How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 687 - 688 Heavenly Beasts and Evil Things

Chapter 687: Chapter 688 Heavenly Beasts and Evil Things

Naturally, the Chao army did not want to see the soldiers who fled in panic. This time, it was their backwater battle. The withdrawal meant that the Chao army would be very passive in the follow-up strategy, so they sent generals to stabilize the army.

At first, it had little effect, because the collectors were real things, so the panic was very strong. It was not until a general of the Chao army added the newly landed collectors to the shouts that the situation improved and the soldiers fled.

"Continue to attack! This is the arrival of the heavenly beast! God wants to help our tide army win! Let the reckless army be defeated!"

Long before the collector landed, the pre-war mobilization of the Chao army was to say that the general trend of the Mang army had been lost, the vision of the sky had disappeared, and the Chao army would defeat the Mang army in the next battle.

The so-called 'defeat the reckless army' is a deception and deceiving the lower-class soldiers of the Chao army to make them believe it. Only in this way can they exert 100% of their strength as usual without wavering.

Whether those generals believe it or not, the soldiers at the bottom of the Chao army believe in this set, because they are uneducated and have a higher acceptance of some very reasonable logic - these monsters come out of the pearls that fell from the sky, which is equivalent to the messengers sent by God, and because they were told by the senior officials before the war. There is no general trend, and the disappearance of the vision in the sky proves that the bottom soldiers of the Chao army naturally agree that even Tian is on their side.

Now they are shouted by the high-ranking generals of the Chao Army and claim that these are the 'sky beasts' sent by God to help them fight.

Suddenly, the situation on the side of the tide army was stabilized, and the soldiers threw away the exaggerated fear and rushed back to the reckless army that was fleeing, just because they believed that these monsters falling from the sky were on their side.


The Chao army, which revived its morale, shouted to kill Zhentian. The Mang army could not calm down at this moment. In this battle, they originally planned to completely plan the backbone of the Chao army, but as a result, because of a group of monsters falling from the sky, the soldiers fled, so that the Chao army that should have been defeated won the victory, which was really impossible for the senior officials of the Mang army to accept.

It is true that because the target of the Chao Army before the war was analyzed that their food and fodder, it has been transferred in advance. Even if it loses the Mang army, there will be no heavy damage, but the Mang army can't accept it. Originally, everything was as planned, whether it was a trap or a strategy, there was no mistake, just because How can a group of monsters that fall from the sky and look fierce will defeat their reckless army?

Therefore, under the instructions of the wise master of the Mang army, the generals of the Mang army were also sent out to stabilize the fleeing soldiers.

"These are the evil things of the Chao military magic! It's not a beast! Kill an evil object to raise the rank of a soldier!"

The generals of the Mang army did not shout in vainly to the fleeing soldiers like the generals of the Chao army. Instead, he rushed directly to a collector and waved a cold weapon to attack the collector.

"Go to hell!"

"Follow me! Kill the evil things of the tide army!"

While attacking, he did not forget to shout, just to attract the attention of the soldiers. As soon as the collector landed, he was suddenly attacked without even making sure of the situation. For a moment, he couldn't decide whether to kill this intelligent creature, so he was just fighting in vain. This situation naturally seduced the soldiers. Some ideas.

Imagine that one high-level general can beat a monster. If they have more people together, it is very simple to kill a monster. Moreover, in terms of the number of them, there are only more than a dozen monsters. No matter how fierce they are, how fierce they can go?

There is also a killing reward. Since the Battle of Changliang, the Mang army has been holding the tide army on the ground, and the Mang army soldiers are the personal experience among them. Naturally, they think that the Mang army will inevitably defeat the tide army and establish a new dynasty. As long as they kill a monster, they can upgrade a military rank. The Mang army defeated the Chao army and establishes the king. After the dynasty, the high military rank will become the aristocratic class, and what awaits them will be status and wealth, which is very attractive.

The soldiers of the Mang army simply weighed the pros and cons, and launched a counterattack against the incoming Chao army without thinking much, and the spearhead was directly aimed at the collector. Romance

"Don't think!"

Of course, the Chao army did not want to see any damage to the 'Heavenly Beast' in their eyes. This is the mythical beast sent by God to help them. What should God blame them for being injured? So they also rushed to the collector, but unlike the Mang army, their purpose was to protect the collector from harm.

The two sides fought together again, but the center of the battlefield changed. One side tried their best to kill the 'evil thing', and the other side was desperately stopping it to save the 'sky beast' in their eyes.

The collectors were confused all the way. They were still wondering why such a bunch of intelligent species gathered at the landing site. They began to see that they were scared to death, but now the situation suddenly changed, fearlessly trying to kill them.

"What's going on? The same creature, one wants to kill us, and the other wants to help us?

In the chaos, no collectors were injured, and they could even maintain their original normal communication. They can really achieve the degree of 'eye-viewing and listening to eight directions' in a physical sense, and there is also an accelerated perception of bullet time. In the face of weapons from all directions, they are naturally easy to cope with.

Nothing was analyzed after discussion. The battlefield was very chaotic. Even if there was sound, most of them were shouting and heartbreaking wailing. Coupled with the collector's ignorance of the planet, it was strange to analyze what they could do.

In the end, the collectors decided to suppress the chaos, and the way to suppress it was also very simple. The chaos of the situation was caused by collective fighting with each other, and killing one of them would not be so chaotic.

"Clean up all the people who want to kill us first. It's difficult to figure out the situation in such a chaotic situation now."

"That's right."

Among them, the collectors chose the Mang army as the target of killing, because the Chao army had not attacked them, and they were all soldiers and generals of the Mang army, showing obvious hostility.

Collectors can't tell who is the Mang army and who is the Chao army, but they will look at the military uniform - the intelligent species of the Chao army's military uniform have not attacked them, so they keep it. The intelligent species of the Mang army's military uniform will attack them, so they are all killed.

After the collector made a decision, a shocking scene occurred that shocked the soldiers of both sides. The collector fully told these intelligent species what it means to 'go forward in slaughter, slaughter in progress', but in just a few minutes, more than a dozen collectors caused hundreds of deaths.

The collector didn't even use the single molecular blade, but began to clean up with his threed limb. Looking at the time of the bullet, these intelligent species with cold weapons are full of flaws. The cold weapons they held blocked the attack of the first bang, but they also fell into a rigid state because of resisting the attack of the first bang. , was taken away by the second limb.

Whether it is a general or a soldier, whether it is the martial arts practice of generals all year round, or the fighting skills that have been crawled in the quagmire of life and death on the battlefield many times are equal in front of the limbs.

As the saying goes, two fists are difficult to beat four hands, and no matter how advanced the skill is, it is the same. Two hands cannot be used as four, six or eight. The nervous response of organisms is also limited, while collectors can accelerate their time to artificially make bullets, and they can really grow eyes in six directions. At the same time, observing your surroundings, your hearing can also quickly collect sound information from all directions.

In a world without true spirit and internal force, there is a limit to personal courage. This limit is the physical limit given by the race. The limit can only be changed and cannot be surpassed.

The collectors' movements are not mixed with any excess. It's not like killing, but more like dancing. If there are perverted killers present, it is estimated that they can worship the collectors as gods. After all, there is no one who can slaughter them with such an artistic sense.

But this kind of 'dance art' will only be appreciated by perverted killers. In the eyes of the Mang army, it is an unprecedented horror. Unconsciously, the collectors who are killing have been labeled as death by the Mang army. The reckless army has been frustrated and there are faint signs of collapse, while the Chao army is just the opposite, and morale has soared.

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