How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 663 - 664 Things in the Spiritual Realm

Chapter 663: Chapter 664 Things in the Spiritual Realm

A large number of leaping creatures gushed out of several star gates in the star system, and the number of sun covering the sky and the stars, as if a huge dark curtain was slowly unfolding, isolating the star system from the stars.

Hundreds of millions of leap forward biological clusters, such clusters move together, and even planets will change orbit due to the relativistic effects caused by their movement.

The gravitational rings on the near-orbit of several stars in the world have been completed one after another. It can be said that there is no pressure for collectors to breed such a number of leap-up biological clusters. With such a superluminal strategic channel as the gate, collectors no longer need to consider the motion cost of light-year scale and can reach anywhere on the battlefield. .

This is also a key factor that they can rely on quantity to suppress the coordination meeting.

"Everyone in your place!"

A large number of leap forward creatures gathered at a gate. At the other end of the gate is the star system named 'Golin' by the Inari Kingdom, which is also a strategic node. Collectors need to reach Goring before they can continue to attack the rest of the coordination group through the star gate.

The coordination committee usually assigns a large number of combat units at these strategic nodes to contain the strong attack of the collectors, but it is usually unable to hold it.

In the past, it was okay to say that the first attack of the Leap Forward biological cluster generally could not be attacked, and it took frequent attacks to force the coordination meeting to give up by the number of casualties. However, the gravitational ring was built one after another, and the number of Leap Forward biological clusters showed an explosive growth, like the influx of hundreds of millions of biological swarms into strategic nodes, Even if the transfer meeting is heavily guarded, it is just useless.

Collectors have captured 23 star systems as strategic nodes in this way.

The leap creatures arranged their positions and made final preparations for crossing the door.

When everything was ready, they began to move towards the wormhole in the star gate.

"Let's go! Pass through the door!"

As a ray of radio covers the entire huge Leaping biological cluster at the speed of light, the number of horrible numbers anchored began to move. If you look carefully, the planets and satellites in the star system will find that their positions are all deviated by the order of a "meter" due to the collective movement of the Leaping biological cluster.

The size of the deviation is related to the distance from the jump biological cluster. The farther the deviation, the smaller the deviation. On the contrary, the closer the deviation, the greater the deviation.

The collectors rushed into the vast entrance and into the twisted time and space of the wormhole.

"There is something wrong! There is a situation!"

The first individual to enter the wormhole delivers such radio information to the whole group.

Individuals who have completed the door have successfully arrived at the other end of the door, but this other end is not Gorin in the territory of the Inari Kingdom, but another foreign land.

The fog is like a dream. This is an inexplicable space. This space is far more chaotic than the cosmic environment. Clouds and fog rotate to form ravines and mountains. The endless ends are all kinds of strange and constantly changing colors. Occasionally, you will see some flashes, like lightning in the clouds, which appear quickly and quickly. The disappearance.

In addition, there are all kinds of inexplicable voices, like someone whispering in his ear, or like a saint chanting the truth of heaven and earth, as if the innocence of a child, and contains beast-like rage, sometimes like the roar of fighting on the battlefield, and sometimes as gentle as a lullaby music.

In this space, the top is not up, the bottom is not the bottom, the top can be up, and the bottom can also be down. This is not only a sensory disorder, but also a time-space disorder.

"Why is it here?"

"We have entered the spiritual realm."

The collectors around suddenly recognized the place they were in at this time, which was the spiritual realm that the ethnic group had explored. After passing through the star gate, they entered the spiritual realm.

"The coordination meeting transferred the exit of the door to the spiritual realm."

"But how did this happen?"

Just as the collectors were thinking, the spiritual realm began to move, and the colorful colors at the end of the other end were distorted.

Gradually form an eye and stare straight at the leaping biological cluster in the spiritual realm.From the clouds, various strange creatures crawled out, and their distorted movements approached the collectors.

Twisted objects leap into biological clusters are not afraid. Lasers can effectively kill these enemies. It is much easier to clean up these enemies without IQ than fighting with the coordinating combat units. They don't even need to maneuver to avoid.

What really puts pressure on the collectors is the eye at the other end.

There is no doubt that it is a spiritual master in the spiritual realm. The collectors who enter the spiritual realm attracted its attention and successfully aroused its interest.

The collectors are wary of the spiritual master at the other end. Although the distance is extremely far away, there is no concept of distance in the spiritual realm, that is to say, the person at the end of the vision can be infinitely far away or close to the front of them.

"Who are you?"

The collectors are sure that the other party is not any spiritual master they have ever met. The collectors think that there is no basis for this, all by intuitive judgment, but there is no way, because there is no way to rely on a fixed standard. Make a judgment for Lingzun.

After a period of silence, Lingzun did not immediately respond to the questions of the collectors, and everything in the spiritual realm seemed so calm.

But this is just the tranquility before the storm, and the collectors have never dared to relax their guard.

When the inquirer asks, every spiritual master must respond to this and show 'self', which is a rule within the spiritual realm, just like the basic law of the universe cannot be violated. Such a slow or hesitant to report the existence of 'self' is usually very dangerous and aggressive.


The ancient and long response was passed on to the collectors.

The nameless spirit master responded, accompanied by an invisible force sweeping. In the vision of the collectors, the whole spiritual realm was in turmoil, and it was not too much to say that the sky and earth were shaking.

Deep cracks formed, and many ugly scars appeared at the end of the colorful end, and more violent forces gushed out of the cracks, a chaos.

Those spiritual creatures that are still constantly attacking and interfering with the collectors are distorted and annihilated by invisible power. Their souls are scattered, and the surrounding peaceful environment becomes manic. There are turbulent traps everywhere. Once they go deep into them, they will be torn to pieces by the power. In lightning and thunder, more monsters are conceived in the clouds and fog. emerged, but these creatures died in the moment after birth because of the chaos and rage around them.

Undisguised malice shows the spiritual master's attitude towards the collectors. Even if the collectors can't understand each other's words, they can intuitively understand the other party's meaning - to give you destruction.

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