How a Realist Hero Rebuilt The Kingdom

Book 13: Chapter 7

Book 13: Chapter 7

One day in the 2nd month, 1549th year, Continental Calendar.

A fleet belonging to the Kingdom of Friedonia, under the command of Souma A. Elfrieden, confronted a fleet belonging to the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago Union off the coast of the Parent and Child Islands in a region of the sea dotted with islets.

This battle was unusual from the outset. In a large naval battle, its normal to attempt to beat the enemy to favorable ground. However, the fleet commanded by Souma slowed down just before entering the area where the battle was expected to occur. Under the common sense of naval tactics, this was unthinkable. Moving slowly increased the risk that the enemys scouts would discover the fleet, and give them time to prepare. Despite that, for some reason, the naval expert Excel had accepted Soumas direction to slow down, which made the marines participating in the operation feel very uneasy.

At this moment, there were five people gathered in the captains room aboard the Albert II: Souma, Aisha, Juna, Naden, and Excel, enjoying a spot of tea. Shabon and Kishun had excused themselves from the room, unable to bear the out-of-place sense of relaxation.

Hee hee, Madam Shabon, Sir Kishun, and the marines are all on edge, Excel said between graceful sips of her tea. Well, we are going at this slow speed right before entering an area where we expect to meet the enemy, after all. Id be more surprised if they were going on as normal.

Souma put down his own cup and nodded. I dont blame them. This will all come down to a single gambit. The timings going to be important. We cant afford to arrive earlier than we planned for. There havent been any reports yet, right?

None at all, Excel replied.

Even someone like me who knows the plan cant help but feel on edge, Aisha sighed, having been listening to us. How should I put this? Its like I dont know what to stress over...

This is more than just a matter of beating the enemy, really, Naden said, agreeing with her.

Juna smiled wryly and tried to calm them down. Theres really nothing we can do about it. Though it will be more difficult than winning, we can expect to see commensurate results. We have to pull this off no matter what.

Junas right. I know this feels like walking a tightrope, but we need to endure it for now in order to achieve the best possible outcome, Souma said, and everyone nodded.

Then, as the fleet entered the island-littered area between Child Island and Nine-Headed Dragon Island, the archipelagos fleet was finally sighted up ahead. It was here that Souma once again did something unbelievable: The Kingdoms fleet came to a complete stop while in visual range of the enemy fleet.

With the battleship Albert II slightly ahead of the rest, they created a giant ball of water and projected Soumas image on it.

This is a message for the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago Unions fleet.

Incredibly, even moments before the battle was to be joined, he was using the Jewel Voice Broadcast to call out to the enemy. The giant image of Souma addressed the opposing naval force.

I am King Souma A. Elfrieden of the United Kingdom of Elfrieden and Amidonia. Here and now, I issue my ultimatum to the Nine-Headed Dragon King, as well as your fleet. You should have received a message telling you to communicate with me in the same manner. Show yourself, Sir Shana, the Nine-Headed Dragon King!

Normally, no one would play along with this... And yet, on the other side, a ship larger than the others came forward, manifested a ball of water directly above it, and projected the image of a great merman. The Nine-Headed Dragon Kings daughter, Shabon, stared wide-eyed at the image from the deck of the Albert II.

No way?!

The projection was that of Nine-Headed Dragon King Shana himself. Incidentally, though the Kingdoms water ball was sustained with Excels magic power alone, the Archipelago Unions required more than ten water mages working together to barely manage to pull off the same feat.

When she saw her father projected on that water ball, Shabon covered her mouth, unable to process what she was seeing.

I thought it was absurd for Souma to call out the enemy fleet at this point, but Father actually answered... What in the world is going on here...?

...I do not understand. Why would they both do this? Kishun, who was standing close to her, murmured.

The majority of the sailors in both fleets likely felt the same way. But the two kings carried on their conversation with no regard for anyone else.

O King Shana. In my position as king, I have repeatedly warned you to cease illegally fishing in the waters near the Kingdom. Despite that, you people have refused to heed my words, and have even sent armed ships to support the criminals. It has come to the point where no more can be tolerated. In the name of peace for my people and at sea, I have come to strike down you and your fleet. If you do not desire that outcome, I encourage you to surrender quickly!

Souma opened up with a demand that his opponent surrender. That must have shocked the sailors on both sides.

Shana didnt hesitate for a moment before replying, My people find themselves in a situation where they must cross the hazardous seas in order to fish in distant waters. You people arrest them and make no attempt to understand their plight. We simply sent out warships to protect our own people. Weve done nothing to justify this sort of invasion!

When Shana finished, Souma countered, I have no intention of invading! If you say you wont stop the illegal fishing, then we will fight until I rule the waves. That is what weve come prepared to do.

I wont trust those words from someone who comes with a fleet!

I no longer seek your trust!

The sailors gulped as they watched the two argue.

Souma continued, We are well aware of the state of your country, and the damage caused by the great sea creature Ooyamizuchi.

If you would invade us knowing that, then the Kingdom of Friedonia is no better than a burglar who strikes when his targets house is on fire!

I have no intention of doing any such thing! If Ooyamizuchi troubles you, then you have all the more reason to submit to me! The Kingdoms fleet will put down the creature in your place!

Do not try to trick me with sweet words! If I lend you a sea route, youll seize an island! How do you expect me to believe that if I let your fleet pass you wont move to occupy one of our own? We can slay Ooyamizuchi without your help!

The two of them traded a few more arguments after that. Shabon clutched her head as she watched.

A naval war of words? I am not even sure what Im seeing anymore. What in the world are Sir Souma and my father thinking?!

That is the question, isnt it? Why, its almost as if... Hm?

What is it, Kishun? Shabon asked, tilting her head.

Kishun stroked his chin as he thought through his answer. I was thinking it was as if they were stalling for time...

Stalling for time? Who is, and why?

Both of them, in fact. Though, I could not tell you why just yet...

Even as Shabon and Kishun were talking about it, Souma and the Nine-Headed Dragon King continued their war of words. However, it seemed to be coming to an end.

Souma shook his head. This is going nowhere. It would seem we have no choice but to settle this in battle.

I see an odd ship that looks like an island, but you had best not think a fleet that is all appearances is going to be able to defeat a fleet of men who live for the sea.

...Youll see for yourself whether this fleet is all appearances.

The two of them vanished, and both fleets prepared for battle. It would be Shana who made the first move.

Loose half the fire ships towards the Kingdoms fleet, the Nine-Headed Dragon King ordered.

His subordinates questioned the command.

Already?! Were still a long way from the Kingdoms fleet...

Indeed. Would it not be better to wait until they were closer?

The king shook his head at his hesitant commanders. I know I just said it was all appearances, but that island ship in the middle of their fleet concerns me. I want to send unmanned fire ships against them in order to learn what that weapon can do.

I see. Understood.

And so a large number of ships laden with explosives were set adrift from the main fleet. The currents and the wind in the fire ships sails would carry them towards the Kingdoms side. Castor, who was watching their approach from the bridge of the island-type carrier Hiryuu, adjusted his captains hat and steeled himself. If everything goes as the written orders said, then these are most likely...

Taking his cue from Commander-in-Chief Excel, Castor immediately gave the order, Those are probably fire ships. Give the order for the wyvern cavalry team to sortie! I want them to bomb every last one of them!

Yes, sir! Wyvern cavalry team, all knights, take off! I repeat, all knights, take off! the XO shouted through the speaking tube. The order went to the wyvern cavalry team, who had been waiting impatiently for it to arrive.

Okay, people, lets go!

The sole dragon knight in the group, Halbert, got on Ruby the dragons back and ordered the wyvern cavalry to follow him. When they saw the wyverns lift off from the island-type carrier one after another, the officers in the Archipelago Unions fleet started shouting.

Wyverns at sea?!

Absurd! Wyverns hate the sea!

But they are clearly using wyvern cavalry!

As chaos enveloped the island fleet, Halbert and his wyvern cavalry descended upon the fire ships and dropped their explosive barrels while maintaining enough distance not to be caught in the resulting blast.

Booooooooom! The explosive barrels triggered the fire ships, causing a massive explosion at sea. Because they had been drifting along in a line, the flames created a wall of fire dividing the two naval fleets.

Souma stared straight ahead with a stern look on his face.

Whew, that was one hell of an explosion, huh? one of the young wyvern riders excitedly said to Halbert. But the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelagos fleet have to be scared stupid about now, right? Couldnt we take down that fleet by ourselves?

...Dont underestimate the enemy, Halbert told the young wyvern rider, a calm look on his face. They know these waters like the back of their hands. There are a lot of islands and a lot of places to hide. If we rush in recklessly, the Hiryuu could be ambushed. We have to remain cautious.

Y-Yes, sir! Im sorry!

Halbert smiled at the apologizing wyvern rider. Dont worry, as long as you get it. Okay, were heading back closer to the Hiryuu!

Yes, sir!

With that, Halbert and the wyvern cavalry team returned to the Hiryuu. Along the way, Ruby chuckled in a voice that only Halbert could hear.

...What is it, Ruby?

Hee hee, you learned everything you just said from Kaede, right?

H-Hey, youre not supposed to say that.

It was true, though. The words Halbert had just used had originally been said to him by Kaede, who was away on maternity leave.

Halbert awkwardly scratched his cheek. Uh... Dont tell anyone, okay?

Ehe. Well, a wife has to make her husband look good, after all.

Seeing Ruby enjoy herself at his benefit, Halbert was reminded that he was no match for either of his wives.

By the time Halbert and his men had returned to the Hiryuu, the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelagos fleet was in total disarray.

This is ridiculous! How can the Kingdom be using wyverns?!

Its impossible! Ive never heard of an aerial bombing at sea before!

Well, it cant be impossible! They just burned our fire ships to nothing!

This is bad! If they come at us, we have no way to fight back!

Having witnessed the power of a carrier for the first time, the sailors from the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago, regardless of their rank, were losing their heads. The commanders had no idea what commands to give, and the sailors ran around willy-nilly, unable to wait for orders.

Shouldnt we retreat?

No, if anything, we should rush in and turn this into a chaotic melee. They wont be able to bomb us then.

We should bring out all the hidden ships, too.

But theres still been no orders!

Damn it! Whats taking the brass so long?!

While things devolved into chaos without a policy in place, King Shanas ship was swamped with messages from the commanders of each of his fleets. However, Shana effectively ignored them with, You are not to go in until the wall of fire clears.

As for what Shana himself was doing at the time, he was staring at one tiny island.

Your Majesty...


One of his worried subordinates tried to talk to him, but Shana silenced him with a stern look.

We must endure. Until the tides change.

...Yes, sir.

The other man lowered his eyes, and Shana continued impatiently staring at that one point.

Meanwhile, in the Kingdoms fleet, Souma was feeling irritated, too. He was sitting in his chair, tapping his fingers on the armrest.


Not yet, she replied before he could ask the question. This is a time for patience, sire.

I know, but... This feels a little clumsy.

...I know, Excel said, eyeing the fall of fire with concern. Once those flames burn out, well have to resolve ourselves to do it.

Therell be no other choice, then... Souma trailed off.

Juna, who was standing next to Souma, placed her hand on top of his. Lets believe, sire. In the gift you discovered.

Her smile made Soumas heart feel a little lighter. Noticing that, Excel covered her mouth with her fan and smiled. She must have been thinking men were so simple. She was right.

Not long after, the wall of fire burned out. Now the two fleets, Kingdom and Archipelago Union, each prepared to make their next move.

Then it happened.

Report! There is a smoke signal rising from a nearby island! The voice of one young marine who had been watching the surrounding area came echoing into the bridge through the speaking tube.

Souma stood at once and used the tube to double-check with the marine. Can you decipher it?!

Yes, sir. Its the international signal for distress.

Okay. Excel!

I know, she said, standing up.

Around the same time, over in the Archipelago Union fleet, Shana saw the smoke and rose, too. Then, in unison, they uttered the exact same words.

Send this message to all ships! Stop all ships! I repeat! Stop all ships.

There was some confusion in both fleets, who were on the verge of colliding, as their commanders gave them the order to stop, but stop they did. Then, some time after, balls of water appeared above each flagship, and Souma and Shana were projected on them.

Did you see the smoke signal, King of Friedonia? King Shana asked.

I did. Thats a distress signal, right? Souma answered. Do you know the reason for that signal, Nine-Headed Dragon King?

I do. When an island in the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago is assaulted by Ooyamizuchi, we use smoke signals to alert other islands of the danger. Which means...

Theres an island being attacked by Ooyamizuchi right now, correct?

Seeing the two kings, who were at each others throats moments before, suddenly began exchanging information about Ooyamizuchi left the soldiers in both fleets agog. Then the image of Souma looked straight at the image of Shana as it pointed towards the island.

Okay, Nine-Headed Dragon King. Theres a distress signal rising over there. What are you going to do? Souma said as the soldiers on both sides looked on. Flags, smoke signals, special cannonballs... Any ship that sees a distress signal is obligated to provide help, no matter what country the other is from, and no matter what kind of position they themselves are in. ...Was that it? Even if their countries are at war.

Of course. That is the Law of the Sea which binds all of us, Shana replied, crossing his muscular arms.

It was the ironclad rule that said sailors needed to help one another when unexpected events happened at sea. Guaranteeing to aid others in times of crisis also guaranteed that they would help you in an emergency, too. People who ignored a distress signal would be turned away from ports in every country.

Shana spoke, However, the law states that you can ignore a distress signal from someone you have entered hostilities with.

Hmm. I could certainly interpret this as a signal that you sent, Souma said with a shrug. By the way, have we entered hostilities?

...No, I dont believe we have. Our ships simply drifted away by accident, Shana replied, also shrugging. Souma nodded.

Sounds about right. And we simply burned some drifting ships that were blocking our course.

Then I dont think you can say weve entered hostilities.

In that case, I guess I cant ignore the distress signal, huh? Its the Law of the Sea.

...You have my gratitude. King of Friedonia.

This was when the soldiers in both fleets started to figure out what was going on. That the enemy they were meant to fight wasnt the fleet in front of them. As well, the soldiers of the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago had a strong sense of one thing: These two kings had played them.

However, this realization did not create any resentment. That was because the kings goal was to unite and slay Ooyamizuchi, something that they themselves had longed to do. And so, Souma and Shana spoke.

In accordance with the Law of the Sea, we will now cooperate with the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelagos fleet...

In accordance with the Law of the Sea, we will now cooperate with the Kingdom of Friedonias fleet...

...and go to slay Ooyamizuchi!

As the two of them said that in unison, a cheer went up from both fleets.

In later years, this naval battle would come to be known by many names, but the most common of them was the Battle of the Farce. Incidentally, historians of the Elfrieden Region dont even count this battle among the wars that Souma fought.

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