters? I am sure the matter with Princess Trill will be sorted out by her guardian (who was no doubt watching this) later.

Then, there was a banging from the crowd.

That drill hair, tied off to one side... It was Trill. She was watching from the observer seats, and fell out of her chair in shock. This was a good opportunity, so I decided to give her a lecture.

Genia shrugged her shoulders in dismay. Understood... Please, I am seriously counting on you to handle Princess Trill.

Genia was polite there?! ...Was this Trill person really that bad? The people in attendance wondered, but Genia returned to the topic at hand like nothing had happened.

I dont get that sense of heredity when it comes to monsters. You can see it with those flying tsuchinoko, right? They look like the lovechild of a snake and a bird, but snakes and birds dont mate, and its not even possible for them to. So, why does a monster like that exist? The parents were flying tsuchinoko, so the children were, too? Then what about the parents parents? And the parents parents parents?

She paused briefly.

...Thats right. Its hard to imagine that a bird and snake mated at any point. That means that, even if we go back, the flying tsuchinoko was a flying tsuchinoko all along. One day, all of a sudden, it came into being in its full form. Almost as if someone created it.

Created it...? Who? I asked.

Search me. I dont know, either. Was the producer the Demon Lord, or God? As a dungeon relic researcher, I want to say its the dungeon core. In dungeons that maintain their own independent ecology, the number of monsters seems to be kept stable, too. Its thought that they have some function that gives birth to monsters.

But thats when were talking about dungeon monsters, right? The flying tsuchinoko was with the monsters that came out of the Demon Lords Domain, you know?

No, no. Genia shook her head at my words. You cant say for certain that the monsters from the Demon Lords Domain werent born in a dungeon. It could be that the entrance to the demon world thats said to have opened up in the north of the continent was the entrance to a massive dungeon. Well, I cant be sure, so this is all just speculation, though.

I see... If monsters are created beings, that could be possible, huh? I groaned, convinced by her argument. She wasnt an overscientist for nothing.

The crowd listened intently to our exchange. That was because we suggested the possibility that monsters were created beings, and not just the ones born in dungeons, but perhaps the ones coming from the Demon Lords Domain, too.

Doctor. What do you think about her opinion? one student asked.

I believe it is worth listening to. But in my view...

If monsters are manufactured, the next question has to be...

The academics had already begun debating with those next to them. The reason monsters are warped... is because they were created... huh? While the attendees had a lively discussion about monsters, I was alone in thinking about something else.

But its not just monsters that have traits from other creatures. To me, rhinosauruses appear to have traits from both rhinoceroses and dinosaurs, or some other large lizard. Its the same with wyverns. And...

I looked at the diverse crowd gathered here.

I could say the same of beastmen, dragonewts, and the sea serpent race, too. Looking at it using the logic of my former world, it should be impossible for so many different races to exist.

I had been studying humanities, so I at least knew the rough outline of human evolution.

Pikaia were born in the sea and became fish. Fish became amphibians and came up on land. Some of those amphibians became reptiles, and adapted to live on land as well. The smaller mammals which were born as reptiles were growing to massive sizes, survived an extinction event, became primates, and then eventually became human.

What about the beastmen in this world, though? There were lion beastmen, monkey beastmen, rabbit beastmen, and many other races of beastmen, but had they all evolved from the creatures they were based on?

...No, that was hard to imagine. I had heard that no matter how intelligent chimpanzees were, they wouldnt evolve to become human until modern humanity was wiped out. Unless there is a virus or genetic manipulation like in a certain movie, it was impossible for two human races to exist at the same time.

Come to think of it... Madam Tiamat once called me, You who have a familiar smell. If I considered the link between my past world and this one that she hinted at... it could be that the diverse races of this world didnt evolve separately from humanity, but were an extension of our own evolution. Yes, almost as if they were created by someone. When that thought occurred to me, I shuddered. I felt a primordial fear, like when I thought about the beginning or end of the universe.

Breathe in... Breathe out... I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, then exhaled until my lungs were completely empty. In order to calm my uneasy heart. Once I sensed calm had returned to it, I opened my eyes. This line of thought... is something I cant bring up here. If a nation that believes one race is superior heard, they might use it to suppress the other races. Claiming that beastmen came from the same root as monsters.

The high elf supremacist Spirit Kingdom of Garlan, and the Lunarian Orthodox Papal State who claimed they were the descendants of humans who came down from the moon would gleefully proclaim their own races superiority. I wanted to avoid that, no matter what.

Ill keep this secret until I know more. But Id like to discuss it with a select few people. To prepare for the day when it comes out... Ill ask Hakuya, Genia, and the others what to do later.

Having thought that to myself, I turned to the still noisy hall and said, Theres still time. Does anyone else have an opinion?

Even more hands than last time went up in a hurry.

? ?

After the conclusion of the symposium. The chairs had been moved off to the side after the passionate exchange of opinions ended, and in place of them a number of large tables laden with trays of food had been brought out. The post-symposium party had begun.

Food was served as a buffet, and everyone was free to eat and drink what they wanted as they talked about whatever they wanted to. The entire spread was provided by a team of chefs led by Poncho, and service was offered by the maids who reported to Serina. Serina wasnt here herself due to her pregnancy, but her subordinates helped Poncho in her place.

Once the drinks had gone around to everyone, I stood up on the stage with a bottle of wine and a large glass in hand, and called Hakuya over.

...What is it, sire?

Here, take this.

I pushed the large glass into Hakuyas hand as he approached me with a dubious look on his face, then poured the contents of the bottle into it and spoke loudly so everyone could hear.

Sir Ichiha, our guest of honor at this symposium, is still just a child. In his place, I would like to ask Hakuya to offer a toast instead.

...Isnt that a little much youre pouring? Youve emptied out half of the bottle there, havent you?

Its more exciting this way, isnt it? Go on, once we all say cheers, you just knock that back.

Honestly, sire...

Hakuya sounded exasperated, but he turned to the crowd and raised his glass.

To monster research, which took a new step forward today, and to the young genius who has appeared in this country to lead it into the next generation, cheers!


On Hakuyas call, everyone smiled and raised their own glasses.

Having finished his toast, Hakuya resolved himself and drained the glass that was full of drink, which was met by a myriad of cheers.

Okay, from here on, we set rank aside. Drink, and eat, and talk away, I said.

At my words, everyone swarmed the food. It was as popular as youd expect a menu overseen by the God of Food himself. Meanwhile, Hakuya, who had drunk more than it was easy to in one gulp, wiped his mouth and stared at me with disdain.

...The juice was delicious.

Im glad you liked it. Ive heard youre not much of a drinker.

By not making it wine, I figured that made it okay to have Hakuya, who got tipsy with a single glass of wine, to drink it all in one gulp. I couldnt have the guest of honor drinking until he dropped, after all.

I dont engage in alcohol harassment. Not me.

I wish you had told me so beforehand, he sighed.

Wasnt everyone excited to watch a lightweight like you steel yourself and drink?

...I do believe we werent concerned about rank tonight, yes?

Hakuya pulled a paper fan out of nowhere and smacked me over the head with it.

Ow! Wait, wheres you get that from?!

Pardon me. I appear to be drunk.

As if you could get drunk on juice!

Everyone laughed at that master-servant comedy routine. Well, they seem to like it, so I guess Ill let it slide.

With the party started, a ring of people formed around Ichiha and Hakuya, as I expected. Everyone gathered here was passionate about monster research. The two of them were being hit with questions one after another, so they probably didnt have time to enjoy the food.

The president of the Monster Research Society, who was acting as something like an intermediary between them, was very busy, too.

Then, as the party was livening up...


Yeah. I know.

I slipped away with Liscia and snuck off to the changing room behind the stage. Once there, I spoke to the person reflected in the simple receiver.

Im sorry. We kept you waiting.

No, youve let me hear something fascinating.

The gentle smile on the other side of the screen belonged to Empress Maria of the Empire. Her younger sister, Jeanne, stood beside her with an apologetic look on her face.

Also... I must apologize for what happened with Trill.

Maria was embarrassed when she heard her younger sister Trill was making married life difficult for Ludwin and Genia. As for Jeanne, her smile was so intense that, if this were a manga, I had to imagine Jeanne would have had one of those cross-shaped anger marks on her forehead.

We will give her a stern talking-to about her behavior.

Not that shes the kind to listen... Jeanne murmured.

Even Maria, who always wore a gentle smile, could only sigh and agree. I had heard from our ambassador to the Empire, Piltory, that the third princess had a reputation for being a troublemaker, but it seemed she was worse than Id imagined.

Jeanne put her hands on her hips indignantly and said, If she causes any more trouble, youre welcome to deport her. If she objects, I will come there and drag her back by the scruff of her neck myself.

...Please leave that until the joint research project is finished.

Well, knowing how madly in love with Genia Trill was, if we teased the threat of deportation, shed probably tone it down a bit. She didnt want to be torn away from Genia, after all.

Oh, but it might be good to get Maria and Jeanne to sign off on it being all right to deport her. While I was thinking about that, Liscia tugged on my sleeve.

Souma, youre getting off track.

Oh, right. Now, on the topic of monster research...

Maria put on her serious face and nodded. Right. Id like to carry out research in our country using the same methods as you are in the Kingdom. Therefore, I would ask you to send us a number of volumes of the Monster Encyclopedia.

Got it. In exchange, please send us any information on monsters you discover. You border the Demon Lords Domain, unlike us, so I expect youll be able to gather far more samples.

Very well. However... you still have cards youre keeping hidden, dont you?

Marias eyes were gentle, but also probing. The fact that Tomoe had spoken to a demon with her ability hadnt been leaked yet, but it seemed she had sensed there were still things we were keeping from the Empire. Honestly... She was such a clever woman.

I played dumb and shrugged my shoulders. I will remain silent on that.

Hee hee, is that right?

After that, we exchanged a few pleasantries, then terminated our call with Maria on ostensibly harmonious terms. Jeanne said she was disappointed she couldnt speak to Hakuya, but he was surrounded by people at the moment, and in no position to be thinking about that.

Today Hakuya stands on stage, while I work behind the scenes, huh? Thats the opposite of how it usually is.

Thats good once in a while, isnt it? It lets you understand what Hakuya goes through, Liscia said, linking her arm through mine.

Thats true. Its rough in a different way than being the one up on stage.

Hee hee, maybe hes thinking the opposite thing right about now?

Ahaha, she could be right.

When I walked back to where Roroa and Tomoe were, arm-in-arm with Liscia, Roroa said, Whoa, whatre you two doin, actin all lovey-dovey by yourselves?!

Roroa angrily hugged the opposite arm. I had two women hanging off of me, but I couldnt eat or drink like this. When I said as much, Roroa snickered.

Well be the ones feedin you. Okay, Darlin, say ahh.

Hee hee, shes right. Say ahh.

When they each offered me food on forks, I broke into a cold sweat.

Um, you two, arent you forgetting that were in the public eye?

Its fine. Theyre all focusin on Ichiha and Hakuya anyway.

Its true. Those two are really popular, huh?

I looked at what they were looking at, and Ichiha and Hakuya were still surrounded by researchers, the same as before. No, actually, I think there might have been even more people now.

That just meant there were that many people who wanted to hear them talk. If anyone saw this scene, theyd never think of Ichiha as extraneous or the leftovers again.

Failure leads to growth, and success to confidence. The results he achieved this time should greatly bolster Ichihas confidence. ...I guess its time to bring him into the fold in earnest.

Bring him into the fold? Tomoe cocked her head to the side.

Yes. In his current position, Ichiha is a guest from the Duchy of Chima, or being left in our care. Because everyone thinks Ill be sending him back to the Duchy of Chima eventually, Ive kept him away from our secrets up until now. Like your secret, for instance, Tomoe.

M-My secret... Tomoe clapped her hands when she got it. Oh! You mean that thing?

If mishandled, that information could lead to us being condemned by other countries, so even within this country, only a select few were allowed to know it.

If Ichiha is going to study monsters and demons, its a fact hell have to know. It may open new horizons for him when he learns. But once he knows, we cant send him back to the Duchy of Chima. Obviously, Hakuya and I want Ichiha to offer us his services and stay in this country permanently.

...I do, too, Tomoe said, gazing in Ichihas direction.

They were already fast friends. Though that went for Yuriga, too.

Thats why Im thinking well reveal the secret to Ichiha soon. Ill want you there when we do it, so Id like you to help convince him to serve this country.

Okay. Of course I will, Big Brother.

Tomoe gripped her hands into fists enthusiastically. That gesture was adorable, and I patted her on the head.

Well, as long as we talk to him, Im sure it wont be a problem. Besides, from the way things look over there, itll be fine, wouldnt you say? Word of Ichihas skill will spread now, and once they know he has promise, the nobles wont leave him alone. Those are researchers flocking around him now, but soon enough there will be nobles saying, Marry my daughter, inOw!

Liscia suddenly elbowed me in the ribs.

Wh-What was that for?!

When I looked tearfully at Liscia, she gestured towards Tomoe with her chin. Whats that mean? I wondered, and looked over to Tomoe.


Murgh... Tomoe had a sulky look on her face. She was turned towards Ichiha, who was in the center of that ring of people.

Because Tomoe was cute, when she sulked like that, she just looked a little upset, but... that reaction...

Wh-What do you think? I whispered to Liscia despite myself, and then we both shook our heads with wry smiles.

I cant tell just yet. But girls grow up fast, you know?

Thats right, Roroa chimed in. Shes Big Sis Cias little sister, so when she goes and set her heart on somethin, shes gonna stick to it.

The two of them both sounded like they were enjoying this.

Hrm... If she did that, I could be pretty sure hed settle down in the kingdom, though.

But even if that were to happen, just how many peoples expectations would the other party, Ichiha, have to live up to?

There was her birth mother, Father, Mother, Hakuya, Inugami, and me and my wives... More people adored Tomoe like a little sister or daughter than I could fit on one hand. Whats more, a lot of them were in high positions within the Kingdom. They were all hoping for Tomoes happiness, so if she wanted him from the bottom of her heart, they wouldnt get in the way, but... I guess it was too early to worry about it now.

...Well, whatever happens, happens.

I gave up on thinking about it.

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