How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 818 - 819 Desa

Chapter 818: Chapter 819 Desa

[Star Destruction Announcement, Small Mass Red Short Three-Day Body System... Coordinates... Destruction Time... Estimated Range of 36 Light Years...]

[Star Destruction Announcement, Mass Supergiant Double Celestial System... Coordinates... Destruction Time... Estimated Range of Killing...]

[Star Destruction Announcement, Medium-mass Yellow Short Single Celestial System...]

[Star Destruction Announcement...]


In a medium-mass star system near the outer edge of the river system, satellites scattered in the near orbit of various planets and ground radio stations on planets are always running to receive radio messages from outside the stars.

This is the mother star system of the Desa people, and information from outside the stellar system has been received since a few years ago.

These radio regular signals from outside the star system naturally attracted the great attention of the Desa civilization. They kept collecting these radio information and trying to decipher them.

With the passage of time, the information texts received became richer and richer, and the difficulty of deciphering was reduced a lot due to the accumulation of a large number of texts. It took the Desa people several years to complete the deciphering work.

After deciphering, this information has been questioned by Desa society, because the content of this information is really difficult for them to accept - for unknown reasons, stars are destroying at superluminal speed, which is to announce the coordinates of these destroyed stars and the range of influence after destruction.

But how is this possible? Let alone say whether such a large-scale destruction is really feasible. Just looking at the coordinates of these destroyed stars and simply calculating the speed of star destruction, it is not difficult to find that these stars are dying at superluminal speed, which alone violates the principle of the speed of light cannot be surpassed by relativity.

Therefore, Desa society does not completely believe in the content of radio information, but maintains a skeptical attitude, and various conspiracy theories are very rageous.

For example, aliens want to deceive their Desa people through this false information so that they can collectively move their mother star system, and then they can complete the occupation of their mother star system without a single soldier.

There is also a test hypothesis that aliens have been paying attention to their Desa people for a long time ago. Every progress of Desa civilization will set a test to test whether the Desa ideology corresponds to the material level of civilization. Now the radio information is that aliens are testing whether their Desa people have the material level of space civilization. Corresponding ideology, they should vigorously advocate love and peace and cherish every life, so as to overcome the test and successfully enter the family of space civilization.

Among many speculations, the only situation that is closer to the truth is that the destruction of stars is due to the war of high-level civilizations in the universe. However, unfortunately, this speculation is not well recognized by the mainstream of Desa society, but a relatively marginal third-rate hypothesis. Rebutors can give hundreds of reasons to argue. Refuting that this is not a cosmic war.

For example, one of the most famous rebuttals in Desa society is the reason for space war - what is war for? In order to compete for resources, the stars have been destroyed, and the planets can still exist? In addition to the nebula, there are star debris. Even if the alien civilization can really reach such a terrible technical level, they will only get a lot of holes in this kind of war.

The Desa scientific community even has doubts about the authenticity of the information. The root cause of their suspicion is that the barrier of the speed of light restricts the transmission of information, so that they have not observed any star destruction. Even if the nearby star is destroyed, it will take them to obtain the information in a few years, and those If a star one or two light-year apart is destroyed, it will take a thousand or two years to confirm it by observation.

Stubborn scholars need to witness the destruction of stars to really believe in this information and try to change the mainstream views of society.

However, again, even if the Desa people know the truth, it is very difficult to be alone with the current technical level of their civilization.

Civilizations trapped in light-speed cages are all ants, without exception.

Generally speaking, the Desa civilization is relatively calm, and there is no social unrest due to the radio broadcasts received by the collectors.

However, this only lasted until the arrival of the collectors.

Among the mother stars of the Desa people, major satellites and radio base stations suddenly received a very powerful pulse signal, which almost disintegrated the radio receiver device of their entire civilization in an instant.

More importantly, this powerful pulse signal source actually comes from inside their parent star system, not anywhere else outside the star system!

In a short second, a medium-mass pulsar suddenly appeared in the star system and then suddenly disappeared.

This doesn't look like a natural phenomenon. It doesn't need too much in-depth analysis. Desa people can naturally infer that it was done by aliens.

Subsequently, the civilization observation function was restored, and confirmed their speculation.

A large number of large entities have appeared in the stellar system. The volume of these entities has exceeded the Desa people's understanding of material strength. Among them, the largest entity has reached the volume close to that of a red dwarf!

The impact on the Desa people is unparalleled. To put it as hard to describe it, it is that as soon as they closed their eyes, there was an extra red dwarf star in front of them!

Compared with the panic of the Desa people, the collectors of the originators are orderly, and the cluster leaders assign work tasks to their peers and exchange information one after another.

"No abnormalities have been found in this star."

"At present, there are not many stars left to search for. Everyone should be alert and prepare for possible emergencies."


The cluster has reached a new destination, and the huge energy generated by the annihilation of matter is converted into an ultra-high voltage current, and the powerful radar waves are released outward, thus obtaining the general environmental information of the star system in a short time.

"This is a civilized star system that is preparing to contact individuals for diplomacy."

"The star- swallowing giant structure is ready for the reception of vassal civilization."

Compared with the past, today's collectors are more calm and forced in receiving vassal civilizations.

In the past, even if indigenous civilizations wanted to survive with Amoeba, because the star superluminal mechanism needs to be built on the spot and takes a lot of time, it is actually too late. Many times, Dali people are a few lucky people, the great destruction has given them more than a month, and the collector cluster It happens to have a relatively sufficient material reserve.

Now it is different. It only takes a few days for the construction of the star-swallowing giant structure, and the vassal civilization and its own home planet can be taken away by the collectors.

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