How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 671 - 672 Tired Area

Chapter 671: Chapter 672 Tired Area

Wave refers to the propagation of vibration. Take the rope shaking as an example. The rope shakes into a wave line. There is a convex line curved up, which is the 'peak', and the concave line curved down is the 'valve'. Select any point on the wave rope for observation. From the whole, the peak and the valley are constantly moving forward, while the rope is selected Any 'observation point' only moves up and down and does not move forward.

Analyzing its structure, we can know that waves can be neutralized. If there is another wave that is completely opposite to the valley, the two waves will be neutralized and disappear, because they have been mutually offset.

The reverse wave method mentioned by the collector is also such a principle. After understanding the microwave frequency information released in the laboratory, they target the creation of anti-frequency microwaves. After the two microwaves meet, they will be offset by the invisible, and the root of exploration can go deep into the place protected by the laboratory defense mechanism.

After a distance of more than 20 meters and bypassing some obstacles, the collector's roots touched a closed area in the ruins, which was the source of microwave radiation. With this as the center, the microwave radiation irradiated 360 degrees outward.

The scope of this unknown area is not very large, covering an area of about 25 square meters. There are no gaps, doors, and no traces of stitching. It seems that it has been a natural whole since the beginning of creation.

"To this extent, at least a molecular-level process is needed."

"For good, the manufacturing process has not reached the atomic level, otherwise we can't enter."

One of the collectors sighed gladly. Although this closed area is made into a completely closed state and can't even find a gap, as long as it is still limited to the chemical level, the collector can use chemical coordination to etch a hole on its natural surface and invade the interior.

"But if the manufacturing process reaches the atomic level, I'm afraid that microwave defense will not be as useful as it is now. The closely arranged microscopic particles make up a decombined material, which is a complete atomic nucleus. Even if the microwave penetrates from the inside, there will be great attenuation."

Hui civilization has the technology of simple and simple materials. The building materials of Xingmen are neutrons and simple. If that kind of material is used to build this area, although the collectors also have a way to invade, it will not be as easy as it is now. After all, the neutron explosion caused by the simple state of neutrons being broken by external forces and a series of subsequent chain reactions. It is more horrible than a hydrogen bomb of the same volume.

The root must go deep into the interior, because there is no lighting, the visible light frequency band is the same as outside the region, and it is still dim, but in the electromagnetic wave range of the low frequency band, it is much brighter than outside the region.

Microwaves are also electromagnetic waves, but they belong to low frequencies. Now the collector's perspective is to receive low-frequency electromagnetic waves. Naturally, the microwave of the defense mechanism can be used as visible light.

"Huh? What's going on... This is impossible!"

"Real things can't disappear because of doubt."

"But how did those Hui people achieve this effect? This is against physics."

"Existence is reasonable, and if I had known, the ethnic group would have ushered in a new round of technological innovation."

As soon as they stepped into the area, the collectors drove the eyes on the roots and looked at the environment inside the area to collect information. However, this act of collecting information also directly led them to be stunned by the technology of Hui civilization - the space inside the area is larger than that of the external area.

The internal area is very wide. The collector simply conducted a radio ranging and found that the area of the interior space actually reached 25 square kilometers, which corresponds to 25 square meters outside.

After several attempts, the collectors found that space-time is like the reduction of the scale, entering from two different positions one meter apart outside, and one kilometer apart inside. This distance is accurate to the micromolecular level, but whether it is only at the molecular level.

The two collectors can't guarantee it, because their detection scale can only reach the micromolecular level, and there is no technical means of deeper detection."It's the fatigue of time and space, and time and space are rolled up inside."

"This is the only way to explain."

The two collectors observed the differences between internal and external space before continuing to explore the things inside the area. For them, no matter what exists in the internal area, they are not at their loss. The destructed Hui civilization used actual creations to make the collectors understand that time and space can still play like this.

In the exploration of the interior of the region, the collector's roots soon found something.

It is a lot of instruments, which still look very new, as if they have just come down from the production line. There are many luminous lines on the instrument, which look very sci-fi. After studying them, the collector confirmed that these are circuits. These luminous lines are superconductors of circulating current. is designed to meet Huiren's aesthetics, otherwise the effect will be the same if a bunch of superconductor wires are inserted.

In the instrument, there are some suspected culture tanks, cylindrical containers composed of transparent bodies that have not been determined for the time being. The container is full of transparent liquid, and various strange creatures are floating in the liquid.

It's a bit like a mummified corpse, skinny, but the collector can't guarantee whether these creatures are born with it, so they don't make a direct judgment.

The biological appearance in each tank is different, but none of them belong to Huiren. The collectors spread around and searched for the roots, but did not find any species suspected Huiren appearance to exist in the tank.

Obviously, since it exists in the laboratory of Hui civilization and is a species that is not Hui civilization, it must be only possible to be an experimental object of Hui people.

"Where to start?"

After exploring the circle, the collector had a strong curiosity about almost everything in the area. Because of this, he didn't know where to start first. It was a bit like a miser accidentally found a treasure, but he didn't know which treasure to move home first.

The same race first uses thinking tentacles to mark all the instruments in the inner space of the area in the life field network, and then the center inside the area.

"These are secondary. I'm more interested in the thing above."

The so-called upper is above the roots in the area, and the internal area is very different from the outside world. The roots of the collector are pressed against the inner wall by invisible forces, and this inner wall is also the 'ground' below the roots.

The central part is a glowing sphere, but it emits microwave, which is the source of microwave that hindered collectors' exploration.

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