How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 792 - 793 If you can’t beat it, run away

Chapter 792: Chapter 793 If you can't beat it, run away


This is a wonderful concept for the Zerg, and the domination feels very strange, because so far, it seems that the Zerg have not surrendered in a real sense.

When they were crushed by the Holy Wormite Kingdom, they did not want to obey and join the Holy Wormite Kingdom, but to confront them and think about how to increase the number to defeat each other.

After being powerful, they expanded their territory in the door world. In the face of many sixth classes, the Zerg did not want to coexist or join, but still accumulate strength and intend to overthrow them.

Even in the face of the powerful seventh class, the Zerg did not think of surrendering at that time. They only found the spiritual master and prayed for a way from the spiritual master.

In the end, the Zerg can be incorporated, which can be said to be coordinated by the spiritual master... Strictly speaking, this can't be called surrender. If there is no spiritual master, the Zerg will fight to the end, knowing that the extermination has never had the idea of surrender.

"Surrender is when one side admits defeat, and unconditional surrender is to completely hand over the right of choice to the enemy who is fighting..."

"No, this won't work. If you do this, wouldn't it be easy once the enemy wants to destroy the Bugs? How can the Zerg give their survival to another race?

The master decisively rejected the answer given by the spiritual realm. Although the spiritual realm has always been right and has helped the Zerg to come to the present again and again, this time the master does not intend to listen to the answer of the spiritual realm.

The Zerg can't afford to take such a risk, and the Zerg are not in a desperate situation without a choice.

"Since it can't be beaten, and the seventh class is not going to help us, the Zerg have no obligation to fight against the enemy in the danger of extermination."

"Gun my order, from now on to prepare for biomass, we will make a long voyage."

The idea of the Zerg master is very simple. Can't you escape if you can't defeat it? With the exploration of the land of gods, they have learned about the vastness of the universe, and the door world they have tried their best to plan is not even a grain of dust.

As long as the Zerg escape into the vast sea of stars, it is a question whether the enemy can find them. Moreover, whether the seventh class of the world delays the enemy, whether the enemy will spare no effort to pursue them.

On the collector's side, he still knows nothing about the situation of the Zerg. Even if he knows it, he probably won't have too many ideas. It's not the first time for the collector to meet the strategic transfer of threats.

After feeling the threat of collectors, Carter sent a double-digit small fleet outside the parent star system to travel between stars at one tenth of the speed of light.

There is nothing wrong with the idea of strategic transfer. The problem is the speed of their strategic transfer, one-tenth of the speed of light, destined not to beat the leap forward creatures that travel at the sublight speed.

After they arrived at the destination star system, they found that their destination star system had been colonized by collectors, and the construction of the giant structure was completed. A large number of giant creatures covered the star system and the planets were completely dismantled.

With the precedent of the Carter people, the Zerg will choose to escape, and the collectors are really not surprised at all and will not take any targeted pursuit actions.

There is no need to do that. In the universe, the escape of a civilization's collection of resources is equivalent to weakening, because in the process of escape, they can't develop technology, and resources are tilted to escape on a large scale.

And those civilizations that stay in place and develop steadily, technology is innovative at all times, and the stagnation of technological research is equivalent to a regression.

How can the Zerg run no matter how far they can? Their technology has not developed and always escapes at a constant speed, and collectors will develop more advanced mobile methods with the development of technology.

At that time, it would not be easy to catch up with the fleeing Zerg.

"What's going on? Why do you make a detour? As long as we move, we can quickly take down the stellar system. The detour is just a waste of time.

"No, this is for the safety of the navigation of the whole cluster. There is a massive pulsar and a black hole in this place and this place respectively. Their gravity will compress time and space and make us fall out of the speed of superluminal."

On the shared star map of the collectors, the coordinates of two stars appeared, namely pulsars and black holes.

Even if the superluminal technology has been unlocked now, I dare not relax my vigilance in the face of these two celestial bodies.

If the superluminal speed enters the gravitational field of such celestial bodies, due to the degree of space-time distortion, part of the repulsion of negative matter will be neutralized, thus weakening the universal repulsion of negative matter.

After the repulsion is reduced, superluminal creatures will naturally fall out of superluminal speed.

Moreover, as the distance from the celestial body is closer, the higher the degree of compression of space-time distortion, and a higher threshold is needed for repulsion.

"No, why are there extreme celestial bodies in these places? It has not been marked on the star map before.

Looking at the star map after the reform, the collector always felt that there was something unnatural that he couldn't explain, and asked the doubts in his heart.

Other peers, contrary to its idea, don't think there is any problem.

Some individuals in the same family answered, "What's strange about this? objects are not fixed, especially extreme objects. Because there is no resistance in the space environment, many of them still carry part of the kinetic energy of the supernova explosion and the energy released when the star declines. In the past, there were no such extreme objects in the channel, but now they have moved to the vicinity of the channel, so there is nothing strange about changing the original space-time environment there.

"But I always feel something, and there is an indescribable strange feeling..."

The collector looked at the two coordinates on the shared star map strangely.

As time goes by and the superluminal speed is coming to an end, the cluster leader uses the radio frequency band to transmit their information to every superluminal creature.

"Everyone, pay attention! Next, we will seize the territory of a new star system of the Zerg and hit them head-on before they react!"

After that, the collectors broke away from the superluminal speed state, and the perspective suddenly changed from superluminal speed to low light speed.

Because the energy accumulated at the speed of superluminal is released at the moment of leaving the speed of light, the bright flare suddenly emptied Leviathan stationed in the star system.

After a wave of clearing the field, the superluminal biological cluster entered the star system and laid a ripple structure to interfere with the enemy's use of the spiritual realm.

In just a few seconds, the Zerg were completely annihilated. For the Zerg, everything came so suddenly that they could not respond effectively in time.

While the collectors were immersed in the joy of seizing another star system, something else quietly came to the collectors - a neutron star near the channel, which is now observing the behavior of the collectors.

[Retrieve the 4B level of intelligent species, excellent, technical development level, superluminal primary stage, import algorithm, evaluate the strength of this civilization...]

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