How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 777 - 778 Everything is accidental

Chapter 777: Chapter 778 Everything is accidental

"Probability? I don't understand that even probability should not reverse the time arrow of the main universe to reverse the cause and effect of an event.

Ask individuals not to understand what the suspected reversal of cause and effect, time reversal and probability of Hui civilization can have anything to do with it.

Time and space are one, collectively referred to as space-time, so when space is compressed, the passage of time will also slow down, which is the common situation around sublight navigation and black holes - the dent effect.

Time is also a relatively pseudo-concept. Time does not exist. Everything is just because of entropy. If one day the entropy of the universe becomes zero, the whole universe will usher in eternal stillness, that is, the stagnation of time.

As for the reversal of time, it is equivalent to curbing the movement of the whole universe. The energy required exceeds the sum of the energy of the whole universe. If there is really time reversal, then the energy that makes time reversal never comes from the universe's own system.

The individual who asked can't figure out whether it is just probability that can trigger a huge energy beyond the universe as a whole?

The individual who answers gives a reply.

"The reason why you can't figure it out is that you regard these things as a whole event, and you need to treat them separately into many separate events."

"The experiment of Hui civilization is an independent event, and their destruction is also an independent event. Everything is just an accidental result."

Yes, it's just by chance. No matter whether Hui civilization was born from its own home planet or not, whether Hui civilization has been built by Hui people, the construction of mevirus will not stop.

Everything is just a coincidence, just like winning a million jackpot. Can it be said that the winner did something to the lottery?

The destruction of Hui civilization is inevitable in high-probability events, but it is an accident to be destroyed by its own ancient meme virus.

"It is accidental that the mother star of Hui civilization gave birth to life, and it is also accidental that it has enough time to rapidly develop into a complex ecosystem. It is also accidental that Hui people were born from their home planet. It is also accidental that Hui people were not destroyed by external or internal factors and successfully grew into the master of the universe."

"So... led to the destruction of Hui civilization, and the kind of meme virus that has never been detected by Hui civilization will be produced just by chance?" The individual who asked felt a little unacceptable.

If that's all, is it actually feasible for cosmic civilization to imagine that it is feasible to change the constant probability of the universe through the subjective initiative of civilization?

However, two powerful civilizations have suffered disasters, one almost destroyed and the other has been destroyed, which is directly contrary to the theory.

The individual who explained continued to reply, "Yes, it's just an accident that the meme virus only began to combine before the birth of the Hui civilization. Even if the Hui civilization did not conduct river experiments, will that meme virus disappear inexplicably? No, one day the memovirus will still break out.

The past and future do not exist. Like time, they are just a pseudo-concept that exist in the thinking of organisms. Only the present is truly 100% certain. The memoid virus is a material existence, that is, a confirmed fact that it will neither appear or disappear out of thin air.

After being answered, the questions in my heart are solved, and the individuals who can ask are still suspicious.

"...But even by chance, will the statement of 'civilization presents a probabilistic distribution' be true? If it is true, it will be a big trouble for the ethnic group to retain those scientific research resources.

Collectors are keen to find alien civilizations and incorporate these alien civilizations as affiliated civilizations of the ethnic group, because these alien civilizations will not only bring losses to the ethnic groups, but also greatly help the scientific research of Amoeba.

No intelligent biological thinking is omnipotent, just like the social thinking of network-based intelligent species that human beings cannot be specific, and collectors cannot understand the social thinking of independent intelligent individuals. Different intelligent species have their own unique social thinking.

This kind of social thinking is exactly what collectors desire. In the words of their supreme will, Huo Gu, is to think from another perspective.

But now it is different. Collectors have found that these alien civilizations pose a great threat to the ethnic groups themselves.

Even if they are not malicious, even if they are very obedient, existence itself is a threat to the ethnic group.

Therefore, many individuals who understand the Hui civilization river experiment have been murderous about other alien civilizations. Although the development of technology is the top priority of the ethnic group, and they do not hesitate to pour a large amount of material resources for this purpose, the survival of the ethnic group is better than anything else.

"It's hard to say. Judging from the records, those high-tech cosmic civilizations have not conducted many experiments, and this statement needs further verification."

Those retain retainers, not because they don't care about the survival of the ethnic group, but because they don't accept the probabilistic distribution of civilization.

Collectors who intend to eliminate other alien civilizations have expressed their views.

"But I don't want the third time to be verified by the ethnic group."

Yes, if there is no collector's hope, there is only one ethnic group, just like the life of living creatures. Can it be resurrated after death?

Even if it is only possible, do collectors dare to take such a risk?

Suddenly, most collectors who knew the experimental information of Hui civilization began to tend to destroy other alien civilizations.

The reason is very simple. The survival of the ethnic group is better than anything else, and the collectors dare not take such a risk. Otherwise, once it is true, Amoeba will be the next Hui civilization.

Just as the collectors collectively intend to make decisions and pass on their ideas to other peers.

At the critical moment that determines the life and death of thousands of species in the river system, some individual collectors raised questions.

"Calm down, even if civilization really presents a probabilistic distribution, it is difficult to explain the number of civilizations. For example, multiple races of different cultures combine to develop together, and even different genes can reproduce across species through scientific and technological experiments. Is such a civilization one or multiple?"

"For example, a single-species civilization lacks superluminal technology. After colonizing other planets, there is a lack of information exchange between the parent star and the colonial star. The culture, customs and three views of the colonial star begin to differ from the parent star. Coupled with the popularization of physical transformation technology, it will be very different from the species of the mother star in just a few decades. In the end, it even broke with the mother star into an independent space force. Is this a civilization or two civilizations? If it returns after the break, is this a civilization or two civilizations?

"How on earth should this 'number of civilizations' be calculated? According to genetic differences, the ethnic group itself can be equivalent to tens of thousands of 'civilizations'.

In order to prevent the probabilistic distribution of civilization, the minimum understanding of the number of civilizations in the region can be distinguished only by knowing the number.

The standard for measuring the number of civilizations, Hui civilization does not explain in the information.

"Before figuring out how to divide the number of civilizations, it is better not to take any action, so as not to cause greater losses to the ethnic group."

"But if we wait to die, we will eventually be the same as Hui."

Some individuals worry that the number of civilizations will continue to rise over time, and even if these rising civilizations are not malicious, their existence is a huge threat to the ethnic group.

"I don't think the problem is very big. The first cosmic civilization and Hui civilization are the first to create a huge number of civilizations."

"If the statement that civilization presents a probabilistic distribution is correct, and the existing civilization becomes more and more difficult to destroy due to the development of technology, then the newly born civilization is more likely to prematurely because it is fragile enough, so as to restore the constant probability of the universe, as long as it does not deliberately break the balance and be careful enough. , the ethnic group will be very safe.

The restless mood of the collectors was calmed down.

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