How a Realist Hero Rebuilt The Kingdom

Book 12: Chapter 10

Book 12: Chapter 10

End of Chapter Story: The Quiet Island, and the Tranquil Kingdom

One night in the 12th month, 1548th year, Continental Calendar


Ow...! What?

I had been asleep until mere moments ago, when something bonked me on the head and forcefully stirred me from my slumber. Though the sky I could see out the window was beginning to brighten, it was still dark. Its probably around five in the morning... I thought; then I noticed my body felt heavy for some reason. I was being held down so hard I couldnt roll over.

Moving just my head, I looked down toward my chest, and the reason why was immediately apparent.

...Wait, again...?


Naden was sleeping on top of me, completely naked. I wasnt wearing any clothes, either. Last night had been Nadens turn, so wed both fallen asleep in this state after, um... a whole lot of passionate lovemaking.

I put my hand on Nadens back as she lay between me and the blankets, breathing softly. Her smooth skin was a little cool to the touch. I dont know if it was because she was a ryuu, but Nadens temperature was generally on the low side. It wasnt to the same degree as a cold-blooded animal, but if I hugged her while I was sleeping in the summertime, she was comfortably cool. By that same token, when I did that, my own body heat felt sweltering to her, and she complained if I hugged her too long.

In winter, on the other hand, Naden would snuggle up to me. Because she had a low body temperature, when she was alone, it took quite a while for her blankets to warm up. Normally, she handled that using the heater I had made for her, but when we slept together, shed press her skin right up against mine.

When she pressed up to me, sometimes, like right now, she would end up climbing on top of me. Due to her petiteness, she easily fit right on top of me. I was actually a little cold now, but if we fooled around a bit, the blankets would warm up, and it wasnt an issue. If I could say there was one problem, it was that when we were like this, with Naden nuzzling her cheek against my chest, her horns hit my face sometimes. She was at least wearing the horn covers (like mittens for her horns) I had sewn for her, but it still was a bit of a shock whenever she hit me with them.

Nngh... Naden raised her head, and rubbed her eyes. When our eyes eventually met, she cocked her head to the side. Souma? Youre awake? Is it morning already?

Its still before dawn.

Oh, yeah...? Well, Im going back to sleep, then. Haah...

Im all for that, but can you get off me first?

No way.

Shot down instantly. Oh, well.

I went back to sleep once more with Naden staying where she was. When we first started sleeping like this, I had dreams where I was being crushed flat by a rhinosaurus, but now... I was already pretty crushed. I hope... these peaceful days... can last fore... ver... Zzz...

One day, about a month after Georg Carmines reputation was restored...

I was in the governmental affairs office receiving a report from Hakuya about the effects of it. The new information of Duke Carmine was a little confusing to the people, but no one is making any noise about it anymore. The almost excessive glorification of him, and the fact that Madam Mio made a new pledge of loyalty to you, has led the majority to believe this is what he would have wanted.

Well, it would be weird for outsiders to hold it against me when his own daughter doesnt.

Even if some other nation tried to set her against me and sow discord, Mio herself had no intention of doing anything, so it wouldnt even create a spark.

Hakuya continued, The honor of men in the Army like Sir Beowulf, who joined Duke Carmines farce of a rebellion, and died along with him, has been restored as well. Though, as part of the rebellion, those who had families, like Sir Glaive, left the Army of their own volitionor were forced toso hardly any of those who died had kin left behind.

It means he took those steps in advance. Well, even if their houses arent restored, as long as their honor is, they would probably be satisfied with that.

Yes. Im sure InugaAh, pardon me. I nearly started talking about someone who definitely has nothing to do with the subject were discussing. Hakuya cleared his throat in a deliberate manner.

I smiled wryly and said, Thats true. You really shouldnt bring up people who have absolutely no connection to what were talking about.

Ill be more careful in the future. Oh! Speaking of Madam Mio, there is just one issue.

With Mio? What?

It seems shes having trouble managing her domain.


With the restoration of Georgs honor, Mio had been reinstated as a middle-ranked knight and given Randel and the surrounding area as her domain. Because all knights belong to the National Defense Force, Mio would be working in them, and would entrust management of her domain to a magistrate during that time. However, because the Kingdom was always short on capable hands, it wasnt easy to come by a talented magistrate.

Fortunately, the National Land Defense Forces base was near Randel, so Mio didnt have to travel far. It seemed she had been managing things there herself for some time, but Mio was a warrior to her core, and suddenly being tasked with political duties had proved too much for her. It wasnt long before her brain overheated. Those who had once managed the House of Carmine had returned to her side, and Glaive of the House of Magna was watching over her as a neighbor, but that didnt solve the fundamental problem.

Hakuya shrugged. Madam Mio has sent us a letter requesting we introduce her to someone who is good at administrative tasks, and has a head for numbers. If possible, I would like to marry someone who can do mathematics, and have him manage the House of Carmine, she says.

In a way, you have to respect that.

The calculations must have been really hard for her.

But a husband, huh... I rested my head on the palm of my hand. Im sure there are a lot of knights and nobles who would want to form marital ties with the reborn House of Carmine. If she puts out a call, I have no doubt shell find any number of candidates to be her husband. But, given the importance of her house, I wouldnt want her getting engaged to anyone strange. In some ways, its even more important than with Poncho.

Should we have Madam Serina scrutinize the candidates again?

In this case, Serinas the same gender as Mio, and shes already Ponchos wife, so she wouldnt obstruct the process, but... thats not a fundamental solution to the problem. The core issue is a shortage of talented people.

Someone who was single, gifted at administrative tasks, strong at math, and who I could accept marrying into the House of Carmine... Hakuya said he had no intention of marrying just yet, and there just werent that many other... Hold on a second.

Isnt there someone who comes to mind?

...There is. We have just the person for it. Hakuya seemed to have come up with the same idea as me, and he nodded. If you read the criteria in this letter closely, it seems like shes requesting a specific person, too.

Yeah, it does. The castle isnt a marriage consultancy service, though... That said, we still called in the person in question.

A few minutes later, there was a knock at the door, and a young man with short hair walked in. Your Majesty, did you require something of me?

Hey, thanks for all your hard work, Colbert.

The young man who entered the room was our Minister of Finance, Gatsby Colbert.

Ill cut straight to the chase, Colbert. Would you help the House of Carmine with their administrative tasks for a while? It would mean commuting between the capital and Randel, though.

By the House of Carmine, you mean... Madam Mios house, right? The one that was just reestablished.

Yes. Mio is more of a warrior, and I hear shes been struggling with the finances. Youre an old acquaintance of hers, so why dont you go help her out for a while?

Yes, sire! If that is your command, I will obey. Colbert put his hands together in front of him and bowed his head. But while Im away, please take care of Lady Roroa...

I know. Ill keep a close eye on her.

The man was a model Minister of Finance who never forgot to impress the importance of these on me.

Once he had bowed and left, Hakuya asked me, Was it all right not to tell him she was looking for a husband?

I cant be sure how serious Mio is about that just from reading a letter. It could be her griping about having to deal with the numbers, and bringing it up would just make Colbert unduly cautious.

You have a point there.

I know, right? You know how it goes, eh? I said with a suggestive smile. Lets let the young couple work it out between themselves.

Meanwhile, around that same time... To the east of the Kingdom of Friedonia, in the United Kingdom of the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago (called the Archipelago Union for short), in a port town that belonged to the Archipelago Union, a young man had a frown on his face.

The tall and lanky man, whose hair was tied in a ponytail, had white fox ears on his head, making it clear that he was a member of the mystic fox race like Kaede. From the Nine-Headed Dragon katana he wore at his hip, you could also tell he was a mononofu, a job roughly equivalent to that of a knight in the Kingdom of Friedonia.

The mononofu with white fox ears looked at the town and sighed. It seems the situation is serious...

This island, like the other islands of the Archipelago Union, had a prosperous fishing industry, and the ports were always bustling. The islanders lived, and died, by the sea. It bore them a great bounty, but when the waters were rough, it would take their lives without mercy. Because they were in constant danger, they lived every day to the fullest.

That was why, at this time of day, the fishermen who had come back from their early morning fishing were in the pubs, singing sea shanties... Or they would have been, but...

Now there were few people in the port town, and it was silent, without a sea shanty to be heard.

Many of the shops on what should have been a busy shopping street were shuttered, and there were few products on display at the ones that were open. There was a man on the side of the road who had drunk himself into a stupor, lying down with no vitality in his face.

The mononofu with white fox ears peered into an open fishmongers business.

Hello there, Chief. What can I help you with? A beastman fishmonger who had the face of a tanuki called out to him while rubbing his hands together.

He called the man chief because he was the island chief, a position held by one person on each island of the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago Union. By the same token, they called the chief of the largest island the Nine-Headed Dragon King.

The mononofu with white fox ears was the island chief of a small island.

He saw that despite the small number of fish on display, they were all awfully expensive. Fish that would have been sold in bulk before were being sold individually and at close to double the price.

Thats expensive... he muttered.

The tanuki-faced fishmonger crossed his arms in indignation. Well, what else would you have me do? The fishermen traveled a long way, close to the continent in the west, and risked their lives for these fish, you know? The cost of stocking them has gone up, so if I dont sell them for this much, I wont be able to make a living.

Oh, sorry. I didnt mean it that way, he said, bowing his head. We mononofu defend the people. I felt like I was being forced to see how my own powerlessness has made them suffer... If I offended you, I apologize.

Oh, no. Please, raise your head. Its not your fault, Chief, the fishmonger said, slightly panicked.

The mononofu with white fox ears purchased a number of fish and had the owner wrap them.

Whats going to happen to this country...? The tanuki-faced beastman suddenly mumbled. The taxes keep going up, even though we cant catch fish, and I hear were about to get into a fight with the Kingdom of Friedonia to the west. The Empire in the east has been telling the chiefs of all the islands that, The Kingdom will be coming to invade soon, havent they?


It was true that envoys from the Gran Chaos Empire had been visiting the chiefs of each island recently. It seemed every island had seen them at least once, and even the chief of a small island like this one had received a visit.

The fishmonger got a far-off look in his eyes as he spoke, It sounds like the Nine-Headed Dragon King is scrapping for a fight, too. What are we supposed to do if theres a war when were in this state...?

The mononofu with white fox ears had no answer, so he simply bowed, and then left the store.

His home was situated on the islands high ground. Though it was called a house, because of the history of conflict between the islands, each island chiefs residence was like a fortress. They were built on top of stone fortifications and surrounded by white-painted walls. There was a building on the low ground, and another on the high ground. The island chief generally lived in the second house, on the high ground, but carried out his political duties in the first house on the low ground. This was all built on the highest point on the island, so the gate of the second house had a view of the bustling port, and the blue sea beyond it.

As he returned from the fishmonger, he noticed someone was waiting for him by the gate.

Lady Shabon...

The person was a young girl wearing the outfit of a court lady with its frilly sleeves and hem. She was maybe eighteen years old.

The girl had airy, emerald-green hair, but what was truly distinctive about her was the fish-like fins that she had where a human would have had ears. Her slim arms also had translucent fin-like growths attached to them like sleeves. Her kind were known as mermaids, and they were especially common in the Archipelago Union.

I have returned, Lady Shabon. The mononofu with white fox ears called out to the mermaid girl, and stood next to her.

The girl he called Shabon turned her somewhat sleepy-looking eyes towards him. Welcome home, Kishun. How were things in port?

...Unfortunately, they have only worsened. Kishun showed Shabon the fish he had purchased. Even fish like these are now traded at five times their former price. The situation is serious. This country has problems already, but the taxes still rise, and war looms with the Kingdom of Friedonia to the west. The people cannot have even a shred of hope.

When you cannot have hope... cannot imagine a bright future... that is the hardest. Shabon gazed down on the port town below with a tragic look on her face. Its like this everywhere in this country. It is like the will to live has been stolen from the people along with their fish. We live with the sea, are raised by the sea, and die with the sea. That has been the pride of our people, and it makes this situation all the more intolerable.

Lady Shabon...

And... The situation continues to worsen. The sadness in her voice was palpable.

Kishun struggled to respond. The... The fishmonger asked me if war with the Kingdom of Friedonia would really come.

It seems there are envoys from the Gran Chaos Empire visiting every island as we speak... Shabon trailed off. They say things like The Kingdom is preparing their forces to bring the whole of the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago under their control. and Thats why you should join the Mankind Declaration, and come under the Empires protection.

Unable to find the words to say, Kishun remained silent.

Looking down, she continued, Because the chiefs are fiercely independent, they would rather go to war with the Kingdom than accept the Empires protection. And Father, the king of our islands... intends to do just that.

To do that at a time like this... The island chiefs and King Souma are both terrible. Kishun clutched his fists in frustration as he spoke. I had heard he was a wise king. A hero summoned from another world who had saved the Union of Eastern Nations from the demon wave, but...

But Shabon silently shook her head. I am sure the Kingdom has its own justifications. Because our fishermen have been fishing near the Kingdom, there have been conflicts with their fishermen, and Father has been having the military intervene in those clashes. He must have thought war was the only way to resolve it now.

But if they would just consider our situation...

That is supposed to be Fathers job. Its too much to ask that they consider our situation when weve done nothing to communicate it to them, wouldnt you say?

Still! The way things are going...

...Yes, at this rate, it will go quite badly.

Shabon began to sing in a clear voice.

When the great darkness appears, the sea beasts will vanish.

As the great fish disappear, few fish will remain.

When the sea falls silent.

With man and beast gone, none will tell the tale again.

It was a song handed down since ancient times in the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago. A majority thought it to be no more than a scary story just a few years ago, but now most of the people believed it to be the truth.

Shabon had a tragic look on her face. We can say that we have entered the silent seas phase now. If we consider what comes next... there is no time for delay.

Lady Shabon...

Kishun, I have come to a decision. I will go to the Kingdom of Friedonia. Shabon looked towards the sea, determination showing on her face. If I can save the people of this country, I dont care what happens to me...

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