How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 682 - 683 The Slaughtered Fortress

Chapter 682: Chapter 683 The Slaughtered Fortress

"But now these have disappeared. Why?" Some collectors have doubts about this.

The same clan responded, "Because the surface temperature of the planet dropped, they all turned into ice, and with the subsequent wind and sand burial, the ice sank to the ground."

"Maybe it is due to the lack of mass of this planet. The low mass means that the faster the core temperature cools. Once the core of the planet is completely cooled, the planet's magnetic field cannot be maintained. It is blown by the blue dwarf star wind, which is many times stronger than ordinary stars, and the original planet's atmosphere will naturally be blown thin. ."

"Then the subsequent interstellar dust fell on the original ice, and there was such a sandy and dusty surface environment as it is now."

"Because of such a dust environment, whenever the planet reaches the perihelion and the dust particles floating in the atmosphere absorb more solar energy, this dust-filled air will be hotter than the surrounding atmosphere, so it will rise rapidly, and the vacant place will be quickly filled by other air, which is formed by the sandstorm. ."

The reason for the formation of the surface environment of such a planet is not complicated. More complex environment collectors have seen it, especially the environment of gaseous planets, which is harsh and chaotic. It is too difficult to find traces of airflow environments everywhere. Compared with today's terrestrial planets, it is traceable. The environment is really the best.

"In such an environment, even if there are any buildings left behind in the civilization we are looking for, I'm afraid that in 5,000 years, it will be deserted and become part of the dust all over the sky."

Some individuals are very worried, and this worry comes from the possibility that the cluster will get nothing in this action.

"It may also be buried by the wind and sand. Anyway, you still have to look for it." Optimistic collectors comfort their worried peers.

As long as artificial buildings can be buried by wind and sand before they are eroded, the possibility of being completely deserted will be small. The sand and dust of buried buildings will play a good role in protecting against wind and deflection, which is equivalent to a protective layer of relics. This is why relics and fossils often need to be excavated from the ground. Come out, because you can't withstand the baptism of years on the ground.

With the global rhizomes network, it is very easy to search for underground monuments. Collectors only need to hit the rhizomes and search vertically down.

In just a few days, a life field information spread all over the planet and was known by all the collectors on the planet.

"Discovery! It's an artificial building!"

The building found is 3,000 kilometers away from the ground and is buried very deep. The building is a composite building made of ceramic brick, sand and metal strips, and the surface is seriously eroded. It is potholed and inlaid with many fine sand particles.

"There is sand everywhere inside, which is difficult to explore."

Those who see these collectors know that they have encountered difficulties. The building is buried deeply, which means that there is a lot of pressure, and it is also an old antique that has been sanded after years of baptism. If they come into contact with it, it may lead to the collapse and destruction of the building.

Therefore, there are individual proposals.

"I propose to solidify the surrounding sand first, and then clean up the sand inside the building to solidify the building itself."

"I agree."

According to the proposal, the rhizome secretes a colloid, which adheres to the sand around the building and turns it into a hard protective layer wrapped around the outside of the building. The appearance is somewhat similar to eggs, because such a structure is easier to disperse pressure.

Subsequently, the collectors began to drive their roots, cleaning up the sand in the building while curing the building itself so that it would not be damaged when it came into contact with the air.

The efficiency of a large number of individuals working together is amazing. Before long, the collectors completed the solidification and general exploration of the building.

By building a physical model, collectors can intuitively see the remains of their survey in the channel. To read

"The structure of this place... Well, it is probably a fortress."

When each building is designed, it will inevitably be biased by its use. For example, the housing of ordinary residents must be different from military fortresses. Housing is considered for residents, and fortresses are more concerned about the resistance to attack.

Perhaps it is because this complex is a fortress that can withstand the baptism of the years until the collectors excavate it now.

"I think so. Many places have earthquake-proof and impact-proof designs, and the skeleton of the complex also adopts the multi-stage parallel method, which is obviously to improve the design idea of external damage."

Some individuals agree with the collector's idea and agree that this relic is a fortress, otherwise there is no way to explain such a structural design.

The exterior has basically been explored, and the collectors have explored the ruins deep inside. After going deep into a certain distance, some biological fossils began to appear.

"It's a skeleton, which should be the occupants and builder of this complex."

The collector is sure of his judgment, because after looking for a circle of the building, there is only this biological fossil, and there are no fossils of other species, which means that the owner of these biological fossils should be the intelligent species that originally lived in the fortress and built the fortress.

Of course, there are other speculations, such as that these bones are invaders, and the builders of the fortress destroyed all the invaders after confronting them, and then collectively evacuated for some reason.

However, in various speculations, the collectors still prefer the first one, that is, the owners of these fossils are the builders and residents of the fortress.

"This is the first time I have seen this kind of creature with a brain growing in the body. It has no biological structure without a head."

The limbs are very similar, without a neck. From the bone structure, the position of the neck is supposed to be a mouth, the brain is inside the body, and then based on the position of the brain, the eyes have to be connected to the back.

But what makes the collector feel strange and curious is how does the species realize such an eye design idea?

On this issue, because it is not the main problem, they decided to discuss it for the time being, first survey the scene of death of these intelligent species and find out the cause of their death.

"What was the cause of their death?" There is an individual question.

"Let me have a look, um... According to the traces of on-site observation, it should be caused by suffocation or penetrating rays, or viruses and poison gas."

Because there are no scars on the skeleton, means that unnatural death may only be a killing in a way that is minimally damaging to the body, so these ideas come from it.

However, individuals soon objected because some objects were found around and inside some of the skeletons.

"No, they died of some kind of weapon. Although their bones are intact, it's because the attack they encountered is less powerful and just killed them."

The weapon is a steel needle, about five centimeters long, which exists around and inside the skeleton, and some steel needles are inside the walls of the fortress.

"Steel needle..."

"It is the first time I have seen this weapon by piercing this steel needle into the brain for killing purposes."

This is a massacre of all the intelligent species in a fortress. Their enemies are trained powerful special warriors, who hold a weapon that can fire steel needles and kill the intelligent species in the fortress with one blow.

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