How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 853 - 854 Why does it thir you?

Chapter 853: Chapter 854 Why does it thir you?

"What did the message say?" Huo Gu asked.

The regular fluctuation of black hole radiation is introduced into the celestial structure, and the information is not encrypted, so it is not difficult to decipher, which is no different from deciphering an ordinary alien language.

A few minutes later, under the huge calculation power of the sky and the huge structure, this string of information from the black hole was deciphered.

The collectors who formed the huge structure looked at the information they deciphered strangely, and then passed it to Huo Gu.

"It's a message conveyed to your will." The collector said.

The information is not long, but the amount of information in it is very large - fate is cause and effect, and cause and effect is fate. Huo Gu, come here, you can't escape...

The sender of the black hole information was named Huo Gu. Huo Gu really felt an accident and fell into deep thought.

It also fell into deep thinking like Huo Gu, but what it thinks is not the same as Huo Gu. It thinks about why the black hole has intelligence and transmits information.

Judging from various signs, the black hole is like it, as a star has its own thinking.

However, according to the basic physical logic, the speculation of black hole life is untenable.

"The information comes from the black hole. If the black hole itself is not intelligent, there is an intelligent body inside the black hole." The collector kindly reminded him so that he would not fall into the dead end of his mind.

The black hole naturally has a ruler effect. The powerful gravity distorts the time and space, making the passage of time around it extremely slow. The closer it is to the black hole, the slower the speed of time. Even after reaching the center of the black hole, according to theory, time will stop passing.

This kind of stop is not a hard stop, but a relative stop. The actual performance is that a person arrives at the center of the black hole and looks back at the universe outside. The universe has been hot and silent. The time of that person is almost infinite relative to the universe, and a second in the universe is relative to the person in the center of the black hole? Even the 'instant' is not counted.

If black holes are the same as worms, they produce self-thinking? Then its thinking is placed in the time and space distorted by its own gravity. The universe it sees is like a person in the center of a black hole in an example. Thinking should be 'frozen' by time. In the eyes of black hole life? The universe disappeared in a few moments, not to mention communicating with Huo Gu now.

If you want to lift the 'freeze' of time? Do you need negative matter neutrality? There is no other way.

However? The neutrality of negative matter means that the strong gravity of the black hole will disappear? Will the event horizon disappear? Will the light trapped in the black hole run out? The singularity or strange ring in the center will also be exposed.

"But is that the case? Black hole radiation transmits information to us, if not one of these two possibilities? What's the reason again?"

He speculated about the possibility of the black hole transmitting information.

Huo Gu, who came out of his thoughts, already had an idea in his mind.

"No need to guess? Just give it a try and you will know."

"Send individuals close to the black hole energy layer, if there is a passive hand and foot? It is bound to leave traces."

The order was issued, and this huge cluster led by Huo Gu began to take action? A large number of individuals approach the energy layer of the black hole and observe the energy layer of the black hole at close range.

Huo Gu did not just give orders, nor was it idle. It evolved a biological skeleton by dominating cells. This biological skeleton is built on titanium as the basis. The whole is flat and square. At first glance, it looks like a tablet.

On this flat bone, Hogu left a text message in the Serin language - who are you?

I don't understand Huo Gu's inquiry for doing this.

"In order to get the other party to reply to the message."

With that, Huo Gu threw the flat bone directly into the massive black hole and waited.

In fact, the speed of the other party's reply was a little beyond Huo Gu's expectation. After waiting for three days, the radiation information of the black hole changed.

The information content was first introduced into the heavenly giant structure for deciphering. A few minutes after the information changed, the information was deciphered by the heavenly giant structure - human memory is so bad, but it still does not affect your deliciousness. Come here, Huo Gu, I can't wait to enjoy you... It's meaningless to escape, don't refuse. This is your fate...

"It's it."

This time, Huo Gu can 100% determine the identity of the person who transmits the information to it from the other side of the black hole.

Huo Gu did not answer the question uncerivablely.

"Spirit Master 'Lord of the Abyss of Fear'."

At first, he was stunned and solved the question because of the answer, but at the same time, new doubts emerged.

"How do I know..."

Huo Gu will not give a good face to the Lord of the Abyss of Fear, because the other party has touched the deepest thing in Huo Gu's heart.

Thinking of the harsh words he put down at the beginning, Huo Gu was depressed. If it hadn't been for the infinite resurrection of the spiritual realm, the Lord of the abyss of fear would not have known how many times he had died.

If you want to kill the spiritual realm, unless you can destroy the spiritual realm.

Suddenly, he noticed an unusual doubt for no reason.

Huo Gu and the collector were stunned. Through such a reminder, they also noticed this unusual point that the spiritual master could leave the spiritual realm only when executing the contract, and the Lord would not allow things in the spiritual realm to run out casually.

Is this black hole the product of the prayer of the coordination meeting? Shouldn't prayer destroy Amoeba? Why do you pray for a black hole to devour its own race?

Huo Gu couldn't figure it out, and it was the same with the collector.

Such a blind thought will not bear fruit. Huo Gu put away the doubts in his heart, made a flat bone again, and then threw it into the black hole - how about the collector inside? How much is still alive?

It is both asking and testing to see if we can get any useful information.

Ling Zun did not restrain his reply and sent a message from the black hole - they are still alive, and as long as you are willing to come in, they can leave...

"Threat? If you think this has caught my weakness, then you are wrong.

Huo Gu, who read the information, looked at the black hole with a little chill in his eyes, and then made a flat bone and threw the black hole again - let them go, or I'll let you let them go, you choose.

Come in, Huo Gu, come here - the answer of the Lord of Fear Abyss, as always, has not changed because of Huo Gu's warning.

"Oh, if you don't drink a toast, you will pay for your choice."

Huo Gu read the message reply from the black hole, and he had made a decision in his heart. What emerged in the field of life was anger and murder - do you really think we were helpless to hide in the black hole? Naive!

"All the staff are at your command!" The negative plan starts now!"


The clusters dispersed and entered a state of superlumination, marching towards their respective destinations, while Huo Gu and Wei remained near the black hole.

Hearing Huo Gu's instructions, he asked Huo Gu worriedly.

In Wei's opinion, it's a little reckless to implement the 'negative' plan now without knowing the specific situation of Yinxin.

"Those self-righteous idiots have rode on our heads. If we choose to give in, the hidden enemies will think it's time to go further."

"The exposure of the 'negative' plan has been exposed. Even if it may be targeted and restrained later, you can come up with some other ways. Now the first thing is to deter." Huo Gu replied.

After a pause, Huo Gu continued to say, "If you are uneasy, you can choose to retreat to the back with those vassal civilizations and wait for our news."

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