How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 813 - 814 It’s a matter of course

Chapter 813: Chapter 814 It's a matter of course

During the construction of the planetary gravitational ring, Dali physical scientists on the home planet fell in love with outdoor stargazing activities. In the past, this activity could only be carried out by astrophysicists, but this time it has expanded to the whole physics community. Whether they study micro quantum or applied physics, they are all involved.

They are not trying to observe any astrology or a newly discovered object, but they are concerned about the rings being built in the orbit of their parent star.

Perhaps because of mastering celestial observation skills, astrophysicists are far more valued by the Dali scientific community than in the past. Physicists in other fields generally invite several astrophysicists to observe the construction of planetary gravitational rings outdoors.

Such a blatant 'viewing' collector has not stopped it. There is no theoretical foundation. Even if you read it, you can't understand it. At most, you can understand the structure of the gravitational ring to a certain extent. Even if you take a step back, the Dali people discover the mystery of superluminal speed by observing the construction of the gravitational ring, and they don't have the ability to pick it. The collector developed into a superluminal civilization without permission.

This is the sadness of the vassal civilization, and the lifeline has always been pinched by the suzerain civilization.

Because the existing acceleration pipeline is only combined into a ring, the construction of the ring acceleration orbit is soon coming to an end, followed by the acceleration of the ring.

As the internal deflection maintains the improvement of the electric field energy level, the ring began to shrink gradually under the surprised eyes of the Dalians on the parent star, from a size equivalent to twice the diameter of the parent star to the same size as the diameter of the parent star.

At the same time, the planet began to change towards the gravitational ring. The Dali people there obviously felt that their bodies were much lighter. They walked like walking on the moon, and the car flew away.

The gravitational ring lights up the pulse tail flame in the direction of the planet to resist the pull of the planet. The huge pipeline structure bypasses the planet and remains relatively static with the planet as a whole. It is also pushed back through the pulse tail flame to avoid being pulled down by the planet's gravity.

These giant pipes will be connected to the same huge ring structure as the rear and gravitational rings.

After confirming the tightness, the huge superluminal structure begins to produce negative matter, which will bypass the planet through a huge pipeline and accumulate in the ring structure on the other side.

As a result, a star superluminal structure is constructed, which can be carried out at superluminal speed.

As for other residual structures, such as the gravitational rings and the connection structure of negative matter accumulation rings and planets, these can be slowly built on the road.

This time, 90% of the material resources are built, but let the ethnic group harvest another vassal civilization, and the collectors are still willing to do so.

The planet began to shift its original orbit. With the accumulation of negative matter, the Dali parent star began to have an abnormal displacement speed and accelerated evenly. It soon reached the edge of the parent star system. A part of the collector cluster, which is responsible for building new clusters and is also responsible for taking care of it. Dali people who become vassals can't completely suppress Dali people by relying on the star-living superluminal structure alone.

With the change of star brightness, a new round of supernova explosions is about to occur.

The cluster leader gave new instructions.

"Go to a new destination and continue to reserve resources for the galaxy."

The cluster enters the superluminal speed and goes to the target star 11 light years away from the current star.

It takes 11 years to reach a star at the speed of light, but it doesn't take so long for collectors to use superluminal technology.

With the release of dazzling light from the destination, a group of collectors arrived at the destination.

The massive structures of matter give priority to the direction of the star, where the stellar material is extracted, and the cooling giants go to the edge of the stellar system to receive the subsequent high-temperature helium.

Other production has been temporarily stagnated, giving priority to the centralized collection of substances. A large amount of hydrogen materials are extracted and turned into normal temperature hydrogen through the rapid cooling of solid helium, which is then transported to the high-pressure giant structure, compressed into solid hydrogen and encapsulated into the storage giant structure.

In this way, when mining continued for a month, all the storage giants were filled with hydrogen, and the blow never came, but the cluster leaders still issued superluminal orders.

The collectors chose a remote star as a target for a voyage. During the voyage, the hydrogen extracted was processed into liquid metal hydrogen, and then processed these liquid metal hydrogen into accelerated pipes.

After arriving at the new stellar system, the hydrogen material processing is completed, and the cluster repeats the previous mining of stellar material.

Some collectors transferred the accelerated pipeline to the space environment, processed and manufactured them into a gravitational ring, and built a new group of biological giants based on the gravitational rings. Among these biological giants, the storage giants accounted for the largest proportion, followed by the cooling giants, and finally the material giants.

As for the anti-matter giant structure, the strong pressure giant structure is not constructed.

The reserve of matter increases with the increase of the amount of material mined by the star. After jumping to the fourth star, the collector's material reserve has reached a considerable scale.

Looking at the already extremely abundant material reserves, the leader of the cluster ordered.

"The next destination is to try to build a swallowing giant."


The new star system has arrived, which is a star that is approaching the end of the year. The supergiant is quite large in size, about 200 times the diameter of the main sequence star in the previous star system of the collectors.

The whole star system is very empty, without meteorites, leaving only a solid planet with high orbital speed.

If you are the collectors who have not unlocked the collection of stellar materials before, there is no way to extract the materials in this stellar system. The mass of the available materials is too scarce, but now it is different.

The material giant reaches the near orbit of the supergiant, where the material of the supergiant is extracted by gravity.

Because the material inside the supergiant is much higher than that of ordinary stars, also consumes a lot of solid helium, and the storage giant structure goes back and forth more frequently.

While collecting supergiants, the collectors also began to prepare for the construction of the star-swallowing giant structure.

"Let's go, don't waste time."

Select an open area, store a large number of acceleration pipes, and build a circular acceleration pipeline before the gravitational ring is formed.

In terms of size, it is also a star-rated gravitational ring, and the mass consumed by building this gravitational ring is very large.

However, the collector's storage giant structure is also enough, and the quality of the objects carried is also large enough. The quality of the objects needed to build the swallowing giant structure has long been calculated by the collector, so the pressure is not large.

Everything comes naturally.

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