How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 712 - 713 Material Giant Structure

Chapter 712: Chapter 713 Material Giant Structure

Arranged the affairs of the Deant, and the collectors began to concentrate on the translation. They came to the star system to learn the information of the destroyed civilization.

While waiting for the sky machine matrix to decipher the No. 1 star text, the collectors are also waiting for their peers to carry material resources.

A few years later, the same family of neighboring star systems crossed the light-grade scale and delivered the material, and the collectors who received the material resources began to transport the material resources to the star orbit.

In the near orbit of the star, the collectors bred a wriggling piece of meat, which expanded quickly, and in only a few months had a diameter equivalent to two months.

Inside is a ring structure, which is the same structure as the gravitational ring, but different, because this ring does not circle the star like a hula, but only exists in close orbit and is also very small.

When the object inside the meat block is conceived, a circle is exposed to the space environment and looks dazzling under the shining light of the stars.

But this is not a completion of conception. This miniaturized gravitational ring is only one part of the object that collectors want to nurture.

Because this is the first attempt and considering the scarcity of available materials, the collectors do not dare to mess around and build it step by step to avoid unexpected pregnancy failure.

The side of the ring is perpendicular to the star plane, and its orbit is also on the same plane as the star's equatorial plane. The center of the ring's side surface, the center is always in a straight line with a point on the star's equator and the star's core.

The collectors once again bred meat cubes on the back of the ring.

From the perspective of the star below, the ring is like a flat ground, slowly building a tower, extending from the back sunny side of the ring to a cylindrical structure.

The cylindrical structure extends for hundreds of kilometers before it is 'caped'.

Subsequently, the collectors installed antimatter propulsion organs in a circle around eight directions on the side of the cylindrical tower, and adjusted a series of antimatter transportation channels.

After all this, the anti-matter container is installed in many parts of this giant structure.

"Wait, it can't be started yet. We still need to cool down the giant structure and some fellow individuals transport solid helium."

As soon as the giant structure was ready to start, it was stopped, and the collectors then continued to exploit resources and build a cooling giant structure near the edge of the star system.

When everything is ready, The new giant structure near the orbit of the star began to operate.

Near the other end of the star is a gravitational ring, which accelerates particles through the electrical energy produced by antimatter. The motion of particles infinitely close to the speed of light brings space-time distortion. At this time, the most direct manifestation of space distortion is the increase in the mass of the gravitational ring and the enhancement of gravity.

Due to the small gravitational ring, the giant structure began to shrink to half of its original size, while the height of the giant structure itself is also declining, and the centrifugal force brought by the revolution is no longer enough to resist the gravity of the star. Therefore, the giant structure gradually falls in the direction of the star.

But this is also a dangerous factor that collectors have considered early on and have prepared a solution for a long time.

"Start anti-material promotion." 2020

One side of the giant began to emit dazzling light. While falling, the giant also moved to one side because of the antimatter propulsion.

This is accelerating the giant structure itself. Since the centrifugal force is not enough, it will increase the centrifugal force and enhance the centrifugal force of the giant structure against gravity by accelerating the giant star.

As long as the centrifugal force and the stellar gravity reach a balance again, the giant structure will not continue to fall.

In the process of falling down the giant structure, a large amount of stellar material is 'absorbed' into space by the giant structure. These high-energy plasma materials are led by the electric field into the opening of the star towards the star, and then are introduced into the cylindrical structure of the backyang surface for cooling along the opening, from which the collectors obtain a large amount of stellar material.

"It was completed successfully, no accident."

"In this way, we have a new giant structure, and the population no longer needs to worry about the star systems without planets."

"Yes, although the mass of the mined is not as good as the gravitational rings around the stars, the gestation cycle is short and the demand for materials is small."

"We should give this new design a name. What's the better name?"

"Well... It's called 'matter giant structure', which is specially used to obtain stellar matter, which is easy to understand."

"I agree."

Through the material obtained from the material giant, collectors began to breed new cooling giants at the edge of the star system to improve cooling efficiency, and then took more solid helium as a cooling medium.

The material circulation system of mining stars is thus constituted. With the emergence of more and more material giants, the amount of material extracted by collectors is also surging.

Subsequently, antimatter giants and star orbits gradually appeared, and the collectors completed the colonization of the star system.

It took the collectors more than ten years, during which the simple sky matrix finally completed the tasks assigned to it by the collectors.

"The result has been deciphered..."

"Let's see what information these are..."

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