How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 150: Lee Waejin (2)

Words can become seeds. This proverb can be used to describe a situation where words spoken without much thought become a reality. It carries the lesson of being cautious and not speaking recklessly.

In various ways, I have witnessed numerous instances where words have turned into reality, even in past lives. Most of these instances were posts on social media, which later came true.

However, if you examine it closely, it is simply a matter of possibilities, and therefore, there are many instances where words are spoken without much consideration. For example, predicting an accident the next morning or finding a bundle of money on the street, among other things.

In this world, there are various probabilities, including extremely rare ones. The cases where words turn into reality mostly involve the coincidence of hitting such a low-probability event.

Speaking of probabilities, let’s take an example. What is the probability that events described in a novel, written out of boredom, will actually occur?

There was a novel that semi-predicted the 9/11 terrorist attacks in my past life, and it was rumored that the author was later personally invited to write various scenarios. Not only that, there was a famous novel in South Korea that “predicted” the President’s Gate scandal.

The overall content of the novel was about a shaman who helps the person who will become the future president. The story of the novel was astonishingly similar to real-life events, to the point where the author himself expressed astonishment.

As you can see, there are countless works that predict the future. The Earth’s culture has developed significantly more than in this world, and with media pouring out content, it increased the “probability” of such occurrences.

And the current situation I am facing was similar but slightly different.

The 13th volume of Xenon’s Biography mainly revolved around the contamination of the world tree’s roots by the machinations of Lucifer of Pride. As a result, Elvenheim is invaded by demons and transformed into a wasteland. The protagonist and his companions hear the news and try to return, but they are delayed by Lilith. By the time they arrive, Elvenheim is on the verge of becoming ruins, with only remnants left to greet them.

If this were to happen in reality, it would be a major event that would turn the entire world upside down. However, devil’s activities have completely dwindled since the Great Devil war, and not even a single devil has been discovered. So the contamination of the world tree should never occur…

[Shock! The world tree of Yggdrasil was actually being contaminated!]

[The contamination of the roots that even mana from the world tree couldn’t purify. If it had progressed like this, would devils have actually invaded?]

[As the contamination of the world tree’s roots occurred in reality, the leaders of each country are contemplating the possibility of a devil invasion.]

[Who is Xenon, who foresaw this situation? Is it a coincidence, or did they already know?]

But then, it actually happened. What on earth is this? It’s unbelievable.

As I read the news articles in the newspaper, I was at a loss for words. I initially thought the focus would be on the part where Elvenheim was invaded, but an unexpected variable occurred.

To neutralize the mana emitted by the World Tree, devils contaminated it from its roots. This was merely my imagination, and there was absolutely no separate research or anything of that sort.

In the first place, I only visited Yggdrasil, where the World Tree is located, once. Moreover, I returned home immediately after hearing Arwen’s speech, without even reaching the vicinity of the World Tree.

Therefore, it was purely a coincidence, and I swear I had no prior knowledge.

‘Of all things, the World Tree…’

The problem was that not something else but the roots of the World Tree have indeed been contaminated. Apparently, a certain noble of Elvenheim, who read Volume 13, suspiciously requested confirmation from Arwen, and she complied with it.

Originally, the Council of Elders would oppose it, but it must have been difficult to oppose something as significant as the World Tree. After that, upon careful investigation, they discovered the contamination of the roots.

Naturally, Elvenheim was in an uproar. The World Tree was a direct gift from the gods to the elves, a symbol that had protected them for 3000 years.

But what if the roots of that World Tree were gradually becoming contaminated, just like in the novel?

For the elves, it was an astonishing matter and could only be described as an unprecedented crisis that should never happen.

The only fortunate thing is that it might be a phenomenon arising from the aftermath of the Great Devil war 3000 years ago, rather than someone’s deliberate manipulation.

Still, it was an undeniable fact that the contamination was progressing. Currently, the priests of Alvenheim were joining forces to carry out purification work, but the aftermath was not insignificant.

A representative example would be…

[Adventurers and mercenaries are searching diligently for traces of devils. Debates arise regarding the difference between devils and the demons…]

[Leaders of each nation have decided to heighten their vigilance against devils. In a world where contamination of the World Tree has become a reality, there is no guarantee that devil invasions won’t occur.]

[Three thousand years is a sufficient amount of time for all races to immerse themselves in peace. Devils may seize the opportunity just like in the Xenon’s Biography.]

As a result, there were hardly any people who considered it merely a work of fiction. The number of people searching for traces of devils has significantly increased. In a reality where things that shouldn’t exist have become real, there is no law saying that devil invasions won’t happen. This is what was written in the newspaper.

As for me, it was an overwhelming and suffocating situation, but this wasn’t the end.

[Xenon is not an ordinary sage. He is likely a renowned scholar capable of accessing Alvenheim’s World Tree and has connections with the high-ranking nobles of Alvenheim.]

[Could Xenon’s Biography be a book written about the future? Such speculations have emerged. While the characters may be fictional, the situations depicted in the novel could potentially occur in the future.]

[Lucifer said, “Arrogance. Prolonged peace softens even the most rational judgment. Have you enjoyed the peace all this time?” This could be Xenon’s warning to us.]

Due to the unexpected warning (?), the number of people looking for me has increased, and they were treating me not just as a sage but as a “prophet.” It was amusing to see them delude themselves, but I’m starting to feel that things are escalating. If I were to reveal my true identity someday, would they even believe me? Considering the current situation, I highly doubt it.

‘…First, I should send a letter to the publisher.’

To avoid any potential consequences, it seemed better to clarify my position from the outset. The media may be buzzing about the prophet, but it was just a mere coincidence. I had no intention of exploiting this situation, nor could I bear the burden. I need to resolve this situation as soon as possible.

‘It may take some time, as I need to transcribe it for the publisher.’

Sighing, I folded the newspaper. I could never get used to the world becoming strange because of the novel I wrote. If the praise were focused solely on the work, I could embrace it with joy, but all sorts of malicious variables keep popping up. It all started with the perception shift of the demons.

At this rate, I’m worried that when Xenon’s Biography is completed and I write about World War II, all sorts of mechanical things will pour out. Of course, to them, the history of my past life was a mere fantasy, so the probability was slim.

Let’s ignore the slim probability of guessing the contamination of the world tree. Right now, it was important to eliminate this troubled mind.


No matter how I think about it, I couldn’t help but laugh. Why does this feel so real?

The newspaper also covered the emergence of Dark Elves, but the main focus was on the contamination of the World Tree’s roots. As a writer, it was an absurd situation to be in.

Of course, as time passes and the situation calms down, there is a possibility that attention will turn to the Dark Elves. The appearance of Dark Elves was a scene that cannot be easily overlooked.

‘First, let’s write a letter. All of this is just a coincidence, and I’m not a sage or a prophet but a simple scholar.’

More accurately, an aspiring scholar. It’s necessary to mix truth within falsehoods to avoid arousing suspicion.

‘Arwen must be busy now, so I should call her later.’

Since the contamination of the World Tree’s roots was an unprecedented incident, Alvenheim must be in chaos. Naturally, Arwen and the leaders of Alvenheim will be working tirelessly.

If Xenon’s Biography really starts to be treated as prophetic, it’s obvious that it will greatly affect Arwen. She was desperately trying to prevent the Council of Elders from finding me.

Taking a deep breath in my complicated mind, I sighed once again and threw myself onto the bed.

‘Yes, it’ll quiet down once I send the letter. It will quiet down.’

A few days later…

[Breaking News! Traces of a devil summoning ritual found in a cave in the Kyras Mountains! A rare place with little human activity where an adventurer happened to discover…]

[Furthermore, traces left by demons are being discovered in various places. Will we follow Xenon’s warning?]

[There are also traces of the extremist faction of the Mages hidden after the Race War 300 years ago… Upon hearing the news, Helium has dispatched an investigation team.]

“… …”

It will quiet down.

[Perhaps Xenon isn’t just a prophet, but a ‘divine incarnation’ sent from the future by a god to warn this world, which has become complacent in peace, by risking danger and defying time…]

[The perspective of each religious sect: Defying time is an impossible task even for a god. However, if it’s not the god directly defying time but targeting mortal beings, it may not be entirely impossible.]

It will quiet down for real.

[Xenon claimed to be an ordinary scholar, not a prophet or a sage, but most people don’t believe him at all.]

[Clearly, there must be a reason for hiding his true identity. Could it be due to a constraint that prohibits directly revealing what will happen in the future?]

[As an ordinary scholar from the future, he would have been able to publish a novel with such eloquence and readability. Because future culture would be overwhelmingly advanced compared to the present…]

Hey, you guys. Stop playing around drumming your own drums.

‘I’m just a reincarnated person… from a different world’

It seems like the situation has become even more messed up.


Alvenheim before the traces of the devil were discovered in reality.

Alvenheim was in the midst of great turmoil due to an unprecedented incident called the contamination of the World Tree. The half-breed incident was something that happened among people, but the World Tree was on a different level.

The World Tree, beyond being a relic to the elves, was considered a gift from the gods, so contamination was deemed unacceptable.

Therefore, until the 13th volume was released, everyone initially lived with the mindset that the novel was just a novel and should not be associated with reality. However, when the concerns actually manifested in reality, they had no choice but to change their thinking.

Xenon’s Biography was now not just a book to be read for entertainment but a must-read.

“Your Majesty, please reconsider…”

“I forbid it. How many times have I said that I won’t allow it?”

Naturally, the influence reached the Queen of Alvenheim, Arwen. Not only the Council of Elders but also prestigious families were calling for finding Xenon, or rather, Isaac. For her part, it was driving her crazy.

In fact, Arwen almost brushed it off when she learned the truth that the roots of the World Tree had been contaminated. She knew that Xenon’s Biography was written solely as a hobby because she had a personal friendship with Isaac.

However, once the contamination of the World Tree’s roots was confirmed, she couldn’t help but have suspicions. The contamination of the World Tree was an impossible event, but she wondered if Isaac had truly predicted it. There were whispers in society, slight suspicions that he might be more than just a prophet.

“Your Majesty, this is a serious matter. Whether Xenon is truly a prophet or not, it is a fact that he saved the World Tree from a crisis.”

Fieren, a member of the Council of Elders, spoke in his characteristic hoarse voice, addressing Arwen with the presence of two other members.

Although his words were polite and courteous on the surface, Arwen could sense the underlying intentions hidden within Fieren’s speech. He must be planning to manipulate Isaac and use him for propaganda purposes by bringing him here.

In reality, the elves of Alvenheim felt immense gratitude towards Isaac for saving the World Tree. The content about Alvenheim’s demons being invaded in the book?

It’s all irrelevant. What truly mattered was the reality. Despite the attention drawn by the appearance of the Dark Elves, it was still at a preliminary stage, with only curiosity being revealed.

Furthermore, Arwen knew that due to her own mistake, the Council of Elders had deployed manpower to visit the publishing house. This information was obtained from Isaac, and only now did she realize that she had carelessly left the speech document intact without burning it.

The speech document remained in its original place, but the subtle change in its position suggests that someone tampered with it. Thanks to this, Arwen realized that the Council of Elders had planted many spies.

“It is true that Xenon saved the World Tree. We are also investigating whether the content in the book will become a reality.”


“But don’t you consider the burden that will be imposed on Xenon? Think about why Xenon is writing while hiding his identity. There must be a reason for him to write the book.”

That’s why Arwen could refuse more stubbornly. If the Council of Elders were to find Isaac, she would doubt whether she could protect him.

Fieren seemed to intuit that he couldn’t break Arwen’s determination, so he sighed in frustration. Normally, he should refrain from even this expression, but he still had remaining questions for Arwen.

“…I understand. Can I ask you one more thing?”

“You have my permission.”

“I’m curious about the relationship between the Queen and Xenon. What exactly is your connection?”


This was a question that could even startle Arwen herself. However, before such a question could be resolved, Fieren continued.

“Every time we expressed our intention to search for Xenon, the Queen has always denied us. Even when it was revealed that the roots of the World Tree were contaminated, you still refused like now. So, we can’t help but have doubts.”


Fieren deliberately omitted the fact that he had glimpsed at the speech, but Arwen, taken aback, couldn’t even consider that.

Given that Isaac had a connection with Arwen and, furthermore, the feeling of guilt flowing through her body due to the mistakes she had made, it was a situation where she couldn’t help but tense up, wondering if the Council of Elders knew about it.

In response, Fieren, as if he had caught on to something, smiled subtly and presented Arwen with one assumption.

“Is it true, Your Majesty, that you were involved romantically with Xenon?”


What nonsense is this again? Arwen blinked her gray eyes and then looked at Fieren with a bewildered and incredulous expression.

Arwen couldn’t comprehend what thoughts could lead to Fieren uttering the assumption that Isaac and she were lovers.

At that time, Isaac hadn’t even been born yet. Arwen was so overwhelmed that she couldn’t speak. Fieren, perhaps interpreting her reaction in his own way, continued with a satisfied expression.

“But it would have been difficult for you to continue due to the fundamental difference in lifespan. So, Xenon must have incorporated the pain he had experienced into the book. Isn’t that right?”

“No… that’s…”

“Your Majesty, letting go of lingering emotions is inherently difficult. Especially when it comes to love. I hope you have considered what is more important for Alvenheim and cast aside those lingering feelings.”

“… …”

“In that case, we shall take our leave. Please reconsider once more.”

After saying so, the elders respectfully bid farewell and left the Council Chamber. Arwen watched their retreating figures from a distance and burst into a bitter laugh.

“What… nonsense is that?”

At first, Arwen dismissed it as nonsense too…

[Is Xenon truly someone who has traveled through time? Or is all of this just a coincidence?]

[If he is a divine incarnation, then an impossible story isn’t out of the question.]

Traces of devils were discovered throughout the world, and with the hypothesis that Isaac was a person from the future, it was hard to completely dismiss the idea. Though it might not be the present, it was possible that a similar situation to Xenon’s Biography had occurred in a distant future.

Moreover, Isaac claimed he didn’t need any compensation for his help with the speech, stating that merely seeing her own beautiful appearance was enough.

In addition, he showed leniency towards Rain and provided various conveniences, knowingly or unknowingly.

“…Should I read it once more?”

Arwen diligently read from Volume 10, alongside Kair’s prequel.

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