How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 796 - 797 The Arrival of Great Destruction

Chapter 796: Chapter 797 The Arrival of Great Destruction

How should we fight against the Great Destruction?

After research, the answer given by Hogu and the collectors is 'unable to fight'.

The 'great destruction' left by Hui civilization is to remove civilization that exceeds the standard, and there are no restrictions on how to remove it, which leads to almost no way to defend against 'great destruction'.

Some civilizations were destroyed by viruses that suddenly emerged, some because stars inexplicably entered the end of the year and were about to explode as supernovae, some were swept away like garbage, and some were destroyed by the outbreak of civil war due to the fire of powerful weapons.

There is no specific attack method of Great Destruction. Naturally, there is no way to achieve targeted defense. It is possible that Great Destruction will come in any way.

At first glance, this seems to be very similar to the probability disaster of the Huiming river system experiment, but in fact, there is still a difference between the two.

Every time the Great Destruction is implemented, there will be a similar 'broadcast' effect in the spiritual realm, which is one of the sources of information related to the 'Great Destruction' in the seventh class of the world.

In this way, it can be determined that the spiritual realm must participate in part of the mechanism work of the great destruction, or the spiritual realm is simply carrying out the great destruction.

It's hard to determine which one it is, but at least with a reliable source of intelligence, Amoeba will not be like a headless fly and knows when his opponent will move.

After many discussions, Huo Gu and others formulated a policy against great destruction - survival.

As long as the Amoeba can survive the great destruction, unlike other civilizations, Amoeba has its own unique social structure. Even if it is destroyed to the last collector, it can make Amoeba grow again, which is a particularity that destroyed civilizations in the past do not have.

Strong reproductive ability and absolute cohesion can not be possessed by any civilization, but unique to Amoeba.

After deciding the policy, a few collectors held small cards to enter the spiritual realm as an early warning radar for the great destruction. The remaining collectors should expand, the production, and the communication of the passage are not affected by the great destruction at all, and there are no worries about the future.

Amoeba, who can't take the initiative to attack, has no choice but to wait for the 'great destruction' to make a move.

"Hui civilization, let our Amoeba come to understand your great destruction..."

Seventy years after the formulation of the 'survival' policy, Huogu finally waited for the great destruction.

With a ripple in the spiritual realm that heralded great destruction, the boundless chaos was turned upside down, countless spiritual realm creatures disappeared in the wailing, and the actual universe also changed accordingly.

In all the star systems dominated by Amoeba, a plural wormhole suddenly appeared, and a large number of high-energy rays gushed out of the wormholes, washing everything in the star system like a wave.

Everything happened very suddenly, and the formation of wormholes did not arrive for a second, abruptly, quickly and accurately, like an array of artillery fired on the ground.

In fact, this is indeed a 'gun array', which is just an enlarged version. Each wormhole can be understood as a turret. The star system is a bombing target. Every inch of the space in the star system will be bombarded by high-energy strikes with high-energy rays as the main body.

It happened so suddenly that it was difficult for collectors to react quickly, completely defenseless hard resistance to high-energy radiation strikes.

Fortunately, the collectors have applied proton lattice and solid helium, which have a strong tolerance for high-energy rays, which can cope with both penetrating and thermal accumulation.

However, even so, a considerable number of collectors died unexpectedly.

I don't know what the other end of the wormhole is. The intensity of the rays is the most powerful rays since the collectors have recognized it. The intensity of the gamma rays annihilated by positive and anti-matter is not as good as the ray flow released by the wormhole now, just like the pulse beam facing the neutron star at close range, and the energy contained in it is extremely horrible.

Therefore, it is not enough to have a proton lattice and solid helium. Distance is also needed as an auxiliary to reduce the intensity of rays. If the distance is too close, it will also be killed on the spot.

After a wave of blows, the whole Amoeba was directly disabled.

But this will not end. The great destruction is destruction, not disability. The remaining collectors will not let go of the great destruction.

A glass bead volume light bead bursting out of the wormhole. The speed of this small bead is extremely close to the speed of light, so the energy contained is extremely horrible, which can almost be equivalent to a miniature black hole with the volume of glass beads.

The pearl of light fell into the star, which naturally triggered the black hole, and the strength of the black hole quickly broke the equilibrium inside the star, and the nuclear fusion began to get out of control, causing a supernova explosion.

Once used by the Selin people to threaten Amoeba, now the collectors have truly tasted it.

One star after another was detonated mercilessly. With such a decisive and extermination means, the collectors in the star system were naturally immune and collectively annihilated.

The huge energy released by the stellar explosion, instantly destroyed everything in the stellar system, whether it was a leap into the organism or a biological giant structure, including what is considered to be the strongest stellar gravitational ring.

Even if there is a ring-shaped mimic black hole inside that provides gravity as a strength guarantee, it cannot fight against the horrible supernova explosion, which is the horrible energy that can instantly compress matter into singularities.

If it hadn't been for the fact that the universe itself has a protective mechanism that would form black holes due to excessive density, which would have allowed energy to be slowly released, I'm afraid that the whole universe would have been destroyed in supernova explosions.

The overflowing star plasma spread outward. Due to the existence of many stellar colonies in the amoeba, the scale of this region of the river system stretching for thousands of light years becomes empty, leaving only a nebula.

In the foreseeable future, nebulae will reconverge into stars, and the remaining space debris of Amoeba will also participate in it. The traces of civilization will be erased by nuclear fusion. If Amoeba cannot continue civilization, they will be buried in the garbage heap of history.

"What a terrible and quick blow. Fortunately, I don't like to put eggs in the same basket and prepare them with many hands, otherwise I'm afraid I will never see tomorrow."

In the face of such a decisive blow, the well-informed Huo Gu couldn't help but feel a little scared. At this moment, he once again felt the vulnerability of Amoeba so clearly.

It is separated from the superluminal state and stays in the open area between stars. Now it is also very empty, because it will take time for the plasma nebula to spread, and it will take at least several years to reach their current position.

[What should I do next?]

"The original policy remains unchanged or survival. Do we have any other options?"

[Is it just passively beaten?]

"Don't worry, there will always be opportunities. There is nothing in the world that doesn't leak."

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