How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 676 - 677 Medical Information Analysis

Chapter 676: Chapter 677 Medical Information Analysis

[Injury No. 0790034923784612, from civilization No. 56 in charge of the upper laboratory DGSBF, treatment symptoms: infectious gene collapse, risk: low, treatment results: recovered, returned]

[Injury number 46799637343252, from Civilization No. 9832, which is responsible for MBRRW in the lower laboratory, degree of danger: high, treatment symptoms: transmitted mental depression, treatment results: recovered, returned]

[Injury No. 7749568346252623, civilization No. 43 from the upper laboratory HQEYR, danger level: high, treatment disease: transmission silence disease, treatment result: recovered, returned]

[Injury number 1145823367263443, civilization No. 382 from QQHBY, middle-level laboratory, degree of danger: medium, treatment disease: spread personality destruction, treatment result: cured, returned]

[Injury No. 2399460237857685, from civilization No. 778 under the responsibility of XNEER, degree of danger: low, treatment symptoms: infectious bloodthirsty, treatment results: recovered, returned]


A piece of medical information flows through the huge structure of Tianji, and the collectors of Tianji communicate with each other and analyze their internal connection.

As a result, the collectors have a deeper understanding of the Hui civilization, an ancient civilization that has been destroyed for 800 million years.

At the beginning, in order to carry out large-scale civilization experiments, Hui civilization divided many laboratories into upper, middle and lower levels. There is no hierarchical difference between these three. The configuration of these laboratories is the same, but the technical level of the responsible experimental civilization is different.

The lower laboratory is responsible for the planetary civilization that has not boarded the universe, the middle laboratory is responsible for the civilization that can already make spacecraft, and the upper laboratory is responsible for the civilization that can sail across stars.

Because the development of civilization technology presents a pyramid, that is, the higher the civilization technology, the more difficult it is to develop. During the development period, there may be self-destruction, technological regression, or stagnation based on various reasons, so the higher the technical level, the rarer the number of civilizations is.

This situation leads to a difference in the scope of responsibility of the three types of experiments. Each of the upper laboratory is responsible for two-digit civilizations, and so on. The middle-level laboratories are three digits, while each of the lower laboratory is responsible for four-digit civilizations.

In these treatment records, most of them are infectious patients, with various ways of transmission but have several common characteristics. The initial treatment of fast transmission, cross-species transmission, non-biological transmission, devastating blow to civilization, and spiritual interference has failed.

This can also be inferred from the side. The experiment of Hui civilization must be closely related to the experimental civilization, and these experimental civilizations must exist and live normally before the experiment can continue.

This 'normal' also includes not being seriously interfered with by high-tech external forces like the Hui civilization. Otherwise, the Hui civilization only needs to copy the consciousness of all intelligent species in the experimental civilization into a plural U disk, throw a civilization and a black hole into it, and take advantage of the almost static time in the black hole relative to normal time and space to make It can be said that it is not difficult for all these experimental civilizations to last for tens of billions of years.

But Hui civilization did not do this, that is to say, this does not work and cannot achieve the purpose of the experiment.

Judging from all kinds of signs, this is the only way to go for the whole experiment. For example, every time there is a 'cause' that destroys civilization, Hui civilization immediately gives a 'fruit' that can be resolved. This method is really inefficient and can only treat the symptoms but not the root causes.

If Hui civilization has other better choices, the collectors believe that they will not be so stupid that they don't know how to choose, so they have no choice. What they do is the optimal solution.

"But what they think is the 'optimal solution' finally failed, and the Hui civilization is also going to be destroyed."

"Also, I can't understand the reason for the suicide of the Hui people in the laboratory. They are conducting very important experiments, even directly related to the survival of the whole civilization, but they chose to commit suicide at such a critical moment? Even if you encounter difficulties that are difficult to solve in the spiritual realm, shouldn't you ask other peers for help?

The causes of Hui's skeleton death found in the ruins are too bizarre. Collective suicide is very rare, even for the Selin people at a technical level far below Hui civilization. In the history of the Selin people, the situation that only occurs in large-scale cult ceremonies has happened to Hui people.

The Selin people do that kind of stupidity because ordinary individuals who are brainwashed by religion are too stupid. Why are these Hui people who commit suicide collectively? Is it also because of ignorance?

Obviously, it is impossible for Hui people with such a high technical level, even the stupidest Hui people in the whole Hui civilization, have more knowledge reserves than the smartest individuals in Amoeba, not to mention the Hui people collective of the whole laboratory.

Moreover, religious suicide is usually very 'orderly', because it is a ritual that represents a solemn and sacred meaning in it. Cults are no exception. It is impossible to have different causes of death like Hui people, as if it were an extreme suicide method that came up at the last minute.

Based on various analyses, Huiren's collective suicide can be determined that it is not discussed in advance, but has a lot of temporary, suddenness and independent autonomy.

"I think the collective suicide of Hui people in the laboratory may be caused by an accident."

Some collectors put forward what they think are the most likely, and other collectors are stunned.


The individual who expressed his opinion explained, "Most of the patients treated have infectious diseases and spread quickly. They can spread with the help of biological and non-biological infections. At the same time, because of their strong variability, the spiritual domain cannot achieve a one-time radical cure."

"A large number of patients with infectious diseases exist in the laboratory. In the event of an accident, the result is obvious."

The meaning is simple and clear, that among the patients in need of treatment in the laboratory, there are diseases that directly threaten Hui people's life, and the infection is still very strong, which leads to Hui people's extreme suicide.

"These Hui people committed suicide because they were infected with the symptoms of patients?"

Most collectors are not very convinced by this explanation. They are more acceptable. Huiren's collective suicide is because of their civilization-level experiments.

"This is the only way to explain." The individual who expressed the opinion answered very determinedly.

"Hui people and those aliens are not the same species, and the forms of life are very different."

Some individuals have objected. They are very clear about biological diseases. It is difficult to infect across species, especially across the underlying gene codes, which is basically impossible. This situation is like the one compiled with '1234'. The code CD is put into a computer written with 'ABCD' code to run, and the result is that nothing can be read. Carbon-based gene viruses cannot infect silicon-based, iron-based and other organisms.

"These diseases can be transmitted across species and even by non-living organisms. For example, even if the infected patient's body is intact, the inner consciousness will be fragmented, which is a good match for the strange suicide methods of those who have just read the 'transmissible personality destruction'." The commenter replied.

If it was the original, the individual who expressed the opinion would never express such an idea, because it is impossible, but Huiren's medical records are clearly recorded and specially marked with the label of 'high danger', which has to make it vigilant.

Moreover, the spread of information is not as limited as physical viruses, that is, there are no logical obstacles. If information can really damage thinking consciousness like a virus destroying the body, the collective suicide of Hui people in the laboratory will make sense.

But many collectors can't accept such an explanation.

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