How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 161: Back to Helium (1)

Everyone probably knows this, but it’s my second visit to Helium. However, last time I went there to investigate the high-profile theft case and had no time to explore before returning immediately.

So, if possible, I planned to explore various places in Helium this time. Cecily said we can visit the palace in the evening, so we just had not to be late.

The only disappointing thing is that I can’t accompany Adelia. I asked Gartz, but he flatly refused, saying she wasn’t part of the plan.

Adelia was still considered an outsider, so it’s difficult to take her along. When I told her this fact, she seemed disappointed but cheerfully replied that she had already anticipated it.

Instead, she told me to take care of myself and enjoy without any worries, as she would be training under my father’s guidance until my return. I felt relieved seeing her send me off with a brave expression.

Thus, I entered Helium after going through the immigration checkpoint using Gartz’s teleportation. From then on, using Gartz’s teleportation, I arrived at Helium’s capital, Pandeum.

Apparently Pandeum means “cradle” in an ancient language. If you look at the origin of the demons, it is a perfectly suitable name for the capital city.

Pandeum was not only the location of the palace but also where Cecily’s villa, which I visited during the high-profile theft case, was located. Being the capital, it is a place where people come and go as often.

“It has changed a lot in just a few months, hasn’t it?”

“What do you mean?”

“There are not only demons, other races have increased significantly.”

I realized that things have changed drastically. First of all, among the pedestrians walking around, one-third of them were not demons but different species.

Among them, half were humans, but there are also dwarves, beastmen, and surprisingly, a very small number of elves. When we arrived after the exhibition, there were only demons, but now various species mixed together.

It’s a stark contrast to before the release of Xenon’s Biography, where it was considered a place where devils lived, that other species wouldn’t even take a step into.

“Well, that’s natural. Thanks to diplomacy, the perception of demons has been improving day by day, and during the exhibition, they also learned about the artistic abilities of demons.”

“Talking about the Matrics Troupe? What are they up to these days?”

“They’re doing the same thing as always. They travel around the world and perform magical theatrical plays. By the way, they announced that theatrical performances related to Xenon’s Biography will only be held during the exhibition.”

“It’s not necessary to limit it like that.”

“I completely agree.”

For some reason, Gartz vigorously nodded his head in agreement. Even I was amazed by the collaboration between the Matrics Troupe and the Lirus Orchestra during the exhibition, but being a demon, Gartz seemed rather different.

Although nothing has been confirmed about when the next exhibition will be held, it seems implicitly agreed that it will take place once a year. Moreover, since I have already mentioned my birthplace as the Michelle Territory, there is a high possibility that it will be held in the same location.

As I looked around the brighter streets of Pandeum, I suddenly remembered something and asked Gartz.

“By the way, what about Princess Cecily? Can you tell me when she’ll arrive?”

“Princess Cecily is currently waiting at the palace. I received orders to guard you while you thoroughly explore Helium.”

“Should we go before dinner then? I also need to visit the temple.”

“I will inform the princess in advance.”

Gartz closed his eyes, as if transmitting a message telepathically to Cecily. After a short while, he opened his eyes again and conveyed the words to me.

“Princess also understands. However, she said that when you come to the palace, she will personally come to pick you up.”

“Thank you. So, until then, I can wander around anywhere, right?”

“Yes. If there’s any food you want to eat or items you want to buy, I will cover all the expenses.”

“That’s not necessary…”

“You didn’t bring any money, did you?”

“… …”

Sharp as ever. I chuckled lightly, and Gartz nodded as if confirming. In the end, I decided to borrow some money.

Anyway, there was still time until evening. I began to explore Pandeum in earnest. If there’s anything worth referencing for Xenon’s Biography, I intended to note it.

First and foremost, the pedestrians walking along the streets. As I mentioned before, among the pedestrians, there were not only demons but also various other races. Especially among them, humans were the most abundant.

Up to this point, it might just seem like ordinary daily life, but what caught my attention was that there are many people who appear to be couples.

I could see them talking while crossing their arms or displaying affectionate gestures. The combination of demons and other races seemed to have a significant number of lovers.

‘I’ve heard that the number of couples from different races has increased compared to before…’

As I mentioned before, with the romance between Jin and Lily being highlighted, the popularity of demons soared. They are not time bombs ready to explode, but a race that suppresses their inner evil and devotes themselves sincerely.

And when that sincerity turns towards love, it transforms into purity. Consequently, demons have become representatives of purity in people’s perception.

Furthermore, demons are mostly beautiful like elves, and their individual power is also formidable. So far, they have been perceived as unpopular due to the image of being devils. However, objectively speaking, they were an unusual race.

‘Besides, their bodies are also great…’

The men are tall with broad shoulders, and the women’s chests and hips stood out remarkably. These are characteristics that one could observe every time you look at demons. Even Gartz, who appears thin, was slightly taller than me and had broad shoulders.

Perhaps this is also closely related to the black mana that only demons use. Even elves have various body types, but demons all have superior physical builds.

With curiosity in my eyes, I scanned each demon and couldn’t resist asking Gartz. Although it was a bit embarrassing, I felt that I had to resolve my curiosity to calm my conscience.

“Gartz, may I ask you a somewhat awkward question?”

“It doesn’t matter what it is. What are you curious about?”

“Well… Are demons naturally endowed with good figures? Even ordinary people seem to have exceptional bodies…”

“Ah, that is deeply connected to our history and way of life.”


At first, I was embarrassed, but when I heard that it was related to history, all those feelings disappeared. Only curiosity remained.

Gartz seemed to organize his thoughts for a moment, then he looked at me sharply and blinked his eyes before speaking. Of course, I couldn’t confirm if his mouth was opening since it was covered by a mask.

“Benefactor probably knows as well, but our beginning was very difficult. We helped each other, but the situation was violatale like a time bomb that could explode at any moment. I suppose it’s because we were a generation directly influenced by devils.”

“That’s right.”

“As a result, in the early days when there was nothing, only the strong could survive. The constant anxiety of when someone might turn into a devil, the severe restraint from other races, the harsh land, and the monsters that remained in the last land we could flee to. All these factors came together, and only those with strong power survived for men, while women survived by inheriting the seeds of such men and giving birth to children. Many people died, but the second generation of demonkind was far greater in number.”

Just like demons, humanity also gave birth to many descendants in ancient agrarian societies. Moreover, this custom can still be seen frequently in rural areas where agriculture takes precedence over cities.

However, I had one question that arose here. Cecily said that the chances of a demon getting pregnant were extremely low, but according to Gartz’s explanation, it seemed otherwise.

I asked him, curiosity filling my question.

“I heard that the chances of pregnancy for demons are very low, right? Moreover, it’s said to be even more difficult due to the overlapping of evil cycles.”

“That’s why they were able to give birth to many children. We were mere savages with nothing at that time. Moreover, being the first generation, their bodies were closer to humans, and the evil cycles were also very short. Now, a long time has passed, and the race we now call demons has been born.”

“Well, that makes sense.”

Of course, it was immediately understandable. However, regardless, it seems that the underlying principle itself has been connected through the survival of the fittest.

While it could be said to be excellent in terms of the genes themselves, the ruthlessness contained within could never be ignored. The exceptional physique of the demons could be considered as scars that have been passed down from the past until now.

“By surviving like that and as civilization gradually established, now is the time to suppress the inner evil. Have you ever heard from Princess Cecily about how to suppress the inner evil?”

“I heard that self-control is practiced through meditation.”

“That’s true, but in order to deepen meditation, you must give stimulation or pain to the body. However, it is not appropriate to resort to self-harm, so we had to subject our bodies to intense training.”

“How is it done?”

“It’s simple. It’s something similar to stretching.”

“I’ve been consistently doing that too.”

“We are progressing far beyond that. One method is to support the balance of the body with one leg and stretch the remaining leg straight up to the sky, and there’s also pulling one leg behind the head. There are various other poses as well.”

Isn’t that yoga? Yoga indeed has excellent efficacy in mental cultivation.

Usually, if you deliberately make your body uncomfortable and meditate, it’s easy for your concentration to be disrupted due to the pain. However, if you endure the pain and continue meditating, naturally, your mental strength will also become stronger.

When your mental strength becomes stronger, your patience also increases, so it’s natural for demons to develop and progress.

‘It’s inevitable for one’s physique to improve.’

It’s not just empty words, demons have consistently developed yoga literally to “survive.” In addition, their genetic makeup has been passed down through the ages, continuing the survival of the fittest.

It might be considered natural for their physique to be exceptionally good. I expressed my admiration for the origin of demons that I newly learned and thanked Gartz.

“Thank you. I’ve learned something new thanks to you.”

“This much is nothing. I’m even more glad that it was helpful.”

“Then demons must be highly flexible, right? Since they meditate while doing challenging stretching exercises.”

“Yes. If you wish, I can guide the benefactor. It will be a great help for mana circulation as well.”

“I’ll ask Cecily later if she can help me with that.”

I should include this in Xenon’s Biography. Now it’s about time to shift the spotlight from only to Xenon but also to Jin.

When the reason for demons’ exceptional mental cultivation, which is yoga, is revealed, I wonder if it will spread worldwide. Or maybe it’s already gradually spreading.

Afterward, I began walking down the streets under Gartz’ escort. Thanks to this damn red hair, I received some glances from the people around, but I ignored them.

“By the way, Mr. Gartz, you mentioned that the security in Helium is not good in the evening, right? You said there might be demons coming out because they couldn’t withstand the evil cycle.”

“Recently, an antidote has been invented, so the situation has improved. Even if some demons come out due to the evil cycle, the followers of Mora quickly take them to the temple. Still, it can be risky during certain hours of the night, so it’s best to avoid wandering around.”

“Hmm… Doesn’t Mora’s temple open around 6 o’clock?”

The temple of Luminous in the Minerva Empire opens at 6 a.m. and closes its doors at 6 p.m. Of course, they operate for 24 hours in case of emergency patients, but it means one cannot pray during that time.

So, I think Mora’s temple might operate from 6 p.m., being the opposite. After all, Mora was the god of darkness, unlike Luminous.

“No, Mora’s temple is always open, at least in Helium. Perhaps because demons can be devoured by their inner darkness anytime, anywhere. Moreover, they can go without sleep for several days, just like elves.”

“I see.”

“Oh, speaking of which, it seems that Mora is looking for a benefactor, isn’t she?”


I remember that mischievous goddess calling for me to find her. Unlike the gentle and affectionate Luminous, Mora was rather playful and a bit restless.

She’s clearly the goddess of darkness but has a much brighter personality than the god of light.

“How was Helium at that time?”

“It was a bit chaotic, because Mora was there, but we let it pass. Even on regular days, Mora plays mischievous pranks on her followers. Still, we did inform the media about it.”

“What is Mora like on regular days, anyway?”

“Just… Well, yes. Anyway, she is a merciful deity.”

Looking at how Gartz was avoiding answering, it seems like she has quite an extraordinary personality. I thought about postponing my visit to the temple, but I didn’t want Mora to get upset.

Being known as the Goddess of Darkness and Rest, she shouldn’t cause any harm to me. Although the likelihood of some strange mischief was high.

‘But don’t the Dark Elves also worship Mora?’

As I pondered whether the Dark Elves might be looking for me as well, a certain smell caught my nose. It was a savory aroma that made my mouth water involuntarily.

When I turned my head, I noticed a street vendor that one could commonly find on the streets. It could be considered unusual for a street vendor in Helium, but street food exists wherever you go in the world.

I was drawn to that smell and slowly walked towards it. Judging by the line of people waiting, it seemed quite popular.

And then…

“…Wh, What is this?”

As soon as I discovered the identity of the savory food, I couldn’t help but be astonished. I expected it to be some kind of meaty dish, but it was completely different.

Insects. Yes, insects. Not just ordinary insects.

Would you believe that it’s bigger than a rat but smaller than a rabbit? Occasionally, while browsing the internet, you might come across insects that are as big as large dogs. However, right in front of my eyes, there was such an insect, cooked as if it were a lobster, and someone was selling its meat to people.

I’m not sure what kind of insect it is, but judging by its hard exoskeleton, it might be a species like a stag beetle or a longhorn beetle. It had a savory smell that was tempting to eat, but its visual appearance was so gruesome that it actually reduced my appetite.

“Oh, this is a lobkerk. It’s one of the most popular street foods in Helium.”

“…You eat this? An insect as big as a rabbit?”

“Why not? If you think about it, even shrimp or lobster in the sea are technically bugs.”

It’s strangely convincing, yet unbelievable.

“Does it have any historical significance?”

“Of course. In harsh lands where there’s nothing to eat, you have to eat whatever you can. Not only insects, but Helium has a variety of dishes. To put it bluntly, if it has legs, you can eat it.”

It’s not like it’s China or anything. I hope they don’t end up eating bats and catching some terrible virus.

Still, it’s not entirely incomprehensible. After the Korean War, when there was hardly anything to eat in South Korea, US soldiers used leftover food and created a dish called “꿀꿀이죽(Korean grunt porridge(?))”. Helium must be similar. And since hygiene was considered more important than in other countries, they probably won’t eat all sorts of grotesque food like in China.

The insect cuisine before me may look disgusting, but I didn’t feel a sense of dirtiness. On the contrary, the flesh itself had a light pink color and looked delicious.

“Even though it looks like that, it tastes good. Please try it once. I’ll pay for it.”

“Is it tasty?”

“If it wasn’t tasty, it wouldn’t have become famous in the first place.”

It’s a bit suspicious, but trying it once wouldn’t hurt. I hesitated for a moment, then stood in line, waiting for my turn.

They said it would be a different experience, and it was a bonus that I could learn more about the demon race.

After a while, the long queue quickly moved, and finally, it was my turn. As expected, the shop owner was a demon, and he looked at my red hair and spoke with a cheerful smile.

“Welcome, red-haired gentleman! Which part would you like?”

“Do you have different types for each part?”

“Of course. Just like how some people want legs from crustaceans living in the sea, and some want the internal organs, the same goes for Lobkerks. We have head, torso, and legs.”

“Please give me the torso part.”

My appetite was gradually diminishing. Do I really have to eat this?

Whether I liked it or not, the shop owner skillfully separated the flesh and exoskeleton from the torso part and handed it to me. As it could be hot, it was wrapped in paper as an extra precaution.

Honestly, the flesh looked vibrant and had a light pink hue, making it visually appealing. Well, that is if you don’t consider that it came from an insect’s body. While Gartz took care of the payment, I glanced at the lobkerk.

‘…Let’s just think of it as silkworm pupae.’

Silkworm pupae may look grotesque on the surface, but they have a savory taste. Lobkerk might be similar. With that in mind, I closed my eyes tightly and took a bite.


It’s delicious? It’s not a lie, it really was tasty. The rich fragrance circulated inside my mouth, and even though I don’t know what spices were used, I could taste the subtle flavors.

I’m not particularly picky about food in general, but even without considering that, it’s definitely a style that suits my taste.

“It’s delicious, isn’t it?”

“Right? I shouldn’t judge solely based on appearance.”

“Hahaha. Since you say it’s delicious, I feel proud. Would you like to try the head part as well?”

“Um, that’s a bit…”

Still, if it’s not possible, it’s not possible. As I hesitated about Lobkerk, a question suddenly came to mind, and I asked Gartz.

“Is there anything else besides this?”

“We also have fried options.”

“… …”

“Aside from insects, we have dishes made with monsters…”

“That’s enough.”

This is how different cultures can be.

Translators note:

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