How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 731 - 732 The King’s Land

Chapter 731: Chapter 732 The King's Land

The collectors lurking inside the Zerg have completed the formulation of the overall plan for the Zerg through various hidden information exchange means.

As the battle between the Zerg and the Cox began again, the collectors took action.

Inside a nest that was seized by collectors, a high-power radio biological organ began to be charged.

What provides energy to organs is 5 grams of antimatter, which comes from 50 tiny individuals, each of which carries a reactor loaded with 0.1 grams of antimatter.

Antimatter reactors are the energy source of tiny individuals and their suicide means to prevent genes from being leaked to the Zerg.

Now that antimatter has been handed over, 50 tiny individuals have disintegrated their genes to commit suicide in advance in order to avoid gene leakage.

For collectors, this is just a trivial sacrifice.

"The time has come. It's time to call the cluster."

The collector lurking inside the nest muttered to himself, releasing an extremely strong radio wave, and the ripples of electromagnetic waves spread outward at the speed of light.

While releasing this radio wave, the life of the insect nest and the internal collector is coming to an end.

In order to avoid gene leakage caused by being captured by the Zerg, which will endanger the whole group, no individual collector can be captured!

The Zerg noticed the abnormality and it is impossible not to notice it, because all the organs that receive radio are now blind and can only receive radio information from the collector, just like being pulled by the ear and shouting loudly to achieve the deafening effect. The Zerg also feels at this moment.

However, the Zerg 'listening' to radio waves.

The Kex people also noticed the abnormality. Although excessively powerful radios will be blocked outside the barrier because of the barrier, those low-power harmless radios can penetrate the barrier and be received by the Kex people's radio stations.

All frequency bands are playing the compound language information composed of the language of civilization known and contacted by a series of collectors such as Selin, Luo, Carter and Hui.

The content of the information is the collector's combat plan against the Zerg.

Concerned that the information in the radio may be deciphered by the Zerg, Collectors use plural civilized languages to write. In the absence of those civilized language texts, it will take a lot of time for the collectors to decipher it.

The powerful radio signal swept all the way and completed the coverage of the entire stellar system in a few minutes.

After a long journey of more than ten minutes, it was learned by the leaping biological cluster outside the star system.

Due to the existence of language text, the collectors deciphered the radio content in just a few seconds.

"The wood has become a boat..."

"Go to another direction! Target second track! The rocking star of the Kess people!"

Needless to say, the plan formulated by the collectors lurking in the Zerg is perfect, and there is no need to waste time on any tactical discussions.

Under the command of the cluster leader, the cluster turns collectively and cuts from outside the star system to the inside.

It's menaing!

Powerful radar waves are released to scan the internal environment of the star system.

But this kind of powerful radar wave will also make the leap into the biological cluster like a light in the night. As long as you have radio reception technology, you can find its existence far away.

But it doesn't matter. There is no need for collectors to continue to hide their existence.

"Gun, tell us your choice."

"Should I stay and surrender, or run away?"

The cluster leader released a powerful radio. This time, the radio language uses the language of the Kex civilization. The cluster leader believes that the Zerg can absolutely understand it.

Knowing that opponents can defeat opponents more easily, war is also a means of information exchange. After fighting with the Zerg and the Xers for so many years, it is impossible not to even understand simple language.

Soon, the Zerg responded to the leap forward biological cluster, which is also a powerful radio message.

"We choose to defeat you, Kes."

"You will become our bait, and the insects will devour everything."

The Zerg thought that the collectors were Kex, because the radio information used the language of the Kex, and they have always been Kex.

As for the powerful radio information on the surface not long ago, they also thought it was the work of the Turks. Although they did not know why they released this strong radio information outside the barrier, the purpose should be to contact the 'quez fleet' lurking in space.

The Zerg guessed half right, but the other half was ridiculously wrong, which doomed them to failure.

The Zerg choose to fight with the collector, and the biota begins to teleport, just like the Holy Worm State in the door world. The biota teleports to the vicinity of the jumping biological cluster, and then releases a large number of small organisms, densely like a bee colony.

In addition, there are various acid shells and ion slurry.

In the face of the aggressive arrival of the collectors, the Zerg side is not ambiguous!

In the view of the Zerg, what the Kox did was just futile. Their fleet could not even use the spiritual realm, and it was completely effortless to destroy, just like before.

However, the next second, the Zerg found themselves wrong.

A violent explosion occurred in every large organism, each of which had no less than 10 kilograms of antimatter annihilation to release energy in its body.

These were previously done by collectors who mixed small organisms into large organisms during the meteorite group, which destroyed the antimatter they carried and destroyed the large organisms of the Zerg clan.

But the Zerg didn't know this until the collectors annihilated antimatter. They never thought that there would be 'spies' inside the organism. They just thought that this was a new weapon of the Kex, so their fleet dared to be so fearless now.

All the large Zerg organisms are killed, and small organisms are still fighting.

I don't know whether the Zerg do not have the concept of escape, or whether the command class misjudged the situation. Anyway, the collectors are very happy that the Zerg units do not escape.

Being able to use the superluminal displacement across stars in the spiritual domain is a very tricky technology for them. If it can be completely annihilated, it is naturally the best.

In fact, the collectors do not know that it is not that the command class of the Zerg does not want small organisms to escape to preserve their strength, but that they can do it. They can carry out transstellar or large-scale displacements. Only large organisms can do it, otherwise they will not have deliberately arranged small organisms to carry large organisms.

Since you can't escape, it's better to give this 'quez fleet' some losses than to let small organisms die.

The idea is very beautiful, but the reality is very cruel. The hit rate of acid shells and ion slurry of small organisms is very low in the face of the high speed and sharp angle maneuvers of leaping creatures.

If you want to improve the hit rate, you must be close to the Leap Forward creature.

It is not difficult to catch up. Although small organisms move in space by exhaust, they have spiritual domains and can catch up with leap creatures through a small range of teleportation.

However, the small organisms close to the leap forward creatures were destroyed in an instant and could not attack at all.

The brains of small Zerg organisms are still very backward and soft chemical brains. has a limit in response speed, but the leap forward organisms are equipped with solid brains.

Some of the leaky fish, the acid shells and ion slurry released were captured by the collector's biological radar and evaporated by the gamma-ray cannon.

With the death of the last small organism, the Zerg space biota was declared annihilated!

"You devouring everything, not as powerful as you think."

The cluster leader released the radio information in the cust language with a provocative meaning.

The Zerg command class was enraged and responded with resentment.

"Stupid food! What you have defeated is just a small and insignificant Zerg biota in the huge number of the Zerg. The signal for help has been released, and soon, your fleet will be destroyed again!"

"I hope you don't regret that you haven't run away yet!"

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