How a Realist Hero Rebuilt The Kingdom

Book 14: Chapter 10

Book 14: Chapter 10

The story turns back to after the meeting with Julius...


Heh heh, youre in that much of a hurry to see your darling wife, huh?

Of course I am. Who wouldnt be? Julius responded to me with a shrug.

After Juliuss audience, I went with Roroa and Aisha to guide him to where Princess Tia and the former Lastanian royal couple were waiting. The exiled royal family had been given a mansion in the nobles quarter of Parnam.

When we had shown Princess Tia the house, shed said, Oh, this is too much! I know were imposing on you, so a small house would be plenty! But it would have been a lot more trouble to guard them if they lived among the common people where anyone can come and go, so I made her accept it. They were related to Roroa, the third primary queen, after all.

The mansion wasnt so far that it was worth making Naden take us, so we took a carriage instead. Jirukoma, who was now treated as Juliuss servant, volunteered to act as our coachman. Jirukomas wife, Lauren, the former captain of Lastanias soldiers, had a live-in job at the mansion where they were hiring Lastanian exiles as guards and servants. He probably wanted to see his beloved wife and children in a hurry too.

Inside the carriage, I sat across from Aisha, and Roroa sat across from Julius.

Still, I never imagined you would become a mother... Julius said, looking at her swollen belly. Grandfather Herman must have been quite pleased.

And Sebastian too. Its a load off my shoulders, Roroa said, chuckling as she patted her abdomen. Ever since she had the twins, Big Sis Cias been pushin me to have a kid of my own. She only got more insistent when we found out Big Sis Juna was pregnant before me.

Im jealous, though... Aisha said with a somewhat pained smile.

As members of long-lived races, Aisha and Naden had a harder time getting pregnant. They both wanted children eventually, but they were going to have to take the long view of things.

Speaking of children... What really surprised me was Jirukomas family.

Im sure, Julius agreed, nodding.

Jirukomas wife had come to the Kingdom together with the Lastanian royal family as a bodyguard. At the time, she had brought Jirukomas children with her. Three of them. Apparently, after their first, she had immediately gotten pregnant with twins. That meant shed given birth to three children in the span of a year. And she was pregnant with their fourth on top of that.

Kuus servant, Leporina, is a member of the white rabbit race, which were famous for their fecundity. Perhaps Lauren has some white rabbit blood in her too? Or is Jirukoma just that virile?

As I was cocking my head to the side, Julius sighed.

Im sure its the latter. You should have seen how those two were all over each other after the wedding.

It was that bad, huh...?

Tia got a little upset, seeing the way they were constantly going on about how much they love each other.

Well, yeah... She would. You all got married at almost the exact same time, I thought.

Well, now you two have a house where you can flirt to your hearts content.

A house...huh? Julius got a slightly troubled look on his face.

Hm? Is something the matter?

When you said the word house... It made me thinkif Im coming home now, what kind of face should I be making? I...wasnt able to defend Tias country, after all.

Im...not sure there was anything you could have done, was there?

There was no way a tiny state like Lastania could have handled Fuugas forces. If anything, Julius deserved praise for foreseeing the conflict and getting the royal family out safely. However, despite this, Julius was having a hard time processing it.

The joy of being able to see Tia, the relief that shes safe, the shame at having our country stolen, the guilt I feel towards her...all of those things are inside of me. What sort of face should I make?


Ya meet her with a smile, of course! Roroa said with a grin. Big siss been worried about you all this time, yknow? All you need to do is say, Im home, with a smile. And try huggin her too!

Oh... Yes, I suppose youre right. Roroas encouragement made Julius smile a little. She was always good at bringing peoples spirits up like this.

While we were talking about it, we reached the mansion where Princess Tia and the others were waiting.

This mansion, which had a rather impressive garden, was one of the ones that had belonged to a corrupt noble who had opposed me when I was given the throne. It would have been a shame to demolish them, so there was talk of giving them to people who distinguished themselves. But because of who the previous owners were, no one, aside from newcomers like Poncho who had no house in the capital, had really wanted to live in them. They said they were bad luck. Because of that, they had been used as museums, or to house guests like Kuu and his entourage.

Once we had tied up the horses, Princess Tia emerged from the mansion.

Lord Julius! she exclaimed, rushing over to gently hug him.

Tia...! Be careful you dont trip.

Im so glad youre all right. Ive been so, so worried...waiting for you, with the baby.

Yeah... Im home now, Tia. Julius gently stroked her head as she cried on his chest.

Their long-awaited reunion was finally here. Roroa, Aisha, and I all had the decency to give them a quiet moment together... We were the king and queens in this country, though. Our coachman, Jirukoma, rushed into the house as soon as he was done cleaning up the carriage. He must have been going to see his own wife and children.

Some time after, the former royal couple of Lastania came out to greet us, then showed us to the living room. We all sat down at a table by the fireplace.

With everyone gathered, Julius told Princess Tia and her parents what had happened since they left. The Kingdom of Lastania had already been absorbed by Fuugas forces, and no longer existed as a distinct entity.

Julius bowed his head to the former king. Father. We lost the country due to my lack of power. I cannot apologize enough.

You dont have to. Raise your head, son-in-law, the former King of Lastania said, placing a hand on Juliuss shoulder with a peaceful smile. Without your efforts, we would have lost not only our country but our very lives. It is thanks to you that our family could be reunited like this, Sir Julius.


While it is a shame we lost the country, what my wife and I truly wish is for you, Tia, and the children youll give us to be healthy. So please, dont push yourself too hard. You dont need to try and get the country back for our sake.

The former Queen of Lastania nodded in agreement.

Juliuss eyes seemed to be watering at those words, but after some time he said, Yes... and nodded. With his report concluded, I opened my mouth.

Julius has decided to offer his services to me now. Our country will defend you with all its might, so please enjoy a relaxed life here in the royal capital.

And come around to the castle to play sometimes, will you? Ill be sendin you invitations, big sis, Roroa said, grinning. But lookin at these bellies, I reckon that the first place well be goin together is Dr. Hildes clinic.

Hee hee, you could be right. Please come with me.

Youre going with Roroa? Thats worrisome...

Hey now, big brother! Roroa got really mad at the way Julius was frowning, but...I knew how he felt.

You can take time off on the days she goes, Julius, I said.

Aisha followed up with, Yes, that would be wise. I would feel more at ease if Sir Julius were to accompany you.

Youre gangin up on me with him, darlin and Big Sis Ai?!

Well, when I see how you run around with that belly, I worry...

Hilde had explained that a certain amount of exercise was needed as part of prenatal care, but I still felt like she was moving around too much. It made my heart race when I thought she might fall down the stairs. You can assume everyone in our family, except for Roroa herself, felt the same way.

While we all laughed at the sulking Roroa, the maids came in with a tea set and said, Tea is ready.

As they were passing around the cups, Juliuss eyes went wide.

Wha?! He stared at the dishes. Whats going on?! Why are these dishes here?


When we realized what Julius was surprised about, Roroa and I looked at one another.

Then, nodding, I told him, Julius, those are exactly the dishes you think they are.

Ah! Then these are the ones we left in the house in Lastania?

Princess Tias family and Julius had all had to flee the country without time to pack all their things. Only a handful of their belongings had made it out of the royal manor in Lasta. And yet, most of the things that had been in that manor were now found in this mansion. That was because...

After annexing Lasta, Fuuga was kind enough to send your belongings to us.

Fuuga Haan did? Why? a warning.

Around the time the dragon knights and Fuugas army collided...

Having called a truce with the dragon knights who had come to rescue Julius, Fuuga entered the capital of the Kingdom of Lastania, together with Hashim and a subsection of his army. When they passed through the gates, his wife Mutsumi, who had come to Lasta ahead of the others to calm the people there, rushed over to him.

Lord Fuuga! Are you all right?!

Hey, Mutsumi. I just got back.

Fuuga dismounted from Durga and gave Mutsumi a hug. As he held her, he touched her body all over, verifying for himself that she was real and there.

You fought the dragon knights, right? Youre not hurt anywhere, are you?

Im fine... I just hurt my shoulder a little. Its no big deal.

The truth was that a good half of his body was aching from getting slapped by Pais wing, but Fuuga laughed it off because he didnt want to worry Mutsumi.

She took his helmet off and touched his cheek. The wound on your cheek still hasnt healed. Dont be reckless.

Sorry... Ill be more careful from now on.

While Fuuga and Mutsumi were talking, Shuukin, Kasen, Gaten, and the others who had been fighting on the ground came back.

Ha ha ha... Its not fair the way they can use dragons like that. We couldnt lay a hand on them, Gaten grumbled, upset that the iron fan he was so proud of was ineffective against the dragon knights.

We tried shooting at them when they descended to spit fire, but their hides are thick, so we couldnt deal lethal blows. It was all we could do to keep them at bay, Kasen agreed, his shoulders slumping in dejection at the fact his archers had been equally unsuccessful.

Behind the two of them, the tough guys, Nata and Moumei, glared at each other as they walked over.

Damn it, I havent been able to let loose anywhere near enough, Nata carped. Hey, Moumei, come see me after this.

Another test of strength? Dont you know how to do anything else, you barbarian?

I dont wanna hear crap like that out of a guy who swings around a giant hammer. Todays the day we settle things.

Maybe because they both prided themselves on their strength, Nata had been testing his strength against Moumeis constantly since joining Fuuga. They usually wrestled, but were an even match, and neither had been able to claim victory yet.

Leaving the muscle heads to themselves, Gaten put an arm around Shuukins neck.

Hey, Sir Shuukin, dont you think we should work on our air force? The current wyvern cavalry was soundly defeated.

We should, but its not something thats going to happen overnight, Shuukin said, sounding irritated as he shook free of Gatens arm. Weve only just stepped onto the stage, so there are still far too many places where were lacking. We have to expand our territory, gather people, and build a solid base for ourselves before well be able to strengthen our air force. We need to take care of the things we can do one by one.

Ha ha ha! Shuukins got it right! Fuuga said, looking around to each of his retainers. But you put up a good fight against the dragon knights today. Take a good rest here. Youve earned it.

Yes, sir!

Shuukin and the other retainers bowed, then left. Fuuga, Mutsumi, and Hashim watched them go, then headed to the fortified royal manor. The people of Lasta fell to the ground in prostration when they saw them; a show of deference to their new ruler.

Casting a sideways glance at the people, Fuuga asked Mutsumi, So, how does it look? Will the people follow me loyally?

Yes. The fear of the demon wave still lingers. Those whove remained want a strong protector. Many of them are still emotionally attached to the royal family, but they realized it was more realistic to choose you, Lord Fuuga.

Sounds great to me.

While they were talking, the three reached the fortified manor. Seeing what only looked like a large house because the city was small, Fuuga muttered, This is the former rulers house, right? Should we put the torch to it to send a message?

I would advise against it, Hashim replied.

Surprised, Fuuga cocked his head to the side. Didnt see that coming. I thought youd tell me to raze the whole city to show how severe I can be.

If it were to your benefit, I would tell you to do just that. However, burning this manor will change nothing. I will not recommend doing something I know is meaningless, Hashim said with a shrug. Had you succeeded in eradicating the Lastanian royal family, I might have considered burning the manor so that they would not be remembered, or even destroying the city. However, the royal family and Julius are still alive. Even if you burn the manor, the people will remember their former masters. It would only spark resentment.

Hmm... What do you want to do, then?

It would be a shame to waste the manor, so lets use it as is. Well take one more measure at the same time.

And what would that be?

Hashim smiled coldly in response to the question.

Gather up all the personal effects left in the manor, and send them to the Kingdom of Friedonia. Have the people assist in that process as well.

Were going out of our way to send their stuff to them? Trying to do them a favor?

I wouldnt count on any gratitude for such a small favor. Its simply to our own benefit. By having the people gather up the royal familys things and send them away, it will impress on them that their former rulers will not be returning. Theyll be helping them with the move, after all.

Fuuga was half impressed and half appalled by how Hashim could discuss the nasty moves he was going to make with such a tone of indifference.

I get it... Theyll feel like they chased them out themselves.

Indeed. It will also force the departed royal family to contend with the reality that there is no place for them to return to here. Were saying, Weve sent you all you need to live, so spend the rest of your lives in Friedonia.

Makes sense... Fuuga stroked his chin as he thought about it, then nodded. I like how youre always so pragmatic about everything. Well go with your idea.

By your will.

And so, Fuuga rounded up the people of Lasta, and had them send back all the personal effects left in the manor. The belongings in question were delivered to the Kingdom of Friedonia before Julius, who was staying in the Nothung Dragon Knight Kingdom, could arrive.

That was what we found out from a letter Yuriga received from Fuuga. When he heard this explanation, Julius crossed his arms and groaned.

Fuuga and Hashim seem to get on better than Id expected.

Yeah. I was surprised too.

The method of gathering the neutral faction together to wipe them out had seemed too vicious for Fuuga. And as for the way hed sent them their belongings, it seemed too subtle for him. Both were likely Hashims schemes. The way Hashim could be firm or flexible as the situation demanded was frightening, as was the fact that Fuuga had the capacity to accept the plans he was offered.

I had thought that, strong as Fuuga was, he would find using crafty plans annoying.

I had been hoping that his strength would give us an opening, like how Xiang Yu failed to heed the advice of his advisor Fan Zeng, and was destroyed when enemy rumors tricked him into becoming suspicious of his own subordinatesor how Lu Bu was unable to take proper advantage of his strategist Chen Gong.

But Fuuga was surprisingly open to accepting ideas from Hashim. I considered Fuuga to be like Xiang Yu, but he seemed to have the open-mindedness and popularity of Liu Bang. If he was Xiang Yu and Liu Bang combined...that worried me, as someone who lived in the same era as him.

Did Fabius feel this way about living in the same era as Hannibal the Barcid...? I thought, frowning, and Julius laughed.

Theres no need to be so pessimistic. Fuuga only has one Hashim, but you have the Black-robed and me. He wont get his way easily.

Ah ha ha...

Hearing Julius say that so confidently, all my worries were blown away.

I told you this during the demon wave too, but Im counting on you, Julius.

Yeah. Leave it to me.

With that, we nodded to one another, and I shook Juliuss hand. Roroa and Tia watched us, smiling.

Some days later, Colbert, Juliuss former Minister of Finance, came to visit him at his new house.

He was shown into the living room where he met Julius and Tia.


Colbert, its been a while.

The two of them exchanged a firm handshake.

I heard everything that happened in the Union. Im just so, so happy you were safe... Thank goodness... Colbert said, overjoyed to see his old friend that he was tearing up a little. I was a little worried about whether you would be willing to rely on this country.

Sorry to worry you... Ive formally entered King Soumas service now.

You have...? But, um... Are you okay with that? Colbert asked, concerned, but Julius nodded.

I bear no grudge against Souma or Roroa at this point. What matters to me now is Tia, her parents, and our unborn child. If this country is going to protect them, then Ill do everything I can to ensure that continues.

Youve really changed, Julius...

I get that a lot. I look forward to working with you.

Yeah. Itll be reassuring to have you with us.

The two men shook hands.

While they were having an emotional reunion, Tia introduced herself to Colberts companion. It is nice to meet you. I am Juliuss wife, Tia Lastania.

Oh, how polite. I am Sir Colberts self-proclaimed fiance, Mio Carmine.

When Colbert, who was helping with Mios administrative duties, told her, An old friend of mine escaped to the Capital, so Id like to go check in on him, she said she would come along with him.

Today, Mio wasnt wearing her armor or helmet, instead choosing an outfit similar to a dirndl that accentuated her figure.

Self-proclaimed...? Tia cocked her head to the side.

Madam Mio is just calling herself that. It hasnt been officially decided yet.

Mio puffed her cheeks up at Colberts interjection. Isnt it about time you found your resolve? I and the people of the Carmine domain eagerly await the day when you come to be my groom, Sir Bee.

It had been quite some time since Colbert went to Randel to assist Mio in governing the Carmine Duchy and its surrounding area. Thanks to his passionate instruction, Mio had done a passable job as an administrator, but Colberts own, greater talents had seen a rapid rise in his popularity there. He skillfully handled all the work put before him while teaching Mio.

There was no way she wouldnt rely on such a capable man. The bureaucrats of the House of Carmine, whose skills were beginning to develop, earnestly hoped that Colbert would marry into the family. Their calls for it grew by the day.

Do you hate me, Sir Bee? Mio asked, looking at him with teary, upturned eyes.

Colbert grunted, then said, Um... N-Not at all...

Mio was wearing especially girly clothes today, and it suited the way she was acting. Her attempts to boost her femininity in an effort to get his attention were working. Because of that, Colbert couldnt respond immediately, but he loudly cleared his throat in an attempt to hide that.

I dont hate you, but...Im not sure how I feel about being married for my administrative acumen.

Thats perfectly normal among knights and nobles! And I love you, Sir Bee!

Well...thats a whole problem in itself.

Heh heh... I see things have gotten interesting, Julius said, smiling, as he watched Mio and Colbert go at it.

This is no laughing matter, Julius.

Hey, why dont you sit down and tell me all about it.

Julius had them take seats on the sofa, and called the maids to bring tea. Then, sitting across from them with Tia, he asked, Now, Madam Mio, you said your name was Carmine. Would I be wrong in assuming that...

Oh, yes. I am the daughter of Georg Carmine, former General of the Army.

The daughter of that lion general, huh?

When Julius was still in the Principality of Amidonia, there had been a standoff along the border with the Carmine Duchy. While it didnt develop into full-blown war, there were frequent clashes between border guards from the two sides. Georg, Gaius VIII, and Julius would sometimes go to sort things out after the fact, and they had to occasionally meet each other while doing so. Julius was quite familiar with Georg, albeit as an enemy.

Come to think of it, I believe the general had a pretty female knight along with him one time we met. Was that you?

Oh, um, Im not sure Id say that...

Lord Julius...? Tia called his name, seeming upset, but Julius smiled wryly and petted her on the head.

Of course, youre the prettiest to me, Tia.

Hee hee.

Seeing the satisfied smile on Tias face, Mios expression changed to one of jealousy.

Sir Bee, I want to be treated like that too.

If youre looking for that from me, were going to have a problem...

For a long time, and without realizing it, Julius had been something of a ladykiller. That, paired with how beautiful he was made him popular among the female bureaucrats in the castle. His father Gaius had been the same way, but was so focused on his military exploits that he never responded to their affection.

But seeing the way he acted with his wife, it looked like Julius was the type who fell deeply in love once smitten.

Still, Colbert, youve gotten to a ripe old age yourself, havent you? Youre almost thirty, and still single. Isnt it time you settled down?

When Julius said that, Mio loudly agreed. Its time for you to make up your mind. Are you going to take me as your bride, or am I going to take you as my groom?

Those are the same thing!

Seriously, what are you so dissatisfied with? Ive told you that I love you for both your personality and your talents.

Guh... Well, thats...thats, uh, you see... Colbert couldnt find the words.

As he watched, Julius came to a realization.

I see how it is...

Did you figure something out, Lord Julius? Tia cocked her head to the side.

Madam Mio. My friend Colbert has a truly troublesome personality.


Um, what do you mean? Mio asked and Julius smiled wryly.

Maybe its because hes always dealing with numbers, but he cant handle things that are vague. Its all or nothing with him. He likes to make clear distinctionsor something like that. The reason hes rebuffing your proposal is likely that he cant decide whether its because you love him, or because you need his abilities.

Colbert became very quiet as Julius hit the nail on the head.

Mio cocked her head to the side. Huh? But theyre both true...

See, thats just the problem for him. If, for example, you had simply said, I love you, lets get married, Colbert would likely have given you a positive response. Julius said, raising his index finger. He then raised his middle finger. Alternatively, if you had gone to him and said, I want to marry you for political reasons, Colbert would likely have accepted the inevitability of it and acquiesced. Though he would accept in both cases, his treatment of you afterwards would have differed, I suspect.

Basically, Colbert couldnt tell if Mios proposal was for love or out of pragmatic concerns, and was hesitant because he didnt know whether he should repay her with love or service.

Juliuss explanation made Mios eyes widen.

Well, thats...certainly a troublesome personality, yes.

Ha ha, hes an awkward man. Its why my father kicked him so often.


Unable to take it anymore, Colbert flushed red. Seeing him get so flustered, Julius told Mio, Madam Mio. This is what Colbert is like. So, if you truly want to be with him, youll need to think about how you want to propose.

I see... Mio thought for a while, then finally stood up.

Sir Bee... No, Sir Colbert!


I had thought if you had no interest in me, I would be fine with a political marriage. Even if you believed I only wanted your abilities, that was fine as long as you would be with me.


Listen, I want to be loved too! I envy Lady Liscia and Madam Tia! I mean, Lady Liscias husband has multiple wives, and they still get along amazingly! And shes got adorable kids too! She was just like me, a warrior who admired my father, but the gap between us is only growing larger!

There was a little selfishness creeping into her words, but that was how you could tell they were earnest.

I love you so much, Sir Bee! I want you to love me back!


Can I get a response?!

Y-Yes! Colbert stammered, then, realizing what he said a moment later, Ah!

Hed practically been forced to, but Colbert had certainly given a response.


Tia cocked her head to the side and clapped. Mio was utterly verklempt, looking like she might fall backwards, while Colbert hurried to support her. Given how fast he was to react, Colbert no doubt felt something for Mio as well.

Its only a matter of time now, Julius thought, sipping his tea.

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