How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 788 - 789 The Prophet

Chapter 788: Chapter 789 The Prophet

De Drew planet is inhabited by a group of De Drew people, who are still in the cold weapon stage, but because of the ability to use the spiritual realm, although the material science is still in the wood stage, it is early in space and finds that their race lives on a ball.

This is a highly developed civilization that relies on the spiritual realm, as opposed to extremely cruel religious sacrifices. In front of fanatics, of course, there is no fear of death. As long as they can please the 'God', they will not hesitate to give everything, including life.

After praying to the spiritual realm to get a bloodline that can survive normally in the space environment, the De Drew set foot in space with a civilization at the stage of cold weapons.

Wooden sailboat warships sail in the star system and build castles floating in space to constantly open up their own territory.

Because there are no hot weapons, space battles are mainly based on jumping gang battles. Powerful soldiers with battlefield coping ability can often take the lead in jumping gang battles, so they have become the key training object of Delu's civilization.

It was discovered by the Zerg 600 years ago and began to carry out aggression.

There is no doubt that this is an absolute crushing, and it is not a wise act to fight with the Zerg jumpers. Even if the external biological armor of the Zerg organism can be broken through cold weapons, the insect acid splashing from the inside of the organism will immediately take away the life of the Dede Drew.

Even if the De Drew are not afraid of sacrifice, the result will not change. The Zerg are also not afraid of sacrifice. In the end, the two races compete with each other.

Of course, Zerg with biotechnology dominates.

On the eve of the destruction of civilization, the high priest of De Drew civilization stood up and prayed to the spiritual realm that his race would not perish and be saved, and he could give everything for it.

At the cost of ninety-nine percent of the population of the spiritual realm, a continental barrier was erected, and the Dedelu people were able to survive under the attack of the Zerg.

But this was not saved in the eyes of the Daidru high priest, and he asked the spiritual realm.

And the answer of the spiritual realm is - wait, six hundred years later, a group of saviors will come to redeem you.


It is said that the prophecy is not credible, because the future is uncertain, but it really exists in reality, and others seem to really predict the future.

Only the collector knew that the spiritual realm was pretending to be a ghost and sacrificing the flesh and blood of the Dedelu people for nothing.

Yes, the collectors are the saviors in the 'prophecy' of the spiritual realm, and the time is indeed the 600th year of the Dew people.

However, their arrival at the mother star of the Dedew is not to save the Dedew, but simply destroy and occupy the territory of the Zerg. The Dedew did not know what the collectors knew after entering the star system.

Only facts constitute salvation.

At first, when the collectors saw that there was a continent-level unknown shield on the planet, they immediately thought of the Cox civilization, believing that there were one or more Hui civilization remnants on the planet, and there were still technical creations that were still functioning normally.

So he rushed to the planet with great interest.

However, after landing, the collectors were greeted by a group of De Drew who were still in the cold weapon stage, not to mention how confused the collectors were at that time...

The collectors successfully accepted the De Druz as a vassal civilization, and the De Druz people will not be dissatisfied with it.

From the perspective of the Dedew people, the collector is the savior referred to by the language, so it is linked to 'God', and it is not an overd to say that it is a god.

Therefore, the power shown by the collectors, the De Drews naturally attributed to miracles, can be accepted with peace of mind. When the collectors proposed to accept their race as vassals, the De Drews did not hesitate at all, even if they agreed.

How sacred it is to become a vassal of God. How could they refuse when they were too happy?

It seems that the matter has come to an end, but it's just a matter for the Dedelu himself, and the collectors don't have it. The problems reflected behind this matter are enough for the collectors to treat it solemnly.

Walking at the ceremony held by the De Droux for the arrival of the collectors, the two collectors talked to each other through the life field.

"Isn't the spiritual realm afraid that we won't come to save these Dedew people, so that it can't fulfill the prayers of the prayer?"

So far, the collectors have never seen whose prayers cannot be fulfilled in the spiritual realm, but there are some problems with the cost and the way to achieve them, but the spiritual realm is indeed fulfilling the prayers of those who pray, which has not changed.

But this time, the spiritual realm fulfills the prayers of the prayers through the collectors, which makes the collectors can't help but raise a question - if they do not come to the De Druid's mother star system to save them, or to save these De Drut seven hundred years later, does this not count as the spiritual realm fail to fulfill the prayers of the prayers of the prayer of the prayer?

"The spiritual realm predicted that we would come, and also predicted that we would save these Dedew. The spiritual realm is not a god and can't have a prophetic foresight, so it must have an accurate understanding of intelligence to achieve such a prophecy."

is like a cup. It is knocked down from the table by external forces and will fall to the ground and break. There is a process of breaking. Before the cup completely falls to the ground, the third-party observer has simulated the broken knot of the cup in his mind. Fruit.

In a sense, this is also a kind of prediction of the future. Through the analysis of intelligence, the results are obtained before the actual results appear, and the future is predicted a few seconds later when the cup is broken.

"In this way, every move of the ethnic group can't escape the surveillance of the spiritual realm. The spiritual realm can even infer when the ethnic group can develop superluminal technology. knows that we reach this star system more or less than the speed of light."

Such an analysis is undoubtedly very serious, which means that if Amoeba fights against the spiritual realm, the spiritual realm can suppress Amoeba without any effort, and there is no ability to fight back. After all, the whole amoeba has no secret to the spiritual realm.

It also confirms a conclusion that the ripple structure only has an impact on the species' prayer to the spiritual realm, but it has no effect on the spiritual realm itself!

"It should not be very accurate. If it is very accurate, why doesn't the spiritual realm give a more accurate time, such as the year, months, days, hours, etc. in 600 years later."

"It can be said that after 602, it can be exactly 602 or 629, which is a large range."

"I just hope there is no problem with such an analysis."

It's just that the intelligence of the ethnic group has been completely revealed and still doesn't know the most terrible thing. It is even more terrible that even the amoeba can be predicted when to develop the speed of light.

For example, two civilizations monitor another civilization in real time, and then develop technology before that civilization by predicting the future direction of another civilization.

Although this is a little bullshit, the civilization of real-time monitoring can quickly reach the level of flying into a god with technology in a short time, but the performance of the spiritual realm is like this. In connection with the Hui civilization using 'God' as the reference template of the spiritual realm, the collectors dare not be careless at all.

"Anyway, it should be reported. Now that the superluminal communication between stars and stars has been established, it is up to the will to make a decision."

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