How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 669 - 670 Monuments on the White Planet

Chapter 669: Chapter 670 Monuments on the White Planet

The star system where the new empire is located, a white planet far away from the stars, is as white as decorated by the down of a swan. Looking around the mountains, rivers and plains, it is snow-white. This is a world of ice and snow.

The two collectors struggled against the blizzard on the white snowfield, and the dry ice and snowflakes hit their thermal shells and then slid to the ground.

"Where are the coordinates?"

"38 degrees7 east and 249 north latitude, 12 kilometers away from our location, and we are almost there."

"The disordered magnetic field of this planet interferes with radio communication. It's really troublesome to determine the location."

Hearing these collectors, they couldn't help complaining that the tilt angle of the planet's magnetic axis changes greatly and the rotation speed is also high, which causes the magnetic field of the whole planet to tend to be disordered.

When the two collectors landed, due to the disorder of the magnetic field, they had a slight deviation at the landing site, which was amplified at the high rotation speed of the planet, resulting in the two collectors landing more than 40 kilometers away from the original landing site.

Now they have traveled more than 30 kilometers against the dry ice blizzard.

"At the beginning, we should have let our peers colonize this planet and transform the magnetic axis of this planet, so we don't have to be as troublesome as now."

"Isn't this worried about hurting the experimental relics left by the Hui civilization during the colonization process? Moreover, at that time, most of the energy of the cluster was concentrated in the battle with the coordination committee, without that leisure and spare time.

Continuing for about five kilometers, the two collectors felt that the wind was weakening, and the dry ice blizzard finally stopped. Although there was still dry ice and snow in the sky, piled up above the two collectors, like two white hats.

"You should pay more attention to your feet when walking. These dry ice is very soft in some places. Once you step on the air, it will be like falling into a deep pit."

In the process of marching to the destination, one of the collectors reminded his peers that although the snow-white earth they stepped on was not made of frozen water, but of carbon dioxide, the phenomena that can be seen on the snow will also be on dry ice.

Dry ice and snow cover the existing voids and build natural traps one by one. Soft snow is difficult to support the weight of individuals. Once stepped on, they will fall directly into the void under the snow, which is very dangerous.

Of course, 'very dangerous' is at most a fall for collectors compared to humans.

"I don't know that there is such a wide river on this planet."

The collectors were blocked by a wide river. Although it was not rapid, it was very wide, about 150 meters.

This is a river made of liquid helium. Even if collectors have cold-resistant genes, they dare not dabble in them. The low temperature of liquid nitrogen will kill them.

"The white background of the planet is too strong, and it's normal not to notice it in the near orbit of the planet."

"How can we get there?"

"I'm afraid it's not good to go straight there. These liquid helium will freeze our cells to death."

"It seems that the genes need to be adjusted first."

Just as one of the collectors was preparing to genetically modify himself in place, it was stopped by the same clan.

"No, it's not so troublesome. We use our limbs to transform large pieces of dry ice into a platform floating on liquid helium, which can be rowing like rowing."

Liquid nitrogen, as a fluid, will also have the characteristics of fluid. The two collectors use the charged single molecular edge to cut a large piece into a bowl and put it in liquid nitrogen, and then use the cut dry ice slurry to cross the non-hurried liquid nitrogen river.

After several tres, the collectors finally arrived at their originally planned landing site, which was a dry ice plain, which looked like a paved white paper.

In the distance, you can see a hill with a diameter of six meters at the bottom of the hill.

Deep into the cave and diagonally down, the collectors arrived at their destination.

A building with the same appearance as what was found on the Carter side appeared in front of him.This is a civilized building that has existed for 800 million years.

"We have arrived."

"It's much bigger than expected."

After observing, one of the collectors expressed his feelings that the glorious civilization monument in front of him was larger and more complete than that found on the Carter people's side, which exceeded the initial expectations of the two collectors.

"It's normal. Low temperature will reduce the activity of molecules, and it will be frozen. Natural erosion has little impact on the experimental ruins of Hui civilization. The cave we entered was dug by the previous colleagues. Before that, the ruins of Huiren were completely sealed, if the environment around the ruins could It will remain unchanged, and the remains will remain the same if they continue to be placed for hundreds of millions of years.

After thinking about it, one of the collectors asked his relatives, "What did the same people on the planet find?"

"No, they just stayed outside the ruins. At that time, a large amount of material needed to be mined to go to war with the Coordination Council, and there was no in-depth exploration of the ruins. marked this planet as undisassembled and went to other planets to collect resources."

Originally, the collectors went to the stellar system where the new empire was located to rescue and recover the seeds of the empire and survey the relics of the glorious civilization in the stellar system. As a result, most of their attention and resources were diverted by those countries and forces in the gate world.

The exploration of Hui civilization sites has also been put on hold for the time being.

"That means we don't know anything about this ruins?" The collector asked the same clan.

"It's almost like this, so be careful when exploring, because I'm not sure if there will be anything, and whether the ruins will have some kind of base defense system in the Celine science fiction film and television."

The technology of Hui civilization is above the collector. Now this relic is so intact that the collectors can't guarantee whether the laboratory of Hui civilization has been paralyzed. After all, there are examples of the star gate and spiritual realm in front of them. It turns out that as long as Hui civilization thinks, it is nothing to let their technology last for 800 million years. Big problem.

In places like laboratories, there are generally processing mechanisms to prevent accidental occurrence of experiments, such as collectors. After the empire became vassals, the collectors started a second operation to explore the spiritual realm, and for the safety of this operation, they planted several black hole bombs in the place connected to the spiritual realm. Once something goes wrong, the collector will ignore the black hole bomb and blow up the connected channel with a black hole bomb.

By self-serving people, Hui civilization is smarter than the collectors, so similar mechanisms must be arranged in the laboratory, so collectors should be more careful when exploring - including two collectors, all the collectors who know this Hui civilization laboratory think so.

"I see."

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