How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 744 - 745 Exploration of the Spiritual Realm Laboratory

Chapter 744: Chapter 745 Exploration of the Spiritual Realm Laboratory

After everything was ready, the rhizomes stretched out by the collectors entered the spiritual realm along the seamless place under the shield generation device.

The entrance is in the spire of the laboratory, where the missing is the entrance.

As soon as the rhizome entered, he felt the oncoming breeze, with a little fishy smell in the wind. The experiment was on a prairie, and not far from the prairie was a coastline. The blue sea was not far away, and the sparkling sea was snow-white waves.

Such a different beautiful scenery makes people feel relaxed and happy, but the collectors dare not relax their vigilance. They always know that this place is a spiritual realm, a very deadly world.

Collectors do not want to explore the spiritual realm in depth. The purpose of their trip is only to explore the Hui civilization laboratory under their rhizome.

"Operation separately. You are responsible for that side and we are responsible for this side. The action should be fast and it will end in an hour."


After simply communicating through the life field, the rhizomes of the collectors use chemical coordination to directly enter the laboratory from above to explore.

Every time you pass a fork or a room, one or several rhizomes will be separated to explore it, and the remaining rhizomes continue to explore other parts of the laboratory.

The actions of the collectors were rapid, and the formulation of the course of action was also meaningful. After more than ten minutes, the collectors completed the exploration of each area of the laboratory.

Just like the frozen laboratory found in the star system of the New Empire, there is also a negative material area inside this Hui civilization laboratory, which is the same as the negative material area found by previous collectors.

Compared with the experimental laboratory discovered in the stellar system of the New Empire, this new discovery is more complete, and many machines can continue to operate.

The collectors found some robots, which can also start normally.

When is the time of the destruction of Hui civilization? 800 million years! The Hui Civilization Laboratory in the spiritual realm actually withstood the grinding of time!

"The relics of Hui civilization are well preserved, and the completeness is higher than the most complete Hui civilization laboratory found so far. What a surprise!"

Originally, the collectors did not expect how many intact things were left in the laboratory. After all, all the laboratories they found were basically dilapidated. At least a slightly better one could leave an empty shell. Don't count on it during the internal mechanical period.

However, the laboratory in the spiritual realm is different, and the mechanical devices inside the laboratory are basically intact.

Think about the technical level of Hui civilization. As long as you bring back all these mechanical devices in the laboratory and study them all, it must bring great technological progress to Amoeba.

Not to mention, a large amount of experimental information of Hui civilization must be sealed in the intact machine, and collectors finally no longer have to look for experimental laboratories in the universe to find the truth of the destruction of Hui civilization.

"Why can this relic last 800 million years?"

"...Maybe it's because the spiritual realm has been maintained?"

"Maybe so."

This is the only possibility that space-time is not affected, otherwise there is no way to explain how the laboratory of Hui civilization can last 800 million years.

During the search, the collectors found that although the laboratory was generally well preserved, there were no Hui people inside. Not only was there no Hui people, but also no other organisms in the negative material area of the laboratory, no corpses, and no dust accumulation, which was very clean.

This is contrary to the fact that there are a large number of non-glow human organisms in the negative material region found by the collectors in the experimental laboratory of the star system of the New Empire.

The negative substance area is a treatment area created by using the effect of negative substances to accelerate time. In this area, the time flow rate is faster than normal time and space.

That is to say, organisms that enter the area for treatment, no matter what kind of technology is used for treatment, as long as they are effective, in normal time and space, will be cured quickly.

Judging from the experimental laboratories found in the New Empire Stellar System and the information collected, the experiment of Hui civilization must have been accompanied by a large number of casualties from other civilization species.

But why is there no other civilized species in the negative material area of this laboratory like the laboratory on the other side of the New Empire Stellar System for healing?

Could it be that before the experiment was transferred to the spiritual realm, the life in the negative material area was transferred by Hui people?

Such questions can be answered. As long as the collectors retrieve all the information records in the laboratory, they will definitely understand why this is so.

However, the collectors responsible for exporting the internal information records of the laboratory have not completed the export and cannot browse this information.

Just as the collectors were busy with the laboratory in the spiritual realm, a collector suddenly noticed a problem.

The collector told his questions to his peers in the life field channel, "Since the machinery inside this laboratory is still operating normally, does it mean that the internal defense mechanism is also working normally?"

The collectors who explored were stunned.

Then, it seemed that it was responding to this question, and there was a collector alerting in the channel.

"lost contact! My extended roots have lost contact!"

"How many lost?"


The collector of the destroyed rhizomes answered, but the individual who asked wanted to know more specific information.

"What the hell is going on? Explain the situation in detail."

Calm down, the collector whose roots have been destroyed explain the details.

was just now. I was going to bring out all the Huiwen machinery in the laboratory. As soon as I cut off the power supply of a machine, all the roots and my contact were cut off in a moment."

Hui civilization's machinery is a good thing. Time is limited. Naturally, it is impossible for collectors to slowly study what the principles of these machines are, so they want to pack them all and take them away, take them to their home field and then slowly study them.

Several collectors have dispatched their roots to the scene of the incident to obtain enemy information attacking the roots.

But then, they also lost contact with their roots, not only them, but also more and more collectors in the laboratory lost contact with their own roots.

Judging from the feedback neuron signal, the rhizome should have been destroyed.

However, in a huge number, despite the vigorous and rapid tactics of the enemy, the collectors still learned a little information.

[If an outside intruder is detected, the defense mechanism is activated and the internal cleaning procedure begins. Please enter the rest room in an orderly manner]

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