How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 736 - 737 Information from the Collector

Chapter 736: Chapter 737 Information from the Collector

In the communication channel of the collector, the information exchange between individuals goes back and forth.

"The Zerg are completely destroyed, and no one surrenders."

"It's the first time I've met such a stubborn race."

Throughout the history of collectors' expansion into the universe, it is really rare for such an ignorant race as the Zerg. Even the arrogant coordination meeting in the door world will consider such a choice of peace talks after being at a disadvantage.

The Zerg don't consider this at all, giving the collector the feeling of communicating with a group of crazy people who only know how to fight.

The collectors are not human or Selin. They will not be scared by war-crazed thinking like the Zerg. They will only feel that the Zerg are stupid and have no special feelings.

"Excessive strength will only lead to destruction." Some individuals have commented on the Zerg.

After commenting on the Zerg that have been cleared, the collectors began to analyze the Kex people. Their policy is to make the Kex people a subordinate civilization of the ethnic group. After all, it is a rare scientific research resource.

From the beginning of the star to now, collectors have discovered a lot of alien civilizations, but it is always true that such scarce scientific research resources are more and better. Collectors will not be too many.

"I hope the Kex people are not like this, otherwise it will be too troublesome. They have a protective shield left by Hui civilization."

"That's true. I hope they know enough about current affairs and don't increase our workload."

While talking, the collector began to prepare for diplomacy with the Kex people.

At this moment, on the side of the Kex people, the garrison on the edge of the shield gritted their teeth because they saw the rhizomes covered on the ground outside the shield.

"Da damn it! The Zerg can still persist under that kind of bombing!"

The Kex soldiers think that these are Zerg organisms. There is nothing they can do. The collectors are too similar to the Zerg. After the rhizomes cover the surface, they look like the Zerg's blankets.

The Turks soldiers knew and witnessed the bombing on the surface. They thought that the Zerg would be completely destroyed by this bombing, and now they only feel incredible and desperate.

Such a fierce bombing, the Zerg are not dead yet, so how can they take back their home planet?

The more I think about it, the more depressed I become. Some Kex soldiers have opened the weapon insurance, which has anger-excuss and mission factors. The daily task of the garrison on the edge of the shield is to attack Zerg organisms close to the shield.

However, this period is a little special. The head of the garrison does not allow soldiers to fire without their own orders, so a subordinate asked the person in charge.

"What should I do?"

"What should I do? Wait for the above order."

The head of the garrison stared at the rhizome squirm outside the protective cover and answered resolutely.

In the conference room, the senior management of the Turks have never held such a unique meeting since birth.

The content of their meeting has been full of twists and turns. The meeting has been held since the beginning of the space war between the biological cluster and the Zerg biota. The content of the meeting has been from trying to understand the identity of the opponent fighting with the Zerg space biota at the beginning, to sending information about the Kes fleet that they hope to cooperate, to taking the initiative because of terrorist bombing. Communicate, and then go to the recovery of the Zerg after the terrorist bombing...

During this period, the high-level officials of the Kers basically lived in the conference room, and some of them had not closed their eyes for several days, but none of them felt tired at this moment, because the Zerg kept them unable to sleep at night.

The strong resilience of the Zerg exceeded their cognition, and they finally 'understand' why they took the initiative to contact the Kex fleet for cooperation, but never received a response from the other party.

It's because they are too weak! In the face of the Zerg who can still recover quickly from the destruction and bombing, even with air fire support, they can't compete with it at all!

"The space fleet has not responded to us yet."

"They are not optimistic about our strength."

"This is not wrong. We underestimated the power of the Zerg. We don't have the ability to deal with the recovery of the Zerg outside the barrier. We only have the result of the destruction of the whole army."

The senior officials of the Kex people thought they understood everything and lamented alone, not only for the retaking their home planet, but also for not being able to contact the Kex fleet.

What can I do? The 'ks' in space don't look down on them on the ground at all.

"What can I do? We thought we could shake the stars this time, but can we really do nothing about those bugs? Every time the scientific institute allocates so much, they don't study any weapons against the Zerg?

The highest consul questioned, and the eyes of the senior officials present focused on a senior-level officer, who was the chief of the scientific research institute in the mouth of the highest consul.


The head of the scientific research institute was silent and could only reply with a wry smile. He didn't want to do so, but scientific research and development was not so easy.

However, fruitless is a fact, and this is his sin!

The whole conference room was quiet.

Suddenly, a communication request sounded, and the supreme consul looked at the source of the communication request and showed that the source was the astronomical center, so he connected the information channel.

As soon as I got through, the eager words of the subordinates at the end of the communication came.

"I replied! The fleet in orbit replied!"

When the senior officials in the conference room heard this, they suddenly became excited.

The reply shows that the other party is willing to cooperate with them. It seems that on the issue of the Zerg, the Cox fleet still needs them to participate in the end and shake the stars together.

However, after they saw the message they replied to, their joy instantly fell to the bottom.

"Let it out!"

With the consent of a senior management, the astronomical center sent the reply to the conference room, and a line of cus characters was written on the big screen.

[Kex, now the Zerg on this planet have been wiped out. It's your turn to submit or destroy.]

It is not a request for cooperation, and is not a word to promote political position, but a naked, unilateral and ostentat request.

For a moment, the senior management of the Cox people present felt dazzled and suspected that they had misread it.

Didn't you see it wrong? Otherwise, why did they see this information? Why have the Zergs not been defeated yet? Why do those Kex people in space fight? The rocking star hasn't been taken back from the Zerg!

After repeatedly confirming, the senior management of the Kes finally convinced that they had read it correctly, and then agreed that the heads of the Kes in space were caught by the door.

"...What do they mean? Aren't they of our kind?

"What does it mean to be eliminated? There are also those biological weapons of the Zerg outside the barrier!"

The senior management of the Cox people had a lot of doubts and wanted to clarify too many questions. After discussion, they decided to reply to each other to answer their questions.

"Let me reply and ask them what's going on!"

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