How a Realist Hero Rebuilt The Kingdom

Book 7: Epilogue

Book 7: Epilogue

Epilogue: An Unsettling Presence

With the tripartite agreement successfully concluded to found a medical alliance between the kingdom, republic, and Empire, a feast was held to celebrate that night at the inn that had served as the site of the meeting.

Since coming to this country, there had been parties held whenever there was an excuse, but this time, there were a large number of people in attendance, so it was the largest yet.

It was unfortunate that one of the three leaders, Maria, who had attended by Jewel Voice Broadcast, was unable to attend.

Please, come to my country someday, she had said before terminating the communication. When you do, lets drink together.

Yes. Someday.

Considering how far the Empire was, though, I didnt know if that day would come or not. If the political situation in the world stabilized, wed eventually be able to travel to each others countries for meetings, but... there was no indication that would happen any time soon.

While I was thinking that...

Bro! Are you having fun?! Kuu broke in.

Kuu, who was already drunk, suddenly put his arm around my neck. The impact nearly made me drop my drink.

Whoa! Thats dangerous... I mean, get away from me. Im not into getting touchy-feely with guys.

Its cause you look so gloomy, Bro, he cackled. Youve gotta have fun when drinking.

Kuu moved away from me with a cackling laugh.

Im enjoying myself, I said, relieved he had backed away. At least as much as anyone else.

Hm? Well, okay then.

Because so long had passed since the start of the party, everyone was off doing their own thing now. Juna was pouring drinks for Sir Gouran, who was now our sworn friend, while Aisha and Hal were having a drinking contest, and Kaede was watching and egging them on.

Leporina was taking care of Tomoe, who had been knocked out by the smell of alcohol, and Roroa was talking to Taru, who had been invited by Kuu.

It was turning into quite the chaotic scene.

You seem to be in and awfully good mood yourself, Kuu, I said.

Damn straight. I mean... You know. Kuu raised his thumb, and indicated Taru who Roroa was talking to.

I see. Hes in a good mood because of that...

That had occurred a few hours before.

When the meeting finished, Kuu took us to visit Tarus workshop on a hill near Noblebeppu. It was to tell his childhood friend Taru that he would be staying in the Kingdom of Friedonia for a while.

While we were there, we revealed our identities, too, but she wasnt especially surprised. For a craftsperson like Taru, maybe the position of her clients didnt matter so much.

...So, that being the case, its been decided Ill go to the kingdom to study under Bro, and Im only taking Leporina with me, Kuu finished, resting his foot on a bucket that was lying around, and adopting the pose of a sailor with his foot on one of the short posts used for mooring boats.

He might have thought it was a cool way of saying goodbye, or he might just have been trying to act tough, but either way, resting his foot on a bucket wasnt going to accomplish that.

While we all looked at him coldly, Kuu continued his speech. Oh, dont you worry, Miss Taru. Our parting will be a brief one. Ill stay with Bro, learn from how he rules, and I swear, someday, Ill come back to you as a real man. I look forward to the day when I return in glory to my old home town.

Even though Taru wasnt saying anything, Kuu kept on giving his parting speech.

Meanwhile, Taru was paying no heed to his words, and was pounding on hot metal.

I dont know... It was the sort of scene that made me feel sorry for Kuu.

The lack of response from Taru made Kuu look upset. Hey! Hey now, Miss Taru! Here I am, giving you my farewell speech, so give me a little response, would you? Youll be lonely without me, right?

Not particularly... Im not interested in where you go, dumb master.

Not interested...? Isnt that kind of harsh? Even if you arent interested, your childhood friend is here to say goodbye, so be a little... nicer to me.

Having you yammer on at me when Im smithing is nothing but a nuisance.

There was nothing he could say to that, so Kuu slumped his shoulders in disappointment.

...Yeah, well, if the girl he liked was going to treat him that way, of course hed get dejected.

I guess Ill listen to him vent at the party tonight... I thought with a sigh.

But then I heard the sound of Taru putting the metal shed been striking into the water. She laid out a number of metal products on the table, including the one she had just been working on. That shape with a small blade on the end was nothing if not a scalpel.

I tried making the thing you ordered with various metals, she said. Iron, copper, silver, and a number of alloys. Do you know which was the best suited for it?

Taru cocked her head to the side.

Ohh, so a sample scalpel was what shed been working on.

Even if she asked me which was best, I wasnt a doctor, so I didnt know. There were metal allergies and such to consider, too, so it couldnt be decided on strength and cutting edge alone.

Ill have to go back to my country and ask someone whod know...

I see... Well, Ill go to the kingdom, too, then, Taru said offhandedly.

Everyones eyes went wide. The most surprised of all, though, was Kuu, who had been giving his parting speech until a moment ago.

Huh?! Youre coming, too, Taru?!

Not because I want to be with you, dumb master, Taru said willfully. Im only going to the kingdom for my own reasons. Then she stared at me and said, Ive heard that the king requested that, in case it becomes necessary to make medical equipment for himself, he wants the republic to send a craftsperson to offer guidance. Ill volunteer to be that craftsperson.

Youre going to come teach? Kuu gaped.

Im interested in Friedonias techniques, too, she said with unswerving eyes. I dont just want to teach; I also want to learn.

...Fine. We welcome you, Madam Taru. I extended my hand to her. Let me prepare a dedicated workshop for you in the castle town. Id very much like to have you come to our country as a craftsperson.

Ill be in your care. Taru firmly took my hand.

It looked like Kuu was dumbfounded by this sudden turn of events, but he quickly pulled himself together and cackled. Oh, I see! In the end, youre coming, too! I dont care why. Im glad we can be together! And he slapped her hard on the back.

...Ouch. Dont hit my back. Taru had a bothered look on her face.

Then again, since she was just sitting there and taking it, maybe she wasnt so unhappy about it? Maybe she was coming in order to be with Kuu?

How should I say this...? She has a complicated personality, Juna said with a wry smile.

Maybe its actually for a really simple reason, yknow? Roroa said with a happy smile, standing on the opposite side of me.

In conclusion, it seemed that a womans heart was a thing of mystery, complicated yet simple.

So, with it decided that Taru would join us, Kuu was in high spirits.

Hed been downing his fermented milk pretty quickly since the start of the party.

Kuu went over to where Taru was, and Roroa came over to me.

Nyahaha, she grinned. Ever since we came to this country, its been nothin but parties.

Youre right... Hey, wait!

Roroa had laid down and was using my lap as a pillow. Good grief.

I placed my hand on Roroas head, and rolled her head around in my lap. Its unseemly, suddenly lying down like this.

I aint drunk. Youve gotta keep things free and easygoing when theres drink goin round, Roroa said with a smug laugh as I rolled her head around. So, darlin, what next? More travels?

Whats next... huh?

We have Kuu to consider now, so I think well go back to the kingdom for a while, I said. Im sure I have work piled up that needs my attention, and Im concerned about Liscia, too. Besides...


No, its nothing.


There were question marks floating over Roroas head as I continued to pat her.

At last, Roroa smiled in satisfaction, and not long after that, she was snoring. When the usually boisterous Roroa was asleep, she looked like a sweet young maiden. While looking at her sleeping face, I thought about what I had nearly said before.

Besides... What Maria was saying bothers me.

It had happened after the meeting, when I was saying my goodbyes to Maria. Her previously relaxed expression had suddenly become serious.

Just I was wondering what was up, she had told me in a quiet voice, Lately, the monsters in the north have been becoming more active.

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