How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 898 - 899 Blocked Secrets

Chapter 898: Chapter 899 Blocked Secrets

The technical level of the planet's native intelligent species is backward. Although they can fly and have better transportation than ancient humans, there is no way to compare with human traffic in the development of aircraft.

The body is always the body. If you fly for a long time, you will eventually get tired, but the machine does not know how to be tired.

Even after cooperating with the successors to parasitize local creatures, it took several years for the successors to parasitize the whole planet.

During this period, the most difficult stage is the parasitic lord of the planet.

The Melo people have only one eyeball, which is also the organ of the brain. It does not need to eat. Due to excessiveness, it relies on the spiritual domain. Even food supply and life-maintenance activities are completed with the help of the spiritual domain.

Successors have been blocked through food and parasitic channels.

Fortunately, the spiritual realm did not eliminate even the entity. With the help of the natural wind, the successors let micro individuals take the natural wind to approach the target and finally come into direct contact with the target.

After physical contact, the rest is permeable parasites.

"Global parasitation is completed."

The information collected between individuals is transmitted and summarized through the life field.

The Melo and their dependent races on the planet are unable to detect the life-field network used by their successors because of their backward technical level.

In the network, all kinds of information are transmitted one after another. Among these many secret information, the most is about the Lord of the world.

"According to the information collected, this is a marginal planet of the Meiluo. The world owner of the planet was originally a very talented individual in the Meiluo, but I don't know why the ability to use the spiritual realm has never improved..."

"What ability is assigned to what position it is, which is also a kind of protection. Individuals who can't improve their ability in the spiritual realm are sent to this planet to open up wasteland for their own race..."

"That is, sowing the seeds of life, transforming the atmospheric environment, guiding species to awaken their wisdom, and becoming the family race of the Merlot people..."

"What we see, the one-legged and four-armed intelligent creatures on the planet are one of the many family races of the Melo tribe..."

As the lord of the world on this planet, the Merlot is superior and forbidden to discuss.

How can God be discussed at will?

Therefore, the matter about the Lord of the world on the planet has become the biggest secret on the planet.

Originally, such a secret will completely become a secret that only the lord of the world knows, but I didn't expect that those family members who know the secret will secretly keep the secret fragments from generation to generation by inheritance. Only after collecting all the fragments can they know. Xiao's secret.

In this way, the secret escaped the blockade of the Lord of the World and was learned by his successors.

The secret regarded as a shame by the Lord of the World is useless to the successors, so they will not pay special attention to it. Their main attention is on another inconspicuous thing.

"This family race called Moss will regularly sacrifice to the Lord of the World. I'm a little curious. Can this enhance the use of the spiritual realm?"

"It should be okay, otherwise why do the Merlot people bother to do such a thing?"

It is natural that there are causes and consequences. If the family race is not for the great benefits to the Melo people, the Melo people will have a brain problem before they collectively cultivate intelligent species on a large scale.

But this leads to another problem.

"But as far as we know, the spiritual realm should not have the influence of so-called 'faith', right? Is there any direct relationship between the number of believers and the right to use the spiritual realm? Isn't sacrificing to Ling Zun to see how much flesh and blood there is?"

No successor can answer such a question. The spiritual realm is the creation of Hui people, although it has become a very strange thing by mistake due to various things that have happened over the long years.

But the essence should not change easily.

However, what they see today is a completely different situation, a spiritual realm system that is contrary to 'paying the price'.

What does this mean? New changes in the spiritual realm?

Damn it.

"Why don't you ask Lingzun?"

Individuals try to say what they think.


The successors were stunned and silent for a while before answering.

"It's worth a try."

Through the radio, the information was transmitted from the planet to the universe. The successors in the universe learned the information and questions collected by their peers on the planet and began to prepare for the spiritual realm ceremony.

The spiritual realm ceremony was learned from the Selin people. After paying enough, a lavender flame inexplicably ignited in the center of the ceremony.

"The sacrifice has been offered, the doubts have been handed out, and the nameless meditation has solved our doubts." The successor who presided over the spiritual realm ceremony questioned.

[Clumsy imitator.]

A short radio message was suddenly released from the flames.

However, the information is so short that the successors can't understand what it means.

"What do you mean?"

"Speak clearly, we don't want to guess the riddle."

Some successors are very dissatisfied with Ling Zun's gesture of cherishing words like gold and pretending to be ghosts.

"Ling Zun, we have paid enough price. It is your obligation to answer our questions. The meaning of existence. If you dare to play tricks and don't do your duty, we will talk to the Lord about your situation."


[A group of intelligent species are trying to transform themselves into creatures in the spiritual realm by means of material replacement. What you are seeing now is the results of their efforts over the long years. The race has changed, and they do not have to pay us to use the spiritual realm, and because they are native creatures in the universe, the judgment of the Lord If it is not counted as spiritual realm creatures, it will not be bundled in the spiritual realm.]

This time, the nameless meditation is no longer like gold.

Hearing the nameless meditative explanation, the successors finally understood what the 'imitation' was about.

"Don't have to pay the price? Isn't that the same as you?"

[This is the second question, please pay enough.]

"Here, say it quickly."

The successors, who never lacked flesh and blood, continued to pay the price without hesitation.

[Not exactly the same. They have their own limits, and their weak bodies still restrict their further use of the spiritual realm. Excessive use is tantamount to suicide...]

"No! You just said that they want to become spiritual creatures through material replacement!"

Some successors interrupted the explanation of nameless meditation and questioned the logic that could not be self-consistent.

"Theoretally, also means that there is a race that can be exactly the same as your spiritual! They all rely on the immortality of the spiritual realm and can use the spiritual realm at will.

"So, what you said about overuse is tantamount to suicide, deceiving us!"

[No deception, the intelligent creatures you mentioned are too similar to us. The Lord judges them all as spiritual creatures and cannot leave. The remnants in the river system are individuals who overuse the spiritual realm equivalent to suicide.]

At the moment when the successors communicated with the nameless meditation through the spiritual realm ceremony, the hidden immortal kings cast their eyes on the vast starry sky in surprise.

"Magic God? Impossible."

"Who is summoning the demon god?"

"The inheritance of the demon god's law has never been interrupted?"

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