How a Realist Hero Rebuilt The Kingdom

Book 13: Chapter 3

Book 13: Chapter 3

Once Shabon and Kishun were sent back to their inn, Liscia, Hakuya, and I headed for the castles strategy room. When we arrived, the commander-in-chief of the National Defense Force, Excel; her second-in-command, Ludwin; the general of the National Land Defense Force, Hals father Glaive; and finally Castor, the captain of the island-type carrier Hiryuu, were there. The highest authorities in the Kingdoms National Defense Force had gathered.

I put up a hand to stop them as they were about to stand and greet us, then took a seat myself.

Sorry. Did we keep you waiting? I asked.

Playing with her fan, No, no, Excel shook her head, Im sure it couldnt be helped, considering our unexpected guest. You have my sympathies.

Ahaha... Its true, I didnt expect Princess Shabon. I could only laugh weakly. This despite thinking I was preparing for every eventuality, and eliminating all risks to the plan. Why is there always some unexpected trouble that comes along...?

Thats just how people are. Not everyone will act the way you think they will. We each have our own feelings, interests, and beliefs. What we place the most importance on among them differs, so of course there will be people who dont do what we hope they will. Isnt that right, Castor?

...Please, dont make me answer that, Duchess Walter.

Excel gave him a mischievous smile, and Castor looked like he had just bitten into something unpleasant. During Georg Carmines farcical rebellion, Castor had opposed us, prepared to martyr himself for his friend Georg, despite Excels attempts to persuade him not to. Well, that was partially our fault for keeping him in the dark, so he wasnt alone in his responsibility for that.

Excel snapped her folding fan shut. Now, sire, what will happen to our plan?

It will need some fine-tuning, Im sure, but the overall outline wont change. I looked to Excel and Castor as I spoke. Excel will act as the commander-in-chief of the fleet dispatched to the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago and will ride aboard the Albert II. You will also take command in the expected naval battle, so Im counting on you there.


Captain Castor will manage the island-type carrier Hiryuu.

Ohh, its finally being deployed in battle, huh? Castor said excitedly, and I nodded.

Because I dont think we can afford to hold back. The second and third carriers, Souryuu and Unryuu, werent ready in time, unfortunately.

I cant wait. What equipment should we load on the wyverns?

Well load them with the Little Susumu Mark V Light (a Maxwell-type propulsion device), but we arent anticipating an air-to-air battle. Dont use them if you dont have to.


I nodded to the two of them, then turned to Glaive next. Since he was a general in the army, he wouldnt be involved in a naval battle like this one. I had him come here because I had another mission for him.

Glaive. Your son Halbert and his wife Ruby will be aboard the Hiryuu, but I want you to take a force north, and guard the border with the Union of Eastern Nations.

The Union of Eastern Nations... Youre sure? Not the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago?

Glaive seemed dubious, but I gave him a big nod.

The reports from Julius and the Black Cats indicate something fishy is going on there. Mainly involving Fuuga Haan of Malmkhitan.

By Fuuga Haan, you mean the one who took back a portion of the Demon Lords Domain?

The very same. Because of that accomplishment, his fame inside the Union of Eastern Nations seems to have risen massively...

On top of being an amalgamation of many medium to small states, the Union of Eastern Nations was also a complicated mess of marriages and alliances. There had been no way for any of them to grow larger before now, but... then Malmkhitan, led by Fuuga, appeared. He welcomed the refugees back into the land he reclaimed from the Demon Lords Domain. In turn, the refugees tried to rebuild their villages, towns, and countries, but it proved impossible for them to counter the threats of the Demon Lords Domain alone. In their situation, they couldnt declare independence, and had no choice but to turn to the man who had reclaimed their territory for protection.

Basically, Fuuga had gained the countries and people whose land he reclaimed along with the territory. Because of that, Malmkhitan was now the largest country inside the Union of Eastern Nations. When people inside the union saw how Malmkhitan had grown, they were excited. Perhaps they could be the country to break out of their defensive posture, and confront the threat of the Demon Lords Domain. Maybe the Union of Eastern Nations could become the equal of the Kingdom in the south, or the Empire in the west? There were apparently more and more people inside the Union of Eastern Nations who thought that way.

Those of the union found their hope in Fuuga; believing he might shatter the status quo, and open up a new world for them.

And... What do you think? Liscia asked, but I could only shrug.

If youre asking whether I think thats bad or good... I dont know. For people like us on the outside, it may just look like theyre projecting their ideals onto him, but they may feel differently. I doubt it bothers Fuuga. Because theyre all praying for his rise. With the people lifting him up, hell feel like the times are pushing him to act, and may eventually start to think his actions are the will of Heaven. And so, a great man is born.

Now that you mention it, the Lunarian Orthodox saint said, Living the way others want you to is wonderful, and something to be proud of... or something like that.

Oh... She did, yeah. Im impressed you remember, given how long ago it was.

Well, that was the day we, um... You know... Liscia trailed off at the end there.

Oh! Come to think of it, that was our first night together. The reason I was even able to cross the line with Liscia was seeing Mary acting as a saint. Personally, I thought I wanted to be a person, and to be loved as a person. But I doubt Fuuga even worries about which he is.

So, is this man, Fuuga, the one acting suspiciously? Glaive asked, a serious expression on his face.

Oh, no, no. I waved my hand back and forth. Whats suspicious is the people around him. Hakuya, explain, please.

As you wish. According to reports from Sir Kagetora of the Black Cats and Sir Julius of the Kingdom of Lastania, there are more and more people inside the Union of Eastern Nations who view Sir Fuuga as dangerous. Let us call them the anti-Fuuga faction.

Hm? But wasnt His Majesty just saying that people there view him as some sort of great man?

Yes, Hakuya nodded in agreement. Its true that Sir Fuuga is seen as a great man by some in the Union of Eastern Nations. However, that is exactly whats earned him the ire of some of the kings and lords who belong to the union. Retaking territory from the Demon Lords Domain is an incredible feat, and all the credit has gone to Fuuga. They cant be happy to know that their own subjects love, fear, and respect Fuuga even more than their own rulers.

Its a case of, The nail that sticks up gets hammered down. I guess thats true in any world...

Is that a proverb from your world, sire? I think its quite apt, Hakuya said, sounding impressed, and then moved on. Most likely, from here on the Union of Eastern Nations will be divided between those who support Sir Fuuga, and those who oppose him. The opposition will use the historical connections they have built between countries and drag many states into a war to contain him.

I guess thats going to be his ultimate test, huh...?

Yes. Conversely, if Sir Fuuga wants to declare his supremacy, the current state of the Union of Eastern Nations, with its intricate web of marriages and interests, must be irritating to him. You could say these two factions are destined to collide in the not so distant future.

Who has the upper hand? Liscia asked, but Hakuya shook his head.

I couldnt say. Its fifty-fifty. In terms of numbers, the kings and lords should hold the advantage due to their ability to pull in more allies, but Sir Fuuga should have the fame and momentum hell need to overcome that disadvantage now.

So either side could win, youre saying? Do you agree, Souma?

Well... It will be troublesome no matter which side wins, but Fuugas the one I dont want to fight. Hes got the vigor to kick reason to the curb. So, if were going to prepare for the worst possible outcome, we should work under the assumption Fuuga will win.

Will you assist the anti-Fuuga faction, sire? Excel asked.

Nah. Im not going to do that, I replied, firmly rejecting the idea. Making an enemy of Fuuga is making an enemy of the people who idolize him. Hero worship is like religion. In the same way that wed have to watch out for a rebellion by followers of Lunarian Orthodoxy if we picked a fight with the Lunarian Orthodox Papal State, if were hostile to Fuuga, well have to be cautious of his worshipers, too. Its one thing if he invades us, but if we act against him before hes shown us any hostility, well be condemned for getting in the way of a great man, and trying to rub out the hope of mankind. If we do that, well have trouble ruling our own country.

Youre right... That does sound troublesome. Even the difference in power between our countries doesnt seem like it would help there.

I know, right? Until people can clearly see that Fuuga is a threat to this country, we wont take action against him, and we cant. We have his little sister Yuriga here as well. We have to act wary, but friendly.

Liscia frowned. Souma. If things in the Union of Eastern Nations get nasty, will the Kingdom of Lastania be all right?

She must have been worried for Roroas brother, Julius, who was in the Union of Eastern Nations.

Julius knows the dangers of opposing Fuuga. He probably wont join the anti-Fuuga faction. If things get dicey, Ive told him to take Princess Tia and her folks, and flee here to the Kingdom.

I, for one, am anxious about letting Sir Julius return to the Kingdom, Hakuya raised his objections. It was a reasonable opinion, but I decided to be selfish here.

If he cares about Princess Tia, Julius wont harbor any ambitions towards us.

...I understand. If you say so, sire.

Sorry. Oh, but weve gotten pretty far off track. So, anyway, Glaive, you guard the northern border.

Yes, sire. Consider it done. Glaive put his hands together in front of him and bowed his head. That was more or less all of the orders.

Now it was just a question of what I was going to do until the fleet set out.

Youre goin to the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago Union?! Roroa shouted incredulously.

That was the immediate reaction I got once I gathered my five wives, Tomoe, and Ichiha in the governmental affairs office.

Liscia apparently was in agreement with Roroa. She looked worried.

I know you, Souma, so Ill assume you havent gone insane, but you are going to explain why, right?

Of course, I replied with a nod. Everyone here understands the situation in the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago, right? I asked, looking at each of them, and everyone nodded.

Everyone here knew about the unidentified massive creature attacking the archipelago, and why people from there had been fishing illegally in our waters. I was careful with keeping our plans a secret, so only a select few were privileged with this information. Not even Hal and Ruby, who were scheduled to be aboard the Hiryuu, had been told yet. Ludwins assistant Kaede was on maternity leave, so there was no way for the two of them to find out through her this time. The vast majority of our soldiers believed that they would only be facing the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago Unions fleet.

To be frank, it sounds like the unidentified massive creatureI believe they call it Ooyamizuchiis going to be more trouble than the Archipelago Unions fleet. Well be setting sail in roughly a week. I want to gather what information I can on the creature before then.

And thats why youre going to the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago, Souma?

Yeah. Because theres a sea between us, its hard to get information from them. Looking at Shabons actions, it seems like they have trouble gaining information on us, too, though. Take a look at this. I spread out a rough map of the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago on the desk. These two islands that are the closest to the one we used as a dock when building the Hiryuu are the domain of Kishun, who came here as Shabons bodyguard. Theyre also the closest to National Naval Defense Force HQ in Lagoon City. Negotiations have opened up these islands for our use.

The two islands, one large and one small, ruled by Kishun were collectively known as the Twin Islands. The larger was known as Big Island, and the smaller as Little Island, though people from outside the islands called them Big Twin Island and Little Twin Island. These two islands were close enough together that you could swim between them, so Kishuns mansion was on Big Island.

Well use the ship Shabon and Kishun came in to travel to Big Island in secret. Because theres a risk of someone seeing us if we use one of the Kingdoms ships or with Naden. I dont want it known that Im staying there. I intend to use Kishuns mansion as a base of operations and gather information on Ooyamizuchi. To that end, Id like to ask Tomoe and Ichiha to come with me.

Us as well?

I-If thats your order, Ill follow it...

They both seemed bewildered.

I was asking them to follow me to a country that we had deteriorating relations with, so I couldnt blame them. I didnt want to bring two children into such a dangerous place if I didnt have to, but I absolutely needed their abilities to investigate Ooyamizuchi. Tomoes ability might let her understand Ooyamizuchis thoughts. Ichiha might use his monster identification system to identify Ooyamizuchis parts and come up with a valid method of attacking it. He had already come up with a number of potential compositions, and with more information, they would only get more precise.

Excel was formulating a plan based on them right now.

However, you would be sneaking into a country that we have deteriorating relations with, would you not? Then there is also this monster being to consider. Is it not dangerous? Aisha looked concerned, but I stuck to my guns.

If I decide its getting too dangerous, we can hop on Nadens back and come home. I dont have to care if anyone sees me once were high-tailing it out of there. You can cross the sea without the Hiryuu, right, Naden?

Sure. Just leave it to me. Naden thumped her chest with one hand proudly. I nodded.

Thats why I intend to go with a small group, so its easy for Naden to carry us in an emergency. Id like Naden, Tomoe, and Ichiha to come with mewith Aisha and Juna, who knows a lot about the sea, as my bodyguards.

Yes, sire. Understood.

...Me, too?

Aisha instantly accepted it, but Juna took a little longer to respond.

Huh? Is there something bothering you?

Oh, no, its fine. I understand. Ill go there to protect you.

Im gettin jealous of all of ya. I always get stuck holdin down the fort at times like this. Roroa pouted, but I had another task in mind for her.

Id like you to stay in the capital and keep in contact with Julius in the Kingdom of Lastania.

With my brother?

Theres something fishy going on inside the Union of Eastern Nations. It feels like the Fuuga and anti-Fuuga factions are about to collide. Ive asked Glaive to lead a portion of the National Land Defense Force to the border for now, but depending on the situation, they may need to take action.

...Youre sayin my brother and Big Sis might be in trouble?

Ive told him to take the Lastanian royal family and run if things get too dicey. If it does come to that, having you on hand to deal with it is the best way to make sure things work out.

Julius was difficult enough for our country to deal with as is, after all. There were sure to be people wary of letting him into the country. In order to keep those voices in check, it was best to have Roroa, the third primary queen, mediate.

Okay. Roroa nodded, seeming to understand. Ive gotta do what I can for my Big Sis. Ill keep in close contact with my brother.

By all means. And let me know if anything happens. Depending on the situation, I can come right back.

Roger that.

Hey, thats mywait, isnt everyone stealing my favorite line too often?! Naden objected. It was just too easy to use, you know?

But without you in the castle, I wont have any work to do, Liscia said, bringing a finger to her lips thoughtfully.

Recently, Liscia had been acting as my assistant while Carla, one of the other maids, or occasionally Lady Elisha was looking after Cian and Kazuha for us. If I wasnt in the castle, she had no one to assist, and that left her with a lot of nothing to do. I think it would be fine for her to kick back and relax, but diligent as she was, Liscia couldnt stand to have too much free time. But that said, I couldnt take her with me.

Cian and Kazuha were still only one year old, so we couldnt take our eyes off them. It wasnt possible for both me and Liscia to leave their side for days at a time, and there was no way I was taking them to the dangerous Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago.

Do you want to take the kids to your fathers domain, maybe?

That would be nice, too, but... Cant I go to the island where the Hiryuu has its dock? With the children.

What? To that island?

I was thinking it would be good to let the children experience the roar of the sea and see how big it is.

Uh, I dont think its the season for swimming.

It was still only January, and Hey, wait, theyre still babies, so they cant swim at all, huh? Besides, in a world with massive sea creatures like this one, the idea of swimming wasnt all that widespread. It was probably only the people who lived by the waters edge who could swim freely whenever they liked. I know Parnam is inland, and it would be good to let them feel the immensity of the sea from a young age. But still...

Since its the closest island to the Twin Islands, its also close to Ooyamizuchis range, you know? I know theres a lot of open sea between us, but we cant rule out the possibility of that thing coming to our shores, so Im worried about you and the children being there.

Hearing my explanation, Liscia sighed in exasperation. What are you talking about? That island is where the fleet youre sending to the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago is gathering, right? Even if the monster did come, the National Naval Defense Force would give it a violent welcome.

Well... Yes, thats true, but...

If it gets dangerous, I can run away in a wyvern gondola. Besides, when you go to the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago, youll be taking a broadcast jewel with you to keep in touch with the fleet, right? Youll have to send back the information you gather, after all.

...You understand me well.

Im your wife. Besides, if Im on the island, youll be able to see the childrens faces when you make your regular reports.

Urgh... Oh, geez, fine. I give, I give, I said, raising my hands in surrender. You can go to the island. But be careful, will you?

I know. Make sure you come home safely, too, Souma. The children will be waiting.

Of course I will.

With that, our policy was decided. Okay, lets go to the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago.

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