How a Realist Hero Rebuilt The Kingdom

Book 11: Prologue

Book 11: Prologue

Prologue: The Night Before New Days

Late at night on the 1st day, 4th month, 1548th year, Continental Calendar

...I feel kind of uneasy, I mumbled to myself, alone in a dark room.

It had happened just today. We held the coronation and wedding ceremonies, making me officially the King of Friedonia, and Liscia, Aisha, Juna, Roroa, and Naden into my wives and real family. With all of the ceremonies complete and the unveiling event for the general public over, there was now a great feast underway celebrating my rise to the throne and marriage.

It was a large-scale event, but it was fundamentally a celebration being hosted by the royal family. My vassals who had been attending weddings throughout the city joined us, and it made for quite a lively event. ...Actually, even as we were now heading into the second day of it, it was still ongoing.

This room was distant from the great hall where the event was being held, but I could still faintly hear the riotous good time being had by all. I had been there myself not long ago, but Hakuya approached me and requested I take my leave before midnight. It might seem strange that I, the host, was being driven out, but he said that was how these things worked.

It is also your duty to increase the number of royals, sire, hed told me with an over-serious look on his face.

I guess that meant he wanted me to make the most of our first night of married life. My partner for the night, Aisha, had been thrown out of the party along with me. I was never going to forget the smirking faces, or desperately-trying-not-to-smirk faces, of my retainers as the two of us left together. I wish I could just crawl into a hole.

It seemed it was traditional to make a show of, Were going to go work hard on the baby-making now, and have the retainers pledge their loyalty to the royal family and all of our progeny.

Ho, ho, ho. Work hard for our country.

I know my daughter has her shortcomings, but please, be gentle.

Thats what my fathers-in-law Albert and Wodan said. It seemed they had both drunk heavily, and were in an ecstatic mood... I didnt know how to respond.

The first primary queen, Liscia, had already left early to put Cian and Kazuha to bed, so Roroa would take over as host once we left. Hopefully she wouldnt get too carried away, but... Well, Juna was around, too, so it would probably work out fine.

I was sitting on a bed while I thought about all that.

This was Aishas room. Because she was a warrior, the room gave a generally spartan impression, and the walls were decorated with shields and other equipment. Though, the head of the mannequin which bore her light armor was adorned with a cat ears headband I had seen before. There was also a teddy bear I had made sitting next to her pillow, and other girlish touches here and there. The room really was a good reflection of who Aisha was.

Then the door opened, and Aisha entered, fresh from the bath.

P-Pardon me, she said, a little shyly, as she sat down next to me.

Her long, silver hair which was always tied back was down now, and wet, making her somehow feel more feminine than usual, and making me feel highly conscious of her. Her current dress made a massive impact, too. Aisha was wearing nothing but a short bathrobe. Her ample bosom, usually restrained beneath a breastplate, pushed back against the fabric, and with her healthy thighs peeking out, too, I had trouble deciding where it was okay to rest my eyes.

Um... Sire... Aisha said, shrinking into herself a little, as I struggled to find my words. P-Please... take good care of me tonight.


When Aisha subtly leaned in closer to me, I put my arm gently around her shoulder. I had been through this with Liscia before, but I still felt tense, worried that she might not want me to be her first. Though, if I was uneasy, Aisha must have been even more so.

I figured we should talk a little, if only to ease the tension.

Youre so beautiful... I gasped. I never knew that outfit would look so appealing.

R-Really? Aisha stuttered, looking down at her robe. Before, when the princess and I tried to approach you in these outfits, you only slept next to us. I worried that perhaps Your Majesty thought it looked unseemly...

Worried...? How could she be? How silly. She was more than attractive enough. I was already feeling a bit lightheaded. Honestly, Im amazed I managed to restrain myself after seeing Aisha like this last time.

Its alluring. Its a wonder that I was able to keep a level head last time.

You were awfully depressed at the time, sire.

Yeah... It was just after some bloody things happened, too. But if I hadnt been so down, I might have given into my lust and attacked the two of you. Though Im sure youd have beaten me back.

I-I wouldnt have, Aisha said shyly. Ever since that time, Ive been prepared to offer myself to you, body and soul...

It was so cute the way she acted shyly like that, I hugged her tight. Her supple muscles were slightly hardened with tension, but she had a feminine softness, too. While savoring that sensation, I whispered to Aisha, Today, we became king and queen, husband and wife. Starting tomorrow... Its not that far off, huh? Soon, our new life as royal partners will begin.


If Im being honest, I have my misgivings. Theres no room for excuses from now on. Im not provisional, or a candidate, or anything like that anymore. Our kingdom, our family, and our children all rest on our shoulders. We have to take responsibility for all of them ourselves.

Why am I letting myself sound so weak at a time like this? I wasnt entirely sure of that myself. But I felt very strongly that I needed her to hear this. Then Aisha reached out and stroked my back.

We will bear that burden with you. I am sure Lady Liscia, Madam Juna, Madam Roroa, and Naden feel the same. We are husband and wives, after all.


I am not that smart, Aisha said, a smile spreading across her face. But I have confidence in my stamina, so please allow me to support you in my own way, Darling.

I felt something come over me. I lay down, still holding Aisha tight. My head was already filled with desire for her, but... then, suddenly, a thought popped into my head.

...Hey, Aisha. Can I ask you for just one thing?

What might that be? Aisha was a little bewildered by my sudden return to calmness.

Um... When we do the deed, would you mind if I forbid you from hugging me? No putting your hands around behind me like this.

When I put my arms around her to illustrate, Aishas eyes widened in surprise. Huh?! Why do you ask that?!

The last time you gave me a bear hug, it scared me hearing the way my bones creaked. If you gave it to me at full strength, I wouldnt last a second. If you broke my spine, and I became an invalid, it would be a serious issue.

Sure, they told me producing children was one of my official duties, but if I became unable to do any of my other duties in the process, it defeated the point.

Urgh... Its unfortunate, but I understand, Aisha said, accepting it once I explained about the risk of spinal injuries. In that case, please, sire, hug me lots instead.

When she asked me that, with upturned eyes... it was incredible.

Of course I will, I said, placing a kiss on Aisha, then got on top of her.

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