How to Live As the Vampire Lord

Chapter 193

Chapter 193

The gravel field was filled with the smell of seawater and corpses, and red-backed crabs and seagulls were enjoying a feast on the orcs dead bodies.

What the hell is going on?

Why are the orcs

The members of Eugenes group muttered with shock. Everyone was shocked by the sight of more than fifty corpses.

Eugene dismounted from his horse and walked toward the beach, then he looked over the swollen bodies.

Somethings strange, Eugene muttered.

Pranbow observed the bodies by Eugenes side, then voiced his agreement, Thats right. It looks like they had been in a battle, and then a monster showed up.

It was just as Pranbow had said. The corpses of the orcs scattered across the beach were filled with various injuries inflicted by weapons, but there were also various bites and lacerations on their bodies. Moreover, there were quite a few bodies with torn limbs, and the broken pieces of the ships that the orcs had used to arrive were also strewn all over.

From the condition of the bodies, it looks like only a few days have passed since they were killed. Three days at the longest, Pranbow stated.

Hmm. Eugene contemplated for a moment, then he looked at the beowulf warriors before speaking, Warriors, spread out and look for any traces of the orcs in the nearby area. Judging from how many ships there are, some should still be alive.

Got it! the beowulf warriors answered before scattering.

Eugene turned to Mirian and said, Look and see if theres anything to retrieve. Dont just look for money.

Okay, the spirit answered before flying away to search the bodies. She was deathly afraid of ghosts, but she eagerly rummaged through the horrible remains of the orcs without hesitation.

Eugene turned to the knights. The ones who had been forcibly enlisted from the western nobles had rigid, grim expressions.

Eugene spoke, Now, do you believe my words?

! The knights flinched. None of them could meet Eugenes gaze. Unless their very eyes were deceiving them, they could see that Eugene had spoken the truth, and they could not bring themselves to look into Eugenes eyes due to the shame they felt.

I cant believe that Duke Batla was telling the truth.

Then doesnt that mean hes actually crossed over the snowy mountain as well?

The knights feared Eugene and were dissatisfied with him, but they were still knights. A knight was someone who dreamt of adventure and craved achievements and fame.

The eyes of the knights were finally opened in their embarrassment. Anyone who claimed to be a knight would have made the same decision as Eugene when faced with the invasion of the Bayman Orcs, which had come true for the first time in decades. Eugene was not simply a vicious, merit-hungry man. He was a true knight who had made plans to prevent a major crisis.

Stop looking around like fools. Clean up the bodies, Eugene commanded.

Yes! the knights answered before acting on his orders. The knights worked hard to atone for their mistakes, and the orcs bodies were soon gathered in a single pile.

Sir, there was nothing to get from their bodies. They didnt have much money either. All of them were basically beggars, Mirian reported after returning from her scavenge.

Eugene responded, I thought so.

The disappointed spirit quickly returned to her pocket.

Light the fire, Eugene commanded.


The bodies of the orcs blazed. It was the end of many orcs who had risked their lives to voyage on their ships.

Soon, the beowulfs returned from their reconnaissance mission.

We found traces. There were a few more bodies in the pine forest located southeast, one of the beowulfs said.

Lets go, Eugene responded. He mounted his horse again, then moved in perfect order with the knights. Unlike before, the faces of the knights contained no more dissatisfaction.

Around ten minutes later, Eugene arrived in a small forest filled with pine trees. He saw about ten corpses of orc warriors scattered around a narrow path leading into the forest. Most of the bodies suffered fatal injuries to their backs and heads.

It looks like they died running away, Eugene commented.

Pranbow replied, Hmm. Thats strange. The Bayman Orcs should be proud, brave warriors who do not retreat.

Eugene shook his head. Thats a lie.

Hmm? Pranbow said.

Eugene continued, They know how to fear, and they are excellent at running away. I saw it with my own eyes.

Eugenes statement wasnt entirely correct. He hadnt simply observed the orcs running away. Rather, he had been the one responsible for making them run.

Pranbow nodded with a bitter smile after understanding Eugenes words.

Your Excellency! Take a look at this! Partec suddenly shouted, and Eugene quickly moved towards him.

Hooh? Eugene muttered with surprise after witnessing the bodies of two orc warriors. Both of them had perished while holding axes in their hands.

Doesnt this look like they died while fighting each other? Partec commented.

Thats right. Theyre from the same tribe, so they Hmm?! A sudden thought crossed Eugenes mind, and he became wide-eyed. It made no sense for the orcs to fight and kill each other after being on a journey all this way together, even more so if they were from the same tribe.

However, Eugene knew one person who could be responsible for causing such a thing.

Could it be?

Eugene quickly examined the bodies. Lilisain, who was hanging around Eugene, quickly followed suit.

The orcs were beheaded in a single blow. This ones head was smashed in by something.

Amazing skills. I can see traces of sharp strikes, as well as strong, merciless blows, Lilisain commented.

Thats right. Whoever was responsible for this is incredible, Pranbow said.

The two powerful warriors even voiced their admiration. Their words further confirmed Eugenes suspicion, as those capable of slaughtering orc warriors in such a fashion were extremely rare.

However, Eugene knew exactly who could be capable of such a feat.

Eugene turned to the beowulfs and asked, Do you know which direction the orcs are headed?

Thats easy! Even easier than eating meat in our beds! the beowulfs responded while pounding on their chests.

Mirian muttered with a puzzled expression, Kieh? Wouldnt you get indigestion?

Nonsense! There is a saying among the beowulfs: More meat and more gold are always better, one of the beowulfs answered.

Kiehh?! W-was there such an accurate, wonderful saying!? I never realized how wise you beowulfs were. Kihehehehe! Youve managed to impress me.

Kuhaha! Indeed, we are kind of cool!

Kehehehe! I admit it!

The spirit and the beowulfs chortled. LIlisain took out a small piece of parchment and eagerly started to scribble while muttering, They like meat and gold Record it

The human knights watched the scene fold out with pitiful eyes, and Pranbow was finally forced to interject.

No, Princess. Why would you write something like Ha Pranbow shook his head with a sigh before meeting Eugenes gaze.

They could understand each other without having to utter a single word. For once, the burden of shame belonged to the two of them, rather than just Eugene.


The beowulfs were natural hunters. As such, they quickly picked up on the orcs trail. Eugene and the knights followed behind the beowulfs as they followed the trail. Soon, the blue hue of the moon touched the darkened world. The warriors continued the pursuit without breaks by consuming purified mana stones.

After a long while, a group of beowulfs returned from scouting ahead about one kilometer away. They reported, It looks like there is a fight in front of us. We heard the sound of a lot of metal.

The scent of the orcs continued forward, so Im certain they are the ones fighting. Ah, and I picked up the scent of something else as well. It was a rather familiar smell, one of the beowulfs said with a puzzled expression.

Eugene responded, Thats reasonable. Im sure all of you know them quite well.


You will find out when we get there. Everyone, prepare for battle, Eugene stated. The knights burned with fierce will and spirit after receiving Eugenes command.

Princess Lilisain drew closer to Eugene and spoke, Your Excellency.

What is it? Eugene responded rather bluntly, wondering what nonsense she had prepared this time.

Princess Lilisain continued in an unusually calm manner, The knights will be fine since they consumed refined mana stones. However, the horses will become exhausted shortly after starting the battle.


She certainly had a point. However, there wasnt any time to take a break.

As if reading Eugenes thoughts, Princess LIlisain continued, I am a pure blood of Elands royal family. I can restore the animals energy.

Hooh? Eugene was genuinely surprised.

Lilisain spoke with a confident attitude, Give me five minutes.

Princess Lilisain pulled on her reins and headed toward the knights. She rode between the bewildered knights, resting her hands on the heads of their horses and whispering in their ears.

Something amazing happened

The horses were exhausted after several hours of hard work. However, once Princess Lilisain touched and spoke to them, the horses suddenly neighed vigorously.

Ohh! What could this be?

Is it divine power?

No. This is a different power than a priests blessing.

Some knights had previously witnessed the blessings of high-ranking priests, which involved acting similarly to what Princess Lilisain had done to reinvigorate an animal or a person. However, they could tell that this was a different power.

Kiehh? Sir, thats mana. Shes injecting mana into the horses, Mirian fussed, making an observation befitting a spirit for the first time in a while.

Eugene was surprised as well. He had thought of Lilisain as a perverted princess who was only good at using the blade. He had never imagined she possessed such amazing power.

Amazing. Master Pranbow, are you not capable of doing something like that? Eugene asked.

Ehem. Even if we are both pure bloods, Princess Lilisain is a special existence, which is why its possible for her. As I said earlier, only one or two such pure bloods are born every generation, Pranbow responded.

So they are even rarer than swordmasters? Eugene asked.

Yes, Pranbow responded in a rather dejected voice. Eugene turned his head. Princess Lilisain was returning with an indifferent expression after finishing her mission. The knights looked to be in awe of the elven princess.

Mission complete. The horses will not tire for about five minutes of galloping at full speed, she said.

Thats great. Thank you, Princess, Eugene answered.

I am flattered. I only wanted to stay by Your Excellencys side and be of some help. I am satisfied if I was able to offer any help to Your Excellency, Princess Lilisain saluted Eugene while gazing at Eugene with fiery eyes.

It still felt quite burdensome, but Eugene nodded. He was grateful for her help this time around.

All right. I will allow you to be by my side, Eugene stated.

Naturally, he was referring to the upcoming battle.

Honor! I will give my body and soul to protect your side, Your Excellency! Princess Lilisain declared.

Naturally, she was speaking of how she felt honored to fight by his side

Oh, my

However, Pranbows expression turned ashen as he watched the interaction. It was truly an elegant, romantic scene. A handsome man and a beautiful woman would stand by each others side and protect each other. Such a promise could only mean one thing! How could the two of them be so shameless as to promise their futures in front of all these people?!

Phew! So is this how its going to end?! Should I have them send another princess for the king?

Lets go! Eugene shouted.

The horses galloped with even more energy and speed than before at Eugenes cry.


Eugene took the lead with Princess Lilisain. He began to release his Fear, which curved forward like a bloodthirsty wave under the moonlight.


Princess LIlisain trembled with awe. She had only heard about the awe-inspiring abilities of high-ranking vampires before. It was a power completely different from the mana handling of the pure-blooded elves. Moreover, elves and vampires stood at two extremes from birth. Their very natures were conflicting. Even so, Princess Lilisain found the crimson waves dazzling, dizzying, and beautiful. The mysteries of the highest ranking undead pulsated forward while dividing the darkness. In addition, her body tingled under the pressure of the Fear emanating from the vampires cape and spear.

This is the best! I cant believe I can take the side of such a great man! Ahhh!

Princess Lilisains breaths became ragged. She was simultaneously feeling the guilt and ecstasy of pleasuring herself with dishonest things.

She found a group of figures engaged in fierce battles. She shouted upon spotting a knight laughing maniacally among a group of large, fierce orcs. The knight held a sword and a mace.

You! Youre mine! Princess Lilisain shouted vigorously. The pure-blooded elfs mana burst explosively, and she charged forward in a bubble of blue energy, leaving behind Silion and the rest of the group.

No! Thats my vassal


The elven princess shot forward without hearing Eugenes flustered shout. A strong light began to form at the tip of her longsword. It was a unique power belonging to the pure-blooded elvesAura.

Hey, Master! Huh?! What the hell is this? Galfredik turned his head with a happy expression after sensing Eugenes Fear. However, his expression immediately crumpled into a frown.

Haaaaaannnng! A female knight with emerald eyes glowing with madness groaned pervertedly whilst charging straight at him with a glowing sword.

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