How a Realist Hero Rebuilt The Kingdom

Book 14: Chapter 4

Book 14: Chapter 4

The Kingdom of Friedonia released a statement denouncing the attempted assassination. This caused a huge shock in the Union of Eastern Nations.

Fuugas supporters loudly crowed that, The Kingdom of Friedonia has recognized the legitimacy of our claims, and further stretched to claim, King Souma is our ally.

In response to this, the countries of the anti-Fuuga faction said, King Souma denounces the attempted assassination, but has not declared his support for either side, and, The Kingdom of Friedonia remains neutral.

Of these two claims, the anti-Fuuga factions was closer to the truth. It was a fact that Soumas statement did not directly support either faction. However, the pro-Fuuga factions claims had a greater effect.

Between Souma is pro-Fuuga! and Souma does not necessarily support Fuuga!, if we look at which of these claims is more powerfully worded, it is obviously the former. Even if the interpretation is a stretch, they have stated it definitively, making it easy to reach people.

The latter claim, Souma does not necessarily support Fuuga! leaves Soumas intentions unclear. This is because they could not say, Souma does not support Fuuga. or Souma is anti-Fuuga.

The result was something Souma had predicted. He had thought of Machiavellis words, If you choose to remain neutral, you will fail most of the time, firmly drilled into his head, so he had been hesitant to remain neutral when it came to Fuuga. That was why he chose a method that indirectly made it appear that he supported Fuuga. Souma was still wary of him though.

At the same time, he sent a letter to Julius who, due to the Kingdom of Lastanias alliance with the Nothung Dragon Knight Kingdom, was forced to remain neutral. It said, If it becomes necessary, our country will shelter you, so flee to the Kingdom of Friedonia with Princess Tia and everyone else.

Hakuya the Black-robed Prime Minister warned against the dangers of welcoming a former enemy like Julius, but it was strictly a warning. He never thought that Souma would do something that would sadden Roroa the way abandoning Julius and Princess Tia would. Hakuya believed that as long as Julius cared for Princess Tia, he wouldnt get ambitious again, but he needed to raise the complaint so that Souma would always keep the possibility in the back of his head.

Releasing a statement denouncing the attempted assassination also caused Duke Chima and the anti-Fuuga factions attempts to recruit neutral states to their cause to stagnate. While, ultimately, the anti-Fuuga faction did grow to three times the size of the pro-Fuuga faction, they were not able to gather any further allies. The Kingdom of Friedonias actions were more than enough to disappoint Mathew.

Mathew was in Wedan Castle in the Duchy of Chima griping to his eldest son Hashim.

King Souma didnt have to do that. If he wasnt going to side with either of us, he should have just stayed quiet. I didnt expect him to denounce us.

Calm down, father, Hashim chided the grumbling Mathew. The Kingdom of Friedonia must have been uninterested in intervening in the conflict all along. Its important that weve been able to confirm that King Souma wont send reinforcements to Fuuga and will stay out of this fight.

Well, yes, but... Mathew still seemed unconvinced. Of all the children I sent abroad, the only ones to join the anti-Fuuga faction were Nata in the Kingdom of Sharn, and Gauche who went to the Kingdom of Gabi. The others are all either pro-Fuuga or neutral. What did I even send my children abroad for?

Gauches rash actions have brought harsh eyes down on the entire House of Chima... However, although the state we sent him to has joined the Fuuga faction, Nike has returned to us, Hashim said in an attempt to pacify Mathew.

It was true that Mathews fourth son, the beautiful boy who was a master of the spear, Nike, had been dismissed from the country he had been sent to when they joined the Fuuga faction. They must have been scared to shelter a relative of Gauche, even if he was a relative of Fuugas wife Mutsumi as well.

One powerful warrior returning to us will have no great effect on the larger picture, Mathew said, slumping his shoulders and resting both hands on his desk. Our negotiations have grown the number of countries in the anti-Fuuga faction. However, that doesnt mean that all of their people are now opposed to Fuuga as well. There will be those that go to join the Fuuga supporters, and others who divert supplies to them at all levels of society. Even if we clamp down on it, theyll risk their lives to join him. Its like dealing with zealots. Fuuga is practically the founder of a new religion called Fuugaism.

That must be Fuuga Haans potential, Hashim said after a pause. Mathew snorted.

Its an abomination. The way things are, we cannot use our numbers to strategically encircle him until he runs out of supplies. The longer we take, the more countries will switch sides to join the pro-Fuuga faction... It seems we truly have no choice but to end it all in one decisive battle.

Mathew stood up straight and walked towards the door.

Fortunately, we have an overwhelming numerical advantage. Now, its simply a matter of how we invite Fuuga to the field of battle. It would be a nuisance if he were to hole up inside the castle and force us to fight a battle of attrition... he mumbled to himself as he left the office.

Hashim let out an exasperated sigh as he watched Mathew go. Then, once his father was gone, a slender and attractive young man entered to take his place.


Brother. I passed by Father mumbling to himself in the hall, the fourth son of the House of Chima said to Hashim, resting his spear against his shoulder as he spoke. He seems rather agitated.

He is. Gauches overeagerness must have messed up all his plans.

And still plan to follow him when he acts like that? Nike asked, suspicion in his eyes.

What do you mean...?

What Im saying is that playing along with a gamble like this doesnt suit you. The brother that I know doesnt take losing bets, or even ones with even odds.

Hashim shrugged his shoulders at this.

Who can say? Arent you the same way? Hashim replied, staring straight into Nikes eyes. Although, even if you were dismissed by your master, I had expected you to go to Mutsumi instead. You like her more than Father, dont you?

This time, it was Nikes turn to shrug. Well, yes, but...I had my own reasons for coming. Im here of my own will, okay?

Hashim looked at Nike for a time, but Nike had always been aloof, and Hashim couldnt read his thoughts. It might be more accurate to say that Nike wouldnt allow him to. Hashim gave up.

That is fine with me... As I wrote in my letter, so long as you refrain from any rash actions.

I understand, brother. Ill be going now, Nike responded and left the office. As he walked through the halls of Wedan Castle, Nike sighed. Hed sensed something unsettling about Hashim. Our brother has something in mind...Big Sister Mutsumi.

Just as Hashim had said, Mutsumi was the only one in the House of Chima that Nike felt any affinity towards. Up until Ichiha was born and branded the talentless one, it had been Nike whod been the brunt of Nata and Gauches bullying. Mutsumi was the only one to protect him then.

With time, once Nike awakened to his gift for the spear, and his abilities grew, Nata and Gauche stopped saying anything about him. Instead, they moved on to tormenting Ichiha. That was why Nike had no attachment to the House of Chima. The reason he had returned here at all was because of a request from Mutsumi. A secret entreaty that she had kept secret even from her beloved husband Fuuga. Our house really is divided, huh...?

Mathew and the eight siblings were each acting towards their own ends. Their hearts were so far apart that they each had to make their own decisions. One result of that had been Gauches attempt to assassinate Fuuga. Even their youngest brother, Ichiha, had found a place for himself in the Kingdom of Friedonia where he was growing in prominence.

Im glad Ichiha went to the Kingdom. Mutsumi would have been devastated if hed been caught up in all this. Out of all his brothers and sisters, in a way, Mutsumi was the only one who had tried to stay connected to him. Nike wanted to respect those feelings, if nothing else.

The anti-Fuuga states in the east of the Union of Eastern Nations were the first to rise up. The main force that Fuuga was leading to retake the Demon Lords Domain was north of the Union of Eastern Nations. They formed a wedge that separated that main force from Fuugas base in Malmkhitan. Fuuga had left half of his elite soldiers behind to defend his home country. The anti-Fuuga faction believed that by keeping those elites from rejoining the main force, they would be reducing Fuugas strength of arms.

In addition to this, the operational planner of the anti-Fuuga faction, Mathew Chima, had closely studied the Elfriedenian-Amidonian War of 1546.

The (then provisional) King of Elfrieden, Souma Kazuya, had made a show of attacking the capital city of the Principality, Van. This allowed him to lure the Principality forces led by Sovereign Prince Gaius VIII to a favorable battlefield where he destroyed them. Mathew decided to use these events as a reference. By using Fuugas homeland of the steppes as bait, he would keep Fuuga from settling in for a siege, and instead settle things with a short, decisive battle on favorable ground while they still had the numerical advantage.

With Fuugas supporters spread throughout every country, it was effectively impossible for them to encircle Fuugas company and cut off their supplies. And the longer they took, the more nations would switch to Fuugas side. This demanded a swift and decisive victory in battle. In fact, Mathew had already received reports that Fuugas forces were marching towards Malmkhitan. With the Kingdom of Sharn at their center, the forces of the anti-Fuuga faction headed for the grain-producing region, the Sebal Plains, where they had set up their defensive line. This region was part of the Kingdom of Gabi.

It was as if a tiger was heading towards many layers of traps.

As the final confrontation with Fuuga drew near, inside Gabi Castle, which looked down over the Sebal Plains, Mathew was in the room that had been assigned to him, enjoying a drink alone. As he did, his fourth son, Nike, came to visit him.

When Nike entered and saw the glass in Mathews hand, he furrowed his brow. Father... Is this really the time to drink?

Now is exactly the time to drink. Ive already made every move I can. Now we simply wait to see which side the heavens favor. If all Im doing is waiting, what better way than with a drink?

The calmness in Mathews voice made Nike feel uneasy, and he subconsciously clenched his fists. Mathew had seemed to suffer from intense mood swings lately, but now he seemed awfully calm. Nike had thought he would be showing more excitement or trepidation before the battle with Fuuga. It didnt feel like he was using alcohol as an escape either.

The battle with Fuuga...with Mutsumis husband is almost upon us. Doesnt that make you feel anything? Nike asked, his anger bleeding through into his tone slightly.

And yet, Mathew didnt bat an eye.

Ive long since run out of such hesitation, Mathew said in a relaxed tone as he looked at his glass of red wine. Look back on the history of our countryof our house. Here in this land where so many nations have been born and then perished, why is it that our petty state has maintained its independence using every means available to it? It was solely to keep our line going. In order to maintain the House of Chimas independence, there were even times when we had to fight against our own family. Only one side needed to survive.

Mathew paused, taking another sip of his wine before continuing.

We fought among ourselves, and after the war, the winners would plead for the losers to be spared. If that was not granted, they were cast aside... We stand on top of many such sacrifices. You and I both.

Hearing his fathers words, Nike felt as if his feet were giving out from underneath him. Im intimidated? Me? By father? Nike was confident that, in purely martial terms, he had surpassed his father long ago. In fact, if they were to fight here, Nike would surely have won. Mathew wouldnt stand even a remote chance of winning. Yet, in spite of that, and despite Mathew not placing any particularly strong emphasis on his words, Nike was overwhelmed by his speech.

And now its your turn to fight with my sister, youre saying? Nike somehow forced himself to ask. Even he thought he sounded like a petulant child.

Mathew laughed scornfully at himself. After Gauches recklessness, this became inevitable.

And its not your fault that he acted so recklessly, father?

In order to spread you all across many countries, as a means of preserving our line, I talked up your gifts too much. Planting the seeds of the arrogance that would destroy him was certainly my own failure.

You sound so detached from all this, Nike nearly said. But he didnt. Regardless, Mathew seemed to be cognizant of his words here. Through this conversation with his father, Nike had learned that this was how their house had preserved their bloodline.

If we win this battle, then even in the worst scenario, the House of Chima will only lose Mutsumi, Mathew told the now silent Nike. The Kingdom of Remus, where Yomi is betrothed to the king, is part of the Fuuga faction, but they are far from Fuugas main force and Malmkhitan, so they will focus on defending their own borders. They wont be directly involved in this war. Even Mutsumi, provided she doesnt die in battle, might be able to be saved after the war.

Knowing Mutsumi, I think shell follow Fuuga to the end, though...

That is her decision. If she chooses life, there are still ways to save her.


Conversely, if we are defeated here, I am the only one who must die.

Wha?! Nikes eyes widened in shock. Mathew, however, still spoke in a relaxed tone.

Lay all of the blame on me. If you say that you were only following my orders, I am sure Mutsumi will plead for your life. It seems Hashim is well regarded by Fuuga too. Im sure hell manage the House of Chima well.

Father! What are you saying?! Do you not care for your own life?! Nike protested, and Mathew smiled a little.

I do only as our family has for all this time. At the very least, our line will live on.

Once he had said that, Mathew drained the rest of his wine.

That man...will drag everything in. Hell destroy all the bonds our house has created, swallowing us whole. If we ever side with him, the lives of our entire clan will be in his grasp. As head of the House of Chima, I couldnt bear that.


If you think about it, Ichiha leaving for the Kingdom may have been divine providence. Now, no matter how chaotic the Union of Eastern Nations becomes, our blood will survive.

Divine providence...? Its not like you to say that, Father.

He was supposed to be more calculating. To plan for every eventuality, doing whatever was necessary to avoid the worst outcome, that was how Mathewhow the House of Chimawas supposed to operate. It was almost as if Mathew had decided that his own death wasnt the worst outcome.

No, father... Dont tell me you... Nike started to say, but didnt finish. Mathew chuckled.

You may be right. So, Nike, my boy... Dont waste your life.

I wish you had said that to me sooner, and in a different way... Nike turned to go, unable to face his father any longer. Big Sister Mutsumi probably understands how you feel better than any of us, father. Thats why...I didnt want the two of you to end up opposing each other.

I see...

I dont need you to tell me not to throw away my life. I will act...according to my own will.

With that said, Nike took his leave.

Alone in the room once more, Mathew poured himself a fresh glass, and slowly sipped away at it.

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