How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 827 - 828 All show their magical powers

Chapter 827: Chapter 828 All show their magical powers

Other collectors threw the problem to the cluster leaders, hoping to come up with a strategic solution to deal with it.

The leader of the cluster pondered for a while, "Continue to attack, build a defense line centered on the star- swallowing giant structure, and provide cover for other giant creatures. The ripple giant structure should not wait until the war situation is stable before entering the star system. At that time, as long as the ripple giant structure runs, their strategy will be better."

This is a misguided one, misleading for the Konak Utopia commander.

Cluster leaders are betting that Konak Utopia does not understand the ripples and that they dare not risk ignoring any giant creatures.

After such misinformation from the collector, the commander of Konak Utopia will think of such a question - can the ripple giant structure used to seal the spiritual realm only have one appearance?

The plan is in the middle of the plan!

"I see."

After the logic was smoothed, the collectors did not hesitate to implement it.

With a strong light, the cluster appeared in the star system, and a large number of organisms released a large number of sublight-speed shells as soon as they arrived, and a wave of rained bombs cleaned up the enemies near the battlefield.

"Go! Go! Go! Give it all to me! Kill these Amoeba people!"

"Ms. Leader! What is the strategic goal of blocking the spiritual realm? There are too many large targets!"

Although I know the strategic plan and purpose, Konak Utopia is a little confused, because there are too many giant creatures, and ghosts know which is the ripples that seal the spiritual realm.

Not to mention the soldiers at the bottom are dumbfounded, even the high-level commanders are also a little dumbfounded. The Conak Utopia Marshal, who knows little about Amoeba, knows for the first time that there are so many huge things in Amoeba, and the largest body is close to the volume of the red dwarf.

And among so many goals, there is no ripple structure, which leads to a problem. Will the ripple structure change its appearance?

Especially when seeing the collectors defend the swallowing giant that is close to the mass of the red dwarf star, does the marshal dare to bet that the ripple giant structure has only one appearance?

Therefore, there is only one conclusion - no matter what the huge structure is, it will all be destroyed!

"Pit the one they guard! Regardless, if not, then take the nearest giants around as the priority target for destruction!"

The marshal issued an order, and there was no better way at this time.


In line with the collectors, various space manoeuvres are underway. One side has a spiritual field jump that can teleport, and the other side has a superluminal speed that can be regarded as teleportation. It is not easy to see which side has a greater disadvantage for a time.

After the battle, the fighters in Konak Utopia were stunned because they found that the Amoeba were different from the living targets they thought before the war, and they could suddenly disappear and then suddenly appear like them.

"What's going on?! Don't they jump in the spiritual realm!?"

Although it can't be said that it can't be beaten, the morale originally built before the war has been somewhat impacted.

The older warrior replied, "Calm down and see clearly that this is indeed not a spiritual jump, but they move too fast."

After all, the superlight speed is still different from the spiritual realm jump. One is still moving in essence, and the other is teleportation. Before the superlight speed is played, there will be an accelerated action, which is observed by the keen Konak Utopia warriors.

However, moving at a high speed in such a short time, and then suddenly stopping, even if the physics of the Konak Utopia is not very good, it is more common sense. The recoil brought by such movement will be very horrible.

Therefore, the Konak warriors, who were shocked by the superluminal movement of the collectors, even staggered their tone.

" this possible!? How did they do it?!"

The marshal observing the battlefield is restless. Although the fighting power shown by the collector is tricky, it is still within his acceptable range.

"It is worthy of the Amoeba people who have survived the great destruction, which is indeed extremely difficult."

"Drop the sacred skeleton into the battlefield and destroy the huge objects of the Amoeba people." The marshal ordered.

On the battlefield, there were suddenly many shining white balls, which gradually shrank, revealing all kinds of strange creatures.

Collectors familiar with the spiritual realm can see at a glance that these things are directly related to the spiritual realm.

"What the hell is this?"


The collectors observed in surprise.

After some tests, the collectors made a judgment that these are Konark Utopia who do not know what method they used to lock the creatures in the spiritual realm into the body, and several of the more powerful monsters imprisoned the spiritual master.

These monsters have powerful recovery ability and the ability to influence a wide range of spaces. The warriors of Konak Utopia are almost invincible in these affected spaces.

"Although it has strong resilience and unknown ability, that huge quality is a fatal weakness..."

The leader of the cluster saw the weakness of this method at a glance and immediately issued an order.

"Black hole bomb ready! Send these things back to the spiritual realm!"

Black hole bombs are carried on superluminal shells in order to hit the enemy 100%.

The lethality of black hole bombs is horrible. In front of black holes, any evil spirit is a joke. Everything will return to the singularity and everything will be zero.

In the face of this power, even in the spiritual realm, there is nothing we can do.

"Marshal! All the sacred remains are destroyed!"

The anxious report of his subordinates made the marshal' face gloomy.

After thinking about it, he asked his subordinates, "How is the evacuation of Konak's people?" Have they all left?"


After receiving a clear answer from his subordinates, the marshal made up his mind.

"Okay, go and open the old seal. I'd like to see if the Amoeba also has the ability to destroy that thing."

"The old seal, this..."

The subordinate was a little stupid and thought he had misheard the order. After all, it was quite a great thing.

"Obey orders!"

The marshal stared at each other.


Subsequently, various corps in the star system received retreat orders from the marshal.

"All the members of the war in the seventh war zone obey the order! Get rid of the state of war!"

The other warrior regiments are okay. The soldiers who were fighting in the seventh war zone suspected that they had heard the wrong order to retreat.

"Withdraw order? What happened?"

"If you leave now, won't the giants of the Amoeba clan be able to seal the spiritual realm?"

At this time, the red-eyed warriors did not want to leave the battlefield at all. It was not clear who would win or lose the battle between the two sides. They did not feel that they would lose to the collectors.

However, the subsequent repeated orders made the regiment change its mind.

"The old seal is about to be unveiled, reiterate! All the belligerents immediately retreat to the safe area!"

The soldiers who knew the 'old ancient seal' couldn't help but be shocked and called on other soldiers around him to leave with themselves.

"The old seal?! Give up the battle! There's a big trouble!"

The unknown warrior couldn't help asking, "What is the old seal?" What is sealed?"

"Let's leave first."

In this way, the warriors, with anxiety and uncertainty, left the seventh war zone and gave up fighting with the collectors.

Because they controlled the spiritual realm jump, the collectors could not intercept the teleportation and could only watch Konark's warriors withdraw from the battlefield.

Such wrong behavior naturally attracts the attention of collectors.

"There is a situation."

"Did they give up?" There is an individual question.

The individual questioned was quickly refuted by other collectors.

"This is called the tranquility before the storm. Konak Utopia is ready to move out more powerful things to avoid affecting its own side before giving up fighting."

"Look! What is that?" Suddenly, collectors noticed a crack in the space.

The crack quickly expanded and tore a long opening, which at first glance looked like a scar in time and space, and within the crack was a pupil the size of a star.


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