How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 661 - 662 Proposal in Parliament

Chapter 661: Chapter 662 Proposal in Parliament

"What do you want to talk about?"

After receiving the information from the coordination meeting for a period of time, the collectors responded to each other.

However, during this period, the collector's overall attack has never stopped. After talking, the attack is about two things, just like the arrogant posture of the original coordination meeting.

"You stop expanding and return all the territories of the occupied Inarihuang and Holy Worm. We recognize the independence of Amoeba."

The coordination committee made their request.

If many countries and forces in the world know the position of the coordination meeting, it will be a big surprise.

Because this is a concession, the coordination committee is the seventh supreme class, like a god level. In the history of the door world, there has never been any supreme class that has made concessions.

For many countries and forces in the world, they are more like natural disasters. Who can negotiate with natural disasters and make concessions to natural disasters? No!

But the collectors did it.

As long as the content of the negotiations between the coordination meeting and the collectors spreads, the door world is bound to boil.

However, the collectors did not feel special about it, but felt that the other party was still provoking them.

"Reject, the expansion will not stop, and the enemy will be destroyed. We don't need you to admit anything. The independence of the ethnic group will be proved by our actions." The collectors replied.

According to the idea of the coordination meeting, they negotiated with Amoeba and recognized Amoeba's independence, and the Amoeba side also made concessions, and then they could reasonably end the war with Amoeba and withdraw from this chaos.

As for how Amoeba intends to treat the Holy Worm and Inarihuang in the future, they don't care at all. It doesn't matter whether Amoeba has signed a non-war treaty with these two countries as their guarantee.

Unfortunately, the coordination meeting misassessed the 'ambition' of the collectors. They could not imagine that the collectors planned to coordinate the seventh class as a 'chicken' to deter many countries and forces in the world.

The coordination meeting that received the reply from the collectors was greatly disappointed, and at the same time, it also guessed the idea of the collectors.

"You will pay a heavy price for this, which is not worth it."

The coordination meeting replied to the message, and there was a threat warning between the lines. Generally speaking, it is better to persuade Amoeba to be aware of the current affairs.

Naturally, the collectors are also tit-for-tat. In their view, it has long been an immortal situation. When the collectors first proposed that negotiations were rejected, the war could not be good.

"It's too late. It's in the best interest of our Amoeba to disappear from the coordination meeting and all the enemies. Unfortunately, you made the wrong choice at first."

"I hope you don't regret it."

In response to such a piece of information, the coordination meeting unilaterally cut off the information channels with the collector.


"A group of good-to-good guys."

"They thought we couldn't do anything about them, so they dared to answer like this."

"We must fight against the arrogance of this Amoeba race."

In the distant world, in the base camp of the Coordination Committee, the Council's Elder Council was angry at the reply received from Amoeba.

From their perspective, the message the collector replied was nakedly humiliating their coordination meeting.

In this growing anger, a younger elder made a suggestion.

"I propose to violate the 'prohibition' and sacrifice the dead to Amoeba, and the prestige of the coordination meeting cannot be damaged."

As soon as this proposal appeared, the boiling voices of the whole parliament stopped abruptly. The emotional elders seemed to have been poured with cold water and no longer behaved as angry as before. Instead, they were frightened by the 'desic sacrifice' in the mouth of the proposed elder.

Sacrifice of the dead? Are you crazy?!"

"The 'ban' is absolutely inadmissibility! How dare you violate it! Do you know what you are talking about?

"Only when people at the same level violate the ban,

In order to counterbalance them, we can do this. Abuse that power will destroy everything, do you understand?""There is nothing wrong with pursuing victory, but I hope you don't be reckless for victory!"

The proposer was condemned by many elders in Parliament, all because his proposal was too dangerous and horrible.

"Calm down. Naturally, there is my reason for such a proposal."

The proposer made a statement to appease the elders, but he didn't expect that it would arouse such public anger.

"What's your reason?"

The highest parliamentary president, who has been silent in the parliament, made a question.

The proposer silently organized his words for a while before answering.

"They can block the power of the spiritual realm. Once they occupy the whole door world, we can only move to the land of gods as a whole to survive."

"They are a disaster for us, no, for the whole door world. In order to fight against disasters and violate the ban, other peers will understand us..."

Before the reason was finished, the proposer was interrupted by the head of parliament, because the head of parliament no longer wanted to hear it.

"The ban is an agreement made by us and others at the same level. We are one of the signatories and the regulator responsible for supervising the ban. This is a principle that the ban cannot be broken by us."

"Which is more serious, violation of principle or disaster?"

The proposer was unwilling to ask back, and the parliamentary leader's absolute answer was unexpected.

"No, no! Don't mention it again!"

The Speaker of Parliament scolded sharply, and the proposer soundly stopped continuing his speech.

After a short silence, the president of the parliament said.

"You need to be sober and calm to solve the problem. Don't be dominated by anger."

"Yes, President of Parliament."

The proposer nodded suddenly, as if he had benefited a lot from the chairman's words.

The council of elders of the coordination committee is still going on. This is just a small episode, and the collectors have a big problem for these elders of the coordination committee.

"Let's discuss how to fight in the world used to shield the spiritual realm in Amoeba..."


Before a result was discussed at the meeting, the proposer had quietly left the parliament, and his face at the meeting collapsed.

"Well, these old antiques are really stubborn."

Walking in the dark, suddenly, the proposer heard the call from the spiritual realm, ancient and wild, like the hissing of beasts, or the roar of monsters, and the calm spiritual realm was boiling.


"I'm very sorry for wasting your time." The proposer answered the call within the spiritual realm.


With the second hissing and roaring call, the lower body of the proposer was wrapped in a group of black substances, intending to completely cover his whole person upward.

The proposer did not struggle, because he knew that struggle was meaningless, and he just spoke calmly.

"Your hunger is our sin, and this body has long belonged to you."

"But as your believer, please listen to us. The day of the end of everything will come, and you will give the destruction of all things."


Third, the long summons disappeared, the black matter retreated like a tide, the boiling spiritual realm returned as usual, and everything returned to calm as if nothing had happened.

"Thank you for the opportunity and tolerance you have given me. I will definitely not let you down."

The proposer in the dark saluted deeply to the thing that had left the spiritual realm.

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