How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 757 - 758 Attack of the Collector

Chapter 757: Chapter 758 Attack of the Collector

By reading the memory in the individual memory of Zerg wisdom, the collectors learned a lot of information about the Zerg.

From this, the collectors know the territory of the Zerg and the coordinates of each nest planet, although it is not very detailed, because the Zerg do not have mathematicians or such a discipline as mathematics, and their star maps are very simple compared to the collectors.

However, more importantly, the collectors know the coordinates of the star system in multiple gate worlds. As long as they master the star gates in these star systems, the collectors will obtain multiple doors that can enter the gate world.

There is no doubt that this information is of great significance to the collectors and the same is true for the whole population. The collectors in the Kex stellar system immediately organized their peers to digitize the information obtained from the Zerg and transmit light-grade information with the help of stars.

The stars are twinkling!

Constantly blocking the light of the star makes the star look like it is constantly flashing. In this way, the information can be transmitted as far as the star's light can be transmitted.

When information about the Zerg began to spread throughout the population, the collectors of other star systems exploded.

The Zerg are too special, because they take the same genetic route as the collectors. They also have the same genetic modification technology as the collectors, and they have even developed Leviathan, which is equivalent to the size of mother ship organisms.

Before knowing the Zerg, many collectors thought that there would be no civilization similar to them, because the formation of Amoeba was too special to replicate, and the whole civilization must be centralized around a core, which is too rare and special for naturally formed civilizations.

Therefore, most collectors do not think that there are other civilizations similar to Amoeba. Even if it is also developing biotechnology, its social structure should be like the Selin and Luo people, not like Amoeba.

Many leap biological clusters began to take action against the nest planets of the Zerg. The orbit changed their orbit and reconnected the stars where the Zulus nest planet is located on the star map to reconnect into a straight accelerated magnetic track, accelerating a batch of leaping biological clusters to sublight speed.

Towards the nest planet of the Zerg.

The Zerg are still unknown about the actions of the collectors, because they have no access to information. The Zerg prisoners on the side of the mother star of the Kex can't transmit information to the collective through the spiritual realm.


"We're almost there, ready..."





With the order of the cluster leader, the huge cluster annihilated the material layer in front of it and pushed backward to achieve the purpose of slowing down.

The destination of this group of leap creatures is the star system where the nest planet dominated by the Zerg is located, a place called 'Grid'.

Of course, the Zerg will not have time to take such a name. This is the name of the local civilization conceived in this star system. The Zerg will not entangle the name, which is meaningless. After devouring the local civilization, the Zerg, who have no intention to waste time thinking, directly follow the destroyed civilization to their mother. The name of the stellar system is used to mark the star map.

The grid is a three-star system. This stellar system is complex. First, two red dwarfs, one large and one small, build a stable two-star system, and then a large-mass yellow dwarf and this double red dwarf system are built into a stable three-star system.

Because of their special orbits, the planets in this star system, the three orbits from the inside out, all orbit in an '8' shape. After orbiting the double red dwarf system, they will be captured by the gravity of the yellow dwarf and orbit around the yellow dwarf. After the yellow dwarf, they will return to the double red dwarf system again. , over and over again.

"Complicated environments mean increased difficulty, and the probability of them escaping will increase." Hot library

"First determine the number of Zerg with radar, and then clean it up with 'that'. We don't want the nest planet and drop the black hole bomb directly."

"I agree."

A considerable number of leap forward creatures began to change their body structure. At the same time, they stopped slowing down and began to speed up themselves. Only a small number of leap forward creatures did not move any abnormally and still kept slowing down evenly.

In the star system, the Zerg are preparing for war, because they have received a message from their peers that the powerful races in the starry sky have defeated two groups of insects that are going to attack.

Although it is learned from the same kind that the Zerg are not fully understood, but the race is very powerful, but it is only based on the premise that the Zerg cannot use the spiritual realm, so it is still very fragile in general.

That race can't fight head-on with the Zerg at all. Only by nesting in that star system can it be stronger than the Zerg.

The Zerg are not afraid of death. Since they have failed to attack twice, it means that the number is far from enough. If it is the number of creatures that can cover the entire star system, the enemy will inevitably be swallowed up by them.

Based on this idea, in addition to this star system, other nest planets of the Zerg are also constantly multiplying and expanding the biota. The Zerg master intends to put all the biota of the Zerg into the star system that failed both attacks.

The Zerg firmly believe that such a large number is absolutely impossible to fail.

Shielding the environment of the spiritual realm eliminates the advantages of the Zerg in the spiritual realm, but it also makes the Zerg firmly attack.

If that race defeats two groups of Zerg attacking with the spiritual realm, the Zerg will consider giving up the option of attacking, but the problem is that the race 'does not use the spiritual realm'.

The only thing that can make the Zerg feel difficult is the spiritual realm, because the spiritual realm is the only power that can smooth the amount of crushing. Since the spiritual realm is not used, the Zerg have nothing to worry about.

Without the spiritual realm, why fight against the huge number of Zerg? If the seventh class does not use the spiritual realm, it will only be swallowed up by the Zerg!

In the star system called 'Grid', the Zerg, who are busy preparing for war, have noticed a strangeness from outside the star system.

A radio pulse spread from the star system to them.

The energy level of these radio pulses is very high. Many radio receiver officers of the Zerg are burned because they can't withstand this strong signal, and many organisms are electrocuted alive because of the strong current generated by receiving these strong signals.

At this time, the Zerg command class had not associated with the 'enemy', and just thought it was a vision created by a distant pulsar.

Born from the celestial system of neutron stars as the main sequence stars, the Zerg are the terrible power of such extreme celestial bodies.

According to the experience of the Zerg, this abnormality comes and goes quickly. As long as they take measures to shield radio pulses, they can return to normal after waiting for a period of time.

However, the facts tell them that such an idea is a big mistake.

Inexplicably, there are many more stars in the background of the stars outside the star system. These stars are blooming with light blue and breathtaking blue.

Then a batch of Leviathan suddenly died strangely, and many cells in their bodies died in large numbers and genes were destroyed.

Before the Zerg command class could figure out the situation, a small blue object approached their nest planet at sublight speed.

After the object came into contact with the nest planet, a dazzling gamma-ray storm broke out, and the Zerg's nest planet disappeared after the light dissipated...

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